name = DBIx-Class-Fixtures author = Luke Saunders license = Perl_5 copyright_holder = Luke Saunders copyright_year = 2014 abstract = Dump data and repopulate a database using rules main_module = lib/DBIx/Class/ [Authority] authority = cpan:SKAUFMAN do_munging = 0 [MetaResources] ;Old issues are still in RT, if I move em over I'll change it to github. ;bugtracker.web = repository.url = repository.web = repository.type = git [PkgVersion] [NextRelease] [Git::Tag] [Git::NextVersion] [Git::Push] [Clean] [PruneCruft] [ManifestSkip] [MetaYAML] [License] [Readme] [ExtraTests] [MakeMaker] [Manifest] [Test::Compile] [TestRelease] [ConfirmRelease] [UploadToCPAN] [GatherDir] exclude_match=.*\.db [Encoding] encoding=bytes match=.*\.db [Prereqs / ConfigureRequires] ExtUtils::MakeMaker=6.59 [Prereqs / BuildRequires] DBIx::Class::InflateColumn::FS = 0.01007 ExtUtils::MakeMaker = 6.59 Test::More = 0.98 [Prereqs] Class::Accessor::Grouped = 0.1001 Config::Any = 0.23 DBIx::Class = 0.08102 DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader = 0.07035 Data::Dump::Streamer = 2.05 Data::Visitor = 0.3 DateTime = 1.03 DateTime::Format::MySQL = 0 DateTime::Format::Pg = 0 DateTime::Format::SQLite = 0.1 File::Copy::Recursive = 0.38 File::Path = 2.09 File::Spec::Functions = 3.4 Hash::Merge = 0.1 JSON::Syck = 1.27 MIME::Base64 = 0 Path::Class = 0.32 Scalar::Util = 1.27 perl = 5.6.1 Test::Compile::Internal = 0