[gitmo/Moose.git] / xt / author / test-my-dependents.t
1 use strict;
2 use warnings;
4 use Cwd qw( abs_path );
5 use Test::More;
8     plan skip_all => 'This test will not run unless you set MOOSE_TEST_MD to a true value'
9         unless $ENV{MOOSE_TEST_MD};
10 }
12 use Test::Requires {
13     'Archive::Zip' => 0, # or else .zip dists won't be able to be installed
14     'Test::DependentModules' => '0.09', # skip all if not installed
15     'MetaCPAN::API' => '0.33',
16 };
17 use Test::DependentModules qw( test_module );
19 use DateTime;
20 use List::MoreUtils qw(any);
21 use Moose ();
23 diag(     'Test run performed at: '
24         . DateTime->now
25         . ' with Moose '
26         . Moose->VERSION );
28 $ENV{PERL_TEST_DM_LOG_DIR} = abs_path('.');
31 $ENV{ANY_MOOSE} = 'Moose';
33 my $mcpan = MetaCPAN::API->new;
34 my $res = $mcpan->post(
35     '/release/_search' => {
36         query  => { match_all => {} },
37         size   => 5000,
38         filter => { and => [
39             { or => [
40                 { term => { 'release.dependency.module' => 'Moose' } },
41                 { term => { 'release.dependency.module' => 'Moose::Role' } },
42                 { term => { 'release.dependency.module' => 'Moose::Exporter' } },
43                 { term => { 'release.dependency.module' => 'Class::MOP' } },
44                 { term => { 'release.dependency.module' => 'MooseX::Role::Parameterized' } },
45                 { term => { 'release.dependency.module' => 'Any::Moose' } },
46             ] },
47             { term => { 'release.status'   => 'latest' } },
48             { term => { 'release.maturity' => 'released' } },
49         ] },
50         fields => 'distribution'
51     }
52 );
54 my %todo_reasons = map {
55     chomp;
56     /^(\S*)\s*(?:#\s*(.*)\s*)?$/;
57     defined($1) && length($1) ? ($1 => $2) : ()
58 } <DATA>;
59 my %todo = map { $_ => 1 } keys %todo_reasons;
61 my @skip_prefix = qw(Acme Task Bundle);
62 my %skip = map { $_ => 1 } (
63     'App-CPAN2Pkg',                 # tk tests are graphical
64     'App-USBKeyCopyCon',            # gtk tests are graphical
65     'Bot-Backbone',                 # poe-loop-ev prompts
66     'Cache-Ehcache',                # hangs if server exists on port 8080
67     'CatalystX-Restarter-GTK',      # gtk tests are graphical
68     'CM-Permutation',               # OpenGL uses graphics in Makefile.PL
69     'Dackup',                       # depends on running ssh
70     'Data-Collector',               # depends on running ssh
71     'Date-Biorhythm',               # Date::Business prompts in Makefile.PL
72     'DBIx-PgLink',                  # prompts for a postgres password
73     'Forest-Tree-Viewer-Gtk2',      # gtk tests are graphical
74     'Games-Pandemic',               # tk tests are graphical
75     'Games-RailRoad',               # tk tests are graphical
76     'Games-Risk',                   # tk tests are graphical
77     'Gearman-Driver',               # spews tar errors
78     'helm',                         # depends on running ssh
79     'iTransact-Lite',               # tests rely on internet site
80     'Log-Dispatch-Gtk2-Notify',     # gtk tests are graphical
81     'LPDS',                         # gtk tests are graphical
82     'Net-SFTP-Foreign-Exceptional', # depends on running ssh
83     'Periscope',                    # gtk tests are graphical
84     'POE-Component-OpenSSH',        # depends on running ssh
85     'POE-Component-Server-SimpleHTTP-PreFork',  # ipc::shareable tests hang
