TODO, or the plan for making this stuff work right. The goals: 1/ I want to be able to specify a Controller base class, like Catalyst::Controller::MessageDriven. That's where my message-handling actually lives, so I want to build controllers based on that, or whichever other class. 2/ We need a calling convention for the model implementations - in the absence of defined interfaces this should be simple unblessed data, but if we do have an interface, we should be able to put proper constraints on it. 3/ Given generated controllers where I expose a bunch of methods from the actual model classes, there needs to be some way to control which methods are dispatchable - "very public", if you like. 4/ I'd like to be able to write down an "interface", consisting of a set of messages my app is willing to handle, and have the framework (or the controller base class, probably) reject messages that aren't in that set. 5/ I'd also like to be able to say in that interface definition what types of object those methods expect as a payload. 6/ It'd be nice if exceptions from model methods were caught by the framework and converted into messages representing the error - i.e. to set an error status, and return the text of the exception. All these things should be based on configuration. So, we've got something to say what classes expose methods, which of those methods are dispatchable, and which types are expected. Possible Implementation We can provide a number of controller base classes, for a number of different message styles: YAML with type-tags, JSON bare hashes, etc. These should be selectable by configuration, as a default controller class plus overrides for specific controllers. The calling convention to model methods should be the "payload". That might be a bare hashref for simple messages, or a blessed object of some app-specific type if the message format contains first-class objects, like tagged YAML. The "interfaces" should be Roles, which don't provide any methods but which "need" methods to be implemented. We then use the "needed" methods as the set of dispatchable methods, given if we compile OK, we know that the model class has all the required methods. Types are implemented as type signatures on role methods, and we copy them onto the actual methods on the model class at compile time. Exception handling probably needs to be behaviour from the controller base class, so that it can be specific to the type of message serialization being used.