SL Backcompat Plan: *** dynamic schemas * should default to 0.04006 mode * __PACKAGE__->naming('current') will turn on current mode *** 0.04006 mode * use the detector and compat relbuilder ilmari already wrote for static schemas * add a loud warning that says that we're running in backcompat mode, and refers to the ::Manual::UpgradingFrom0.04006 POD. *** naming accessor * class data for Loader * passed to _loader->new *** Write ::Manual::UpgradingFrom0.04006 POD *** Catalyst Helper * Add 'upgrade=1' option that upgrades from both old S::L and old helper, whichever or both. * Warn when old helper output or 0.04000 S::L output is detected, that refers to the upgrade option. Release dev S::L, announce to catalyst, dbic lists and #catalyst that testing of backcompat mode is needed, wait 2-3 weeks, then release 0.05000.