4 use Test::More 'no_plan';
12 my $trad = Text::Tradition->new( 'name' => 'test tradition' );
13 my $c = $trad->collation;
15 # Test a plaintext witness via string
16 my $str = 'This is a line of text';
17 my $ptwit = $trad->add_witness(
19 'sourcetype' => 'plaintext',
22 is( ref( $ptwit ), 'Text::Tradition::Witness', 'Created a witness' );
24 is( $ptwit->sigil, 'A', "Witness has correct sigil" );
25 is( $c->path_text( $ptwit->sigil ), $str, "Witness has correct text" );
28 # Test some JSON witnesses via object
29 open( JSIN, 't/data/witnesses/testwit.json' ) or die "Could not open JSON test input";
30 binmode( JSIN, ':encoding(UTF-8)' );
33 $trad->add_json_witnesses( join( '', @lines ) );
34 is( ref( $trad->witness( 'MsAJ' ) ), 'Text::Tradition::Witness',
35 "Found first JSON witness" );
36 is( ref( $trad->witness( 'MsBJ' ) ), 'Text::Tradition::Witness',
37 "Found second JSON witness" );
39 # Test an XML witness via file
40 my $xmlwit = $trad->add_witness( 'sourcetype' => 'xmldesc',
41 'file' => 't/data/witnesses/teiwit.xml' );
42 is( ref( $xmlwit ), 'Text::Tradition::Witness', "Created witness from XML file" );
44 is( $xmlwit->sigil, 'V887', "XML witness has correct sigil" );
45 ok( $xmlwit->is_layered, "Picked up correction layer" );
46 is( @{$xmlwit->text}, 182, "Got correct text length" );
47 is( @{$xmlwit->layertext}, 182, "Got correct a.c. text length" );
49 my @allwitwords = grep { $_->id =~ /^V887/ } $c->readings;
50 is( @allwitwords, 184, "Reused appropriate readings" );
53 my $xpwit = $trad->add_witness( 'sourcetype' => 'xmldesc',
54 'file' => 't/data/witnesses/group.xml',
55 'use_text' => '//tei:group/tei:text[2]' );
56 is( ref( $xpwit ), 'Text::Tradition::Witness', "Created witness from XML group" );
58 is( $xpwit->sigil, 'G', "XML part witness has correct sigil" );
59 ok( !$xpwit->is_layered, "Picked up no correction layer" );
60 is( @{$xpwit->text}, 157, "Got correct text length" );
69 my $trad = Text::Tradition->new();
71 my @text = qw/ Thhis is a line of text /;
72 my $wit = $trad->add_witness(
74 'string' => join( ' ', @text ),
75 'sourcetype' => 'plaintext',
76 'identifier' => 'test witness',
78 my $jsonstruct = $wit->export_as_json;
79 is( $jsonstruct->{'id'}, 'A', "got the right witness sigil" );
80 is( $jsonstruct->{'name'}, 'test witness', "got the right identifier" );
81 is( scalar @{$jsonstruct->{'tokens'}}, 6, "got six text tokens" );
82 foreach my $idx ( 0 .. $#text ) {
83 is( $jsonstruct->{'tokens'}->[$idx]->{'t'}, $text[$idx], "tokens look OK" );
86 my @ctext = qw( when april with his showers sweet with fruit the drought of march
87 has pierced unto the root );
88 $trad = Text::Tradition->new(
89 'input' => 'CollateX',
90 'file' => 't/data/Collatex-16.xml' );
92 $jsonstruct = $trad->witness('A')->export_as_json;
93 is( $jsonstruct->{'id'}, 'A', "got the right witness sigil" );
94 is( $jsonstruct->{'name'}, undef, "got undef for missing identifier" );
95 is( scalar @{$jsonstruct->{'tokens'}}, 17, "got all text tokens" );
96 foreach my $idx ( 0 .. $#ctext ) {
97 is( $jsonstruct->{'tokens'}->[$idx]->{'t'}, $ctext[$idx], "tokens look OK" );
100 ## TODO test layertext export