#!/usr/bin/perl -w # vim: set ft=perl: # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # $Id: sqlt-diff,v 1.9 2005-07-07 21:30:42 mwz444 Exp $ # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # Copyright (C) 2002-4 The SQLFairy Authors # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA # 02111-1307 USA # ------------------------------------------------------------------- =head1 NAME sqlt-diff - find the differences b/w two schemas =head1 SYNOPSIS For help: sqlt-diff -h|--help For a list of all valid parsers: sqlt -l|--list To diff two schemas: sqlt-diff [options] file_name1=parser file_name2=parser Options: -d|--debug Show debugging info =head1 DESCRIPTION sqlt-diff is a utility for creating a file of SQL commands necessary to transform the first schema provided to the second. While not yet exhaustive in its ability to mutate the entire schema, it will report the following =over =item * New tables Using the Producer class of the target (second) schema, any tables missing in the first schema will be generated in their entirety (fields, constraints, indices). =item * Missing/altered fields Any fields missing or altered between the two schemas will be reported as: ALTER TABLE [DROP ] [CHANGE ()] ; =item * Missing/altered indices Any indices missing or of a different type or on different fields will be indicated. Indices that should be dropped will be reported as such: DROP INDEX ON ; An index of a different type or on different fields will be reported as a new index as such: CREATE [] INDEX [] ON ( [,] ) ; =back "ALTER/DROP TABLE" and "CREATE INDEX" statements B generated by the Producer, unfortunately, and may require massaging before being passed to your target database. =cut # ------------------------------------------------------------------- use strict; use Pod::Usage; use Data::Dumper; use SQL::Translator; use SQL::Translator::Schema::Constants; use vars qw( $VERSION ); $VERSION = sprintf "%d.%02d", q$Revision: 1.9 $ =~ /(\d+)\.(\d+)/; my ( @input, $list, $help, $debug ); for my $arg ( @ARGV ) { if ( $arg =~ m/^-?-l(ist)?$/ ) { $list = 1; } elsif ( $arg =~ m/^-?-h(elp)?$/ ) { $help = 1; } elsif ( $arg =~ m/^-?-d(ebug)?$/ ) { $debug = 1; } elsif ( $arg =~ m/^([^=]+)=(.+)$/ ) { push @input, { file => $1, parser => $2 }; } else { pod2usage( msg => "Unknown argument '$arg'" ); } } pod2usage(1) if $help; pod2usage('Please specify only two schemas to diff') if scalar @input > 2; my $tr = SQL::Translator->new; my @parsers = $tr->list_parsers; my %valid_parsers = map { $_, 1 } @parsers; if ( $list ) { print "\nParsers:\n", map { "\t$_\n" } sort @parsers; print "\n"; exit(0); } pod2usage( msg => 'Too many file args' ) if @input > 2; my ( $source_schema, $source_db, $target_schema, $target_db ); my $i = 2; for my $in ( @input ) { my $file = $in->{'file'}; my $parser = $in->{'parser'}; die "Unable to read file '$file'\n" unless -r $file; die "'$parser' is an invalid parser\n" unless $valid_parsers{ $parser }; my $t = SQL::Translator->new; $t->debug( $debug ); $t->parser( $parser ) or die $tr->error; my $out = $t->translate( $file ) or die $tr->error; my $schema = $t->schema; unless ( $schema->name ) { $schema->name( $file ); } if ( $i == 1 ) { $source_schema = $schema; $source_db = $parser; } else { $target_schema = $schema; $target_db = $parser; } $i--; } my $case_insensitive = $target_db =~ /SQLServer/; my $s1_name = $source_schema->name; my $s2_name = $target_schema->name; my ( @new_tables, @diffs , @diffs_at_end); for my $t1 ( $source_schema->get_tables ) { my $t1_name = $t1->name; my $t2 = $target_schema->get_table( $t1_name, $case_insensitive ); warn "TABLE '$s1_name.