README for SDL_Perl-2.2.2 What's New in 2.2.2: SDL_Perl-2.2.2 -Made App loop() faster -Patched support for add support for gluquadric* sub -Made App init slimer -Added faster SDL::Color alternative -Added better error reporting for TTFont errors -Added win32 support Prerequisites: SDL Perl recommends installing the following libraries available from prior to installing: SDL-1.2.8 Recommended: SDL_image SDL_mixer SDL_ttf smpeg Optional Libraries: *SDL_gfx *SDL_sound *SDL_net *SDL_svg *SDL_vnc Additionally the following Perl modules should be installed: Alien-SDL-0.2 Module-Build-0.22 Test-Simple-0.62 Installation: perl Build.PL ./Build ./Build test ./Build bundle # MacOS X only! ./Build install Installation with Windows (Strawberry) : perl Build.PL ./Build ./Build test ./Build install The build process will use the new Module::Build facility to auto detect and build SDL Perl for your platform. If the build fails please forward bugs to For MacOS X users there is a new experimental bundle, that is called You can use this bundle to run perl scripts with a .spl extension, you know, SDL Perl files. We will work on brining this style launcher and an integrated development environment to all platforms shortly. Documentation: Each module now includes its own documentation, and is accessible through perldoc. Additional tutorials, code, and tips can be found at the website: Online documentation and tutorials are available through perldoc module. Contributing: Anyone wishing to contribute modules, sprite engines, documentation, and anything else that others might find useful, please join the mailing list: This is a mailing list for those interested in SDLperl development, both as an applications developer, and as a core contributor. I am always more than happy to take patches, bug reports, and helpful suggestions. It is feedback, both good and poor, that keeps projects like this going. Enjoy, David J. Goehrig Kartik Thakore