11 plan skip_all => 'Test needs ' . DBIx::Class::Optional::Dependencies->req_missing_for ('test_replicated')
12 unless DBIx::Class::Optional::Dependencies->req_ok_for ('test_replicated');
16 if (DBICTest::RunMode->is_smoker) {
17 my $mver = Moose->VERSION;
18 plan skip_all => "A trial version $mver of Moose detected known to break replication - skipping test known to fail"
19 if ($mver >= 1.99 and $mver <= 1.9902);
24 use List::Util 'first';
25 use Scalar::Util 'reftype';
30 note "Using Moose version $Moose::VERSION and MooseX::Types version $MooseX::Types::VERSION";
32 my $var_dir = quotemeta ( File::Spec->catdir(qw/t var/) );
34 use_ok 'DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::Replicated::Pool';
35 use_ok 'DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::Replicated::Balancer';
36 use_ok 'DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::Replicated::Replicant';
37 use_ok 'DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::Replicated';
42 This is a test of the replicated storage system. This will work in one of
43 two ways, either it was try to fake replication with a couple of SQLite DBs
44 and creative use of copy, or if you define a couple of %ENV vars correctly
45 will try to test those. If you do that, it will assume the setup is properly
46 replicating. Your results may vary, but I have demonstrated this to work with
47 mysql native replication.
52 ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
53 ## Build a class to hold all our required testing data and methods.
54 ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
58 ## --------------------------------------------------------------------- ##
59 ## Create an object to contain your replicated stuff.
60 ## --------------------------------------------------------------------- ##
62 package DBIx::Class::DBI::Replicated::TestReplication;
65 use base qw/Class::Accessor::Fast/;
67 __PACKAGE__->mk_accessors( qw/schema/ );
69 ## Initialize the object
72 my ($class, $schema_method) = (shift, shift);
73 my $self = $class->SUPER::new(@_);
75 $self->schema( $self->init_schema($schema_method) );
79 ## Get the Schema and set the replication storage type
82 # current SQLT SQLite producer does not handle DROP TABLE IF EXISTS, trap warnings here
83 local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { warn @_ unless $_[0] =~ /no such table.+DROP TABLE/s };
85 my ($class, $schema_method) = @_;
87 my $method = "get_schema_$schema_method";
88 my $schema = $class->$method;
93 sub get_schema_by_storage_type {
94 DBICTest->init_schema(
97 '::DBI::Replicated' => {
98 balancer_type=>'::Random',
100 auto_validate_every=>100,
101 master_read_weight => 1
111 sub get_schema_by_connect_info {
112 DBICTest->init_schema(
113 sqlite_use_file => 1,
114 storage_type=> '::DBI::Replicated',
115 balancer_type=>'::Random',
117 auto_validate_every=>100,
118 master_read_weight => 1
129 sub generate_replicant_connect_info {}
133 ## --------------------------------------------------------------------- ##
134 ## Add a connect_info option to test option merging.
135 ## --------------------------------------------------------------------- ##
137 package DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::Replicated;
141 __PACKAGE__->meta->make_mutable;
143 around connect_info => sub {
144 my ($next, $self, $info) = @_;
145 $info->[3]{master_option} = 1;
149 __PACKAGE__->meta->make_immutable;
154 ## --------------------------------------------------------------------- ##
155 ## Subclass for when you are using SQLite for testing, this provides a fake
156 ## replication support.
157 ## --------------------------------------------------------------------- ##
159 package DBIx::Class::DBI::Replicated::TestReplication::SQLite;
163 use base 'DBIx::Class::DBI::Replicated::TestReplication';
165 __PACKAGE__->mk_accessors(qw/master_path slave_paths/);
167 ## Set the master path from DBICTest
170 my $class = shift @_;
171 my $self = $class->SUPER::new(@_);
173 $self->master_path( DBICTest->_sqlite_dbfilename );
175 File::Spec->catfile(qw/t var DBIxClass_slave1.db/),
176 File::Spec->catfile(qw/t var DBIxClass_slave2.db/),
182 ## Return an Array of ArrayRefs where each ArrayRef is suitable to use for
183 ## $storage->connect_info to be used for connecting replicants.
