2003-06-16 15:58 kycl4rk * lib/SQL/Translator.pm: I was going to move the "format_*_name" methods to the ClassDBI producer, but I just couldn't see the best way to do it. Besides, I can't necessarily decide what I don't like about them being in this class. Is there any way any other producer could/would ever use them? Also made aesthetic changes to POD. 2003-06-16 13:56 kycl4rk * LICENSE: All the copyright notices say how the user should have received a copy of the license, but we never make the effort to include it, so I have. 2003-06-16 13:55 kycl4rk * MANIFEST: Added LICENSE. 2003-06-16 13:45 kycl4rk * TODO: Added some ideas for 0.03. 2003-06-16 13:30 kycl4rk * Makefile.PL: Fixed EXE_FILES filenames, decided to removed CGI script. 2003-06-16 13:26 kycl4rk * bin/validator_test.pl: Removed this file as it uses the Validator which has been removed. 2003-06-16 13:25 kycl4rk * bin/sqlt-graph.pl: Fixed script name in POD. 2003-06-16 13:25 kycl4rk * bin/sqlt-diagram.pl: Fixed script name in docs. 2003-06-16 13:24 kycl4rk * bin/: auto-viv.cgi, sql_translator.cgi: Renamed auto-viv.cgi to sql_translator.cgi 2003-06-16 13:23 kycl4rk * bin/: auto-graph.pl, sqlt-graph.pl: Renamed auto-graph.pl to sqlt-graph.pl 2003-06-16 13:22 kycl4rk * bin/: auto-dia.pl, sqlt-diagram.pl: Renamed auto-dia.pl to sqlt-diagram.pl 2003-06-16 13:17 kycl4rk * lib/SQL/Translator/Validator.pm: Removed Validator class as validation is now in the Schema object. 2003-06-16 13:16 kycl4rk * bin/sql_translator.pl: Removed some things that don't actually work. 2003-06-16 13:15 kycl4rk * Makefile.PL: Changed getting of version from main module, added exe file. 2003-06-16 13:13 kycl4rk * lib/SQL/Translator.pm: Altered POD description. 2003-06-10 23:34 kycl4rk * lib/SQL/Translator.pm: Upped the version in anticipation of making a new release soon, removed some unused code, added a better quote, updated POD, expanded the AUTHORS list to include all module contributors, expanded on SEE ALSO list. 2003-06-10 23:15 kycl4rk * BUGS: Removed fixed bugs, either need to verify other bugs exist (and fix) or remove. 2003-06-10 23:14 kycl4rk * TODO: Updated TODO. 2003-06-10 23:03 kycl4rk * MANIFEST: Added HTML and POD producers. 2003-06-10 23:00 kycl4rk * lib/SQL/Translator/Producer/: ClassDBI.pm, MySQL.pm, Oracle.pm, PostgreSQL.pm, SQLite.pm, Sybase.pm, XML.pm: Modified producers to quite looking for the data structure to be sent as an argument with the translator object. 2003-06-10 22:59 kycl4rk * lib/SQL/Translator/Parser/: Excel.pm, MySQL.pm, Oracle.pm, PostgreSQL.pm, xSV.pm: Modified all filed to quit returning the data structure, now only return "1" to show success. 2003-06-10 22:58 kycl4rk * lib/SQL/Translator.pm: Added validation code. 2003-06-10 22:58 kycl4rk * t/: 04file,fh,string.t, 07p_args.t: These tests relied on now deprecated action that the raw data structure was returned by the parser. The tests were updated to use the schema object. 2003-06-10 22:12 kycl4rk * t/02mysql-parser.t: Added "is_valid" tests. 2003-06-10 10:06 kycl4rk * lib/SQL/Translator/Producer/ClassDBI.pm: Mostly cosmetic changes (Allen -- no tabs, indent = 4 spaces!), got rid of a map called in void context. 2003-06-09 22:49 kycl4rk * lib/SQL/Translator/Producer/HTML.pm: Adding new HTML producer. 2003-06-09 22:49 kycl4rk * lib/SQL/Translator/Producer/POD.pm: Minor changes. 2003-06-09 00:46 allenday * lib/SQL/Translator/Producer/ClassDBI.pm: move over bacon 2003-06-09 00:38 allenday * lib/SQL/Translator/Producer/ClassDBI.pm: it was buggy 2003-06-09 00:37 kycl4rk * lib/SQL/Translator/Producer/POD.pm: A POD producer. 2003-06-08 23:54 kycl4rk * lib/SQL/Translator/Producer/GraphViz.pm: Changed to use schema API. 2003-06-08 23:40 kycl4rk * lib/SQL/Translator/Producer/Diagram.pm: Changed to use schema, refactored duplicated code (also in GraphViz) up into Schema API. 2003-06-08 23:40 kycl4rk * lib/SQL/Translator/Schema.pm: Some bug fixen. 2003-06-08 23:18 kycl4rk * lib/SQL/Translator/Schema.pm: Added "make_natural_joins." 2003-06-08 23:11 kycl4rk * lib/SQL/Translator/Schema/Field.pm: Added "is_unique" method to determine if a field has a UNIQUE index. 2003-06-08 22:38 allenday * lib/SQL/Translator/Producer/ClassDBI.pm: supposedly hasa()is deprecated in favor of has_a(). 2003-06-08 22:20 allenday * lib/SQL/Translator/Producer/ClassDBI.pm: linktable traversal seems to be working! haven't tried the code yet, but it looks good. 2003-06-08 21:41 kycl4rk * lib/SQL/Translator/Parser/PostgreSQL.pm: Added rule to catch a default value given just as "null." 2003-06-08 21:19 kycl4rk * lib/SQL/Translator/Producer/Oracle.pm: Removed debugging warning. 2003-06-08 21:16 kycl4rk * t/15oracle-parser.t: Minor change to affect context. 2003-06-08 21:16 kycl4rk * lib/SQL/Translator/Parser/Oracle.pm: Added "alter" to be able to parse output of Oracle producer, other small changes. 2003-06-08 21:10 kycl4rk * lib/SQL/Translator/Schema/Field.pm: Small changes to comments and size methods. 2003-06-08 21:10 kycl4rk * lib/SQL/Translator/Schema/Table.pm: Small change to comment. 2003-06-08 21:03 kycl4rk * MANIFEST: Removed "Raw" producer. 2003-06-08 21:02 kycl4rk * lib/SQL/Translator/Producer/Raw.pm: Removing "Raw" producer as it's unnecessary now. 2003-06-08 21:01 kycl4rk * lib/SQL/Translator/Producer/XML.pm: Some cosmetic changes, changed to use schema API. 2003-06-08 21:00 kycl4rk * lib/SQL/Translator/Producer/Sybase.pm: Expanded "translate" hash, changed to use schema API. 2003-06-08 21:00 kycl4rk * lib/SQL/Translator/Producer/SQLite.pm: General cleanup, changed to use schema API. 2003-06-08 20:59 kycl4rk * lib/SQL/Translator/Producer/PostgreSQL.pm: Changed to use schema API. 2003-06-08 20:58 kycl4rk * lib/SQL/Translator/Producer/Oracle.pm: Cleaned up "translate" hash a bit, changed to use schema objects now, some changed to sub's to get rid of some warnings. 