use strict; use warnings; use inc::Module::Install; check_conflicts(); name 'Moose'; all_from 'lib/'; license 'perl'; # Scalar::Util 1.18 doesn't work on Windows my $win32 = !! ( $^O eq 'Win32' or $^O eq 'cygwin' ); # prereqs requires 'perl' => '5.008'; requires 'Scalar::Util' => $win32 ? '1.17' : '1.18'; requires 'Carp'; requires 'Class::MOP' => '0.67'; requires 'List::MoreUtils'; requires 'Sub::Exporter' => '0.972'; # only used by, not :P requires 'Filter::Simple' => '0'; # things the tests need build_requires 'Test::More' => '0.62'; build_requires 'Test::Exception' => '0.21'; build_requires 'Test::LongString'; tests_recursive(); WriteAll(); # Use the cpan-smolder-stable script in the Moose svn root to figure # out what on CPAN will break with the latest Moose, then update this # before a release. sub check_conflicts { my %conflicts = ( 'MooseX::Singleton' => '0.11', 'MooseX::Params::Validate' => '0.05', 'Fey::ORM' => '0.10', ); my $found = 0; for my $mod ( sort keys %conflicts ) { eval "require $mod"; next if $@; my $installed = $mod->VERSION(); if ( $installed le $conflicts{$mod} ) { print <<"EOF"; *** This version of Moose conflicts with the version of $mod ($installed) you have installed. You will need to upgrade $mod after installing this version of Moose. *** EOF $found = 1; } } return unless $found; # More or less copied from Module::Build return if $ENV{PERL_MM_USE_DEFAULT}; return unless -t STDIN && (-t STDOUT || !(-f STDOUT || -c STDOUT)); sleep 4; }