185 sub generate_replicant_connect_info {
189 } @{$self->slave_paths};
191 my @connect_infos = map { [$_,'','',{AutoCommit=>1}] } @dsn;
193 ## Make sure nothing is left over from a failed test
197 my $c = $connect_infos[0];
198 $connect_infos[0] = {
208 ## Do a 'good enough' replication by copying the master dbfile over each of
209 ## the slave dbfiles. If the master is SQLite we do this, otherwise we
210 ## just do a one second pause to let the slaves catch up.
214 foreach my $slave (@{$self->slave_paths}) {
215 copy($self->master_path, $slave);
219 ## Cleanup after ourselves. Unlink all gthe slave paths.
223 foreach my $slave (@{$self->slave_paths}) {
230 ## --------------------------------------------------------------------- ##
231 ## Subclass for when you are setting the databases via custom export vars
232 ## This is for when you have a replicating database setup that you are
233 ## going to test against. You'll need to define the correct $ENV and have
234 ## two slave databases to test against, as well as a replication system
235 ## that will replicate in less than 1 second.
236 ## --------------------------------------------------------------------- ##
238 package DBIx::Class::DBI::Replicated::TestReplication::Custom;
239 use base 'DBIx::Class::DBI::Replicated::TestReplication';
241 ## Return an Array of ArrayRefs where each ArrayRef is suitable to use for
242 ## $storage->connect_info to be used for connecting replicants.
244 sub generate_replicant_connect_info {
251 ## pause a bit to let the replication catch up
258 ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
259 ## Create an object and run some tests
260 ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
262 ## Thi first bunch of tests are basic, just make sure all the bits are behaving
264 my $replicated_class = DBICTest->has_custom_dsn ?
265 'DBIx::Class::DBI::Replicated::TestReplication::Custom' :
266 'DBIx::Class::DBI::Replicated::TestReplication::SQLite';
270 for my $method (qw/by_connect_info by_storage_type/) {
272 ok $replicated = $replicated_class->new($method)
273 => "Created a replication object $method";
275 isa_ok $replicated->schema
276 => 'DBIx::Class::Schema';
278 isa_ok $replicated->schema->storage
279 => 'DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::Replicated';
281 isa_ok $replicated->schema->storage->balancer
282 => 'DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::Replicated::Balancer::Random'
283 => 'configured balancer_type';
286 ### check that all Storage::DBI methods are handled by ::Replicated
288 my @storage_dbi_methods = Class::MOP::Class
289 ->initialize('DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI')->get_all_method_names;
291 my @replicated_methods = DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::Replicated->meta
292 ->get_all_method_names;
294 # remove constants and OTHER_CRAP
295 @storage_dbi_methods = grep !/^[A-Z_]+\z/, @storage_dbi_methods;
297 # remove CAG accessors
298 @storage_dbi_methods = grep !/_accessor\z/, @storage_dbi_methods;
300 # remove DBIx::Class (the root parent, with CAG and stuff) methods
301 my @root_methods = Class::MOP::Class->initialize('DBIx::Class')
302 ->get_all_method_names;
304 $count{$_}++ for (@storage_dbi_methods, @root_methods);
306 @storage_dbi_methods = grep $count{$_} != 2, @storage_dbi_methods;
309 my %storage_dbi_methods;
310 @storage_dbi_methods{@storage_dbi_methods} = ();
311 my %replicated_methods;
312 @replicated_methods{@replicated_methods} = ();
314 # remove ::Replicated-specific methods
315 for my $method (@replicated_methods) {
316 delete $replicated_methods{$method}
317 unless exists $storage_dbi_methods{$method};
319 @replicated_methods = keys %replicated_methods;
321 # check that what's left is implemented
323 $count{$_}++ for (@storage_dbi_methods, @replicated_methods);
325 if ((grep $count{$_} == 2, @storage_dbi_methods) == @storage_dbi_methods) {
326 pass 'all DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI methods implemented';
329 my @unimplemented = grep $count{$_} == 1, @storage_dbi_methods;
331 fail 'the following DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI methods are unimplemented: '
336 ok $replicated->schema->storage->meta
337 => 'has a meta object';
339 isa_ok $replicated->schema->storage->master
340 => 'DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI';
342 isa_ok $replicated->schema->storage->pool
343 => 'DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::Replicated::Pool';
345 does_ok $replicated->schema->storage->balancer
346 => 'DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::Replicated::Balancer';
348 ok my @replicant_connects = $replicated->generate_replicant_connect_info
349 => 'got replication connect information';
351 ok my @replicated_storages = $replicated->schema->storage->connect_replicants(@replicant_connects)