2003-06-08 20:56 kycl4rk * lib/SQL/Translator/Producer/MySQL.pm: Changed to use schema objects. 2003-06-08 20:55 kycl4rk * lib/SQL/Translator/Producer/ClassDBI.pm: Removed unnecessary backslash-escapes of single quotes, reformatted spacing to match the style of the rest of the modules, using the schema API now, removed "Chado" line, tried to make the "hasa"/FK stuff work nicely. 2003-06-06 17:52 kycl4rk * MANIFEST: Added Oracle parser test. 2003-06-06 17:48 kycl4rk * t/12header_comment.t: General mods to make it like others. 2003-06-06 17:47 kycl4rk * t/11normalize.t: Added "use strict;" 2003-06-06 17:46 kycl4rk * t/04file,fh,string.t: General clean up to make it more like the others. 2003-06-06 17:45 kycl4rk * t/03mysql-to-oracle.t: General clean up to make it more like other tests. 2003-06-06 17:40 kycl4rk * t/: 15oracle-parser.t, 08postgres-to-mysql.t: Fixed test numbers. 2003-06-06 17:39 kycl4rk * t/10excel.t: Fixed test numbers, removed unnecessary code. 2003-06-06 17:37 kycl4rk * lib/SQL/Translator/Parser/MySQL.pm: Added sorting of tables, other cosmetic changes. 2003-06-06 17:36 kycl4rk * lib/SQL/Translator/Schema/Table.pm: Added comments method and parsing on init. 2003-06-06 17:35 kycl4rk * lib/SQL/Translator/Schema/Field.pm: Added parsing of comments on init, added "comments" method. 2003-06-06 17:35 kycl4rk * lib/SQL/Translator/Schema/Constraint.pm: Changed constant to a hash to avoid silly Perl errors about it being redefined; other minor changes. 2003-06-06 17:34 kycl4rk * lib/SQL/Translator/Schema/Index.pm: Changed constant to a hash to avoid silly Perl errors about it being redefined. 2003-06-06 17:34 kycl4rk * lib/SQL/Translator/Schema/Constants.pm: Changed "FULLTEXT." 2003-06-06 17:32 kycl4rk * MANIFEST: Removed Sybase parser because it's complete broken. When this works, we can add it back. 2003-06-06 17:31 kycl4rk * lib/SQL/Translator/Parser/Excel.pm: Cleaned up code (mostly cosmetic), added normalization of column name, use Schema objects, added a good quote. 2003-06-06 17:30 kycl4rk * lib/SQL/Translator/Parser/Oracle.pm: Quit putting PK defs as indices, cosmetic changes to grammar, remove quotes around comment values, quit pushing field constraints to table level, return "varchar2" instead of "varchar" (keep it native), fixes to grammar to bring it up to work with Parse::RecDescent 1.94, use of Schema objects, added a good quote. 2003-06-06 17:27 kycl4rk * lib/SQL/Translator/Parser/PostgreSQL.pm: Added a better quote; quit putting FKs at field level (only at table); fixed bug with field sizes (extra level of arrayref); got rid of "binary data" data type (I swear this used to be legal), now only calling it "bytea"; some cosmetic changes to the grammar; added use of Schema objects. 2003-06-06 17:24 kycl4rk * t/15oracle-parser.t: Added new Oracle parser test. 2003-06-06 17:24 kycl4rk * t/10excel.t: Added a lot more tests, now using the Schema object. 2003-06-06 17:23 kycl4rk * t/13schema.t: Changed $table->primary_key not to return an error if there is no PK, added tests for "comments" on tables and fields. 2003-06-06 17:22 kycl4rk * t/08postgres-to-mysql.t: Now that the PG parser is using the Schema object, a previously uncaught bug surfaced in that an index was created on a table (cvterm_synonym) that isn't defined in the SQL, so that creates a problem. Commented out the line. 2003-06-06 17:21 kycl4rk * t/14postgres-parser.t: The test schema actually had incorrect syntax, so I fixed that; changed tests to use Schema object; added a lot more. 2003-06-05 19:13 kycl4rk * t/06xsv.t: Changed tests to use Schema objects instead of data structure, added more thorough tests. 2003-06-05 19:13 kycl4rk * t/13schema.t: Added tests for $field->extra. 2003-06-05 19:12 kycl4rk * t/02mysql-parser.t: Changed tests to use the Schema objects instead of looking at the data structure, added many more thorough tests, added parsing some more complicated SQL. 2003-06-05 19:11 kycl4rk * lib/SQL/Translator/Schema.pm: Fixed up some POD. 2003-06-05 19:10 kycl4rk * lib/SQL/Translator/Schema/Table.pm: Moved some code around, fixed some POD, added checking of existing constraints when adding new ones (to prevent dups). 2003-06-05 19:09 kycl4rk * lib/SQL/Translator/Schema/Field.pm: Added parsing of default value on init, added "extra" method for misc field info, added methods to determine if a field is a foreign key and to get the FK constraint. 2003-06-05 19:08 kycl4rk * lib/SQL/Translator/Schema/Constraint.pm: Moved some code around to fix ordering, convert "type" to match what's considered valid. 2003-06-05 19:06 kycl4rk * lib/SQL/Translator/Schema/Index.pm: Moved some code around to get methods in alphabetical order. 2003-06-05 19:05 kycl4rk * lib/SQL/Translator/Parser/xSV.pm: Fixed parsing of field size for float values. 2003-06-05 19:05 kycl4rk * lib/SQL/Translator/Parser/MySQL.pm: Changes to grammar to clean up, moved primary key defs and unique keys in data structure from "indices" to "constraints" where they belong, added code to fill out schema objects with data structure. 2003-06-04 20:57 kycl4rk * lib/SQL/Translator/Producer/GraphViz.pm: Added better options for accepting height and width, changed default node shape to "record," added option to show the fields of the table. 2003-06-04 20:51 kycl4rk * bin/auto-graph.pl: Added options for height, width, and showing field names. 2003-06-04 20:43 kycl4rk * bin/auto-viv.cgi: Added ability to manipulate height, width, and whether to show the field names for GraphViz output. 2003-06-04 17:04 kycl4rk * lib/SQL/Translator/Parser/MySQL.pm: Added rules to catch common (but useless) statements. 