86     'RDF-TrineX-RuleEngine-Jena',   # prompts in Makefile.PL
87     'Test-SFTP',                    # Term::ReadPassword prompts in tests
88     'Tk-Role-Dialog',               # tk tests are graphical
89     'Unicode-Emoji-E4U',            # tests rely on internet site
90     'Weaving-Tablet',               # tk tests are graphical
91     'WWW-eNom',                     # tests rely on internet site
92     'WWW-Finances-Bovespa',         # tests rely on internet site
93     'WWW-Hashdb',                   # test hangs, pegging cpu
94     'WWW-Vimeo-Download',           # tests rely on internet site
95     'WWW-YouTube-Download-Channel', # tests rely on internet site
96     'Zucchini',                     # File::Rsync prompts in Makefile.PL
97 );
99 my %name_fix = (
100     'App-passmanager'                => 'App::PassManager',
101     'App-PipeFilter'                 => 'App::PipeFilter::Generic',
102     'Constructible'                  => 'Constructible::Maxima',
103     'DCOLLINS-ANN-Locals'            => 'DCOLLINS::ANN::Robot',
104     'Dist-Zilla-Deb'                 => 'Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Deb::VersionFromChangelog',
105     'Dist-Zilla-Plugins-CJM'         => 'Dist::Zilla::Plugin::TemplateCJM',
106     'Dist-Zilla-Plugin-TemplateFile' => 'Dist::Zilla::Plugin::TemplateFiles',
107     'Google-Directions'              => 'Google::Directions::Client',
108     'helm'                           => 'Helm',
109     'HTML-Untemplate'                => 'HTML::Linear',
110     'marc-moose'                     => 'MARC::Moose',
111     'mobirc'                         => 'App::Mobirc',
112     'OWL-Simple'                     => 'OWL::Simple::Class',
113     'Patterns-ChainOfResponsibility' => 'Patterns::ChainOfResponsibility::Application',
114     'Pod-Elemental-Transfomer-VimHTML' => 'Pod::Elemental::Transformer::VimHTML',
115     'Role-Identifiable'              => 'Role::Identifiable::HasIdent',
116     'smokebrew'                      => 'App::SmokeBrew',
117     'Treex-Parser-MSTperl'           => 'Treex::Tool::Parser::MSTperl',
118     'v6-alpha'                       => 'v6',
119     'WebService-LOC-CongRec'         => 'WebService::LOC::CongRec::Crawler',
120     'X11-XCB'                        => 'X11::XCB::Connection',
121     'XML-Ant-BuildFile'              => 'XML::Ant::BuildFile::Project',
122 );
123 my @dists = sort
124             grep { !$skip{$_} }
125             grep { my $dist = $_; !any { $dist =~ /^$_-/ } @skip_prefix }
126             map  { $_->{fields}{distribution} }
127             @{ $res->{hits}{hits} };
129 plan tests => scalar @dists;
130 for my $dist (@dists) {
131     note($dist);
132     my $module = $dist;
133     $module = $name_fix{$module} if exists $name_fix{$module};
134     if ($todo{$dist}) {
135         my $reason = $todo_reasons{$dist};
136         $reason = '???' unless defined $reason;
137         local $TODO = $reason;
138         eval { test_module($module); 1 }
139             or fail("Died when testing $module: $@");
140     }
141     else {
142         eval { test_module($module); 1 }
143             or fail("Died when testing $module: $@");
144     }
145 }
147 __DATA__
148 # indexing issues (test::dm bugs?)
149 Alice                                  # couldn't find on cpan
150 Hopkins                                # couldn't find on cpan
151 PostScript-Barcode                     # couldn't find on cpan
153 # doesn't install deps properly (test::dm bugs?)
