Merging 5.004_02 5.004_03 5.004_04 oneperl (THIS pointer) Multi-threading without USE_THREADS, change extern variable for dTHR consistent semantics for exit/die in threads pp_entersub still cloning XSUBs (broken)? test '~'-magic thread addresses test new thread state flags, DESTROY etc. SvREFCNT_dec(curstack) in threadstart() in Thread.xs per-thread GV -> [SAH]V dereference for $@ etc. Thread::Pool check new condition variable word; fix cond.t more Configure support Miscellaneous rename and alter Compiler auto-produce executable typed lexicals should affect B::CC::load_pad workarounds to help Win32 $^C to track compiler/checker status END blocks need saving in compiled output _AUTOLOAD prodding Documentation lots