2003-06-04 10:35 kycl4rk * t/02mysql-parser.t: Added a few more tests. 2003-06-03 17:42 kycl4rk * lib/SQL/Translator/Parser/MySQL.pm: More work on default field sizes for numerics. 2003-06-03 17:38 kycl4rk * lib/SQL/Translator/Parser/MySQL.pm: Added default field sizes for numeric fields if not specified, removed unused rules. 2003-06-03 17:37 kycl4rk * lib/SQL/Translator/Schema/Field.pm: Fixed bug with initialization. 2003-06-03 17:12 kycl4rk * t/02mysql-parser.t: Added more tests. 2003-06-03 17:11 kycl4rk * lib/SQL/Translator/Parser/MySQL.pm: Changed grammar to bring it more inline with the official MySQL YACC grammar, added better support for FK references. 2003-05-26 17:29 allenday * lib/SQL/Translator/Producer/GraphViz.pm: added width and height options for graphviz out. no docs 2003-05-12 10:47 dlc * lib/SQL/Translator/Utils.pm: Slightly more paranoid version of parse_list_arg -- check length as well as definedness. 2003-05-12 10:39 dlc * lib/SQL/Translator/Utils.pm: Trim whitespace from arrayref elements as well as array elements; see . 2003-05-12 10:00 kycl4rk * lib/SQL/Translator/Producer/Sybase.pm: Addressed a few style issues to make it like the other producers (use "header_comment," indentation style [4 spaces, no tabs]). Added Sam's name as AUTHOR and to copyright. 2003-05-12 09:59 kycl4rk * lib/SQL/Translator/Producer/MySQL.pm: Cosmetic change in POD. 2003-05-12 09:50 kycl4rk * MANIFEST: Added Sybase producer to MANIFEST. 2003-05-12 09:49 kycl4rk * lib/SQL/Translator/Utils.pm: Change to avoid warning of "use of unitialized value." 2003-05-12 09:48 kycl4rk * bin/sql_translator.pl: Since "true" is the default for trimming and scanning fields for the xSV parser, changed the args to turn them off. 2003-05-12 09:29 angiuoli * lib/SQL/Translator/Producer/Sybase.pm: added Sybase producer code was derived from existing producer for postgres functional with RELEASE-0_01, updates to work with current API are coming 2003-05-10 23:04 allenday * lib/SQL/Translator/Producer/ClassDBI.pm: some fixes to fk method name generation. failed to add nice m-to-m mapping method b/c data structure is to FUBAR to extract the info i need. 2003-05-09 14:51 kycl4rk * lib/SQL/Translator.pm: Don't pass schema, let others call for it. 2003-05-09 14:51 kycl4rk * lib/SQL/Translator/Parser/: MySQL.pm, xSV.pm: Modified to call translator to get schema rather than passing. 2003-05-09 12:15 kycl4rk * lib/SQL/Translator/Parser/xSV.pm: Lots of changes to fix merge. 2003-05-09 12:12 kycl4rk * t/13schema.t: Lots of changes to reflect library mods. 2003-05-09 12:12 kycl4rk * lib/SQL/Translator/Schema/View.pm: Use "parse_list_args," added "fields" method, changed validation, break ref to table in DESTROY. 2003-05-09 12:11 kycl4rk * lib/SQL/Translator/Schema/Table.pm: Use "parse_list_arg," put field order into field object, added "order" method for table, break all references to fields, constraints and indices in DESTROY. 2003-05-09 12:09 kycl4rk * lib/SQL/Translator/Schema/Index.pm: Use "parse_list_args," added "options" (still vague on this), set a default for "type" of "normal," break ref to table in DESTROY. 2003-05-09 12:08 kycl4rk * lib/SQL/Translator/Schema/Field.pm: Added use of "parse_list_arg," changed "nullable" method to "is_nullable" so it would be like "is_auto_increment" and "is_primary_key," added "order" method, added DESTROY. 2003-05-09 12:06 kycl4rk * lib/SQL/Translator/Schema/Constants.pm: Playing with constants. 2003-05-09 12:06 kycl4rk * lib/SQL/Translator/Schema/Constraint.pm: Added "match_type," use "parse_list_arg," added DESTROY. 2003-05-09 12:04 kycl4rk * lib/SQL/Translator/Producer/MySQL.pm: Removed warning. 2003-05-09 12:03 kycl4rk * t/06xsv.t: Added passing of schema arg. 2003-05-09 11:55 kycl4rk * lib/SQL/Translator/Parser/MySQL.pm: Playing around with new schema object. 2003-05-09 11:54 kycl4rk * lib/SQL/Translator/Utils.pm: Added oft-used "parse_list_arg" sub for Schema classes. 2003-05-09 11:53 kycl4rk * lib/SQL/Translator/Schema.pm: Made "order" a property of the table and view objects, use a Schwatzian transform in sorting, added DESTROY to break circular links among objects. 2003-05-09 11:51 kycl4rk * lib/SQL/Translator.pm: Passing schema object now as third argument. 2003-05-09 11:49 kycl4rk * bin/sql_translator.pl: [no log message] 2003-05-07 15:42 kycl4rk * lib/SQL/Translator/Schema/Table.pm: Minor fixes to primary_key method. 2003-05-07 15:39 kycl4rk * Makefile.PL: Added Text::RecordParser 0.02 pre-req. 2003-05-07 15:37 kycl4rk * t/06xsv.t: Updated tests to match new code. 2003-05-07 15:36 kycl4rk * lib/SQL/Translator/Parser/xSV.pm: Updated to use Text::RecordParser and added scanning of fields, more functionality. 2003-05-07 15:36 kycl4rk * bin/sql_translator.pl: Added mods to pass parser_args for xSV parser. 2003-05-06 07:47 dlc * README: Updated README via perldoc -t lib/SQL/Translator.pm 2003-05-06 07:47 dlc * lib/SQL/Translator/Producer/XML.pm: Uses XML::Writer instead of aggregate() and a global. Uses sqlfairy namespace (without a DTD yet, sorry). 2003-05-06 07:45 dlc * t/: 01load.t, 05bgep-re.t, 13schema.t: Updated XML test. 2003-05-06 07:44 dlc * lib/SQL/Translator.pm: Doc changes (use C<> instead of B<>) 2003-05-06 07:44 dlc * MANIFEST, MANIFEST.SKIP, Makefile.PL: Added Schema and some more dependencies 2003-05-04 23:33 kycl4rk * t/13schema.t: More changes to keep up with code. 2003-05-04 23:33 kycl4rk * lib/SQL/Translator/Schema.pm: Too many changes. 2003-05-04 23:32 kycl4rk * lib/SQL/Translator/Schema/: Constants.pm, Constraint.pm, Field.pm, Index.pm, Table.pm: Too many changes to mention. 2003-05-03 10:42 kycl4rk * lib/SQL/Translator/Schema/Field.pm: Fixed error 'Use of uninitialized value in pattern match (m//) at blib/lib/SQL/Translator/Schema/Field.pm line 144.' 