#!/usr/bin/perl -w # p4genpatch - Generate a perl patch from the repository # Usage: $0 -h # andreas.koenig@anima.de use strict; use File::Temp qw(tempdir); use File::Compare; use Time::Local; sub correctmtime ($$$); sub Usage (); my $VERSION = '0.03'; $0 =~ s|^.*/||; our(%OPT, @P4opt); %OPT = ( "d" => "u", b => "//depot/perl/" ); use Getopt::Long; Getopt::Long::Configure("no_ignore_case"); GetOptions(\%OPT, "b=s", "p=s", "d=s", "h", "v", "V") or die Usage; print Usage and exit if $OPT{h}; print "$VERSION\n" and exit if $OPT{V}; die Usage unless @ARGV == 1; for my $p4opt (qw(p)) { push @P4opt, "-$p4opt $OPT{$p4opt}" if $OPT{$p4opt}; } my $system = "p4 @P4opt describe -s @ARGV |"; open my $p4, $system or die "Could not run $system"; my @action; while (<$p4>) { print; next unless m|$OPT{b}|; if (my($file,$action) = m|^\.\.\. (//depot.*)\s(\w+)$|) { next if $action eq "delete"; push @action, [$action, $file]; } } close $p4; my $tempdir; print "Differences ...\n"; for my $a (@action) { $tempdir ||= tempdir( "tmp-XXXX", CLEANUP => 1 ); my($action,$file) = @$a; my($path,$basename,$number) = $file =~ m|//depot/(.+/)?([^/]+)#(\d+)|; $path = "" unless defined $path; my($d1,$d2,$prev); $prev = $number-1; if ($prev==0 or $action =~ /^(add|branch)$/) { $d1 = "/dev/null"; } elsif ($action =~ /^(edit|integrate)$/) { $d1 = "$path$basename#$prev"; warn "==> $d1 <==\n" if $OPT{v}; my $system = "p4 @P4opt print -o $tempdir/$d1 //depot/$path$basename#$prev"; my $status = `$system`; if ($?) { warn "$0: system[$system] failed, status[$?]\n"; next; } if (my($prevch) = $status =~ / \s change \s (\d+) \s /x) { my $oldd1 = $d1; $d1 .= "~$prevch~"; rename "$tempdir/$oldd1", "$tempdir/$d1"; } } else { die "Unknown action[$action]"; } $d2 = "$path$basename"; warn "==> $d2#$number <==\n" if $OPT{v}; my $system = "p4 @P4opt print -o $tempdir/$d2 $file"; # warn "system[$system]"; my $type = `$system`; if ($?) { warn "$0: `$system` failed, status[$?]\n"; next; } $type =~ m|^//.*\((.+)\)$| or next; $type = $1; if (File::Compare::compare("$tempdir/$d1", "$tempdir/$d2")) { print "\n==== $file ($type) ====\nIndex: $path$basename\n"; unless ($type =~ /text/) { next; } my @filelog = `p4 @P4opt filelog $file`; correctmtime(\@filelog,$prev,"$tempdir/$d1"); correctmtime(\@filelog,$number,"$tempdir/$d2"); $system = "cd $tempdir && diff -$OPT{d} '$d1' '$d2'"; system($system); # no return check because diff doesn't always return 0 } for ("$tempdir/$d1","$tempdir/$d2") { unlink or warn "Could not unlink $_: $!" if -f; } } print "End of Patch.\n"; sub correctmtime ($$$) { my($filelog,$nr,$file) = @_; for my $line (@$filelog) { my($rev,$change,$action,$date) = $line =~ m{ ^ \.\.\. \s \# (\d+) # rev \s change \s (\d+) # change \s (\w+) \s # action on \s (\S+) # date }x or next; # warn "rev[$rev]"; next unless $rev == $nr; my(@date) = split m|/|, $date; $date[0] -= 1900; $date[1]--; my $time = timelocal(0,0,0,reverse @date); utime $time, $time, $file; last; } } sub Usage () { qq{Usage: $0 [OPTIONS] patchnumber -p host:port p4 port (e.g. myhost:1666) -d diffopt option to pass to diff(1) -b branch(es) which branches to include (regex) (default: //depot/perl/) -v verbose -h print this help and exit -V print version number and exit Fetches all required files from the repository, puts them into a temporary directory with sensible names and sensible modification times and composes a patch to STDOUT using external diff command. Requires repository access. Examples: perl $0 12345 | gzip -c > 12345.gz perl $0 -dc 12345 > change-12345.patch }; }