use inc::Module::Install 0.67; name 'DBIx-Class'; perl_version '5.006001'; all_from 'lib/DBIx/'; requires 'Data::Page' => 2.00; requires 'Scalar::Util' => 0; requires 'SQL::Abstract' => 1.20; requires 'SQL::Abstract::Limit' => 0.101; requires 'Class::C3' => 0.13; requires 'Class::C3::Componentised' => 0; requires 'Storable' => 0; requires 'Carp::Clan' => 0; requires 'DBI' => 1.40; requires 'Module::Find' => 0; requires 'Class::Inspector' => 0; requires 'Class::Accessor::Grouped' => 0.05002; requires 'JSON::Any' => 1.17; requires 'Scope::Guard' => 0.03; # Perl 5.8.0 doesn't have utf8::is_utf8() requires 'Encode' => 0 if ($] <= 5.008000); test_requires 'DBD::SQLite' => 1.14; test_requires 'Test::Builder' => 0.33; install_script 'script/dbicadmin'; tests "t/*.t t/*/*.t"; # re-build README and require CDBI modules for testing if we're in a checkout if( -e 'inc/.author' ) { build_requires 'DBIx::ContextualFetch'; build_requires 'Class::Trigger'; system('pod2text lib/DBIx/ > README'); } auto_provides; auto_install; # Have all prerequisites, check DBD::SQLite sanity if (! $ENV{DBICTEST_NO_SQLITE_CHECK} ) { my $pid = fork(); if (not defined $pid) { die "Unable to fork(): $!"; } elsif (! $pid) { # Win32 does not have real fork()s so a segfault will bring # everything down. Warn about it. if ($^O eq 'MSWin32') { print <<'EOW'; ###################################################################### # # # A short stress-testing of DBD::SQLite will follow. If you have a # # buggy library this might very well be the last text you will see # # before the installation silently terminates. If this happens it # # would mean that you are running a buggy version of DBD::SQLite # # known to randomly segfault on errors. Even if you have the latest # # CPAN module version, the system sqlite3 dynamic library might have # # been compiled against an older buggy sqlite3 dev library (oddly # # DBD::SQLite will prefer the system library against the one bundled # # with it). You are strongly advised to resolve this issue before # # proceeding. # # # # If this happens to you (this text is the last thing you see), and # # you just want to install this module without worrying about the # # tests (which will almost certainly fail) - set the environment # # variable DBICTEST_NO_SQLITE_CHECK to a true value and try again. # # # ###################################################################### EOW } require DBI; for (1 .. 100) { my $dbh; $dbh = DBI->connect ('dbi:SQLite::memory:', undef, undef, { AutoCommit => 1, RaiseError => 0, PrintError => 0, }) or die "Unable to connect to database: $@"; $dbh->do ('CREATE TABLE name_with_no_columns'); # a subtle syntax error $dbh->do ('COMMIT'); # followed by commit $dbh->disconnect; } exit 0; } else { wait(); my $sig = $? & 127; if ($sig == 11) { warn (<