#!./miniperl -w use strict; use vars qw(%Config $Config_SH_expanded); my $how_many_common = 22; # commonly used names to precache (and hence lookup fastest) my %Common; while ($how_many_common--) { $_ = ; chomp; /^(\S+):\s*(\d+)$/ or die "Malformed line '$_'"; $Common{$1} = $1; } # names of things which may need to have slashes changed to double-colons my %Extensions = map {($_,$_)} qw(dynamic_ext static_ext extensions known_extensions); # allowed opts as well as specifies default and initial values my %Allowed_Opts = ( 'cross' => '', # --cross=PLATFORM - crosscompiling for PLATFORM 'glossary' => 1, # --no-glossary - no glossary file inclusion, # for compactness 'heavy' => '', # pathname of the Config_heavy.pl file ); sub opts { # user specified options my %given_opts = ( # --opt=smth (map {/^--([\-_\w]+)=(.*)$/} @ARGV), # --opt --no-opt --noopt (map {/^no-?(.*)$/i?($1=>0):($_=>1)} map {/^--([\-_\w]+)$/} @ARGV), ); my %opts = (%Allowed_Opts, %given_opts); for my $opt (grep {!exists $Allowed_Opts{$_}} keys %given_opts) { die "option '$opt' is not recognized"; } @ARGV = grep {!/^--/} @ARGV; return %opts; } my %Opts = opts(); my ($Config_PM, $Config_heavy); my $Glossary = $ARGV[1] || 'Porting/Glossary'; if ($Opts{cross}) { # creating cross-platform config file mkdir "xlib"; mkdir "xlib/$Opts{cross}"; $Config_PM = $ARGV[0] || "xlib/$Opts{cross}/Config.pm"; } else { $Config_PM = $ARGV[0] || 'lib/Config.pm'; } if ($Opts{heavy}) { $Config_heavy = $Opts{heavy}; } else { ($Config_heavy = $Config_PM) =~ s!\.pm$!_heavy.pl!; die "Can't automatically determine name for Config_heavy.pl from '$Config_PM'" if $Config_heavy eq $Config_PM; } open CONFIG, ">$Config_PM" or die "Can't open $Config_PM: $!\n"; open CONFIG_HEAVY, ">$Config_heavy" or die "Can't open $Config_heavy: $!\n"; print CONFIG_HEAVY <<'ENDOFBEG'; # This file was created by configpm when Perl was built. Any changes # made to this file will be lost the next time perl is built. package Config; use strict; # use warnings; Pulls in Carp # use vars pulls in Carp ENDOFBEG my $myver = sprintf "%vd", $^V; printf CONFIG <<'ENDOFBEG', ($myver) x 3; # This file was created by configpm when Perl was built. Any changes # made to this file will be lost the next time perl is built. package Config; use strict; # use warnings; Pulls in Carp # use vars pulls in Carp @Config::EXPORT = qw(%%Config); @Config::EXPORT_OK = qw(myconfig config_sh config_vars config_re); # Need to stub all the functions to make code such as print Config::config_sh # keep working sub myconfig; sub config_sh; sub config_vars; sub config_re; my %%Export_Cache = map {($_ => 1)} (@Config::EXPORT, @Config::EXPORT_OK); our %%Config; # Define our own import method to avoid pulling in the full Exporter: sub import { my $pkg = shift; @_ = @Config::EXPORT unless @_; my @funcs = grep $_ ne '%%Config', @_; my $export_Config = @funcs < @_ ? 1 : 0; no strict 'refs'; my $callpkg = caller(0); foreach my $func (@funcs) { die sprintf qq{"%%s" is not exported by the %%s module\n}, $func, __PACKAGE__ unless $Export_Cache{$func}; *{$callpkg.'::'.