* The regular Sybase parser is only just functional. If you are interested in using Sybase, I would suggest serializing the schema (via YAML or Storable) using the DBI-Sybase parser and then manipulating that as you see fit. * Add more DBI parsers! These have the potential to be very thorough and far faster than parsing text files with Parse::RecDescent. * At least allow more pass-through of INSERT, DELETE, and UPDATE statements * Add INSERT statements for xSV, Excel parsers to automatically create INSERTs for each row of data in the source file * Somehow merge ClassDBI producer with CGI::FormBuilder or Template Toolkit and some sort of automated CGI builder to create view/create/edit/delete forms for objects based on schema defs * Embetter the Diagram producer to use some real graphing algorithms to distribute the tables so that the lines don't overlap so badly * Integrate more with some standard XML schema representations, maybe like Torque DB (http://db.apache.org/torque/). We've started messing around with XMI, too, but it isn't quite usable. * Possibly write a basic ANSI-92 SQL parser which could be extended when writing other new parsers. * Support for precompiled Parse::RecDescent grammars. * More code generation producers, such as Java, PHP, and Python. * Integrate Module::Pluggable as a replacement for the _list method.