2003-05-03 10:40 kycl4rk * t/08postgres-to-mysql.t: Changed to use Test::More, cleaned up syntax. Still pretty useless. 2003-05-03 10:40 kycl4rk * lib/SQL/Translator/Parser/PostgreSQL.pm: "size" of a field needs to be an arrayref as it could be two numbers (e.g., for a float "10,2"). 2003-05-03 10:21 kycl4rk * lib/SQL/Translator/Producer/XML.pm: Fixed error 'Use of uninitialized value in repeat (x) at blib/lib/SQL/Translator/Producer/XML.pm line 110.' 2003-05-03 10:17 kycl4rk * lib/SQL/Translator/Producer/MySQL.pm: Fixed error 'Use of uninitialized value in string eq at blib/lib/SQL/Translator/Producer/MySQL.pm line 164.' 2003-05-03 10:16 kycl4rk * lib/SQL/Translator/Parser/Excel.pm: Fixed error '"my" variable $wb_count masks earlier declaration in same scope at blib/lib/SQL/Translator/Parser/Excel.pm line 68.' 2003-05-03 10:11 kycl4rk * MANIFEST: For some reason, "t.pl" was still in there. 2003-05-03 10:02 kycl4rk * lib/SQL/Translator/Parser/MySQL.pm: Fixed an error in default value regex that disallowed a value like "00:18:00". 2003-05-02 23:15 kycl4rk * Makefile.PL: Added the requirement of Parse::RecDescent 1.94 or later, added "auto-graph.pl" to the EXE_FILES. 2003-05-02 23:12 kycl4rk * t/14postgres-parser.t: Adding a new PG parser test. 2003-05-02 23:11 kycl4rk * t/13schema.t: Trying to add tests as I write methods, so lots of new stuff to mirror development of the Schema::* classes. 2003-05-02 23:09 kycl4rk * lib/SQL/Translator/Parser/PostgreSQL.pm: Using some of the rules from the PG grammar to make mine better, cleaned up the handling of datatypes (esp WRT auto-inc), only placing PK defs as table constraints (not an index), getting ready to parse views. 2003-05-02 23:07 kycl4rk * lib/SQL/Translator/Schema.pm: Not much to say ... just trying to get this working. 2003-05-02 23:07 kycl4rk * lib/SQL/Translator/Schema/: Constants.pm, Table.pm: More changes to getting the schema to a working state. 2003-04-30 23:24 kycl4rk * lib/SQL/Translator/: Schema.pm, Schema/Constraint.pm, Schema/Field.pm, Schema/Index.pm, Schema/Table.pm, Schema/View.pm: Adding new objects for handing schema data. Not being used while I work out the tests and the general idea. 2003-04-30 23:23 kycl4rk * t/: 02mysql-parser.t, 13schema.t: Adding new schema test, commiting fixes to MySQL parser test. 2003-04-30 16:58 kycl4rk * lib/SQL/Translator/Parser/MySQL.pm: Fixed error that was preventing MySQL parser from working with Parse::RecDescent 1.94 (needed a "1;" at the end of the create rule); also made changes to %item hash elements with repeat modifiers to match what they're now called in Parse::RecDescent 1.94; these changes now make the parser incompatible with earlier versions of P::RD! 2003-04-25 18:08 allenday * lib/SQL/Translator/Producer/ClassDBI.pm: low hanging fruit, please read the diff below 2003-04-25 06:48 dlc * MANIFEST, t/12header_comment.t: Test file for header_comment function from SQL::Translator::Utils. 2003-04-25 06:47 dlc * lib/SQL/Translator/Producer/: ClassDBI.pm, MySQL.pm, Oracle.pm, PostgreSQL.pm, SQLite.pm, XML.pm: Added refactored comment producing using header_comment. Added 'omit_empty_tags' option to XML producer. Also added some documentation. Made SQLite producer produce actual auto incremented fields (using the INTEGER PRIMARY KEY hack) if the field is an auto-incremented one. This modifies slightly how indexes are produced. Also modified how mk_name is called in the SQLite producer; SQLite doesn't accept index names that begin with numbers. 2003-04-25 06:44 dlc * lib/SQL/Translator/Utils.pm: Added header_comment function; see docs for details. 2003-04-24 17:15 allenday * MANIFEST, t/data/pgsql/Chado-CV-PostGreSQL.sql: adding a pg src file example 2003-04-24 17:03 allenday * Makefile.PL: adding graphviz dep 2003-04-24 16:40 kycl4rk * MANIFEST: Added new files. 2003-04-24 15:02 kycl4rk * lib/SQL/Translator/Producer/GraphViz.pm: Added defaults to arguments. 2003-04-24 14:58 kycl4rk * bin/auto-viv.cgi: Adding new CGI script front-end for GraphViz and Diagram producers. 2003-04-24 14:40 kycl4rk * lib/SQL/Translator/Producer/Diagram.pm: Fixed bug (illegal div by 0) if "no_columns" wasn't numeric, also fixed return of production if not writing to a file. 2003-04-24 11:36 kycl4rk * lib/SQL/Translator/Producer/Diagram.pm: Adding new ER diagramming producer. 2003-04-24 11:33 kycl4rk * bin/auto-dia.pl: Moved most of the code into a new "Diagram" producer. 2003-04-24 11:15 kycl4rk * lib/SQL/Translator.pm: Cosmetic changes to keep the coding style consistent. 2003-04-24 11:15 kycl4rk * lib/SQL/Translator/Producer/GraphViz.pm: Adding new GraphViz producer. 2003-04-24 11:14 kycl4rk * lib/SQL/Translator/Producer/MySQL.pm: Minor cosmetic changes. 2003-04-24 11:14 kycl4rk * bin/auto-graph.pl: Moved all the real code into a module so this script now just uses the new GraphViz producer. 2003-04-19 18:44 allenday * lib/SQL/Translator/Producer/ClassDBI.pm: cosmetic changes to autogenerated code. 2003-04-19 18:32 allenday * lib/SQL/Translator.pm: adding capability to give 'filename' constructor arg an arrayref. 2003-04-19 17:58 allenday * lib/SQL/Translator/Producer/ClassDBI.pm: asdf 2003-04-18 20:32 kycl4rk * lib/SQL/Translator/Producer/ClassDBI.pm: Fixed error for: "Use of uninitialized value in string eq at /usr/local/apache/lib/perl/SQL/Translator/Producer/ClassDBI.pm line 98." Also fixed some indentation problems in POD. 2003-04-18 18:45 allenday * MANIFEST, lib/SQL/Translator/Producer/ClassDBI.pm: adding ClassDBI producer. 2003-04-18 15:43 allenday * lib/SQL/Translator/Producer/MySQL.pm: adding recognition of key type "key" for table indices. 2003-04-18 09:25 dlc * t/11normalize.t: Forgot to add this yesterday. 