== Todo for 2.0400 === Revise MetaRole API to reunify class/role metaroles: apply_metaroles( for => $meta, roles => { attribute => [...], class => [...], role_attribute => [ ... ], } ); If the $meta is a class, we apply the roles to the class. If it's a role, we hold onto them and apply them as part of applying the role to a class. To make this all work nicely, we'll probably want to track the original role where a method was defined, just like we do with attributes currently. We'll also need to store method modifiers with their original role, which may mean adding some sort of Moose::Meta::Role::MethodModifier class. For each role-specific thing (methods, attributes, etc.) we should allow a role_attribute, role_method, etc. key. The common case will be that the metaroles are intended for the consuming class, but we should allow for metaroles on the role's metaobjects as well. == Old todo (does anyone look at this?) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BUGS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FEATURES ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - DDuncan's Str types subtype 'Str' => as 'Value' => where { Encode::is_utf8( $_[0] ) or $_[0] !~ m/[^0x00-0x7F]/x } => optimize_as { defined($_[0]) && !ref($_[0]) }; subtype 'Blob' => as 'Value' => where { !Encode::is_utf8( $_[0] ) } => optimize_as { defined($_[0]) && !ref($_[0]) }; - type unions Add support for doing it with Classes which do not have a type constraint yet created - type intersections Mostly just for Roles - inherited slot specs 'does' can be added to,.. but not changed (need type unions for this) - proxy attributes a proxied attribute is an attribute which looks like an attribute, talks like an attribute, smells like an attribute,.. but if you look behind the curtain,.. its over there.. in that other object (... probably be a custom metaclass) - local coerce [13:16] mst stevan: slight problem with coerce [13:16] mst I only get to declare it once [13:17] mst so if I'm trying to declare it cast-style per-source-class rather than per-target-class [13:17] mst I am extremely screwed [13:17] stevan yes [13:17] stevan they are not class specific [13:18] stevan they are attached to the type constraint itself [13:18] * stevan ponders anon-coercion-metaobjects [13:18] mst yes, that's fine [13:19] mst but when I declare a class [13:19] mst I want to be able to say "this class coerces to X type via " [13:19] stevan yeah something like that [13:19] stevan oh,.. hmm [13:20] stevan sort of like inflate/deflate? [13:20] stevan around the accessors? [13:25] * bluefeet has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [13:27] mst no [13:27] mst nothing like that [13:27] mst like a cast [13:31] mst stevan: $obj->foo($bar); where 'foo' expects a 'Foo' object [13:31] mst stevan: is effectively $bar, right? [13:32] mst stevan: I want to be able to say in package Bar [13:32] mst stevan: coerce_to 'Foo' via { ... }; [13:32] mst etc. [13:53] stevan hmm ----------------------------------------------------------- -- Type Constraints refactor ----------------------------------------------------------- - add support for locally scoped TC This would borrow from MooseX::TypeLibrary to prefix the TC with the name of the package. It would then be accesible from the outside as the fully scoped name, but the local attributes would use it first. (this would need support in the registry for this). - look into sugar extensions Use roles as sugar layer function providers (ala MooseX::AttributeHelpers). This would allow custom metaclasses to provide roles to extend the sugar syntax with. (NOTE: Talk to phaylon a bit more on this) - allow a switch of some kind to optionally turn TC checking off at runtime The type checks can get expensive and some people have suggested that allowing the checks to be turned off would be helpful for deploying into performance intensive systems. Perhaps this can actually be done as an option to make_immutable? - misc. minor bits * make the errors for TCs use ->message * look into localizing the messages too * make ANON TCs be lazy, so they can possibly be subsituted for the real thing later * make ANON TCs more introspectable * add this ... # # Type Definition # subtype 'Username', from 'Str', where { (/[a-z][a-z0-9]+/i or fail('Invalid character(s)')) and (length($_) >= 5 or fail('Too short (less than 5 chars)')) } on_fail { MyException->throw(value => $_[0], message => $_[1]) }; # fail() will just return false unless the call is made via $tc->check_or_fail($value); * and then something like this: subtype Foo => as Bar => where { ... } => scoped => -global; subtype Foo => as Bar => where { ... } => scoped => -local; # or subtype Foo => as Bar => where { ... } => in __PACKAGE__ ; # or (not sure if it would be possible) my $Foo = subtype Bar => where { ... }; # ---------- [17:10] stevan: it should do it if I pass coerce => 1 as part of the attribute definition [17:12] autarch: what I am not 100% sure of is how to tell it to deep coerce and when to not [17:13] cause a basic coerce is from A to B [17:13] hmm [17:13] which is valid for collection types too [17:13] deep coercion is what you are asking for [17:13] yeah [17:13] so perhaps we add deep_coerce => 1 [17:13] which will do it [17:13] that's fine for me [17:13] k coerce_deeply => 1 # reads better ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INTERNALS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - rationalize all the get_X methods for classes (and roles) We have get_attribute, get_attributes_list, get_all_attributes, etc. First, we need to make the method names consistent. If something returns an attribute vs a name, that needs to be clear from the method name. We also need to make sure that local vs. "entire inheritance chain" is clear from the name. This is mostly a CMOP change. - Metaclass constructors There's a _lot_ of different conventions in here. Some things to consider: * new vs _new * allowing new( 'name', %args ) vs ( name => 'name', %args ) * Method->wrap vs Method->new - Moose::Meta::TypeConstraint::Parameter{izable,ized} The relationship between these two classes is very odd. In particular, this line in Parameterized is insane: foreach my $type (Moose::Util::TypeConstraints::get_all_parameterizable_types()) { Why does it need to loop through all parameterizable types? Shouldn't it know which parameterizable type it "came from"? - Moose::Util::TypeConstraints vs Moose::Meta::Type{Coercion,Constraint} The Util module has _way_ too much functionality. It needs to be refactored so it's a thin sugar layer on top of the meta API. As it stands now, it does things like parse type names (and determine if they're valid), manage the registry, and much more. - Anything with a _(meta)?class method Every method that returns a class name needs to become a rw attribute that can be set via the constructor. - The Moose::Error stuff This is sort of half-implemented. We still use Carp directly, and the internals can't decide how to throw an error (is it Moose->throw_error, __PACKAGE__->throw_error, what?). The internals need to be made consistent before we expose this to the rest of the world. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TO PONDER ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Moose "strict" mode use Moose 'strict'; This would allow us to have all sort of expensive tests which can be turned off in prod. - Moose::Philosophy.pod To explain Moose from a very high level - moosedoc We certainly have enough meta-information to make pretty complete POD docs.