154 App-Benchmark-Accessors                # Mojo::Base isn't installed
155 Bot-BasicBot-Pluggable                 # Crypt::SaltedHash isn't installed
156 Code-Statistics                        # MooseX::HasDefaults::RO isn't installed
157 Dist-Zilla-PluginBundle-MITHALDU       # List::AllUtils isn't installed
158 Dist-Zilla-Util-FileGenerator          # MooseX::HasDefaults::RO isn't installed
159 EBI-FGPT-FuzzyRecogniser               # GO::Parser isn't installed
160 Erlang-Parser                          # Parse::Yapp::Driver isn't installed
161 Foorum                                 # Sphinx::Search isn't installed
162 Grimlock                               # DBIx::Class::EncodedColumn isn't installed
163 Locale-Handle-Pluggable                # MooseX::Types::VariantTable::Declare isn't installed
164 mobirc                                 # HTTP::Session::State::GUID isn't installed
165 Net-Bamboo                             # XML::Tidy isn't installed
166 Tatsumaki-Template-Markapl             # Tatsumaki::Template isn't installed
167 Text-Tradition                         # Bio::Phylo::IO isn't installed
169 # no tests
170 AI-ExpertSystem-Advanced               # no tests
171 API-Assembla                           # no tests
172 App-mkfeyorm                           # no tests
173 App-passmanager                        # no tests
174 App-Scrobble                           # no tests
175 Bot-Applebot                           # no tests
176 Catalyst-Authentication-Credential-Facebook-OAuth2 # no tests
177 Catalyst-Authentication-Store-Fey-ORM  # no tests
178 Catalyst-Controller-MovableType        # no tests
179 Catalyst-Model-MenuGrinder             # no tests
180 Chef                                   # no tests
181 Data-SearchEngine-ElasticSearch        # no tests
182 Dist-Zilla-MintingProfile-Author-ARODLAND # no tests
183 Dist-Zilla-PluginBundle-ARODLAND       # no tests
184 Dist-Zilla-PluginBundle-Author-OLIVER  # no tests
185 Dist-Zilla-PluginBundle-NUFFIN         # no tests
186 Dist-Zilla-Plugin-DualLife             # no tests
187 Dist-Zilla-Plugin-GitFlow              # no tests
188 Dist-Zilla-Plugin-GitFmtChanges        # no tests
189 Dist-Zilla-Plugin-MetaResourcesFromGit # no tests
190 Dist-Zilla-Plugin-ModuleBuild-OptionalXS # no tests
191 Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Rsync                # no tests
192 Dist-Zilla-Plugin-TemplateFile         # no tests
193 Dist-Zilla-Plugin-UploadToDuckPAN      # no tests
194 Finance-Bank-SuomenVerkkomaksut        # no tests
195 Games-HotPotato                        # no tests
196 IO-Storm                               # no tests
197 JIRA-Client-REST                       # no tests
198 Kafka-Client                           # no tests
199 LWP-UserAgent-OfflineCache             # no tests
200 Markdown-Pod                           # no tests
201 MooseX-Types-DateTimeX                 # no tests
202 Net-Azure-BlobService                  # no tests
203 Net-Dropbox                            # no tests
204 Net-Flowdock                           # no tests
205 Net-OpenStack-Attack                   # no tests
206 Net-Ostrich                            # no tests
207 Net-Recurly                            # no tests
208 OpenDocument-Template                  # no tests
209 Pod-Weaver-Section-Consumes            # no tests
210 Pod-Weaver-Section-Encoding            # no tests
211 Pod-Weaver-Section-Extends             # no tests
212 POE-Component-Server-MySQL             # no tests
213 Random-Quantum                         # no tests
214 SchemaEvolution                        # no tests
215 STD                                    # no tests
216 Test-System                            # no tests
217 Test-WWW-Mechanize-Dancer              # no tests
218 WebService-Buxfer                      # no tests
219 WebService-CloudFlare-Host             # no tests
220 WWW-MenuGrinder                        # no tests
221 WWW-WuFoo                              # no tests
223 # external dependencies
224 AnyEvent-Multilog                      # requires multilog
225 AnyEvent-Net-Curl-Queued               # requires libcurl
226 AnyEvent-ZeroMQ                        # requires zeromq installation
227 AnyMQ-ZeroMQ                           # requires zeromq installation
228 Apache2-HttpEquiv                      # requires apache (for mod_perl)
229 App-Mimosa                             # requires fastacmd
230 App-PgCryobit                          # requires postgres installation
231 Archive-RPM                            # requires cpio
232 Bot-Jabbot                             # requires libidn
233 Catalyst-Engine-Stomp                  # depends on alien::activemq
234 Catalyst-Plugin-Session-Store-Memcached # requires memcached
235 Cave-Wrapper                           # requires cave to be installed
236 CHI-Driver-Redis                       # requires redis server
237 Crypt-Random-Source-Strong-Win32       # windows only
238 Curses-Toolkit                         # requires Curses which requires ncurses library
239 Dackup                                 # requires ssh
240 Data-Collector                         # requires ssh
241 DBIx-PgLink                            # requires postgres installation
242 Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Subversion           # requires svn bindings