352 => 'Created some storages suitable for replicants';
355 $replicated->schema->storage->debug(1);
356 $replicated->schema->storage->debugcb(sub {
357 my ($op, $info) = @_;
358 ##warn "\n$op, $info\n";
362 dsn => ($info=~m/\[(.+)\]/)[0],
363 storage_type => $info=~m/REPLICANT/ ? 'REPLICANT' : 'MASTER',
367 ok my @all_storages = $replicated->schema->storage->all_storages
370 is scalar @all_storages,
372 => 'correct number of ->all_storages';
374 is ((grep $_->isa('DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI'), @all_storages),
376 => '->all_storages are correct type');
378 my @all_storage_opts =
379 grep { (reftype($_)||'') eq 'HASH' }
380 map @{ $_->_connect_info }, @all_storages;
382 is ((grep $_->{master_option}, @all_storage_opts),
384 => 'connect_info was merged from master to replicants');
386 my @replicant_names = keys %{ $replicated->schema->storage->replicants };
388 ok @replicant_names, "found replicant names @replicant_names";
390 ## Silence warning about not supporting the is_replicating method if using the
392 $replicated->schema->storage->debugobj->silence(1)
393 if first { $_ =~ /$var_dir/ } @replicant_names;
395 isa_ok $replicated->schema->storage->balancer->current_replicant
396 => 'DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI';
398 $replicated->schema->storage->debugobj->silence(0);
400 ok $replicated->schema->storage->pool->has_replicants
401 => 'does have replicants';
403 is $replicated->schema->storage->pool->num_replicants => 2
404 => 'has two replicants';
406 does_ok $replicated_storages[0]
407 => 'DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::Replicated::Replicant';
409 does_ok $replicated_storages[1]
410 => 'DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::Replicated::Replicant';
412 does_ok $replicated->schema->storage->replicants->{$replicant_names[0]}
413 => 'DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::Replicated::Replicant';
415 does_ok $replicated->schema->storage->replicants->{$replicant_names[1]}
416 => 'DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::Replicated::Replicant';
418 ## Add some info to the database
422 ->populate('Artist', [
423 [ qw/artistid name/ ],
424 [ 4, "Ozric Tentacles"],
427 is $debug{storage_type}, 'MASTER',
428 "got last query from a master: $debug{dsn}";
430 like $debug{info}, qr/INSERT/, 'Last was an insert';
432 ## Make sure all the slaves have the table definitions
434 $replicated->replicate;
435 $replicated->schema->storage->replicants->{$replicant_names[0]}->active(1);
436 $replicated->schema->storage->replicants->{$replicant_names[1]}->active(1);
438 ## Silence warning about not supporting the is_replicating method if using the
440 $replicated->schema->storage->debugobj->silence(1)
441 if first { $_ =~ /$var_dir/ } @replicant_names;
443 $replicated->schema->storage->pool->validate_replicants;
445 $replicated->schema->storage->debugobj->silence(0);
447 ## Make sure we can read the data.
449 ok my $artist1 = $replicated->schema->resultset('Artist')->find(4)
452 ## We removed testing here since master read weight is on, so we can't tell in
453 ## advance what storage to expect. We turn master read weight off a bit lower
454 ## is $debug{storage_type}, 'REPLICANT'
455 ## => "got last query from a replicant: $debug{dsn}, $debug{info}";
458 => 'DBICTest::Artist';
460 is $artist1->name, 'Ozric Tentacles'
461 => 'Found expected name for first result';
463 ## Check that master_read_weight is honored
465 no warnings qw/once redefine/;
468 *DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::Replicated::Balancer::Random::_random_number =
471 $replicated->schema->storage->balancer->increment_storage;
473 is $replicated->schema->storage->balancer->current_replicant,
474 $replicated->schema->storage->master
475 => 'master_read_weight is honored';
477 ## turn it off for the duration of the test
478 $replicated->schema->storage->balancer->master_read_weight(0);
479 $replicated->schema->storage->balancer->increment_storage;
482 ## Add some new rows that only the master will have This is because
483 ## we overload any type of write operation so that is must hit the master
488 ->populate('Artist', [
489 [ qw/artistid name/ ],
490 [ 5, "Doom's Children"],
491 [ 6, "Dead On Arrival"],
495 is $debug{storage_type}, 'MASTER',
496 "got last query from a master: $debug{dsn}";
498 like $debug{info}, qr/INSERT/, 'Last was an insert';
500 ## Make sure all the slaves have the table definitions
501 $replicated->replicate;
503 ## Should find some data now
505 ok my $artist2 = $replicated->schema->resultset('Artist')->find(5)
508 is $debug{storage_type}, 'REPLICANT'
509 => "got last query from a replicant: $debug{dsn}";
512 => 'DBICTest::Artist';
514 is $artist2->name, "Doom's Children"
515 => 'Found expected name for first result';
517 ## What happens when we disconnect all the replicants?