$func} = \&{$func}; } *{"$callpkg\::Config"} = \%%Config if $export_Config; return; } die "Perl lib version (%s) doesn't match executable version ($])" unless $^V; $^V eq %s or die "Perl lib version (%s) doesn't match executable version (" . sprintf("v%%vd",$^V) . ")"; ENDOFBEG my @non_v = (); my @v_others = (); my $in_v = 0; my %Data = (); my %seen_quotes; { my ($name, $val); open(CONFIG_SH, 'config.sh') || die "Can't open config.sh: $!"; while () { next if m:^#!/bin/sh:; # Catch PERL_CONFIG_SH=true and PERL_VERSION=n line from Configure. s/^(\w+)=(true|\d+)\s*$/$1='$2'\n/ or m/^(\w+)='(.*)'$/; my($k, $v) = ($1, $2); # grandfather PATCHLEVEL and SUBVERSION and CONFIG if ($k) { if ($k eq 'PERL_VERSION') { push @v_others, "PATCHLEVEL='$v'\n"; } elsif ($k eq 'PERL_SUBVERSION') { push @v_others, "SUBVERSION='$v'\n"; } elsif ($k eq 'PERL_CONFIG_SH') { push @v_others, "CONFIG='$v'\n"; } } # We can delimit things in config.sh with either ' or ". unless ($in_v or m/^(\w+)=(['"])(.*\n)/){ push(@non_v, "#$_"); # not a name='value' line next; } my $quote = $2; if ($in_v) { $val .= $_; } else { ($name,$val) = ($1,$3); } $in_v = $val !~ /$quote\n/; next if $in_v; s,/,::,g if $Extensions{$name}; $val =~ s/$quote\n?\z//; my $line = "$name=$quote$val$quote\n"; push(@v_others, $line); $seen_quotes{$quote}++; } close CONFIG_SH; } # This is somewhat grim, but I want the code for parsing config.sh here and # now so that I can expand $Config{ivsize} and $Config{ivtype} my $fetch_string = <<'EOT'; # Search for it in the big string sub fetch_string { my($self, $key) = @_; EOT if ($seen_quotes{'"'}) { # We need the full ' and " code $fetch_string .= <<'EOT'; my $quote_type = "'"; my $marker = "$key="; # Check for the common case, ' delimited my $start = index($Config_SH_expanded, "\n$marker$quote_type"); # If that failed, check for " delimited if ($start == -1) { $quote_type = '"'; $start = index($Config_SH_expanded, "\n$marker$quote_type"); } EOT } else { $fetch_string .= <<'EOT'; # We only have ' delimted. my $start = index($Config_SH_expanded, "\n$key=\'"); EOT } $fetch_string .= <<'EOT'; # Start can never be -1 now, as we've rigged the long string we're # searching with an initial dummy newline. return undef if $start == -1; $start += length($key) + 3; EOT if (!$seen_quotes{'"'}) { # Don't need the full ' and " code, or the eval expansion. $fetch_string .= <<'EOT'; my $value = substr($Config_SH_expanded, $start, index($Config_SH_expanded, "'\n", $start) - $start); EOT } else { $fetch_string .= <<'EOT'; my $value = substr($Config_SH_expanded, $start, index($Config_SH_expanded, "$quote_type\n", $start) - $start); # If we had a double-quote, we'd better eval it so escape # sequences and such can be interpolated. Since the incoming # value is supposed to follow shell rules and not perl rules, # we escape any perl variable markers if ($quote_type eq '"') { $value =~ s/\$/\\\$/g; $value =~ s/\@/\\\@/g; eval "\$value = \"$value\""; } EOT } $fetch_string .= <<'EOT'; # So we can say "if $Config{'foo'}". $value = undef if $value eq 'undef'; $self->{$key} = $value; # cache it } EOT eval $fetch_string; die if $@; # Calculation for the keys for byteorder # This is somewhat grim, but I need to run fetch_string here. our $Config_SH_expanded = join "\n", '', @v_others; my $t = fetch_string ({}, 'ivtype'); my $s = fetch_string ({}, 'ivsize'); # byteorder does exist on its own but we overlay a virtual # dynamically recomputed value. # However, ivtype and ivsize will not vary for sane fat binaries my $f = $t eq 'long' ? 