2003-04-17 18:16 allenday * lib/SQL/: Translator.pm, Translator/Parser/PostgreSQL.pm: adding callbacks to Translator.pm to allow mangling of PK/FK/table names/package names (CDBI specific) for producer classes. 2003-04-17 14:42 allenday * lib/SQL/Translator/: Parser/PostgreSQL.pm, Producer/MySQL.pm: workaround to get auto_increment working from PG "serial" datatype. i didn't do this right, someone fix it :| also added a fix to MySQL producer to not put () enclosed attributes if values don't exist. ie, don't put int() if there is not a length defined for int. 2003-04-17 08:42 dlc * BUGS, MANIFEST, lib/SQL/Translator/Validator.pm, lib/SQL/Translator/Parser/Excel.pm, lib/SQL/Translator/Parser/xSV.pm, lib/SQL/Translator/Producer/MySQL.pm, t/10excel.t, t/data/Excel/t.xls: Attempt to be more robust.lib/SQL/Translator/Validator.pm 2003-04-17 08:41 dlc * lib/SQL/Translator/Utils.pm: Added normalize_name function, which normalizes names. Primarily needed by the Excel parser. 2003-04-17 08:40 dlc * lib/SQL/Translator.pm: Let's check before we assume this is a ref, eh? 2003-04-14 14:20 kycl4rk * lib/SQL/Translator/Producer/MySQL.pm: Fixes to help with Oracle data types, also fixes with table constraints. 2003-04-10 17:53 kycl4rk * MANIFEST: Added Oracle parser to MANIFEST. 2003-04-09 22:09 kycl4rk * lib/SQL/Translator/Producer/MySQL.pm: Small fix. 2003-04-09 22:09 kycl4rk * lib/SQL/Translator/Parser/Oracle.pm: Hey, new Oracle parser! 2003-04-08 07:59 dlc * README: Updated README to reflect changes to SQL/Translator.pm POD. 2003-04-08 07:57 dlc * t/: 03mysql-to-oracle.t, 04file,fh,string.t, 06xsv.t: Moving tests to Test::More 2003-04-08 07:56 dlc * Makefile.PL: Added Spreadsheet::ParseExcel 2003-04-08 07:55 dlc * MANIFEST: Added missing stuff. Remember folks, anything not in MANIFEST will not be part of a distribution! 2003-04-08 07:55 dlc * t/10excel.t: Added stub test. 2003-04-07 11:31 dlc * lib/SQL/Translator/Producer/MySQL.pm: And again, with the globals. Yeesh. 2003-04-07 11:27 dlc * lib/SQL/Translator/Parser/MySQL.pm: Why make these globals? 2003-04-07 11:18 dlc * lib/SQL/Translator.pm: Hey, this could never have worked as advertised. *blush*. 2003-04-07 10:41 mmelillo * t/data/Excel/t.xls: added a text spreadsheet, hopefully in the right directory and such 2003-04-06 14:08 kycl4rk * lib/SQL/Translator/Parser/Excel.pm: Some syntax fixes, package name was wrong, added Mikey's name to AUTHORS. This parser is still broken. The data structure I see coming back from Spreadsheet::ParseExcel is not the same that is being examined by the code. 2003-04-06 09:29 mmelillo * lib/SQL/Translator/Parser/Excel.pm: Init Check in. This follows closely along the lines of xSV.pm but its cooler because I used map. Hsan't been tested yet becuase I won't have access to suitable testing area til monday. Oh BTW, the map doesn't work syntactially. Someone want to tell me whats wrong with that line? 2003-04-03 13:30 kycl4rk * bin/auto-graph.pl: Adding "auto-graph.pl" to automatically create graphs (via GraphViz) from schema definitions. 2003-04-03 13:29 kycl4rk * bin/auto-dia.pl: Shortened "natural-join-fk-only" option to "natural-join-fk," accepting args to "image-type" now, added wider left margin (+10 pixels), added pre-processing of fields to find if the ones that acts as FKs in other tables in order to support the "show-fk-only" option, added debug option and warn statements to aid coding, added ability to make connecting lines directed when established with proper FOREIGN KEY/REFERENCES statements, added some colors. 2003-04-01 19:46 kycl4rk * lib/SQL/Translator/Parser/MySQL.pm: Added grammar for "REFERENCES" (foreign keys). 2003-04-01 19:46 kycl4rk * lib/SQL/Translator/Parser/PostgreSQL.pm: Got foreign key references basically working now. 2003-04-01 19:45 kycl4rk * bin/auto-dia.pl: Added options for natual joins only, made code work with proper FK references. 2003-04-01 12:08 kycl4rk * bin/auto-dia.pl: Added color option. 2003-04-01 11:06 kycl4rk * bin/auto-dia.pl: Added mark for unique constraint and legend to explain extra markings. 2003-04-01 10:43 kycl4rk * bin/auto-dia.pl: Added font options, made default font size 'small' instead of 'tiny.' 2003-03-27 13:07 mmelillo * TODO: :) 2003-03-27 12:03 mmelillo * TODO: added need for Excel Spreadsheet parser module which I will write in the near future per Darren's request 2003-03-12 08:19 dlc * lib/SQL/Translator.pm: - load now sets $ERROR on failure. - list_parsers and list_producers are a little more robust, and look in every directory in @INC. 2003-03-12 08:17 dlc * MANIFEST: Added SQLite producer and Utils. 2003-03-12 08:17 dlc * lib/SQL/Translator/: Utils.pm, Producer/MySQL.pm, Producer/SQLite.pm: Added Utils package with debug method, shared between MySQL and SQLite producers. 2003-03-07 10:08 kycl4rk * lib/SQL/Translator/Producer/PostgreSQL.pm: Added code to kill field qualifiers in index field declarations. 2003-03-04 15:24 kycl4rk * lib/SQL/Translator/Producer/: MySQL.pm, SQLite.pm: Added SQLite producer, basic knock-off of MySQL producer, made some mods to MySQL producer to add "DROP TABLE" statements, fixed POD a bit. 2003-03-04 15:20 kycl4rk * lib/SQL/Translator.pm: Some minor mods to POD. 2003-03-03 14:52 allenday * t/08postgres-to-mysql.t: turning off debugging in t/08 2003-02-26 07:12 dlc * README: A README, which is required by CPAN. 2003-02-26 07:11 dlc * t/09auto-dia.t, MANIFEST, Makefile.PL: o Added bin/auto-dia.pl to scripts list o Added a test for auto-dia (which might be questionable). o Added GD to module prerequisite list o Changed VERSION number, in anticipation of an intial release. 2003-02-26 07:08 dlc * lib/SQL/Translator.pm: Some doc changes; added Allen to AUTHORS section 2003-02-25 23:17 kycl4rk * lib/SQL/Translator/Producer/MySQL.pm: Handle "on [delete|update] action" differently 2003-02-25 23:17 kycl4rk * lib/SQL/Translator/Parser/PostgreSQL.pm: Added more rule (alter table) to be able handle Chado schema. 