243 Dist-Zilla-Plugin-SVK                  # requires svn bindings
244 Dist-Zilla-Plugin-SvnObtain            # requires svn bindings
245 Fedora-App-MaintainerTools             # requires rpm to be installed
246 Fedora-App-ReviewTool                  # requires koji to be installed
247 Fuse-Template                          # requires libfuse
248 Games-HotPotato                        # requires sdl
249 Games-Tetris-Complete                  # requires threads
250 helm                                   # requires ssh
251 HTML-Barcode-QRCode                    # requires libqrencode
252 IRC-RemoteControl                      # requires libssh2
253 JavaScript-Sprockets                   # requires sprocketize
254 JavaScript-V8x-TestMoreish             # requires v8
255 Koha-Contrib-Tamil                     # requires yaz
256 K                                      # requires kx
257 Lighttpd-Control                       # requires lighttpd
258 Lingua-TreeTagger                      # requires treetagger to be installed
259 Math-Lsoda                             # requires f77
260 MongoDBI                               # requires mongo
261 MongoDB                                # requires mongo
262 MSWord-ToHTML                          # requires abiword to be installed
263 Net-DBus-Skype                         # requires dbus
264 Net-Route                              # requires route
265 Net-UpYun                              # requires curl
266 Net-ZooTool                            # requires curl
267 Nginx-Control                          # requires nginx to be installed
268 NLP-Service                            # requires javac
269 Padre-Plugin-Moose                     # requires threaded perl
270 Padre-Plugin-PDL                       # requires threaded perl
271 Padre-Plugin-Snippet                   # requires threaded perl
272 Paludis-UseCleaner                     # depends on cave::wrapper
273 Perlanet                               # HTML::Tidy requires tidyp
274 Perl-Dist-Strawberry-BuildPerl-5123    # windows only
275 Perl-Dist-Strawberry-BuildPerl-5123    # windows only
276 Perl-Dist-WiX-BuildPerl-5123           # windows only
277 Perl-Dist-WiX                          # windows only
278 Perl-Dist-WiX                          # windows only
279 POE-Component-OpenSSH                  # requires ssh
280 RDF-TrineX-RuleEngine-Jena             # requires Jena
281 SimpleDB-Class                         # requires memcached
282 SVN-Simple-Hook                        # requires svn
283 SVN-Tree                               # requires svn
284 Template-JavaScript                    # requires v8
285 TheSchwartz-Moosified                  # requires DBI::Pg ?
286 WebService-SendGrid                    # requires curl
287 WebService-Tesco-API                   # requires curl
288 WWW-Contact                            # depends on curl
289 WWW-Curl-Simple                        # requires curl
290 ZeroMQ-PubSub                          # requires zmq
291 ZMQ-Declare                            # requires zmq
293 # flaky internet tests
294 iTransact-Lite                         # tests rely on internet site
295 Unicode-Emoji-E4U                      # tests rely on internet site
296 WWW-eNom                               # tests rely on internet site
297 WWW-Finances-Bovespa                   # tests rely on internet site
298 WWW-Vimeo-Download                     # tests rely on internet site
299 WWW-YouTube-Download-Channel           # tests rely on internet site
301 # graphical
302 App-CPAN2Pkg                           # tk tests are graphical
303 App-USBKeyCopyCon                      # gtk tests are graphical
304 CatalystX-Restarter-GTK                # gtk tests are graphical
305 Forest-Tree-Viewer-Gtk2                # gtk tests are graphical
306 Games-Pandemic                         # tk tests are graphical
307 Games-RailRoad                         # tk tests are graphical
308 Games-Risk                             # tk tests are graphical
309 Log-Dispatch-Gtk2-Notify               # gtk tests are graphical
310 LPDS                                   # gtk tests are graphical
311 Periscope                              # gtk tests are graphical
312 Tk-Role-Dialog                         # tk tests are graphical
313 Weaving-Tablet                         # tk tests are graphical
315 # failing for a reason
316 Algorithm-KernelKMeans                 # mx-types-common changes broke it
317 AnyEvent-BitTorrent                    # broken
318 AnyEvent-Cron                          # intermittent failures
319 AnyEvent-Inotify-Simple                # ??? (maybe issue with test::sweet)
320 AnyEvent-JSONRPC                       # tests require recommended deps
321 AnyEvent-Retry                         # mx-types-common changes broke it
322 AnyMongo                               # doesn't compile
323 App-ArchiveDevelCover                  # depends on nonexistent testdata::setup
324 App-Dataninja                          # bad M::I install in inc/
325 App-Fotagger                           # Imager doesn't compile
326 App-Magpie                             # deps on URPM which doesn't exist
327 App-MediaWiki2Git                      # git::repository is broken
328 App-Munchies                           # depends on XML::DTD