'L!' : $s == 8 ? 'Q': 'I'; my $byteorder_code; if ($s == 4 || $s == 8) { my $list = join ',', reverse(2..$s); my $format = 'a'x$s; $byteorder_code = <<"EOT"; my \$i = 0; foreach my \$c ($list) { \$i |= ord(\$c); \$i <<= 8 } \$i |= ord(1); our \$byteorder = join('', unpack('$format', pack('$f', \$i))); EOT } else { $byteorder_code = "our \$byteorder = '?'x$s;\n"; } my @need_relocation; if (fetch_string({},'userelocatableinc')) { foreach my $what (qw(prefixexp archlibexp html1direxp html3direxp man1direxp man3direxp privlibexp scriptdirexp sitearchexp sitebinexp sitehtml1direxp sitehtml3direxp sitelibexp siteman1direxp siteman3direxp sitescriptexp vendorarchexp vendorbinexp vendorhtml1direxp vendorhtml3direxp vendorlibexp vendorman1direxp vendorman3direxp vendorscriptexp siteprefixexp sitelib_stem vendorlib_stem installarchlib installhtml1dir installhtml3dir installman1dir installman3dir installprefix installprefixexp installprivlib installscript installsitearch installsitebin installsitehtml1dir installsitehtml3dir installsitelib installsiteman1dir installsiteman3dir installsitescript installvendorarch installvendorbin installvendorhtml1dir installvendorhtml3dir installvendorlib installvendorman1dir installvendorman3dir installvendorscript )) { push @need_relocation, $what if fetch_string({}, $what) =~ m!^\.\.\./!; } } my %need_relocation; @need_relocation{@need_relocation} = @need_relocation; # This can have .../ anywhere: if (fetch_string({}, 'otherlibdirs') =~ m!\.\.\./!) { $need_relocation{otherlibdirs} = 'otherlibdirs'; } my $relocation_code = <<'EOT'; sub relocate_inc { my $libdir = shift; return $libdir unless $libdir =~ s!^\.\.\./!!; my $prefix = $^X; if ($prefix =~ s!/[^/]*$!!) { while ($libdir =~ m!^\.\./!) { # Loop while $libdir starts "../" and $prefix still has a trailing # directory last unless $prefix =~ s!/([^/]+)$!!; # but bail out if the directory we picked off the end of $prefix is . # or .. if ($1 eq '.' or $1 eq '..') { # Undo! This should be rare, hence code it this way rather than a # check each time before the s!!! above. $prefix = "$prefix/$1"; last; } # Remove that leading ../ and loop again substr ($libdir, 0, 3, ''); } $libdir = "$prefix/$libdir"; } $libdir; } EOT if (%need_relocation) { my $relocations_in_common; # otherlibdirs only features in the hash foreach (keys %need_relocation) { $relocations_in_common++ if $Common{$_}; } if ($relocations_in_common) { print CONFIG $relocation_code; } else { print CONFIG_HEAVY $relocation_code; } } print CONFIG_HEAVY @non_v, "\n"; # copy config summary format from the myconfig.SH script print CONFIG_HEAVY "our \$summary = <<'!END!';\n"; open(MYCONFIG,") && !/^Summary of/; do { print CONFIG_HEAVY $_ } until !defined($_ = ) || /^\s*$/; close(MYCONFIG); print CONFIG_HEAVY "\n!END!\n", <<'EOT'; my $summary_expanded; sub myconfig { return $summary_expanded if $summary_expanded; ($summary_expanded = $summary) =~ s{\$(\w+)} { my $c = $Config::Config{$1}; defined($c) ? $c : 'undef' }ge; $summary_expanded; } local *_ = \my $a; $_ = <<'!END!'; EOT print CONFIG_HEAVY join('', sort @v_others), "!END!