2003-02-25 15:58 kycl4rk * lib/SQL/Translator/Parser/PostgreSQL.pm: Deleted "index" rules, allowed fore and aft comments in fields and table constraints (unique, PK, etc.). 2003-02-25 15:42 dlc * MANIFEST: Added t/08postgres-to-mysql.t 2003-02-25 15:25 kycl4rk * lib/SQL/Translator/Parser/PostgreSQL.pm: Added production to field rule to handle embedded comments. 2003-02-25 08:55 kycl4rk * lib/SQL/Translator/Parser/: MySQL.pm, PostgreSQL.pm: Added some documentation to PG and MySQL; the "eofile" rule to MySQL. 2003-02-24 23:02 kycl4rk * lib/SQL/Translator/Producer/MySQL.pm: Mods to handles FK references. 2003-02-24 23:01 kycl4rk * lib/SQL/Translator/Parser/PostgreSQL.pm: A working PG parser! 2003-02-24 21:24 allenday * lib/SQL/Translator/Parser/PostgreSQL.pm: i forget what i did, but i found more bugs. we need to be able to support 'varchar' as implying 'varchar(255)' for both field and index declarations. also 'double precision' as a synonym for 'double'. also, mysql doesn't support boolean datatype, but postgres does, so we need to find a way to deal with this. that's all for now. -ad 2003-02-24 20:03 allenday * lib/SQL/Translator/Parser/PostgreSQL.pm: BUG. the parser cannot handle 'precision' as a qualifier for 'double'. this also applies to the mysql parser. 2003-02-24 19:01 allenday * lib/SQL/Translator/Parser/PostgreSQL.pm, t/08postgres-to-mysql.t: added a serial->int auto_increment fix, a varchar->varchar(255) workaround. 2003-02-21 13:35 allenday * MANIFEST, lib/SQL/Translator/Parser/PostGreSQL.pm, lib/SQL/Translator/Parser/PostgreSQL.pm: moving files around per ky's request 2003-02-21 11:56 allenday * t/08postgres-to-mysql.t: here is the pgsql test script. NOTE: it will not work right now b/c i've just changed ::PostGreSQL to ::PostgreSQL, but haven't renamed the module itself yet. will do so later this morning, unless someone beats me to it :-) 2003-02-21 09:19 dlc * MANIFEST, Makefile.PL, t/01load.t, t/02mysql-parser.t, t/07p_args.t: Added new files to MANIFEST. Started updating tests to use Test::More, rather than the homegrown print stuff I'd started with (bad darren!). The load test uses SQL::Translator::load, to both exercise load() and to perform the actual test (I've intentionally used load instead of Test::More::use_ok). Added more dependencies to Makefile.PL. Sorted the dependencies in PREREQ_PM, and the file list in MANIFEST, because I'm obsessive about those sorts of silly things. 2003-02-21 02:42 allenday * lib/SQL/Translator/Parser/PostGreSQL.pm: an adaptor for postgres. this works, but i think my primary key and foreign key parses are hackish. they require the pk/fk clause _right_after_ the field declaration, which i don't think is how postgres requires it. also i've found a bug in the mysql parser that is in the postgres parser as well that doesn't allow comments in the middle of table create statements. this will cause a failed parse: create table x ( x int, -- a comment ); 2003-02-20 21:23 allenday * Makefile.PL: added Class::Base preq 2003-02-15 17:38 kycl4rk * bin/auto-dia.pl: Lots o' bug fixes. Added "join-pk-only" option. 2003-02-14 20:31 kycl4rk * bin/auto-dia.pl: Made it better. 2003-02-14 20:30 kycl4rk * lib/SQL/Translator/Parser/MySQL.pm: Added fulltext index. 2003-02-14 14:29 kycl4rk * bin/auto-dia.pl: Added "auto-dia.pl" script for generating ER diagrams. 2003-01-29 07:32 dlc * lib/SQL/Translator/Producer/Raw.pm: Did you forget what year it is, Ken? 2003-01-29 07:29 dlc * lib/SQL/Translator.pm: Moved all POD to the end of the module, to make it easier to modify and find. Added a bunch of inline documentation. Refactored a few of the duplicated methods, such as producer_args and parser_args. 2003-01-29 07:28 dlc * lib/SQL/Translator/Parser/MySQL.pm: Set $DEBUG to 0 by default. 2003-01-29 07:27 dlc * bin/validator_test.pl: Removed extra unused junk. 2003-01-29 07:27 dlc * MANIFEST: Added SQL::Translator::Producer::Raw to MANIFEST. 2003-01-28 20:43 kycl4rk * lib/SQL/Translator/Producer/Raw.pm: Added "Raw" to be able to get to raw parser output. 2003-01-27 11:04 dlc * lib/SQL/: Translator.pm, Translator/Parser.pm, Translator/Producer.pm, Translator/Validator.pm, Translator/Parser/MySQL.pm, Translator/Parser/Sybase.pm, Translator/Parser/xSV.pm, Translator/Producer/MySQL.pm, Translator/Producer/Oracle.pm, Translator/Producer/PostgreSQL.pm, Translator/Producer/XML.pm: Documentation fixes; added Chris' name to copyright notice; updated copyright year. 2003-01-02 11:47 kycl4rk * lib/SQL/Translator/Producer/PostgreSQL.pm: Fixed bug where it was truncating table name needlessly. 2002-12-10 19:44 kycl4rk * lib/SQL/Translator/Producer/Oracle.pm: Fixed problem with truncating an identifier when it was exactly the $max_id_length and no "type" was supplied to "mk_name." 2002-12-03 19:53 kycl4rk * lib/SQL/Translator/Producer/: Oracle.pm, PostgreSQL.pm: Fixed a bug in Oracle producer that allowed for identifiers longer than the maximum allowed length, also there was a problem with not using the unreserved table name. Added decent amount of functionality to PG producer. 2002-12-03 10:20 dlc * MANIFEST, MANIFEST.SKIP: MANIFEST.SKIP takes a regex, not a list. Some of the .pm files weren't in the MANIFESt. 2002-12-03 10:17 dlc * MANIFEST.SKIP, MANIFEST.skip: Moved MANIFEST.skip to MANIFEST.SKIP 2002-12-03 10:05 dlc * Makefile.PL: More generic clean macro 2002-11-27 22:21 kycl4rk * lib/SQL/Translator/: Parser/MySQL.pm, Producer/XML.pm: Added a rule to MySQL parser to disregard "DROP...;" statements, filled out XML producer to generate hand-crafted XML. 2002-11-25 21:59 kycl4rk * bin/sql_translator.pl, lib/SQL/Translator.pm, lib/SQL/Translator/Producer/Oracle.pm, lib/SQL/Translator/Producer/PostgreSQL.pm: Added "show_warnings" and "add_drop_table" options to sql_translator.pl and to SQL::Translator/Oracle producer. Fixed bug in Oracle producer that duplicated identifiers. Adding a lot of Oracle producer's logic to new PostgreSQL producer. 