329 App-TemplateServer                     # broken use of types
330 App-TemplateServer-Provider-HTML-Template  # dep on app-templateserver
331 App-TemplateServer-Provider-Mason      # dep on app-templateserver
332 App-TemplateServer-Provider-TD         # dep on app-templateserver
333 App-Twimap                             # dep on Web::oEmbed::Common
334 App-Validation-Automation              # dep on Switch
335 App-Wubot                              # broken
336 Beagle                                 # depends on term::readline::perl
337 Bot-Backbone                           # poe-loop-ev prompts
338 Cache-Ehcache                          # hangs if server exists on port 8080
339 Cache-Profile                          # broken
340 Catalyst-Authentication-Store-LDAP-AD-Class  # pod coverage fail
341 Catalyst-Controller-Resources          # broken
342 Catalyst-Controller-SOAP               # broken
343 Catalyst-Model-Sedna                   # deps on Alien-Sedna which doesn't exist
344 Catalyst-Plugin-Continuation           # undeclared dep
345 Catalyst-Plugin-Session-State-Cookie   # broken
346 Catalyst-Plugin-Session-Store-TestMemcached # dep with corrupt archive
347 Catalyst-Plugin-SwiffUploaderCookieHack  # undeclared dep
348 Catalyst-TraitFor-Request-PerLanguageDomains # dep on ::State::Cookie
349 CatalystX-I18N                         # dep on ::State::Cookie
350 CatalystX-MooseComponent               # broken
351 CatalystX-SimpleLogin                  # broken
352 CatalystX-Usul                         # proc::processtable doesn't load
353 Cheater                                # parse::randgen is broken
354 Class-OWL                              # uses CMOP::Class without loading cmop
355 CM-Permutation                         # OpenGL uses graphics in Makefile.PL
356 Cogwheel                               # uses ancient moose apis
357 Config-Model                           # broken
358 Config-Model-Backend-Augeas            # deps on Config::Model
359 Config-Model-OpenSsh                   # deps on Config::Model
360 Constructible                          # GD::SVG is a broken dist
361 Constructible-Maxima                   # GD::SVG is a broken dist
362 Coro-Amazon-SimpleDB                   # amazon::simpledb::client doesn't exist
363 CPAN-Digger                            # requires DBD::SQLite
364 Data-AMF                               # missing dep on YAML
365 Data-Apache-mod_status                 # invalid characters in type name
366 Data-Edit                              # dist is missing some modules
367 Data-Feed                              # broken (only sometimes?)
368 Data-PackageName                       # broken
369 Data-Pipeline                          # uses ancient moose apis
370 Data-SCORM                             # pod coverage fail
371 Date-Biorhythm                         # Date::Business prompts in Makefile.PL
372 DayDayUp                               # MojoX-Fixup-XHTML doesn't exist
373 DBICx-Modeler-Generator                # broken (weirdly)
374 DBIx-SchemaChecksum                    # broken
375 Debian-Apt-PM                          # configure time failures
376 Devel-Events                           # broken (role conflict)
377 Dist-Zilla-Deb                         # pod coverage fail
378 Dist-Zilla-Plugin-ChangelogFromGit-Debian # git::repository is broken
379 Dist-Zilla-Plugin-ProgCriticTests      # broken
380 DustyDB                                # uses old moose apis
381 Dwimmer                                # broken
382 Facebook-Graph                         # broken
383 Fedora-Bugzilla                        # deps on nonexistent things
384 FFmpeg-Thumbnail                       # undeclared dep
385 File-DataClass                         # XML::DTD is a broken dist
386 File-Stat-Moose                        # old moose apis
387 File-Tail-Dir                          # intermittent fails (i think)
388 Form-Factory                           # uses old moose apis
389 FormValidator-Nested                   # broken
390 Frost                                  # broken
391 Gitalist                               # deps on mxms
392 GOBO                                   # coerce with no coercion
393 Google-Chart                           # recreating type constraints
394 Google-Spreadsheet-Agent               # pod::coverage fail
395 Hobocamp                               # configure_requires needs EU::CChecker
396 Horris                                 # App::Horris isn't on cpan
397 HTML-Grabber                           # pod::coverage fail
398 HTML-TreeBuilderX-ASP_NET              # broken
399 HTTP-Engine-Middleware                 # missing dep on yaml
400 Image-Robohash                         # Graphics::Magick doesn't exist
401 JavaScript-Framework-jQuery            # coerce with no coercion
402 Jifty                                  # Test::WWW::Selenium needs devel::repl
403 JSORB                                  # broken
404 Jungle                                 # broken
405 Kamaitachi                             # pod::coverage fail
406 KiokuDB-Backend-Files                  # broken
407 LaTeX-TikZ                             # broken (with moose)
408 marc-moose                             # broken (only sometimes?)
