Started the switch from hand-written URLs to uri_for.
[catagits/Gitalist.git] / templates / blob.tt2
1 <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/static/css/syntax/[% language %].css"/>
3 [% PROCESS 'nav/actions.tt2' object = head %]
4 <div class='commit-message'>
5 [% head.comment.substr(0, 85) %] ...
6 </div>
7 <div class='path'>
8  <a href="/tree?p=[% project %];hb=[% head.sha1 %]">[% project %]</a>
9  [% # XXX The last part should link to blob_plain (or something) but doesn't ATM
10     FOREACH part IN filename.split('/') %]
11  / <a href="/tree?p=[% project %];hb=[% head.sha1 %]">[% part %]</a>
12  [% END %]
13 </div>
14 <div>
15  <pre class='blob'>[% blob %]</pre>
16 </div>
18 <!--
19 $Git_PurePerl_Object_Blob1 = bless( {
20                                content => "* Fix git_blob_plain i.e don't use the wrapper.\n",
21                                git     => bless( {
22                                             directory => {
23                                                            dirs     => [ '.' ],
24                                                            file_spec_class
25                                                                     => undef,
26                                                            volume   => ''
27                                                          },
28                                             gitdir    => {
29                                                            dirs     => [ '.git' ],
30                                                            file_spec_class
31                                                                     => undef,
32                                                            volume   => ''
33                                                          },
34                                             loose     => bless( { directory => {
35                                                            dirs     => [
36                                                                          '.git',
37                                                                          'objects'
38                                                                        ],
39                                                            file_spec_class
40                                                                     => undef,
41                                                            volume   => ''
42                                                          } }, 'Git::PurePerl::Loose' ),
43                                             packs     => [ bless( {
44                                                            fh      => bless( do{ require Symbol; Symbol::gensym }, 'IO::File' ),
45                                                            filename
46                                                                    => {
47                                                                         dir     => {
48                                                                                      dirs     => [
49                                                                                                    '.git',
50                                                                                                    'objects',
51                                                                                                    'pack'
52                                                                                                  ],
53                                                                                      file_spec_class
54                                                                                               => undef,
55                                                                                      volume   => ''
56                                                                                    },
57                                                                         file    => 'pack-76da0c32a0a4918d1828d110636caad32af6ec6c.pack',
58                                                                         file_spec_class
59                                                                                 => undef
60                                                                       },
61                                                            index   => bless( {
62                                                                         fh       => bless( Symbol::gensym, 'IO::File' ),
63                                                                         filename => {
64                                                                                       dir     => {
65                                                                                                    dirs     => [
66                                                                                                                  '.git',
67                                                                                                                  'objects',
68                                                                                                                  'pack'
69                                                                                                                ],
70                                                                                                    file_spec_class
71                                                                                                             => undef,
72                                                                                                    volume   => ''
73                                                                                                  },
74                                                                                       file    => 'pack-76da0c32a0a4918d1828d110636caad32af6ec6c.idx',
75                                                                                       file_spec_class
76                                                                                               => undef
77                                                                                     },
78                                                                         offsets  => [
79                                                                                       ( 0 ) x 23,
80                                                                                       ( 1 ) x 29,
81                                                                                       ( 2 ) x 11,
82                                                                                       ( 3 ) x 6,
83                                                                                       ( 4 ) x 22,
84                                                                                       ( 5 ) x 51,
85                                                                                       ( 6 ) x 78,
86                                                                                       ( 7 ) x 3,
87                                                                                       ( 8 ) x 34
88                                                                                     ],
89                                                                         size     => 8
90                                                                       }, 'Git::PurePerl::PackIndex::Version2' ),
91                                                            index_filename
92                                                                    => {
93                                                                         dir     => {
94                                                                                      dirs     => [
95                                                                                                    '.git',
96                                                                                                    'objects',
97                                                                                                    'pack'
98                                                                                                  ],
99                                                                                      file_spec_class
100                                                                                               => undef,
101                                                                                      volume   => ''
102                                                                                    },
103                                                                         file    => 'pack-76da0c32a0a4918d1828d110636caad32af6ec6c.idx',
104                                                                         file_spec_class
105                                                                                 => undef
106                                                                       }
107                                                          }, 'Git::PurePerl::Pack::WithIndex' ) ]
108                                           }, 'Git::PurePerl' ),
109                                kind    => 'blob',
110                                sha1    => '8976ebc7df65475b3def53a1653533c3f61070d0',
111                                size    => 48
112                              }, 'Git::PurePerl::Object::Blob' );
113 bless( $Git_PurePerl_Object_Blob1->{git}{directory}, 'Path::Class::Dir' );
114 bless( $Git_PurePerl_Object_Blob1->{git}{gitdir}, 'Path::Class::Dir' );
115 bless( $Git_PurePerl_Object_Blob1->{git}{loose}{directory}, 'Path::Class::Dir' );
116 bless( $Git_PurePerl_Object_Blob1->{git}{packs}[0]{filename}{dir}, 'Path::Class::Dir' );
117 bless( $Git_PurePerl_Object_Blob1->{git}{packs}[0]{filename}, 'Path::Class::File' );
118 bless( $Git_PurePerl_Object_Blob1->{git}{packs}[0]{index}{filename}{dir}, 'Path::Class::Dir' );
119 bless( $Git_PurePerl_Object_Blob1->{git}{packs}[0]{index}{filename}, 'Path::Class::File' );
120 bless( $Git_PurePerl_Object_Blob1->{git}{packs}[0]{index_filename}{dir}, 'Path::Class::Dir' );
121 bless( $Git_PurePerl_Object_Blob1->{git}{packs}[0]{index_filename}, 'Path::Class::File' );
122 -->