Known issues: - Catalyst-Log-Log4perl Deep recursion on subroutine "MockApp::setup" due to Adopt::NEXT not remembering which setup methods were already called and which not, like NEXT does. Log::Log4perl needs to be fixed and the problem should be described in Upgrading.pod. (rafl) - Waiting on new releases: - Catalyst::Plugin::Authentication - 0.100092 - Catalyst::Action::RenderView - 0.08 - MX::Emulate::CAF - list assignment (see notes in Upgrading.pod and branch in svn) - Catalyst::Plugin::Session::State::Cookie - cookie_name is undefined unless explicitly configured because setup_session isn't executed. Documentation: - Catalyst/Upgrading.pod needs brushing up Profiling: - vs 5.70 and optimisation as needed.