409 Mail-Summary-Tools                     # DT::Format::DateManip is broken
410 MediaWiki-USERINFO                     # broken
411 Method-Signatures                      # doesn't like ANY_MOOSE=Moose
412 mobirc                                 # http::engine broken
413 MooseX-Attribute-Prototype             # uses old moose apis
414 MooseX-DBIC-Scaffold                   # needs unreleased sql-translator
415 MooseX-Documenter                      # broken
416 MooseX-DOM                             # "no Moose" unimports confess
417 MooseX-Error-Exception-Class           # metaclass compat breakage
418 MooseX-Getopt-Usage                    # missing dep on Test::Class
419 MooseX-Meta-Attribute-Index            # old moose apis
420 MooseX-Meta-Attribute-Lvalue           # old moose apis
421 MooseX-Method-Signatures               # broken
422 MooseX-Struct                          # ancient moose apis
423 MooseX-Types-Parameterizable           # broken
424 MouseX-Types                           # broken (with moose)
425 MySQL-Util                             # pod-coverage fail
426 Nagios-Passive                         # broken
427 Net-APNS                               # broken (with moose)
428 Net-FluidDB                            # broken
429 Net-Fluidinfo                          # broken
430 Net-Google-Blogger                     # broken
431 Net-Google-FederatedLogin              # broken
432 NetHack-Item                           # NH::Monster::Spoiler is broken
433 NetHack-Monster-Spoiler                # broken (MX::CA issues)
434 Net-HTTP-Factual                       # broken
435 Net-Journyx                            # broken
436 Net-Mollom                             # broken
437 Net-Parliament                         # broken
438 Net-Plurk                              # broken
439 Net-SSLeay-OO                          # broken
440 Net-StackExchange                      # broken
441 ODG-Record                             # Test::Benchmark broken
442 Perlbal-Control                        # proc::processtable doesn't load
443 Pg-BulkCopy                            # hardcodes /usr/bin/perl
444 Pinto-Common                           # broken
445 Pinto-Server                           # deps on pinto::common
446 Plack-Middleware-Image-Scale           # Image::Scale is broken
447 Pod-Parser-I18N                        # missing dep on Data::Localize
448 POE-Component-CPAN-Mirror-Multiplexer  # broken
449 POE-Component-DirWatch                 # intermittent failures
450 POE-Component-DirWatch-Object          # intermittent failures
451 POE-Component-ResourcePool             # broken
452 POE-Component-Server-PSGI              # broken deps
453 POE-Component-Server-SimpleHTTP-PreFork  # broken deps
454 POEx-ProxySession                      # broken deps
455 POEx-PubSub                            # broken deps
456 POEx-WorkerPool                        # broken deps
457 PostScript-ScheduleGrid-XMLTV          # XMLTV doesn't exist
458 PRANG                                  # broken
459 Prophet                                # depends on term::readline::perl
460 Queue-Leaky                            # broken
461 Railsish                               # dep on nonexistent dist
462 RDF-Server                             # "no Moose" unimports confess
463 Reaction                               # signatures is broken
464 Reflexive-Role-DataMover               # broken (reflex::role changes?)