\n"; # Only need the dynamic byteorder code in Config.pm if 'byteorder' is one of # the precached keys if ($Common{byteorder}) { print CONFIG $byteorder_code; } else { print CONFIG_HEAVY $byteorder_code; } if (@need_relocation) { print CONFIG_HEAVY 'foreach my $what (qw(', join (' ', @need_relocation), ")) {\n", <<'EOT'; s/^($what=)(['"])(.*?)\2/$1 . $2 . relocate_inc($3) . $2/me; } EOT # Currently it only makes sense to do the ... relocation on Unix, so there's # no need to emulate the "which separator for this platform" logic in perl.c - # ':' will always be applicable if ($need_relocation{otherlibdirs}) { print CONFIG_HEAVY << 'EOT'; s{^(otherlibdirs=)(['"])(.*?)\2} {$1 . $2 . join ':', map {relocate_inc($_)} split ':', $3 . $2}me; EOT } } print CONFIG_HEAVY <<'EOT'; s/(byteorder=)(['"]).*?\2/$1$2$Config::byteorder$2/m; my $config_sh_len = length $_; our $Config_SH_expanded = "\n$_" . << 'EOVIRTUAL'; EOT foreach my $prefix (qw(ccflags ldflags)) { my $value = fetch_string ({}, $prefix); my $withlargefiles = fetch_string ({}, $prefix . "_uselargefiles"); if (defined $withlargefiles) { $value =~ s/\Q$withlargefiles\E\b//; print CONFIG_HEAVY "${prefix}_nolargefiles='$value'\n"; } } foreach my $prefix (qw(libs libswanted)) { my $value = fetch_string ({}, $prefix); my $withlf = fetch_string ({}, 'libswanted_uselargefiles'); next unless defined $withlf; my @lflibswanted = split(' ', fetch_string ({}, 'libswanted_uselargefiles')); if (@lflibswanted) { my %lflibswanted; @lflibswanted{@lflibswanted} = (); if ($prefix eq 'libs') { my @libs = grep { /^-l(.+)/ && not exists $lflibswanted{$1} } split(' ', fetch_string ({}, 'libs')); $value = join(' ', @libs); } else { my @libswanted = grep { not exists $lflibswanted{$_} } split(' ', fetch_string ({}, 'libswanted')); $value = join(' ', @libswanted); } } print CONFIG_HEAVY "${prefix}_nolargefiles='$value'\n"; } print CONFIG_HEAVY "EOVIRTUAL\n"; print CONFIG_HEAVY $fetch_string; print CONFIG <<'ENDOFEND'; sub FETCH { my($self, $key) = @_; # check for cached value (which may be undef so we use exists not defined) return $self->{$key} if exists $self->{$key}; return $self->fetch_string($key); } ENDOFEND print CONFIG_HEAVY <<'ENDOFEND'; my $prevpos = 0; sub FIRSTKEY { $prevpos = 0; substr($Config_SH_expanded, 1, index($Config_SH_expanded, '=') - 1 ); } sub NEXTKEY { ENDOFEND if ($seen_quotes{'"'}) { print CONFIG_HEAVY <<'ENDOFEND'; # Find out how the current key's quoted so we can skip to its end. my $quote = substr($Config_SH_expanded, index($Config_SH_expanded, "=", $prevpos)+1, 1); my $pos = index($Config_SH_expanded, qq($quote\n), $prevpos) + 2; ENDOFEND } else { # Just ' quotes, so it's much easier. print CONFIG_HEAVY <<'ENDOFEND'; my $pos = index($Config_SH_expanded, qq('\n), $prevpos) + 2; ENDOFEND } print CONFIG_HEAVY <<'ENDOFEND'; my $len = index($Config_SH_expanded, "=", $pos) - $pos; $prevpos = $pos; $len > 0 ? substr($Config_SH_expanded, $pos, $len) : undef; } sub EXISTS { return 1 if exists($_[0]->{$_[1]}); return(index($Config_SH_expanded, "\n$_[1]='") != -1 ENDOFEND if ($seen_quotes{'"'}) { print CONFIG_HEAVY <<'ENDOFEND'; or index($Config_SH_expanded, "\n$_[1]=\"") != -1 ENDOFEND } print CONFIG_HEAVY <<'ENDOFEND'; ); } sub STORE { die "\%Config::Config is read-only\n" } *DELETE = \&STORE; *CLEAR = \&STORE; sub config_sh { substr $Config_SH_expanded, 1, $config_sh_len; } sub config_re { my $re = shift; return map { chomp; $_ } grep eval{ /^(?:$re)=/ }, split /^/, $Config_SH_expanded; } sub config_vars { # implements -V:cfgvar option (see perlrun -V:) foreach (@_) { # find optional leading, trailing colons; and query-spec my ($notag,$qry,$lncont) = m/^(:)?