# Known Bugs: - Bug ->go or ->visit causes actions which have Args or CaptureArgs called twice when called via ->go or ->visit. Test app: http://github.com/bobtfish/catalyst-app-bug-go_chain/tree/master # Compatibility warnings to add: - $self->config should warn as config should only ever be called as a class method (TESTS). # Proposed functionality / feature additions: ## Log setup needs to be less lame So Catalyst::Plugin::Log::* can die in a fire. Having $c->log_class would be a good start. kane volunteered to do some of this. Simple example: Catalyst::Plugin::Log::Colorful should just be a subclass of Catalyst::Log, no ::Plugin:: needed. See also: Catalyst::Plugin::Log::Dispatch and http://github.com/willert/catalyst-plugin-log4perl-simple/tree # REFACTORING ## The horrible hack for plugin setup - replacing it: * Have a look at the Devel::REPL BEFORE_PLUGIN stuff I wonder if what we need is that combined with plugins-as-roles ## App / ctx split: NOTE - these are notes that t0m thought up after doing back compat for catalyst_component_class, may be inaccurate, wrong or missing things bug mst (at least) to correct before trying more than the first 2 steps. Please knock yourself out on the first two however :) - Eliminate actions in MyApp from the main test suite - Uncomment warning in C::C::register_action_methods, add tests it works by mocking out the logging.. - Remove MyApp @ISA controller (ask metaclass if it has attributes, and if so you need back compat :/) - Make Catalyst::Context, move the per request stuff in there, handles from main app class to delegate - Make an instance of the app class which is a global variable - Make new instance of the context class, not the app class per-request - Remove the components as class data, move to instance data on the app class (you probably have to do this for _all_ the class data, good luck!) - Make it possible for users to spin up different instances of the app class (with different config etc each) - Profit! (Things like changing the complete app config per vhost, i.e. writing a config loader / app class role which dispatches per vhost to differently configured apps is piss easy) ## GSOC ### Next steps - less planned: - Creating service()-like sugar for component - Test cases for extending the container in an application. - Using the sugar added in the previous item - Test when Model::Foo depends_on Model::Bar - Tests for using the container outside of Catalyst - Custom container which adds some (very simple) services which are initialized from the application config file (note plain services, not components) - Depend on (and test) these inside Catalyst - Test loading container outside Catalyst, and these services working - Test Catalyst / MyApp is not loaded #### Extending my app, notes Basically try to implement something like this (starting out without the sugar!), and see how it breaks and what needs to be done to fix it! ##### Eventual syntax package MyApp::Container; use Catalyst::IOC; container $self, as { container model => as { component Foo => (); # As per default! component Bar => (dependencies => ['/model/Foo']); # Magic! component Baz => ( lifecycle => 'InstancePerContext ); component Quux => ( lifecycle => 'Singleton' ); # ACCEPT_CONTEXT not called }; # Note - implementation of BB may need to be changed to support making sure existing # services actually get overridden. not sure how the default container behaves when doing that # above code would build the constructor injection as it currently does, # defaulting to the class name in the right namespace as declared by the surrounding container # as well as adding using the catalyst-specific service class }; 1; ##### To start with package MyApp::Container; use Moose; extends 'Catalyst::Container; after BUILD => sub { my $self = shift; my $model_container = $self->get_sub_container('model'); my $service = Catalyst::IOC::ConstructorInjection->new( name => 'Baz', class => 'MyApp::Model::Baz', dependencies => [ depends_on( '/application_name' ), depends_on( '/config' ), depends_on( '/model/Foo' ), ], lifecycle => 'InstancePerContext', ); $model_container->add_service( 'Foo', $service ); }; ### To polish off / t0m review locate_components service vs setup_components method - can we be more lazy? - should setup_components be a service that things like the ->component lookup can depend on? - my $accept_context_args = $self->param('accept_context_args'); + my $accept_context_args = $params{accept_context_args}; ^^ This (may be) wrong! I am thinking the service should be allowed to mangle the accept_context args, no? Without this change, the user could make a custom service which mangled the param, and use Catalyst/IOC/Service/WithAcceptContext.pm, with this change, that module will always see the un-mangled version?? However, without this change, shit doesn't work... ### Known issues - Broken $instance->expand_modules() in setup_components and figure out later how to bring it back - expand_component_module - People wrapping locate_components in Catalyst.pm