* The Sybase parser still doesn't work. It is not included with the distribuution but can be found in CVS. There has been some discussion about reviving this, but no one has had that particular itch to scratch, so it's languished. * Some way to deeply check to schema objects, e.g., for testing I parse a MySQL schema, translate to Oracle, then parse the created Oracle schema and want to check the two schema objects. * Explore some way to pass an open database handle instead of a schema and then query through DBI methods to get the schema definition, somewhat a la SQL::Schema (which only works with Oracle right now) * Add "CREATE VIEW" support to existing parsers * At least allow more pass-through of INSERT, DELETE, and UPDATE statements * Add INSERT statements for xSV, Excel parsers to automatically create INSERTs for each row of data in the source file * Somehow merge ClassDBI producer with CGI::FormBuilder or Template Toolkit and some sort of automated CGI builder to create view/create/edit/delete forms for objects based on schema defs * Embetter the Diagram producer to use some real graphing algorithms to distribute the tables so that the lines don't overlap so badly * Integrate more with some standard XML schema representations, maybe like Torque DB (http://db.apache.org/torque/) * Possibly write a basic ANSI-92 SQL parser which could be extended when writing other new parsers * More parsers, more producers!