chapter: Hello world! name: A Stem Cell Cookbook title: A few questions about a simple sub *: What can you do with this sub? *: Can it be networked? *: Can it receive messages? *: Can it send messages? code: package World1; sub world_cmd { return "Hello world!\n"; } PAGE_END title: A few questions about a simple sub: Answers *: It can be networked under Stem *: It can receive Stem messages *: It can send Stem messages *: No coding changes need to be made code: package World1; sub world_cmd { return "Hello world!\n"; } PAGE_END title: Loading World1 into Stem *: Stem configuration files load modules and register Cells *: This configuration loads the console module and the World1 module *: This is YAML ( format and other formats are supported *: Start it with: run_stem worlds.stem code: --- #YAML:1.0 - class: Stem::Console - class: World1 PAGE_END title: Stem overview *: Stem is a message passing, event driven system *: Stem Cells are Perl objects that are registered *: Cells can be Perl classes or instantiated objects *: Cells can send and receive messages. *: Cell classes are loaded and Cells are created via Stem configuration files *: Stem Hubs (processes) can support many active Cells *: Stem Hubs can be connected in networks on one or more systems *: Any Cell can send a message to any other reachable Cell PAGE_END title: Stem message delivery *: Messages are objects with address, content and related fields *: The 'to' address of a message is used to identify the destination Cell (Perl object) *: The destination Cell is invoked by a method and the message is its only argument *: The method to be called is determined by the message type and command *: A 'foo' command message is delivered to method 'foo_cmd' *: A 'bar' type message is delivered to method 'bar_in' *: Command methods can optionaly return data which is sent back in in reply to the sender. PAGE_END title: Stem addresses *: Stem Addresses are name triplets: Hub, Cell, Target *: The Hub is the name of Stem process *: The Cell is the registered name of the Stem object or class *: The target is the unique address of a cloned Cell *: The Cell part of an address is required and the Hub and Target are optional *: Addresses are written in string form in Stem configuration or from the console. code: cell hub:cell :cell:target hub:cell:target PAGE_END title: Adding class level data *: We add class level data and a method to change it *: The file lexical variable $name stores the planet's name *: The method 'name_cmd' can set that name from the data in a message *: A 'name' command message can be sent from the console or anywhere *: The configuration file doesn't change other except for the name of the class it loads code: package World2; use strict ; my $name = 'UNKNOWN' ; sub world_cmd { return "Hello world from $name\n"; } sub name_cmd { my( $class, $msg ) = @_ ; my $data = $msg->data() ; return unless $data ; $name = ${$data} ; return ; } PAGE_END title: A basic object level Cell *: This module has an attribute specification so we can construct an object *: If no planet name is passed to the constructor, it will be named 'X' *: It also has a constructor method new() that is called from the configuration *: The hello_cmd method now returns the object data in the planet attribute code: package World3; use strict ; my $attr_spec = [ { 'name' => 'planet', 'default' => 'X', }, ] ; sub new { my ( $class ) = shift ; my $self = Stem::Class::parse_args( $attr_spec, @_ ) ; return ( $self ); } sub hello_cmd { my( $self ) = @_ ; return "Hello world from $self->{'planet'}\n" ; } PAGE_END title: Configuration for object level cells *: We add a 'name' field which is the cell part of the address for this object Cell *: We add an 'args' field whose values are passed to the new() method *: The object is constructed and registered with the selected 'name' *: The initial value of the planet name can be set in the arguments *: We created two object cells here using the same class but the first uses the default planet name of 'X' and the second is named 'venus' code: --- #YAML:1.0 - class: Stem::Console - class: World3 name: planet1 args: [] - class: World3 name: planet2 args: planet: venus PAGE_END title: Changing object data *: All that is needed is a name_cmd method very similar to the one in World2 *: It just changes the value in the cell itself *: The configuration file needs to only change the class and cell names code: package World4 ; use strict ; my $attr_spec = [ { 'name' => 'planet', 'default' => 'X', }, ] ; sub new { my ( $class ) = shift ; my $self = Stem::Class::parse_args( $attr_spec, @_ ) ; return ( $self ); } sub hello_cmd { my( $self ) = @_ ; return "Hello world from $self->{'planet'}\n" ; } sub name_cmd { my ( $self, $msg ) = @_ ; my $data = $msg->data() ; return unless $data ; $self->{'planet'} = ${$data} ; return ; } PAGE_END title: Cloning object cells *: Cloned Cells are similar to sessions or state objects but are much simpler to create and manage *: Object Cells that use the cloning services of Stem::Cell are called parent Cells *: All cloned Cells are owned by the Parent cell *: When a parent Cell is triggered (via a message or internal call), it copies and registers the clone with a unique target address *: The Stem::Cell module is inherited and it handles the 'cell_trigger' command message *: The specification must include a Stem::Cell class attribute Note that it has its own default *: A callback to the 'triggered_cell' method is made in a newly cloned cell code: package World5 ; use base 'Stem::Cell' ; use strict ; my $attr_spec = [ { 'name' => 'planet', 'default' => 'X', }, { 'name' => 'cell_attr', 'class' => 'Stem::Cell', }, ] ; sub new { my ( $class ) = shift ; my $self = Stem::Class::parse_args( $attr_spec, @_ ) ; return ( $self ); } sub hello_cmd { my( $self ) = @_ ; return "Hello world from $self->{'planet'}\n" ; } sub triggered_cell { my( $self ) = @_ ; $self->{'planet'} = $self->cell_get_args( 'planet' ) || 'pluto' ; return; } sub name_cmd { my ( $self, $msg ) = @_ ; my $data = $msg->data() ; return unless $data ; $self->{'planet'} = ${$data} ; return ; } PAGE_END title: Cloning cell configuration *: This is the similar to the World4 configuration but we added the 'cell_attr' attribute and set its 'cloneable' flag to true code: - class: World5 name: planet5 args: planet: jupiter cell_attr: cloneable: 1 PAGE_END