#!/usr/bin/perl # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # Copyright (C) 2002-2009 SQLFairy Authors # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA # 02111-1307 USA # ------------------------------------------------------------------- =head1 NAME sqlt-graph - Automatically create a graph from a database schema =head1 SYNOPSIS ./sqlt-graph -d|--db|-f|--from=db_parser [options] schema.sql Options: -l|--layout Layout schema for GraphViz ("dot," "neato," "twopi"; default "dot") -n|--node-shape Shape of the nodes ("record," "plaintext," "ellipse," "circle," "egg," "triangle," "box," "diamond," "trapezium," "parallelogram," "house," "hexagon," "octagon," default "record") -o|--output Output file name (default STDOUT) -t|--output-type Output file type ("canon", "text," "ps," "hpgl," "pcl," "mif," "pic," "gd," "gd2," "gif," "jpeg," "png," "wbmp," "cmap," "ismap," "imap," "vrml," "vtx," "mp," "fig," "svg," "plain," default "png") -c|--color Add colors --no-fields Don't show field names --height Image height (in inches, default "11", set to "0" to undefine) --width Image width (in inches, default "8.5", set to "0" to undefine) --fontsize custom font size for node and edge labels --fontname name of custom font (or full path to font file) for node, edge, and graph labels --nodeattr attribute name and value (in key=val syntax) for nodes; this option may be repeated to specify multiple node attributes --edgeattr same as --nodeattr, but for edge attributes --graphattr same as --nodeattr, but for graph attributes --natural-join Perform natural joins --natural-join-pk Perform natural joins from primary keys only --show-datatypes Show datatype of each field --show-sizes Show column sizes for VARCHAR and CHAR fields --show-constraints Show list of constraints for each field -s|--skip Fields to skip in natural joins --debug Print debugging information =head1 DESCRIPTION This script will create a graph of your schema. Only the database driver argument (for SQL::Translator) is required. If no output file name is given, then image will be printed to STDOUT, so you should redirect the output into a file. The default action is to assume the presence of foreign key relationships defined via "REFERNCES" or "FOREIGN KEY" constraints on the tables. If you are parsing the schema of a file that does not have these, you will find the natural join options helpful. With natural joins, like-named fields will be considered foreign keys. This can prove too permissive, however, as you probably don't want a field called "name" to be considered a foreign key, so you could include it in the "skip" option, and all fields called "name" will be excluded from natural joins. A more efficient method, however, might be to simply deduce the foriegn keys from primary keys to other fields named the same in other tables. Use the "natural-join-pk" option to acheive this. If the schema defines foreign keys, then the graph produced will be directed showing the direction of the relationship. If the foreign keys are intuited via natural joins, the graph will be undirected. =cut # ------------------------------------------------------------------- use strict; use Data::Dumper; use Getopt::Long; use GraphViz; use Pod::Usage; use SQL::Translator; use vars '$VERSION'; $VERSION = '1.99'; # # Get arguments. # my ( $layout, $node_shape, $out_file, $output_type, $db_driver, $add_color, $natural_join, $join_pk_only, $skip_fields, $show_datatypes, $show_sizes, $show_constraints, $debug, $help, $height, $width, $no_fields, $fontsize, $fontname ); # multi-valued options: my %edgeattrs = (); my %nodeattrs = (); my %graphattrs = (); GetOptions( 'd|db|f|from=s' => \$db_driver, 'o|output:s' => \$out_file, 'l|layout:s' => \$layout, 'n|node-shape:s' => \$node_shape, 't|output-type:s' => \$output_type, 'height:f' => \$height, 'width:f' => \$width, 'fontsize=i' => \$fontsize, 'fontname=s' => \$fontname, 'nodeattr=s' => \%nodeattrs, 'edgeattr=s' => \%edgeattrs, 'graphattr=s' => \%graphattrs, 'c|color' => \$add_color, 'no-fields' => \$no_fields, 'natural-join' => \$natural_join, 'natural-join-pk' => \$join_pk_only, 's|skip:s' => \$skip_fields, 'show-datatypes' => \$show_datatypes, 'show-sizes' => \$show_sizes, 'show-constraints' => \$show_constraints, 'debug' => \$debug, 'h|help' => \$help, ) or die pod2usage; my @files = @ARGV; # the create script(s) for the original db pod2usage(1) if $help; pod2usage( -message => "No db driver specified" ) unless $db_driver; pod2usage( -message => 'No input file' ) unless @files; my $translator = SQL::Translator->new( from => $db_driver, to => 'GraphViz', debug => $debug || 0, producer_args => { out_file => $out_file, layout => $layout, node_shape => $node_shape, output_type => $output_type, add_color => $add_color, natural_join => $natural_join, natural_join_pk => $join_pk_only, skip_fields => $skip_fields, show_datatypes => $show_datatypes, show_sizes => $show_sizes, show_constraints => $show_constraints, height => $height || 0, width => $width || 0, fontsize => $fontsize, fontname => $fontname, nodeattrs => \%nodeattrs, edgeattrs => \%edgeattrs, graphattrs => \%graphattrs, show_fields => $no_fields ? 0 : 1, }, ) or die SQL::Translator->error; for my $file (@files) { my $output = $translator->translate( $file ) or die "Error: " . $translator->error; if ( $out_file ) { print "Image written to '$out_file'. Done.\n"; } else { print $output; } } # ------------------------------------------------------------------- =pod =head1 AUTHOR Ken Y. Clark Ekclark@cpan.orgE. =head1 SEE ALSO perl, SQL::Translator. =cut