Revision history for SQL::Abstract - Hide bulk inserts from DBIx::Class revision 1.69 2010-10-22 ---------------------------- - Add quotes for populated placeholders and make the background magenta instead of cyan - Color and indent pagination keywords - Fix a silly bug which broke placeholder fill-in in DBIC - Installs format-sql to format SQL passed in over STDIN - Switch the tokenizer to precompiled regexes (massive speedup) - Rudimentary handling of quotes ( 'WHERE' vs WHERE ) - Fix extended argument parsing by IN/BETWEEN - Add proper handling of lists (foo,bar,?) - Better handling of generic -function's during AST construction - Special handle IS NOT? NULL - Make sure unparse() does not destroy a passed in \@bindargs - Support ops with _'s in them (valid in Oracle) - Properly parse both types of default value inserts - Allow { -func => $val } as arguments to UPDATE revision 1.68 2010-09-16 ---------------------------- - Document methods on Tree - Add affordances for color coding placeholders - Change ::Tree::whitespace to whitespace_keyword revision 1.67_03 2010-09-11 ---------------------------- - Add docs for SQL::Abstract::Tree->new - correcty merge profile and parameters - added fill_in_placeholders option for excellent copy/pasta revision 1.67_02 2010-09-08 ---------------------------- - rename DBIx::Class::Storage::PrettyPrinter to DBIx::Class::Storage::Debug::PrettyPrint - decreased a lot of indentation from ::Tree - cleaned up handling of newlines inside of parens revision 1.67_01 2010-09-06 ---------------------------- - Add SQL::Abstract::Tree - Add unindexed DBIx::Class::Storage::PrettyPrinter - Better documentation of undef/NULL in where clause - Depend on bugfixed Module::Install (now again installs on old < 5.8.3 perls) revision 1.67 2010-05-31 14:21 (UTC) ---------------------------- - Fix SQL::Test failure when first chunk is an unrecognized literal - Generic -not operator tests - More columns-bindtype assertion checks revision 1.66 2010-04-27 02:44 (UTC) ---------------------------- - Optimized the quoting mechanism, winning nearly 10% speedup on repeatable sql generation revision 1.65 2010-04-11 19:59 (UTC) ---------------------------- - Rerelease last version to not include .svn files and grab MANIFEST.SKIP from DBIx::Class so it won't happen again revision 1.64 2010-04-11 16:58 (UTC) ---------------------------- - Fix multiple generic op handling regressions by reverting the auto-equality assumption (turned out to be a very very bad idea) revision 1.63 2010-03-24 09:56 (UTC) ---------------------------- - Add ILIKE to the core list of comparision ops revision 1.62 2010-03-15 11:06 (UTC) ---------------------------- - Fixed open outer parens for a multi-line literal - Allow recursively-nested column-functions in WHERE - Bumped minimum perl to 5.6.2 and changed tests to rely on core dependencies revision 1.61 2010-02-05 16:28 (UTC) ---------------------------- - Allow INSERT to take additional attributes - Support for INSERT ... RETURNING - Another iteration of SQL::Abstract::Test fixes and improvements revision 1.60 2009-09-22 11:03 (UTC) ---------------------------- - fix a well masked error in the sql-test tokenizer revision 1.59 2009-09-22 08:39 (UTC) ---------------------------- - fixed a couple of untrapped undefined warnings - allow -in/-between to accept literal sql in all logical variants - see POD for details - unroll multiple parenthesis around IN arguments to accomodate crappy databases revision 1.58 2009-09-04 15:20 (UTC) ---------------------------- - expanded the scope of -bool and -not_bool operators - added proper testing support revision 1.57 2009-09-03 20:18 (UTC) ---------------------------- - added -bool and -not_bool operators revision 1.56 2009-05-30 16:31 (UTC) ---------------------------- - support for \[$sql, @bind] in order_by clauses e.g.: { -desc => \['colA LIKE ?', 'somestring'] } revision 1.55 2009-05-17 22:54 (UTC) ---------------------------- - make sure that sql generation does not mutate the supplied where condition structure revision 1.54 2009-05-07 17:23 (UTC) ---------------------------- - allow special_operators to take both code refs and method names (makes it possible to properly subclass the builtin ones) revision 1.53 2009-04-30 14:58 (UTC) ---------------------------- - make sure hash keys are sorted in all search sub-conditions - switch installer from EU::MM to M::I revision 1.52 2009-04-28 23:14 (UTC) ---------------------------- - allow -between to handle [\"", \""] and \["", @bind] - allow order_by to handle -asc|desc => [qw/colA colB/] (artifact from DBIx::Class) - more tests and clearing up of some corner cases - t/10test.t does not run by default (developer only, too cpu intensive) ---------------------------- revision 1.51 2009-03-28 10:00 (UTC) - fixed behavior of [-and => ... ] depending on the current condition scope. This introduces backwards comp with 1.24 ---------------------------- revision 1.50 2009-03-10 12:30 (UTC) - fixed the problem with values() not behaving the same as the rest of the code (RT#43483) - fixed interjecting arrayrefref into a where clause - added value-only insert test with a literal SQL snippet - cleanup and enhancement of t/03values.t - better handling of borked SQL in tests - deal properly with parentheses in is_same_sql_bind() - fixed test subs (is_same_*) in SQL::Abstract::Test to return the correct test value - do not version MANIFEST Version 1.50 was a major internal refactoring of SQL::Abstract. Great care has been taken to preserve the published behavior documented in previous versions in the 1.