Change log for Web::Simple 0.006 - 2011-02-15 - Fix Content-type issue (ie, Content-type: blah works, but Content-type: blah; charset: blah shits flames) - Make Web::Dispatch return [\$cv] as \$cv to allow subref responses - Stop undef errors killing XML::Tags conversion to string - Fixup dispatcher logic so dispatchers within a /foo/... work correctly 0.005 - Tue Jan 11 2011 22:09 UTC - Redocument to cover changes - Factor dispatcher code out into Web::Dispatch - Support 'use Web::Simple;' to default to current package 0.004 - Thu Jul 08 2010 22:08 UTC - Hide Plack Modules from PAUSE 0.003 - Thu Jul 08 2010 14:48 UTC - Experimentally use $_[ENV] for the PSGI env - Add CSS::Declare - Add more tags to HTML::Tags 0.002 - Tue Dec 01 2009 00:30 UTC - fix dispatcher construction to recognise '' as no proto (we expected undef) - plackup support, as_psgi_app method - Fix SYNOPSIS 0.001 - Tue Nov 24 2009 21:54 UTC - Initial release