Revision history for {{$dist->name}} {{$NEXT}} - Add a bunch of boilerplate and not so boilerplate doc - rename sqltargs attribute to sql_translator_args 0.001000_05 2010-05-04 13:37:29 CST6CDT - put schema_version attr in more places 0.001000_04 2010-04-27 13:29:14 CST6CDT - schema_version is now an attr so that users can more easily force the version of the schema - add prepare_install method which installs everything as well as the version storage 0.001000_03 2010-04-20 23:19:36 CST6CDT - bump File::Path dep 0.001000_02 2010-04-19 18:46:16 CST6CDT - add autodie as dep 0.001000_01 - initial dev release