This document is obsolete. Refer to README.cygwin32. This is an addendum to Steven Morlock's original post. perl5.005_03-static-patch, contains the USEMYBINMODE correction described below. ***************************** Subject: Re: HOWTO: Builiding Perl under Win95/98 using Cygwin32 Author: Steven Morlock Date: 1998/12/22 Forum: comp.lang.perl.misc I realized that in my original post I left out a couple important details. I'd like to correct that here. There is a need to address the issue of end of lines being CR/NL or NL on the Windows platform. Cygwin32 by default converts NL to CR/NL during file I/O by non Cygwin32-savvy applications. This means that Perl, since it does not support 'binmode' for the Cygwin32 platform, will not be able to read & write untranslated/binary files. There are two methods of over coming this. The first is to mount the Cygwin32 partitions in binary mode. The second is to enable binmode support in Perl. In the original post I had mounted the partition as binary and neglected to include that fact in the post. * Using a binary partition: Mount the Perl source & installation destination partitions in binary mode. Refer to the Cygnus documentation on 'mount' for details: On my system since everything was in the root partition I issued the following commands from the bash shell: umount / mount -b c:\\ / You must also get and install the gzip'd version of the Perl source code archive. The zip'd version of the archive has all NL converted to CR/NL pairs in all text files. So you should be downloading the files ending in '.gz', not '.zip'. * Patching Perl to add Cygwin32 binmode support: For this method you can use either the gzip'd or zip'd version of the Perl source archive. Apply the following patch to /perl.h: *** perl.h.ORIG Tue Dec 22 09:22:42 1998 --- perl.h Tue Dec 22 09:43:10 1998 *************** *** 1480,1483 **** --- 1480,1495 ---- #endif + #if defined(__CYGWIN32__) + /* USEMYBINMODE + * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the program should + * use the routine my_binmode(FILE *fp, char iotype) to insure + * that a file is in "binary" mode -- that is, that no translation + * of bytes occurs on read or write operations. + */ + #define USEMYBINMODE / **/ + #define my_binmode(fp, iotype) \ + (PerlLIO_setmode(PerlIO_fileno(fp), O_BINARY) != -1 ? TRUE : NULL) + #endif + #include "regexp.h" #include "sv.h" Regards, Steve -- Steven Morlock Foliage Software Systems aka The Nerd Farm