(.*?)(:)?$/; # flags fore and aft, # map colon-flags to print decorations my $prfx = $notag ? '': "$qry="; # tag-prefix for print my $lnend = $lncont ? ' ' : ";\n"; # line ending for print # all config-vars are by definition \w only, any \W means regex if ($qry =~ /\W/) { my @matches = config_re($qry); print map "$_$lnend", @matches ? @matches : "$qry: not found" if !$notag; print map { s/\w+=//; "$_$lnend" } @matches ? @matches : "$qry: not found" if $notag; } else { my $v = (exists $Config::Config{$qry}) ? $Config::Config{$qry} : 'UNKNOWN'; $v = 'undef' unless defined $v; print "${prfx}'${v}'$lnend"; } } } # Called by the real AUTOLOAD sub launcher { undef &AUTOLOAD; goto \&$Config::AUTOLOAD; } 1; ENDOFEND if ($^O eq 'os2') { print CONFIG <<'ENDOFSET'; my %preconfig; if ($OS2::is_aout) { my ($value, $v) = $Config_SH_expanded =~ m/^used_aout='(.*)'\s*$/m; for (split ' ', $value) { ($v) = $Config_SH_expanded =~ m/^aout_$_='(.*)'\s*$/m; $preconfig{$_} = $v eq 'undef' ? undef : $v; } } $preconfig{d_fork} = undef unless $OS2::can_fork; # Some funny cases can't sub TIEHASH { bless {%preconfig} } ENDOFSET # Extract the name of the DLL from the makefile to avoid duplication my ($f) = grep -r, qw(GNUMakefile Makefile); my $dll; if (open my $fh, '<', $f) { while (<$fh>) { $dll = $1, last if /^PERL_DLL_BASE\s*=\s*(\S*)\s*$/; } } print CONFIG < ? my $qkey = $key =~ /^[A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]*$/ ? $key : "'$key'"; if (defined $value) { # Quote things for a '' string $value =~ s!\\!\\\\!g; $value =~ s!'!\\'!g; $value = "'$value'"; if ($key eq 'otherlibdirs') { $value = "join (':', map {relocate_inc(\$_)} split (':', $value))"; } elsif ($need_relocation{$key}) { $value = "relocate_inc($value)"; } } else { $value = "undef"; } $Common{$key} = "$qkey => $value"; } if ($Common{byteorder}) { $Common{byteorder} = 'byteorder => $byteorder'; } my $fast_config = join '', map { " $_,\n" } sort values %Common; # Sanity check needed to stop an infite loop if Config_heavy.pl fails to define # &launcher for some reason (eg it got truncated) print CONFIG sprintf <<'ENDOFTIE', $fast_config; sub DESTROY { } sub AUTOLOAD { require 'Config_heavy.pl'; goto \&launcher unless $Config::AUTOLOAD =~ /launcher$/; die "&Config::AUTOLOAD failed on $Config::AUTOLOAD"; } # tie returns the object, so the value returned to require will be true. tie %%Config, 'Config', { %s}; ENDOFTIE open(CONFIG_POD, ">lib/Config.pod") or die "Can't open lib/Config.pod: $!"; print CONFIG_POD <<'ENDOFTAIL'; =head1 NAME Config - access Perl configuration information =head1 SYNOPSIS use Config; if ($Config{usethreads}) { print "has thread support\n" } use Config qw(myconfig config_sh config_vars config_re); print myconfig(); print config_sh(); print config_re(); config_vars(qw(osname archname)); =head1 DESCRIPTION The Config module contains all the information that was available to the C program at Perl