Revision history for Perl extension Class-MOP. 0.06 * metaclass - adding new metaclass pragma to make assiging the metaclass a little more straightforward * Class::MOP - clean up bootstrapping to include more complete attribute definitions for Class::MOP::Class and Class::MOP::Attribute (accessors, readers, writers, etc.) ... it is redundant, but is useful meta-info to have around. * Class::MOP::Class - fixing minor meta-circularity issue with &meta, it is now more useful for subclasses - added &get_attribute_map as an accessor for the hash of attribute meta objects - &compute_all_applicable_attributes now just returns the attribute meta-object, rather than the HASH ref since all the same info can be gotten from the attribute meta-object itself - updated docs & tests to reflect - added &clone_instance method which does a deep clone of the instance structure created by &construct_instance - added docs & tests for this - added &new_object and &clone_object convience methods to return blessed new or cloned instances - they handle Class::MOP::Class singletons correctly too - added docs & tests for this - cleaned up the &constuct_class_instance so that it behaves more like &construct_instance (and managed the singletons too) * examples/ - adjusting code to use the &Class::MOP::Class::meta fix detailed above - adjusting code to use the metaclass pragma 0.05 Sat Feb. 4, 2006 * Class::MOP::Class - added the &attribute_metaclass and &method_metaclass attributes which contain a metaclass name to use for attributes/methods respectively * Class::MOP - bootstrap additional attributes for Class::MOP::Class * examples/ - adjusted the example code and tests to use the new &attribute_metaclass feature of Class::MOP::Class - added new example: - LazyClass 0.04 Fri Feb. 3, 2006 * Class::MOP::Class - some documentation suggestions from #perl6 * Class::MOP::Attribute - improved error messages * examples/ - added new examples: - AttributesWithHistory - ClassEncapsultedAttributes 0.03 Fri Feb. 3, 2006 - converted to Module::Build instead of EU::MM * Class::MOP::Attribute - refactored method generation code - attributes are now associated with class directly * examples/ - refactored the InsideOut example to take advantage of the Class::MOP::Attribute refactoring - changed example files to .pod files and hide thier package names from PAUSE (I don't want to own these namespaces really, they are just examples) 0.02 Thurs Feb. 2, 2006 - moving examples from t/lib/* to examples/* - adding POD documentation to the examples 0.01 Thurs Feb. 2, 2006 - Initial release