1 package # hide from PAUSE
7 use constant SPURIOUS_VERSION_CHECK_WARNINGS => ( "$]" < 5.010 ? 1 : 0);
10 package # hide from pause
18 BROKEN_FORK => ($^O eq 'MSWin32') ? 1 : 0,
20 BROKEN_GOTO => ( "$]" < 5.008003 ) ? 1 : 0,
22 HAS_ITHREADS => $Config{useithreads} ? 1 : 0,
24 UNSTABLE_DOLLARAT => ( "$]" < 5.013002 ) ? 1 : 0,
28 # the "DBIC_" prefix below is crucial - this is what makes CI pick up
29 # all envvars without further adjusting its scripts
30 # DO NOT CHANGE to the more logical { $_ => !!( $ENV{"DBIC_$_"} ) }
32 { substr($_, 5) => !!( $ENV{$_} ) }
42 IV_SIZE => $Config{ivsize},
47 if ( "$]" < 5.009_005) {
49 constant->import( OLD_MRO => 1 );
53 constant->import( OLD_MRO => 0 );
57 # FIXME - this is not supposed to be here
58 # Carp::Skip to the rescue soon
59 use DBIx::Class::Carp '^DBIx::Class|^DBICTest';
63 use Storable 'nfreeze';
64 use Scalar::Util qw(weaken blessed reftype refaddr);
65 use List::Util qw(first);
66 use Sub::Quote qw(qsub quote_sub);
68 # Already correctly prototyped: perlbrew exec perl -MStorable -e 'warn prototype \&Storable::dclone'
69 BEGIN { *deep_clone = \&Storable::dclone }
73 sigwarn_silencer modver_gt_or_eq modver_gt_or_eq_and_lt
74 fail_on_internal_wantarray fail_on_internal_call
75 refdesc refcount hrefaddr
76 scope_guard detected_reinvoked_destructor
77 is_exception dbic_internal_try
78 quote_sub qsub perlstring serialize deep_clone
83 use constant UNRESOLVABLE_CONDITION => \ '1 = 0';
85 sub sigwarn_silencer ($) {
88 croak "Expecting a regexp" if ref $pattern ne 'Regexp';
90 my $orig_sig_warn = $SIG{__WARN__} || sub { CORE::warn(@_) };
92 return sub { &$orig_sig_warn unless $_[0] =~ $pattern };
95 sub perlstring ($) { q{"}. quotemeta( shift ). q{"} };
97 sub hrefaddr ($) { sprintf '0x%x', &refaddr||0 }
100 croak "Expecting a reference" if ! length ref $_[0];
102 # be careful not to trigger stringification,
103 # reuse @_ as a scratch-pad
104 sprintf '%s%s(0x%x)',
105 ( defined( $_[1] = blessed $_[0]) ? "$_[1]=" : '' ),
112 croak "Expecting a reference" if ! length ref $_[0];
114 # No tempvars - must operate on $_[0], otherwise the pad
115 # will count as an extra ref
116 B::svref_2object($_[0])->REFCNT;
120 local $Storable::canonical = 1;
124 sub scope_guard (&) {
125 croak 'Calling scope_guard() in void context makes no sense'
126 if ! defined wantarray;
128 # no direct blessing of coderefs - DESTROY is buggy on those
129 bless [ $_[0] ], 'DBIx::Class::_Util::ScopeGuard';
133 DBIx::Class::_Util::ScopeGuard;
136 &DBIx::Class::_Util::detected_reinvoked_destructor;
138 local $@ if DBIx::Class::_ENV_::UNSTABLE_DOLLARAT;
146 "Execution of scope guard $_[0] resulted in the non-trappable exception:\n\n$@"
152 sub is_exception ($) {
156 # this is not strictly correct - an eval setting $@ to undef
157 # is *not* the same as an eval setting $@ to ''
158 # but for the sake of simplicity assume the following for
160 return 0 unless defined $e;
162 my ($not_blank, $suberror);
166 # The ne() here is deliberate - a plain length($e), or worse "$e" ne
167 # will entirely obviate the need for the encolsing eval{}, as the
168 # condition we guard against is a missing fallback overload
169 $not_blank = ( $e ne '' );
174 if (defined $suberror) {
175 if (length (my $class = blessed($e) )) {
176 carp_unique( sprintf(
177 'External exception class %s implements partial (broken) overloading '
178 . 'preventing its instances from being used in simple ($x eq $y) '
179 . 'comparisons. Given Perl\'s "globally cooperative" exception '
180 . 'handling this type of brokenness is extremely dangerous on '
181 . 'exception objects, as it may (and often does) result in silent '
182 . '"exception substitution". DBIx::Class tries to work around this '
183 . 'as much as possible, but other parts of your software stack may '
184 . 'not be even aware of this. Please submit a bugreport against the '
185 . 'distribution containing %s and in the meantime apply a fix similar '
186 . 'to the one shown at %s, in order to ensure your exception handling '
187 . 'is saner application-wide. What follows is the actual error text '
188 . "as generated by Perl itself:\n\n%s\n ",
191 'http://v.gd/DBIC_overload_tempfix/',
195 # workaround, keeps spice flowing
196 $not_blank = !!( length $e );
199 # not blessed yet failed the 'ne'... this makes 0 sense...