465 Reflexive-Role-TCPServer               # broken (reflex::role changes?)
466 Reflexive-Stream-Filtering             # broken
467 RPC-Any                                # broken
468 Scene-Graph                            # has '+attr' in roles
469 Server-Control                         # proc::processtable doesn't load
470 Shipment                               # locale::subcountry is broken
471 Silki                                  # image::magick is broken
472 SilkiX-Converter-Kwiki                 # file::mimeinfo expects (?-xism:
473 Sloth                                  # rest::utils is broken
474 SRS-EPP-Proxy                          # depends on xml::epp
475 String-Blender                         # broken
476 TAEB                                   # broken
477 Tail-Tool                              # Getopt::Alt doesn't exist
478 Tapper-CLI                             # sys::info::driver::linux is broken
479 Tapper-Installer                       # sys::info::driver::linux is broken
480 Tapper-MCP-MessageReceiver             # sys::info::driver::linux is broken
481 Tapper-Reports-API                     # sys::info::driver::linux is broken
482 Tapper-Testplan                        # sys::info::driver::linux is broken
483 Telephone-Mnemonic-US                  # rpm-build-perl is broken
484 Template-Plugin-Heritable              # weird dep issues (not test::dm related)
485 Test-A8N                               # broken
486 Test-Daily                             # configure errors
487 Test-Pockito                           # broken
488 Test-SFTP                              # Term::ReadPassword prompts in tests
489 Test-WWW-Selenium-More                 # Test::WWW::Selenium needs devel::repl
490 Text-Clevery                           # broken
491 Thorium                                # depends on Hobocamp
492 TryCatch-Error                         # broken
493 Verby                                  # deps on poe::component::resourcepool
494 Weather-TW                             # missing dep on Mojo::DOM
495 Web-API-Mapper                         # broken
496 WebNano-Controller-CRUD                # broken
497 Webservice-Intermine                   # broken tests
498 WebService-Yes24                       # broken
499 WiX3                                   # broken
500 WWW-Alltop                             # XML::SimpleObject configure fail
501 WWW-DataWiki                           # depends on mxms
502 WWW-Fandango                           # bad dist
503 WWW-FMyLife                            # broken
504 WWW-Hashdb                             # test hangs, pegging cpu
505 WWW-Mechanize-Cached                   # tries to read from wrong build dir?
506 WWW-Metalgate                          # Cache is broken
507 WWW-Scramble                           # pod::coverage fail
508 WWW-Sitemapper                         # broken
509 WWW-StaticBlog                         # time::sofar is broken
510 WWW-WebKit                             # missing configure_req on EU::PkgConfig
511 WWW-Yahoo-Lyrics-JP                    # broken
512 XIRCD                                  # undeclared deps
513 XML-EPP                                # coerce without coercion
514 XML-SRS                                # deps on prang
515 XML-Writer-Compiler                    # broken tests
516 Yukki                                  # git::repository is broken
517 Zucchini                               # File::Rsync prompts in Makefile.PL