2002-11-25 08:49 dlc * lib/SQL/Translator/Validator.pm: Updated an example to make it happier. 2002-11-25 08:48 dlc * lib/SQL/Translator.pm: Added some comments (comments?) 2002-11-22 19:26 kycl4rk * bin/validator_test.pl, lib/SQL/Translator/Parser/MySQL.pm, lib/SQL/Translator/Producer/Oracle.pm, t/02mysql-parser.t, t/06xsv.t: Fixed spelling of "indices" in various files, finished adding all of Tim Bunce's logic from his "mysql2ora" script, Oracle producer is now a bit smarter, converting from MySQL to Oracle (or back to MySQL) should all work really well now. 2002-11-21 21:03 kycl4rk * bin/sql_translator.pl, lib/SQL/Translator.pm, lib/SQL/Translator/Parser.pm, lib/SQL/Translator/Producer.pm, lib/SQL/Translator/Validator.pm, lib/SQL/Translator/Parser/MySQL.pm, lib/SQL/Translator/Parser/Sybase.pm, lib/SQL/Translator/Parser/xSV.pm, lib/SQL/Translator/Producer/MySQL.pm, lib/SQL/Translator/Producer/Oracle.pm, lib/SQL/Translator/Producer/PostgreSQL.pm, lib/SQL/Translator/Producer/XML.pm: Rolled in Darren's new list_[producers|parsers], lots of cosmetic changes, working in Tim Bunce's "mysql2ora" grammar and producer logic into appropriate modules, making output of producers more consistent, added table order to MySQL parser, using it in Oracle producer to maintain original ordering. 2002-11-21 11:45 dlc * lib/SQL/Translator.pm: Added list_parsers and list_producers methods, in response to 2002-11-19 22:03 kycl4rk * lib/SQL/Translator/Producer/PostgreSQL.pm: Added PostgreSQL producer. 2002-11-19 22:03 kycl4rk * bin/sql_translator.pl, lib/SQL/Translator.pm, lib/SQL/Translator/Parser.pm, lib/SQL/Translator/Producer.pm, lib/SQL/Translator/Validator.pm, lib/SQL/Translator/Parser/MySQL.pm, lib/SQL/Translator/Parser/Sybase.pm, lib/SQL/Translator/Parser/xSV.pm, lib/SQL/Translator/Producer/MySQL.pm, lib/SQL/Translator/Producer/Oracle.pm: Fixed a lot of little things in modules, docs, etc. Bugs in sql_translator.pl. 2002-10-11 16:09 cmungall * lib/SQL/Translator/Parser/MySQL.pm, t/05bgep-re.t: [no log message] 2002-07-23 14:22 dlc * lib/SQL/Translator/Parser/MySQL.pm: Changed error_out usage to error 2002-07-23 14:21 dlc * lib/SQL/Translator.pm: Subclasses Class::Base. Removed error_out, error, in favor Class::Base::error. 2002-07-08 09:42 dlc * MANIFEST.skip, Makefile.PL, bin/sql_translator.pl, lib/SQL/Translator.pm: Shitload of changes. Still passes all tests, such as they are. 2002-06-11 07:09 dlc * lib/SQL/: Translator.pm, Translator/Validator.pm: Fixed some typos, added some basic re-logicing (is that even a word?) 2002-03-29 07:08 dlc * TODO, lib/SQL/Translator/Producer/MySQL.pm: Added generation of PRIMARY KEY and KEY clauses to CREATE statements. Reorganized where CR are put. 2002-03-27 06:41 dlc * BUGS, Makefile.PL, TODO, bin/validator_test.pl, lib/SQL/Translator.pm, lib/SQL/Translator/Validator.pm, lib/SQL/Translator/Producer/MySQL.pm: Added MySQL producer (still in a pretty alpha stage, only barely functional). Updated Validator.pm. Added a few new bugs to BUGS. Added file, filename, and data methods to Translator.pm. Silly change to Makefile.PL that will most likely come out. 2002-03-26 06:46 dlc * MANIFEST, bin/validator_test.pl, lib/SQL/Translator.pm, lib/SQL/Translator/Validator.pm, t/07p_args.t: Added support for producer_args and parser_args. Added test for producer_args and parser_args. Added t/07p_test.t to MANIFEST. Added validator_test.pl to bin (though not to MANIFEST). 2002-03-25 08:27 dlc * lib/SQL/Translator/Parser/xSV.pm, t/05bgep-re.t, t/06xsv.t: Added CSV parser and a test. 2002-03-25 08:26 dlc * MANIFEST, MANIFEST.skip: Added extra files to MANIFEST.skip. Updated MANIFEST. 2002-03-25 08:26 dlc * t/03mysql-to-oracle.t: Added test structure. 2002-03-25 08:25 dlc * lib/SQL/Translator/Parser.pm: Added 'order' to data structure description 2002-03-21 12:55 dlc * Changes: Automatically generated by cvs2cl.pl 2002-03-21 12:50 dlc * BUGS, Changes, MANIFEST, MANIFEST.skip, Makefile.PL, TODO, bin/sql_translator.pl, lib/SQL/Translator.pm, lib/SQL/Translator/Parser.pm, lib/SQL/Translator/Producer.pm, lib/SQL/Translator/Parser/MySQL.pm, lib/SQL/Translator/Producer/Oracle.pm, lib/SQL/Translator/Producer/XML.pm, t/01load.t, t/02mysql-parser.t, t/03mysql-to-oracle.t, t/04file,fh,string.t, t/05bgep-re.t, t/data/mysql/Apache-Session-MySQL.sql, t/data/mysql/BGEP-RE-create.sql: Merged changes from darren-1_0 tag into HEAD branch (hopefully!). 2002-03-21 12:48 dlc * MANIFEST, MANIFEST.skip, Makefile.PL: Removed in anticipation of a merge. 2002-03-21 12:07 dlc * t/: 05bgep-re.t, data/mysql/Apache-Session-MySQL.sql: Test changes 2002-03-21 11:52 dlc * Makefile.PL: Accidentally PREREQ_PM'ed XML::Writer instead fo XML::Dumper 2002-03-21 11:48 dlc * t/data/mysql/Apache-Session-MySQL.sql: Re-added 2002-03-21 09:54 dlc * MANIFEST: Updated filelist 2002-03-21 09:53 dlc * BUGS, TODO, t/01load.t, t/05bgep-re.t, t/data/mysql/Apache-Session-MySQL.sql: Added some basic files, removed unused data file (the contents were moved into the test that used the data). 2002-03-21 09:53 dlc * t/01load.t: file 01load.t was initially added on branch darren-1_0. 2002-03-21 09:53 dlc * t/05bgep-re.t: file 05bgep-re.t was initially added on branch darren-1_0. 2002-03-21 09:53 dlc * BUGS: file BUGS was initially added on branch darren-1_0. 2002-03-21 09:53 dlc * TODO: file TODO was initially added on branch darren-1_0. 