$t1_name'\n" if $debug; unless ( $t2 ) { warn "Couldn't find table '$s1_name.$t1_name' in '$s2_name'\n" if $debug; if ( $target_db =~ /SQLServer/ ) { for my $constraint ( $t1->get_constraints ) { next if $constraint->type eq PRIMARY_KEY; push @diffs_at_end, "ALTER TABLE $t1_name ADD ". constraint_to_string($constraint, $source_schema).";"; $t1->drop_constraint($constraint); } } push @new_tables, $t1; next; } # Go through our options my $options_different = 0; my %checkedOptions; OPTION: for my $t1_option_ref ( $t1->options ) { my($key1, $value1) = %{$t1_option_ref}; for my $t2_option_ref ( $t2->options ) { my($key2, $value2) = %{$t2_option_ref}; if ( $key1 eq $key2 ) { if ( defined $value1 != defined $value2 ) { $options_different = 1; last OPTION; } if ( defined $value1 && $value1 ne $value2 ) { $options_different = 1; last OPTION; } $checkedOptions{$key1} = 1; next OPTION; } } $options_different = 1; last OPTION; } # Go through the other table's options unless ( $options_different ) { for my $t2_option_ref ( $t2->options ) { my($key, $value) = %{$t2_option_ref}; next if $checkedOptions{$key}; $options_different = 1; last; } } # If there's a difference, just re-set all the options my @diffs_table_options; if ( $options_different ) { my @options = (); foreach my $option_ref ( $t1->options ) { my($key, $value) = %{$option_ref}; push(@options, defined $value ? "$key=$value" : $key); } my $options = join(' ', @options); @diffs_table_options = ("ALTER TABLE $t1_name $options;"); } my $t2_name = $t2->name; my(@diffs_table_adds, @diffs_table_changes); for my $t1_field ( $t1->get_fields ) { my $f1_type = $t1_field->data_type; my $f1_size = $t1_field->size; my $f1_name = $t1_field->name; my $f1_nullable = $t1_field->is_nullable; my $f1_default = $t1_field->default_value; my $f1_auto_inc = $t1_field->is_auto_increment; my $t2_field = $t2->get_field( $f1_name ); my $f1_full_name = "$s1_name.$t1_name.$t1_name"; warn "FIELD '$f1_full_name'\n" if $debug; my $f2_full_name = "$s2_name.$t2_name.$f1_name"; unless ( $t2_field ) { warn "Couldn't find field '$f2_full_name' in '$t2_name'\n" if $debug; my $temp_default_value = 0; if ( $target_db =~ /SQLServer/ && !$f1_nullable && !defined $f1_default ) { # SQL Server doesn't allow adding non-nullable, non-default columns # so we add it with a default value, then remove the default value $temp_default_value = 1; my(@numeric_types) = qw(decimal numeric float real int bigint smallint tinyint); $f1_default = grep($_ eq $f1_type, @numeric_types) ? 0 : ''; } push @diffs_table_adds, sprintf( "ALTER TABLE %s ADD %s %s%s%s%s%s;", $t1_name, $f1_name, $f1_type, ($f1_size && $f1_type !~ /(blob|text)$/) ? "($f1_size)" : '', $f1_nullable ? '' : ' NOT NULL', !defined $f1_default ? '' : uc $f1_default eq 'NULL' ? ' DEFAULT NULL' : uc $f1_default eq 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP' ? ' DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP' : " DEFAULT '$f1_default'", $f1_auto_inc ? ' AUTO_INCREMENT' : '', ); if ( $temp_default_value ) { undef $f1_default; push @diffs_table_adds, sprintf( <data_type; my $f2_size = $t2_field->size || ''; my $f2_nullable = $t2_field->is_nullable; my $f2_default = $t2_field->default_value; my $f2_auto_inc = $t2_field->is_auto_increment; if ( !