build time (over 900 values). Shell variables from the F file (written by Configure) are stored in the readonly-variable C<%Config>, indexed by their names. Values stored in config.sh as 'undef' are returned as undefined values. The perl C function can be used to check if a named variable exists. =over 4 =item myconfig() Returns a textual summary of the major perl configuration values. See also C<-V> in L. =item config_sh() Returns the entire perl configuration information in the form of the original config.sh shell variable assignment script. =item config_re($regex) Like config_sh() but returns, as a list, only the config entries who's names match the $regex. =item config_vars(@names) Prints to STDOUT the values of the named configuration variable. Each is printed on a separate line in the form: name='value'; Names which are unknown are output as C. See also C<-V:name> in L. =back =head1 EXAMPLE Here's a more sophisticated example of using %Config: use Config; use strict; my %sig_num; my @sig_name; unless($Config{sig_name} && $Config{sig_num}) { die "No sigs?"; } else { my @names = split ' ', $Config{sig_name}; @sig_num{@names} = split ' ', $Config{sig_num}; foreach (@names) { $sig_name[$sig_num{$_}] ||= $_; } } print "signal #17 = $sig_name[17]\n"; if ($sig_num{ALRM}) { print "SIGALRM is $sig_num{ALRM}\n"; } =head1 WARNING Because this information is not stored within the perl executable itself it is possible (but unlikely) that the information does not relate to the actual perl binary which is being used to access it. The Config module is installed into the architecture and version specific library directory ($Config{installarchlib}) and it checks the perl version number when loaded. The values stored in config.sh may be either single-quoted or double-quoted. Double-quoted strings are handy for those cases where you need to include escape sequences in the strings. To avoid runtime variable interpolation, any C<$> and C<@> characters are replaced by C<\$> and C<\@>, respectively. This isn't foolproof, of course, so don't embed C<\$> or C<\@> in double-quoted strings unless you're willing to deal with the consequences. (The slashes will end up escaped and the C<$> or C<@> will trigger variable interpolation) =head1 GLOSSARY Most C variables are determined by the C script on platforms supported by it (which is most UNIX platforms). Some platforms have custom-made C variables, and may thus not have some of the variables described below, or may have extraneous variables specific to that particular port. See the port specific documentation in such cases. ENDOFTAIL if ($Opts{glossary}) { open(GLOS, "<$Glossary") or die "Can't open $Glossary: $!"; } my %seen = (); my $text = 0; $/ = ''; sub process { if (s/\A(\w*)\s+\(([\w.]+)\):\s*\n(\t?)/=item C<$1>\n\nFrom F<$2>:\n\n/m) { my $c = substr $1, 0, 1; unless ($seen{$c}++) { print CONFIG_POD < new paragraph s/^(? text s{([\'\"])(?=[^\'\"\s]*[./][^\'\"\s]*\1)([^\'\"\s]+)\1}(F<$2>)g; # '.o' s{([\'\"])([^\'\"\s]+)\1}(C<$2>)g; # "date" command s{\'([A-Za-z_\- *=/]+)\'}(C<$1>)g; # 'ln -s' s{ (?)xg; # /usr/local s/((?<=\s)~\w*)/F<$1>/g; # ~name s/(?