TODO Rename to Devel::SizeMe Devel::SizeMe::Core - loads XS and sets options Devel::SizeMe - loads XS -d:SizeMe=opts Devel::SizeMe::Stream - parse raw stream Devel::SizeMe::Store - db write Devel::SizeMe::Data - db read / orlite? Devel::SizeMe::Graph - data reading/processing for sizeme_graph sizeme_store - script wrapper for Devel::SizeMe::Store sizeme_graph - Mojolicious app wrapper using Devel::SizeMe::Graph tests Support multiple runs to same sizeme_store process, generating separate files Name runs to allow total_size (for example) of multiple data structures Issues: two cases where PERL_SUBVERSION is check with a plain || (marked XXX) Optimizations: Remove depth from stream? Future Add addr to leaf to visualize memory layout Add token for ptr to node already seen (identified by addr I presume) so we can move from a Tree to a DAG and see alternative name paths. =pod Devel::Memory - Perl extension for finding the memory usage of Perl variables =head1 SYNOPSIS use Devel::Memory qw(size total_size); my $size = size("A string"); my @foo = (1, 2, 3, 4, 5); my $other_size = size(\@foo); my $total_size = total_size( $ref_to_data ); =head1 DESCRIPTION Acts like Devel::Size 0.77 is the PERL_DMEM env var is not set. Except that it also provides perl_size() and heap_size() functions. If PERL_DMEM env var is set to an empty string then all the *_size functions dump a textual representation of the memory data to stderr. If PERL_DMEM env var is set to a string that starts with "|" then the remainder of the string is taken to be a command name and popen() is used to start the command and the raw memory data is piped to it. If PERL_DMEM env var is set to anything else it is treated as the name of a file the raw memory data should be written to. The script can be used to process the raw memory data. Typically run via the PERL_DMEM env var. For example: export PERL_DMEM='|./ --text' export PERL_DMEM='|./' export PERL_DMEM='|./ --db=dmemtree.db' The --text output is similar to the textual representation output by the module when the PERL_DMEM env var is set to an empty string. The --dot output is suitable for feeding to Graphviz. The --db output is a SQLite database. (Very subject to change.) Example usage: PERL_DMEM='|./ --db=dmemtree.db' perl -MDevel::Size=:all -e 'total_size(sub { })' The script is a Mojolicious::Lite application that serves data to an interactive treemap visualization of the memory use. It can be run as: daemon and then open =head1 Build and Install To build and install this module, you need: Perl a working C or C++ compiler a make (or namke on Windows) utility Follow these steps: On Linux, Cygwin, or Unix: perl Makefile.PL make make test sudo make install On Windows: perl Makefile.PL nmake nmake test nmake install =head1 BUGREPORTS Please report bugs to: =head1 COPYRIGHT Copyright (C) 2005 Dan Sugalski, Copyright (C) 2007-2008 Tels, Copyright (C) 2011-2012 Nicholas Clark, Copyright 2012 (C) Tim Bunce. This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl v5.8.8. =cut