use inc::Module::Install 1.00; use strict; use warnings; # to deal wuth x.y.z versions properly configure_requires 'ExtUtils::MakeMaker' => 6.54; my $deps = { requires => { 'Class::Base' => 0, 'Class::Data::Inheritable' => 0.02, 'Class::MakeMethods' => 0, 'Digest::SHA1' => 2.00, 'Carp::Clan' => 0, 'IO::Dir' => 0, 'IO::Scalar' => 2.110, 'Parse::RecDescent' => 1.962002, 'Pod::Usage' => 0, 'Class::Accessor::Fast' => 0, 'DBI' => 0, 'File::ShareDir' => 1.0, 'File::Spec' => 0, 'Scalar::Util' => 0, 'XML::Writer' => 0.500, }, recommends => { 'Template' => 2.20, 'GD' => 0, 'GraphViz' => 0, 'Graph::Directed' => 0, 'Spreadsheet::ParseExcel' => 0.41, 'Text::ParseWords' => 0, 'Text::RecordParser' => 0.02, 'XML::LibXML' => 1.69, }, test_requires => { 'YAML' => 0.66, 'File::Basename' => 0, 'Test::More' => 0.6, 'Test::Differences' => 0, 'Test::Exception' => 0, }, }; perl_version '5.005'; name 'SQL-Translator'; author 'Ken Youens-Clark '; abstract 'SQL DDL transformations and more'; license 'gpl'; repository ''; bugtracker ''; resources Ratings => ''; all_from 'lib/SQL/'; for my $type (qw/requires recommends test_requires/) { no strict qw/refs/; my $f = \&$type; for my $mod (keys %{$deps->{$type} || {} }) { $f->($mod, $deps->{$type}{$mod}); } } tests_recursive (); install_script (qw| script/sqlt-diagram script/sqlt-diff script/sqlt-diff-old script/sqlt-dumper script/sqlt-graph script/sqlt |); install_share(); auto_provides(); auto_install(); if ($Module::Install::AUTHOR) { _recompile_grammars(); _recreate_rt_source(); } WriteAll(); sub _recompile_grammars { # placeholder, will be used to recompile P::RD parsers before shipping # will also allow to lose dependency on P::RD } sub _recreate_rt_source { my $base_xml = "t/data/roundtrip.xml"; my $autogen_yaml = "t/data/roundtrip_autogen.yaml"; print "Updating $autogen_yaml\n"; unlink $autogen_yaml; eval { use lib 'lib'; require SQL::Translator; require SQL::Translator::Parser::XML; open (my $fh, '>', $autogen_yaml) or die "$autogen_yaml: $!\n"; my $tr = SQL::Translator->new; my $yaml = $tr->translate ( parser => 'XML', file => $base_xml, producer => 'YAML', ) or die sprintf ("Unable to translate %s to YAML: %s\n", $base_xml, $tr->error || 'error unknown' ); print $fh $yaml; close $fh; }; if ($@) { print <