/g; # UNISTD s/(? macro/g; # FILE_cnt macro s/n[\0]t/n't/g; # undo can't, won't damage } if ($Opts{glossary}) { ; # Skip the "DO NOT EDIT" ; # Skip the preamble while () { process; print CONFIG_POD; } } print CONFIG_POD <<'ENDOFTAIL'; =back =head1 NOTE This module contains a good example of how to use tie to implement a cache and an example of how to make a tied variable readonly to those outside of it. =cut ENDOFTAIL close(CONFIG_HEAVY); close(CONFIG); close(GLOS); close(CONFIG_POD); # Now create Cross.pm if needed if ($Opts{cross}) { open CROSS, ">lib/Cross.pm" or die "Can not open >lib/Cross.pm: $!"; my $cross = <<'EOS'; # typical invocation: # perl -MCross Makefile.PL # perl -MCross=wince -V:cc package Cross; sub import { my ($package,$platform) = @_; unless (defined $platform) { # if $platform is not specified, then use last one when # 'configpm; was invoked with --cross option $platform = '***replace-marker***'; } @INC = map {/\blib\b/?(do{local $_=$_;s/\blib\b/xlib\/$platform/;$_},$_):($_)} @INC; $::Cross::platform = $platform; } 1; EOS $cross =~ s/\*\*\*replace-marker\*\*\*/$Opts{cross}/g; print CROSS $cross; close CROSS; unshift(@INC,"xlib/$Opts{cross}"); } # Now do some simple tests on the Config.pm file we have created unshift(@INC,'lib'); unshift(@INC,'xlib/symbian') if $Opts{cross}; require $Config_PM; require $Config_heavy; import Config; die "$0: $Config_PM not valid" unless $Config{'PERL_CONFIG_SH'} eq 'true'; die "$0: error processing $Config_PM" if defined($Config{'an impossible name'}) or $Config{'PERL_CONFIG_SH'} ne 'true' # test cache ; die "$0: error processing $Config_PM" if eval '$Config{"cc"} = 1' or eval 'delete $Config{"cc"}' ; exit 0; # Popularity of various entries in %Config, based on a large build and test # run of code in the Fotango build system: __DATA__ path_sep: 8490 d_readlink: 7101 d_symlink: 7101 archlibexp: 4318 sitearchexp: 4305 sitelibexp: 4305 privlibexp: 4163 ldlibpthname: 4041 libpth: 2134 archname: 1591 exe_ext: 1256 scriptdir: 1155 version: 1116 useithreads: 1002 osvers: 982 osname: 851 inc_version_list: 783 dont_use_nlink: 779 intsize: 759 usevendorprefix: 642 dlsrc: 624 cc: 541 lib_ext: 520 so: 512 ld: 501 ccdlflags: 500 ldflags: 495 obj_ext: 495 cccdlflags: 493 lddlflags: 493 ar: 492 dlext: 492 libc: 492 ranlib: 492 full_ar: 491 vendorarchexp: 491 vendorlibexp: 491 installman1dir: 489 installman3dir: 489 installsitebin: 489 installsiteman1dir: 489 installsiteman3dir: 489 installvendorman1dir: 489 installvendorman3dir: 489 d_flexfnam: 474 eunicefix: 360 d_link: 347 installsitearch: 344 installscript: 341 installprivlib: 337 binexp: 336 installarchlib: 336 installprefixexp: 336 installsitelib: 336 installstyle: 336 installvendorarch: 336 installvendorbin: 336 installvendorlib: 336 man1ext: 336 man3ext: 336 sh: 336 siteprefixexp: 336 installbin: 335 usedl: 332 ccflags: 285 startperl: 232 optimize: 231 usemymalloc: 229 cpprun: 228 sharpbang: 228 perllibs: 225 usesfio: 224 usethreads: 220 perlpath: 218 extensions: 217 usesocks: 208 shellflags: 198 make: 191 d_pwage: 189 d_pwchange: 189 d_pwclass: 189 d_pwcomment: 189 d_pwexpire: 189 d_pwgecos: 189 d_pwpasswd: 189 d_pwquota: 189 gccversion: 189 libs: 186 useshrplib: 186 cppflags: 185 ptrsize: 185 shrpenv: 185 static_ext: 185 use5005threads: 185 uselargefiles: 185 alignbytes: 184 byteorder: 184 ccversion: 184 config_args: 184 cppminus: 184