#!/usr/bin/perl -wpi.bak # # Munge "p4 describe ..." output to include new files. # # Gurusamy Sarathy # use vars qw($thisfile $change $file $fnum $h $v $p4port @addfiles $branches $skip); BEGIN { $0 =~ s|^.*/||; $p4port = $ENV{P4PORT} || 'localhost:1666'; for (@ARGV) { if ($p4port =~ /^\s+$/) { $p4port = $_; } elsif (/^-p(.*)$/) { $p4port = $1 || ' '; } elsif (/^-b(.*)$/) { $branches = $1; } elsif (/^-v$/) { $v++; } elsif (/^-h/) { $h++; } else { push @files, $_; } } unless (@files) { @files = '-'; undef $^I; } @ARGV = @files; $branches = '//depot/perl/' unless defined $branches; if ($h) { print STDERR < change-123.desc p4 describe -du 123 | $0 | p4d2p > change-123.patch USAGE exit(0); } $thisfile = ""; } if ($ARGV ne $thisfile) { warn "processing patchfile [$ARGV]\n" unless $ARGV eq '-'; $thisfile = $ARGV; } my $cur = m|^Affected files| ... m|^Differences|; # while we are within range if ($cur) { if (m|^\.\.\. |) { if (m|$branches|) { if (m{^\.\.\. (//depot/.+?\#\d+) (add|branch)$}) { my $newfile = $1; push @addfiles, $newfile; warn "$newfile add, revision != 1!\n" unless $newfile =~ /#1$/; } } else { $_ = "# Skipped: $_"; } } warn "file [$file] line [$cur] file# [$fnum]\n" if $v; } if (m|^==== //depot/|) { $skip = !m|$branches|; } $_ = "# $_" if $skip; if (/^Change (\d+) by/) { $_ = "\n\n" . $_ if $change; # start of a new change list $change = $1; my $new = newfiles(); if ($new) { $_ = $new . $_; } } if (eof) { $_ .= newfiles(); } sub newfiles { my $addfile; my $ret = ""; for $addfile (@addfiles) { my $type = `p4 -p $p4port files '$addfile'`; if ($?) { warn "$0: `p4 -p $p4port print '$addfile'` failed, status[$?]\n"; next; } $type =~ m|^//.*\((.+)\)$| or next; $type = $1; unless ($type =~ /text/) { $ret .= "\n==== $addfile ($type) ====\n\n"; next; } my @new = `p4 -p $p4port print '$addfile'`; if ($?) { die "$0: `p4 -p $p4port print '$addfile'` failed, status[$?]\n"; } my $desc = shift @new; # discard initial description $ret .= "\n==== $addfile ($type) ====\n\n"; my $lines = "," . @new; $lines = "" if @new < 2; $ret .= "\@\@ -0,0 +1$lines \@\@\n"; $ret .= join("+","",@new); $ret .= "\n\\ No newline at end of file\n" if $ret !~ /\n$/; } @addfiles = (); return $ret; }