$t1_field->equals($t2_field, $case_insensitive) ) { # SQLServer timestamp fields can't be altered, so we drop and add instead if ( $target_db =~ /SQLServer/ && $f2_type eq "timestamp" ) { push @diffs_table_changes, "ALTER TABLE $t1_name DROP COLUMN $f1_name;"; push @diffs_table_changes, sprintf( "ALTER TABLE %s ADD %s %s%s%s%s%s;", $t1_name, $f1_name, $f1_type, ($f1_size && $f1_type !~ /(blob|text)$/) ? "($f1_size)" : '', $f1_nullable ? '' : ' NOT NULL', !defined $f1_default ? '' : uc $f1_default eq 'NULL' ? ' DEFAULT NULL' : uc $f1_default eq 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP' ? ' DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP' : " DEFAULT '$f1_default'", $f1_auto_inc ? ' AUTO_INCREMENT' : '', ); next; } push @diffs_table_changes, sprintf( "ALTER TABLE %s %s %s%s %s%s%s%s%s;", $t1_name, $target_db =~ /SQLServer/ ? "ALTER COLUMN" : "CHANGE", $f1_name, $target_db =~ /MySQL/ ? " $f1_name" : '', $f1_type, ($f1_size && $f1_type !~ /(blob|text)$/) ? "($f1_size)" : '', $f1_nullable ? '' : ' NOT NULL', !defined $f1_default || $target_db =~ /SQLServer/ ? '' : uc $f1_default eq 'NULL' ? ' DEFAULT NULL' : uc $f1_default eq 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP' ? ' DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP' : " DEFAULT '$f1_default'", $f1_auto_inc ? ' AUTO_INCREMENT' : '', ); if ( defined $f1_default && $target_db =~ /SQLServer/ ) { # Adding a column with a default value for SQL Server means adding a # constraint and setting existing NULLs to the default value push @diffs_table_changes, sprintf( "ALTER TABLE %s ADD CONSTRAINT DF_%s_%s %s FOR %s;", $t1_name, $t1_name, $f1_name, uc $f1_default eq 'NULL' ? 'DEFAULT NULL' : uc $f1_default eq 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP' ? 'DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP' : "DEFAULT '$f1_default'", $f1_name, ); push @diffs_table_changes, sprintf( "UPDATE %s SET %s = %s WHERE %s IS NULL;", $t1_name, $f1_name, uc $f1_default eq 'NULL' ? 'NULL' : uc $f1_default eq 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP' ? 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP' : "'$f1_default'", $f1_name, ); } } } my(%checked_indices, @diffs_index_creates, @diffs_index_drops); INDEX: for my $i1 ( $t1->get_indices ) { for my $i2 ( $t2->get_indices ) { if ( $i1->equals($i2, $case_insensitive) ) { $checked_indices{$i2} = 1; next INDEX; } } push @diffs_index_creates, sprintf( "CREATE %sINDEX%s ON %s (%s);", $i1->type eq NORMAL ? '' : $i1->type." ", $i1->name ? " ".$i1->name : '', $t1_name, join(",", $i1->fields), ); } INDEX2: for my $i2 ( $t2->get_indices ) { next if $checked_indices{$i2}; for my $i1 ( $t1->get_indices ) { next INDEX2 if $i2->equals($i1, $case_insensitive); } $target_db =~ /SQLServer/ ? push @diffs_index_drops, "DROP INDEX $t1_name.".$i2->name.";" : push @diffs_index_drops, "DROP INDEX ".