205 # a ref evaluating to '' is definitively a "null object"
208 length( my $class = ref $e )
210 carp_unique( sprintf(
211 "Objects of external exception class '%s' stringify to '' (the "
212 . 'empty string), implementing the so called null-object-pattern. '
213 . 'Given Perl\'s "globally cooperative" exception handling using this '
214 . 'class of exceptions is extremely dangerous, as it may (and often '
215 . 'does) result in silent discarding of errors. DBIx::Class tries to '
216 . 'work around this as much as possible, but other parts of your '
217 . 'software stack may not be even aware of the problem. Please submit '
218 . 'a bugreport against the distribution containing %s',
232 # Recreate the logic of try(), while reusing the catch()/finally() as-is
234 # FIXME: We need to move away from Try::Tiny entirely (way too heavy and
235 # yes, shows up ON TOP of profiles) but this is a batle for another maint
236 sub dbic_internal_try (&;@) {
238 my $try_cref = shift;
239 my $catch_cref = undef; # apparently this is a thing... https://rt.perl.org/Public/Bug/Display.html?id=119311
243 if( ref($arg) eq 'Try::Tiny::Catch' ) {
245 croak 'dbic_internal_try() may not be followed by multiple catch() blocks'
250 elsif ( ref($arg) eq 'Try::Tiny::Finally' ) {
251 croak 'dbic_internal_try() does not support finally{}';
255 'dbic_internal_try() encountered an unexpected argument '
256 . "'@{[ defined $arg ? $arg : 'UNDEF' ]}' - perhaps "
257 . 'a missing semi-colon before or ' # trailing space important
262 my $wantarray = wantarray;
263 my $preexisting_exception = $@;
266 my $all_good = eval {
267 $@ = $preexisting_exception;
269 local $callstack_state->{in_internal_try} = 1
270 unless $callstack_state->{in_internal_try};
272 # always unset - someone may have snuck it in
278 @ret = $try_cref->();
280 elsif( defined $wantarray ) {
281 $ret[0] = $try_cref->();
291 $@ = $preexisting_exception;
294 return $wantarray ? @ret : $ret[0]
296 elsif ( $catch_cref ) {
298 return $catch_cref->($exception);
305 sub in_internal_try { !! $callstack_state->{in_internal_try} }
309 my $destruction_registry = {};
312 $destruction_registry = { map
313 { defined $_ ? ( refaddr($_) => $_ ) : () }
314 values %$destruction_registry
317 # Dummy NEXTSTATE ensuring the all temporaries on the stack are garbage
318 # collected before leaving this scope. Depending on the code above, this
319 # may very well be just a preventive measure guarding future modifications
323 # This is almost invariably invoked from within DESTROY
324 # throwing exceptions won't work
325 sub detected_reinvoked_destructor {
327 # quick "garbage collection" pass - prevents the registry
328 # from slowly growing with a bunch of undef-valued keys
329 defined $destruction_registry->{$_} or delete $destruction_registry->{$_}
330 for keys %$destruction_registry;
332 if (! length ref $_[0]) {
333 printf STDERR '%s() expects a blessed reference %s',
337 return undef; # don't know wtf to do
339 elsif (! defined $destruction_registry->{ my $addr = refaddr($_[0]) } ) {
340 weaken( $destruction_registry->{$addr} = $_[0] );
344 carp_unique ( sprintf (
345 'Preventing *MULTIPLE* DESTROY() invocations on %s - an *EXTREMELY '
346 . 'DANGEROUS* condition which is *ALMOST CERTAINLY GLOBAL* within your '
347 . 'application, affecting *ALL* classes without active protection against '
348 . 'this. Diagnose and fix the root cause ASAP!!!%s',
350 ( ( $INC{'Devel/StackTrace.pm'} and ! do { local $@; eval { Devel::StackTrace->VERSION(2) } } )
351 ? " (likely culprit Devel::StackTrace\@@{[ Devel::StackTrace->VERSION ]} found in %INC, http://is.gd/D_ST_refcap)"
361 my $module_name_rx = qr/ \A [A-Z_a-z] [0-9A-Z_a-z]* (?: :: [0-9A-Z_a-z]+ )* \z /x;
362 my $ver_rx = qr/ \A [0-9]+ (?: \. [0-9]+ )* (?: \_ [0-9]+ )* \z /x;
364 sub modver_gt_or_eq ($$) {
365 my ($mod, $ver) = @_;
367 croak "Nonsensical module name supplied"
368 if ! defined $mod or $mod !~ $module_name_rx;
370 croak "Nonsensical minimum version supplied"
371 if ! defined $ver or $ver !~ $ver_rx;
374 my $ver_cache = ${"${mod}::__DBIC_MODULE_VERSION_CHECKS__"} ||= ( $mod->VERSION
376 : croak "$mod does not seem to provide a version (perhaps it never loaded)"
379 ! defined $ver_cache->{$ver}
381 $ver_cache->{$ver} = do {
383 local $SIG{__WARN__} = sigwarn_silencer( qr/\Qisn't numeric in subroutine entry/ )
388 eval { $mod->VERSION($ver) } ? 1 : 0;
394 sub modver_gt_or_eq_and_lt ($$$) {
395 my ($mod, $v_ge, $v_lt) = @_;
397 croak "Nonsensical maximum version supplied"
398 if ! defined $v_lt or $v_lt !~ $ver_rx;
401 modver_gt_or_eq($mod, $v_ge)
403 ! modver_gt_or_eq($mod, $v_lt)
409 # Why not just use some higher-level module or at least File::Spec here?
