This directory contains the necessary scripts and machinery for running the IDP graph calculation service. Installation is a little intricate as it includes several components: * The IDP system itself (available from * The *.idp and *.lua scripts in this directory * A Perl DBI-compatible database for the storage of calculation results * A Gearman server for dispatching calculation requests * The Perl script in this directory, which functions as a Gearman worker * The CGI script in this directory, which functions as a Gearman client INSTALLATION ============ 0. Decide on a location for the following: * The IDP system software (e.g. /usr/local/idp) * The graph calculation IDP scripts (e.g. $HOME/graphcalc or /usr/local/idp/script) * The database for storage of calculation results Support software and packages ----------------------------- 1. Compile and install IDP for your platform into your chosen directory. See for more information. 2. Install (or designate) a Gearman server. The relevant Ubuntu package is 'gearman-job-server'; installing it will set up a server on localhost. 3. Ensure that the following Perl (v5.12 or later) dependencies are installed: * Gearman::Client * Gearman::Worker * Graph * Graph::Reader::Dot * IPC::Run * JSON * Text::Tradition::Analysis * Text::Tradition::Directory * TryCatch 4. Install (or designate) a Supervisor daemon. The relevant Ubuntu package is 'supervisor'; installing it will start a daemon on localhost. Graph calculation service components ------------------------------------ 5. Create a file /etc/graphcalc.conf as in the example here, substituting appropriate values for your system: --- START CONF FILE --- DBTYPE = DBHOST = DBPORT = DBNAME = DBUSER = DBPASS = GEARMAN_SERVER = IDPBINPATH = IDPSCRIPTPATH = TMPDIR = ---- END CONF FILE ---- The DBTYPE should be set to a value for which a Perl DBD::* module exists. You may optionally specify a value for 'DSN' instead of listing the type, host, port, and name separately, but this will break the backup and restore scripts. 6. Copy the *.idp, *.lua, and *.pl scripts from this directory to the directory specified in IDPSCRIPTPATH. 7. Create a database for the storage of calculation results. On MySQL this can be done with the following sequence of statements, where 'user', 'host', and 'password' are chosen appropriately: CREATE DATABASE idpresult; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON idpresult.* TO "[user]"@"[host]" --> IDENTIFIED BY "[password]"; FLUSH PRIVILEGES; 8. Copy the graphcalc.cgi script to the cgi-bin directory of your webserver, ensuring that it is executable and that the file permissions are set appropriately. 9. Start one or more instances of the script. It is recommended that this be done through the Supervisor daemon. An example Supervisor configuration script is given here: --- START SUPERVISOR CONF --- [program:graphcalc_worker] command=/usr/local/idp/script/ process_name=%(program_name)s.%(process_num)s numprocs=4 user=www-data ---- END SUPERVISOR CONF ---- 10. Run the script to initialize the database. 11. Requests can now be sent via CGI to graphcalc - you're done! Maintenance scripts ------------------- Two maintenance scripts, and, are included with this distribution. Each of these scripts can be invoked with no arguments. At the moment the restore script assumes that the database is on a MySQL server; it does not know how to drop tables for any other database. The backup script will dump all calculation results to TMPDIR/idpresults.json; the restore script will wipe the database and load them from the temp file. If nothing unexpected happens, the restore script will also clean up the temp file.