Stem::Debug Design Notes Stem modules have a need to report error conditions and trace critical events while being able to control when, where and how this information is presented. The Stem::Debug module provides a way for any Stem module to create debug/trace subs customized to that module's needs. Stem::Debug delegates all of this backend filtering, formatting and distribution of these messages to the Stem::Log subsystem. In effect, Stem::Debug creates specialized front ends subs to Stem::Log. Using Stem::Debug is very simple. A module just does a use Stem::Debug statement with optional key/value parameters. More than one use statement can be made in a module and each one will create a new debug sub inside that module's namespace. When you create this sub, you can select its name, which logical log the message goes to, and the label and severity levels. Also a command line argument name may be specified for filtering even before the log entry is generated. The final design of the Stem::Debug is still in flux. It is not yet ready to be used by external developers. This module is only used internally and should not be configured.