411 # 1) This is a *very* rarely used function, and the deptree is large
412 # enough already as it is
414 # 2) (more importantly) Our tooling is utter shit in this area. There
415 # is no comprehensive support for UNC paths in PathTools and there
416 # are also various small bugs in representation across different
417 # path-manipulation CPAN offerings.
419 # Since this routine is strictly used for logical path processing (it
420 # *must* be able to work with not-yet-existing paths), use this seemingly
421 # simple but I *think* complete implementation to feed to other consumers
423 # If bugs are ever uncovered in this routine, *YOU ARE URGED TO RESIST*
424 # the impulse to bring in an external dependency. During runtime there
425 # is exactly one spot that could potentially maybe once in a blue moon
426 # use this function. Keep it lean.
429 ( $_[0] =~ m{ [\/\\] ( \.{0,2} ) ( [\/\\]* ) \z }x )
433 ( ( length($1) and ! length($2) ) ? '/' : '' )
440 File::Spec->catpath (
441 ( File::Spec->splitpath( "$_[0]" ) )[0,1],
450 # do not ask for a recent version, use 1.x API calls
451 File::Path::mkpath([ "$_[0]" ]); # File::Path does not like objects
456 my $list_ctx_ok_stack_marker;
458 sub fail_on_internal_wantarray () {
459 return if $list_ctx_ok_stack_marker;
461 if (! defined wantarray) {
462 croak('fail_on_internal_wantarray() needs a tempvar to save the stack marker guard');
466 while ( ( (CORE::caller($cf+1))[3] || '' ) =~ / :: (?:
468 # these are public API parts that alter behavior on wantarray
469 search | search_related | slice | search_literal
473 # these are explicitly prefixed, since we only recognize them as valid
474 # escapes when they come from the guts of CDBICompat
475 CDBICompat .*? :: (?: search_where | retrieve_from_sql | retrieve_all )
481 my ($fr, $want, $argdesc);
484 $fr = [ CORE::caller($cf) ];
485 $want = ( CORE::caller($cf-1) )[5];
486 $argdesc = ref $DB::args[0]
487 ? DBIx::Class::_Util::refdesc($DB::args[0])
493 $want and $fr->[0] =~ /^(?:DBIx::Class|DBICx::)/
495 DBIx::Class::Exception->throw( sprintf (
496 "Improper use of %s instance in list context at %s line %d\n\n Stacktrace starts",
497 $argdesc, @{$fr}[1,2]
498 ), 'with_stacktrace');
502 weaken ( $list_ctx_ok_stack_marker = $mark );
507 sub fail_on_internal_call {
511 $fr = [ CORE::caller(1) ];
512 $argdesc = ref $DB::args[0]
513 ? DBIx::Class::_Util::refdesc($DB::args[0])
521 $fr->[0] =~ /^(?:DBIx::Class|DBICx::)/
523 $fr->[1] !~ /\b(?:CDBICompat|ResultSetProxy)\b/ # no point touching there
525 DBIx::Class::Exception->throw( sprintf (
526 "Illegal internal call of indirect proxy-method %s() with argument %s: examine the last lines of the proxy method deparse below to determine what to call directly instead at %s on line %d\n\n%s\n\n Stacktrace starts",
527 $fr->[3], $argdesc, @{$fr}[1,2], ( $fr->[6] || do {
530 B::Deparse->new->coderef2text(\&{$fr->[3]})
532 ), 'with_stacktrace');