$i2->name." on $t1_name;"; } my(%checked_constraints, @diffs_constraint_adds, @diffs_constraint_drops); CONSTRAINT: for my $c1 ( $t1->get_constraints ) { for my $c2 ( $t2->get_constraints ) { if ( $c1->equals($c2, $case_insensitive) ) { $checked_constraints{$c2} = 1; next CONSTRAINT; } } push @diffs_constraint_adds, "ALTER TABLE $t1_name ADD ". constraint_to_string($c1, $source_schema).";"; } CONSTRAINT2: for my $c2 ( $t2->get_constraints ) { next if $checked_constraints{$c2}; for my $c1 ( $t1->get_constraints ) { next CONSTRAINT2 if $c2->equals($c1, $case_insensitive); } if ( $c2->type eq UNIQUE ) { push @diffs_constraint_drops, "ALTER TABLE $t1_name DROP INDEX ". $c2->name.";"; } elsif ( $target_db =~ /SQLServer/ ) { push @diffs_constraint_drops, "ALTER TABLE $t1_name DROP ".$c2->name.";"; } else { push @diffs_constraint_drops, "ALTER TABLE $t1_name DROP ".$c2->type. ($c2->type eq FOREIGN_KEY ? " ".$c2->name : '').";"; } } push @diffs, @diffs_index_drops, @diffs_constraint_drops, @diffs_table_options, @diffs_table_adds, @diffs_table_changes, @diffs_constraint_adds, @diffs_index_creates; } for my $t2 ( $target_schema->get_tables ) { my $t2_name = $t2->name; my $t1 = $source_schema->get_table( $t2_name, $target_db =~ /SQLServer/ ); unless ( $t1 ) { if ( $target_db =~ /SQLServer/ ) { for my $constraint ( $t2->get_constraints ) { next if $constraint->type eq PRIMARY_KEY; push @diffs, "ALTER TABLE $t2_name DROP ".$constraint->name.";"; } } push @diffs_at_end, "DROP TABLE $t2_name;"; next; } for my $t2_field ( $t2->get_fields ) { my $f2_name = $t2_field->name; my $t1_field = $t1->get_field( $f2_name ); unless ( $t1_field ) { my $modifier = $target_db =~ /SQLServer/ ? "COLUMN " : ''; push @diffs, "ALTER TABLE $t2_name DROP $modifier$f2_name;"; } } } if ( @new_tables ) { my $dummy_tr = SQL::Translator->new; $dummy_tr->schema->add_table( $_ ) for @new_tables; my $producer = $dummy_tr->producer( $target_db ); unshift @diffs, $producer->( $dummy_tr ); } push(@diffs, @diffs_at_end); if ( @diffs ) { print join( "\n", "-- Convert schema '$s2_name' to '$s1_name':\n", @diffs, '' ); } else { print "There were no differences.\n"; } sub constraint_to_string { my $c = shift; my $schema = shift or die "No schema given"; my @fields = $c->fields or return ''; if ( $c->type eq PRIMARY_KEY ) { return 'PRIMARY KEY (' . join(', ', @fields). ')'; } elsif ( $c->type eq UNIQUE ) { return 'UNIQUE '. (defined $c->name ? $c->name.' ' : ''). '(' . join(', ', @fields). ')'; } elsif ( $c->type eq FOREIGN_KEY ) { my $def = join(' ', map { $_ || () } 'CONSTRAINT', $c->name, 'FOREIGN KEY' ); $def .= ' (' . join( ', ', @fields ) . ')'; $def .= ' REFERENCES ' . $c->reference_table; my @rfields = map { $_ || () } $c->reference_fields; unless ( @rfields ) { my $rtable_name = $c->reference_table; if ( my $ref_table = $schema->get_table( $rtable_name ) ) { push @rfields, $ref_table->primary_key; } else { warn "Can't find reference table '$rtable_name' " . "in schema\n"; } } if ( @rfields ) { $def .= ' (' . join( ', ', @rfields ) . ')'; } else { warn "FK constraint on " . 'some table' . '.' . join('', @fields) . " has no reference fields\n"; } if ( $c->match_type ) { $def .= ' MATCH ' . ( $c->match_type =~ /full/i ) ? 'FULL' : 'PARTIAL'; } if ( $c->on_delete ) { $def .= ' ON DELETE '.join( ' ', $c->on_delete ); } if ( $c->on_update ) { $def .= ' ON UPDATE '.join( ' ', $c->on_update ); } return $def; } } # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # Bring out number weight & measure in a year of dearth. # William Blake # ------------------------------------------------------------------- =pod =head1 AUTHOR Ken Y. Clark Ekclark@cpan.orgE. =head1 SEE ALSO SQL::Translator, L. =cut