2002-03-21 09:52 dlc * t/data/mysql/BGEP-RE-create.sql: Removed comment lines (the parser chokes on these, I think). Changed DEFAULT x NOT NULL lines to NOT NULL DEFAULT x, so overcompensate for a bug in the MySQL parser. Removed references to FULLTEXT indexes, because the MySQL grammar doesn't know about them. 2002-03-21 09:50 dlc * t/04file,fh,string.t: Removed warns and debugging, so this test will actually pass when run as part of make test. 2002-03-21 09:49 dlc * t/03mysql-to-oracle.t: Turned off SQL::Translator::DEBUG. 2002-03-21 09:49 dlc * t/02mysql-parser.t: Broke the 1 test out into 11 different tests, each one of which tests a specific part of the data structure returned by parse. 2002-03-21 09:48 dlc * lib/SQL/Translator/Producer/XML.pm: Changed name of translate method to produce, to be consistant with Producer API. Added __END__ token. Updated $VERSION to be CPAN-compliant. 2002-03-21 09:47 dlc * lib/SQL/Translator/Parser.pm: Modified POD to include a complex description of the format of the data structure returned by parse. Added myself to the AUTHORS section. 2002-03-21 09:45 dlc * Makefile.PL: Added Pod::Usage as a prerequisite 2002-03-20 12:22 dlc * Changes: Automatically generated by cvs2cl.pl 2002-03-20 10:37 dlc * Makefile.PL: syncmail test. 2002-03-20 10:31 dlc * Makefile.PL: This was a synmail test. 2002-03-19 07:26 dlc * t/04file,fh,string.t: Changed some of the basic assumptions. Removed code to check filehandle reads. 2002-03-18 14:39 dlc * Changes: Automatically generated by cvs2cl.pl 2002-03-18 14:39 dlc * Changes: Changelog file. 2002-03-18 14:39 dlc * Changes: file Changes was initially added on branch darren-1_0. 2002-03-18 14:35 dlc * lib/SQL/Translator.pm: Updated docs, especially detailed internal API docs. Updated default sub to return the data structure (and not the SQL::Translator instance). This became an issue once the subs were redefined to accept two args. Removed the possibility to pass a filehandle (or something that can getlines) as an option to translate. Added many levels of code folding markers. Updated parser to use a named class::function style of defining a function to call, just like producer. 2002-03-18 14:32 dlc * t/04file,fh,string.t: Changed many assumptions about the test. Uses the default parser and producer (which is a pass through) 2002-03-18 14:30 dlc * lib/SQL/Translator/Producer/Oracle.pm: Added note of a bug 2002-03-15 14:18 dlc * MANIFEST, MANIFEST.skip, Makefile.PL: Added files. 2002-03-15 14:14 dlc * MANIFEST, MANIFEST.skip, Makefile.PL: Added MANIFEST, MANIFEST.skip, and Makefile.PL 2002-03-15 14:14 dlc * MANIFEST: file MANIFEST was initially added on branch darren-1_0. 2002-03-15 14:14 dlc * MANIFEST.skip: file MANIFEST.skip was initially added on branch darren-1_0. 2002-03-15 14:14 dlc * Makefile.PL: file Makefile.PL was initially added on branch darren-1_0. 2002-03-15 14:13 dlc * lib/SQL/: Translator.pm, Translator/Parser.pm, Translator/Producer.pm, Translator/Parser/MySQL.pm, Translator/Producer/Oracle.pm: Added copyright notices to top of files. Updated documentation to be accurate. Updated parser and producer classes to work with the modified API defined by SQL::Translate. SQL::Translator instances have data members named parser_type and producer_type that can be used to determine from whence the parser and producer subroutines come. SQL::Translator will accept parsers and producers in the form Class::Name::function, just like mod_perl, in addition to Class::Name (with the implicit function name), Name (relative to SQL::Translator::{Parser,Producer}, and anonymous subroutines. 2002-03-15 14:10 dlc * t/: 02mysql-parser.t, 03mysql-to-oracle.t, 04file,fh,string.t, data/mysql/Apache-Session-MySQL.sql, data/mysql/BGEP-RE-create.sql: Added test data in groovy hierarchical directories. Added some basic tests, many of which don't do much yet. 2002-03-15 14:10 dlc * t/02mysql-parser.t: file 02mysql-parser.t was initially added on branch darren-1_0. 2002-03-15 14:10 dlc * t/03mysql-to-oracle.t: file 03mysql-to-oracle.t was initially added on branch darren-1_0. 2002-03-15 14:10 dlc * t/04file,fh,string.t: file 04file,fh,string.t was initially added on branch darren-1_0. 2002-03-15 14:10 dlc * t/data/mysql/Apache-Session-MySQL.sql: file Apache-Session-MySQL.sql was initially added on branch darren-1_0. 2002-03-15 14:10 dlc * t/data/mysql/BGEP-RE-create.sql: file BGEP-RE-create.sql was initially added on branch darren-1_0. 2002-03-15 14:09 dlc * bin/sql_translator.pl: Updated to work with my updated API. Added license to beginning. Updated to be CPAN-compliant. 2002-03-07 08:14 dlc * lib/SQL/Translator.pm: Another attempt to check in a branch. 2002-03-07 08:11 dlc * lib/SQL/Translator.pm: Reverted to a version 1.1, due to botched branch attempt. 2002-03-07 08:06 dlc * lib/SQL/Translator.pm: Many, many changes. Changed the basic assumptions about the module. Parser and Producer packages no longer need to be object oriented, they merely need to implement a parse or translate function (respectively). 2002-02-28 20:51 kycl4rk * lib/SQL/.Translator.pm.swp: Stupid vim backup file. 2002-02-28 20:26 kycl4rk * lib/SQL/.Translator.pm.swp, bin/sql_translator.pl, lib/SQL/Translator.pm, lib/SQL/Translator/Parser.pm, lib/SQL/Translator/Producer.pm, lib/SQL/Translator/Parser/MySQL.pm, lib/SQL/Translator/Parser/Sybase.pm, lib/SQL/Translator/Producer/Oracle.pm, lib/SQL/Translator/Producer/XML.pm: Initial checkin. 2002-02-28 20:26 kycl4rk * lib/SQL/.Translator.pm.swp, bin/sql_translator.pl, lib/SQL/Translator.pm, lib/SQL/Translator/Parser.pm, lib/SQL/Translator/Producer.pm, lib/SQL/Translator/Parser/MySQL.pm, lib/SQL/Translator/Parser/Sybase.pm, lib/SQL/Translator/Producer/Oracle.pm, lib/SQL/Translator/Producer/XML.pm: Initial revision