* family; however, some features that were previously undocumented, or behaved. differently from the documentation, had to be changed in order to clarify the semantics. Hence, client code that was relying on some dark areas of SQL::Abstract v1.* might behave differently in v1.50. ---------------------------- revision 1.49_04 2009-03-03 - add support for a [\%column_meta => value] bind value format ---------------------------- revision 1.49_03 2009-02-17 - clarify syntax of \['...', @bind] when used with a bindtype of 'columns' ---------------------------- revision 1.49_02 2009-02-16 - added an AST-aware SQL::Abstract::Test library for sql syntax tests - vastly expanded test coverage - support for the { operator => \'...'|\['...', @bind] } syntax allowing to embed arbitrary operators on the LHS - fixed multiple regressions wrt DBIx::Class ---------------------------- revision 1.49_01 2009-02-11 - support for literal SQL through the [$sql, bind] syntax. - added -nest1, -nest2 or -nest_1, -nest_2, ... - optional support for array datatypes - defensive programming : check arguments to functions/methods - fixed bug with global logic of -and/-or (no side-effects any more) - changed logic for distributing an op over arrayrefs - fixed semantics of _bindtype on array args - dropped the _anoncopy of the %where tree. No longer necessary. - dropped the _modlogic function - Make col => [] and col => {$op => [] } DTRT or die instead of generating broken SQL. Added tests for this. - Added { -desc => 'column' } order by support - Tiny "$_"-related fix for { -desc => 'columns'} order by support tests + docs ---------------------------- revision 1.20 date: 2005/08/18 18:41:58; author: nwiger; state: Exp; lines: +104 -50 - added patch from Dan Kubb enabling quote_char and name_sep options - added patch from Andy Grundman to enhance _anoncopy for deep refs ---------------------------- revision 1.19 date: 2005/04/29 18:20:30; author: nwiger; state: Exp; lines: +34 -20 added _anoncopy to prevent destroying original; updated docs ---------------------------- revision 1.18 date: 2005/03/07 20:14:12; author: nwiger; state: Exp; lines: +201 -65 added support for -and, -or, and -nest; see docs for details ---------------------------- revision 1.17 date: 2004/08/25 20:11:27; author: nwiger; state: Exp; lines: +58 -46 added patch from Eric Kolve to iterate over all hashref elements ---------------------------- revision 1.16 date: 2004/06/10 17:20:01; author: nwiger; state: Exp; lines: +178 -12 added bindtype param to allow this to work with Orasuck 9+ ---------------------------- revision 1.15 date: 2003/11/05 23:40:40; author: nwiger; state: Exp; lines: +18 -6 several bugfixes, including _convert being applied wrong and the edge case field => { '!=', [qw/this that/] } not working ---------------------------- revision 1.14 date: 2003/11/04 21:20:33; author: nwiger; state: Exp; lines: +115 -34 added patch from Philip Collins, and also added 'convert' option ---------------------------- revision 1.13 date: 2003/05/21 17:22:29; author: nwiger; state: Exp; lines: +230 -74 added "IN" and "BETWEEN" operator support, as well as "NOT" modified where() to support ORDER BY, and fixed some bugs too added PERFORMANCE and FORMBUILDER doc sections fixed several bugs in _recurse_where(), it now works as expected added test suite, many thanks to Chas Owens modified all hash access to return keys sorted, to allow cached queries ---------------------------- revision 1.12 date: 2003/05/08 20:10:56; author: nwiger; state: Exp; lines: +181 -96 1.11 interim checking; major bugfixes and order_by, 1.12 will go to CPAN ---------------------------- revision 1.11 date: 2003/05/02 00:07:30; author: nwiger; state: Exp; lines: +52 -12 many minor enhancements to add querying flexibility ---------------------------- revision 1.10 date: 2002/09/27 18:06:25; author: nwiger; state: Exp; lines: +6 -2 added precatch for messed up where string ---------------------------- revision 1.9 date: 2002/08/29 18:04:35; author: nwiger; state: Exp; lines: +4 -3 CPAN ---------------------------- revision 1.8 date: 2001/11/07 22:18:12; author: nwiger; state: Exp; lines: +31 -14 added embedded SCALAR ref capability to insert() and update() ---------------------------- revision 1.7 date: 2001/11/07 01:23:28; author: nwiger; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 damn uninit warning ---------------------------- revision 1.6 date: 2001/11/06 21:09:44; author: nwiger; state: Exp; lines: +14 -6 oops, had to actually *implement* the order by for select()! ---------------------------- revision 1.5 date: 2001/11/06 03:13:16; author: nwiger; state: Exp; lines: +43 -4 lots of docs ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2001/11/06 03:07:42; author: nwiger; state: Exp; lines: +16 -7 added extra layer of ()'s to ensure correct semantics on AND ---------------------------- revision 1.3 date: 2001/11/06 01:16:31; author: nwiger; state: Exp; lines: +11 -10 updated all statements so that they use wantarray to just return SQL if asked ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2001/10/26 22:23:46; author: nwiger; state: Exp; lines: +112 -15 added scalar ref for SQL verbatim in where, fixed bugs, array ref, docs ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2001/10/24 00:26:43; author: nwiger; state: Exp; Initial revision