519 is $replicated->schema->storage->pool->connected_replicants => 2
520 => "both replicants are connected";
522 $replicated->schema->storage->replicants->{$replicant_names[0]}->disconnect;
523 $replicated->schema->storage->replicants->{$replicant_names[1]}->disconnect;
525 is $replicated->schema->storage->pool->connected_replicants => 0
526 => "both replicants are now disconnected";
528 ## All these should pass, since the database should automatically reconnect
530 ok my $artist3 = $replicated->schema->resultset('Artist')->find(6)
531 => 'Still finding stuff.';
533 is $debug{storage_type}, 'REPLICANT'
534 => "got last query from a replicant: $debug{dsn}";
537 => 'DBICTest::Artist';
539 is $artist3->name, "Dead On Arrival"
540 => 'Found expected name for first result';
542 is $replicated->schema->storage->pool->connected_replicants => 1
543 => "At Least One replicant reconnected to handle the job";
545 ## What happens when we try to select something that doesn't exist?
547 ok ! $replicated->schema->resultset('Artist')->find(666)
548 => 'Correctly failed to find something.';
550 is $debug{storage_type}, 'REPLICANT'
551 => "got last query from a replicant: $debug{dsn}";
553 ## test the reliable option
557 $replicated->schema->storage->set_reliable_storage;
559 ok $replicated->schema->resultset('Artist')->find(2)
560 => 'Read from master 1';
562 is $debug{storage_type}, 'MASTER',
563 "got last query from a master: $debug{dsn}";
565 ok $replicated->schema->resultset('Artist')->find(5)
566 => 'Read from master 2';
568 is $debug{storage_type}, 'MASTER',
569 "got last query from a master: $debug{dsn}";
571 $replicated->schema->storage->set_balanced_storage;
573 ok $replicated->schema->resultset('Artist')->find(3)
574 => 'Read from replicant';
576 is $debug{storage_type}, 'REPLICANT',
577 "got last query from a replicant: $debug{dsn}";
580 ## Make sure when reliable goes out of scope, we are using replicants again
582 ok $replicated->schema->resultset('Artist')->find(1)
583 => 'back to replicant 1.';
585 is $debug{storage_type}, 'REPLICANT',
586 "got last query from a replicant: $debug{dsn}";
588 ok $replicated->schema->resultset('Artist')->find(2)
589 => 'back to replicant 2.';
591 is $debug{storage_type}, 'REPLICANT',
592 "got last query from a replicant: $debug{dsn}";
594 ## set all the replicants to inactive, and make sure the balancer falls back to
597 $replicated->schema->storage->replicants->{$replicant_names[0]}->active(0);
598 $replicated->schema->storage->replicants->{$replicant_names[1]}->active(0);
601 ## catch the fallback to master warning
602 open my $debugfh, '>', \my $fallback_warning;
603 my $oldfh = $replicated->schema->storage->debugfh;
604 $replicated->schema->storage->debugfh($debugfh);
606 ok $replicated->schema->resultset('Artist')->find(2)
607 => 'Fallback to master';
609 is $debug{storage_type}, 'MASTER',
610 "got last query from a master: $debug{dsn}";
612 like $fallback_warning, qr/falling back to master/
613 => 'emits falling back to master debug';
615 $replicated->schema->storage->debugfh($oldfh);
618 $replicated->schema->storage->replicants->{$replicant_names[0]}->active(1);
619 $replicated->schema->storage->replicants->{$replicant_names[1]}->active(1);
621 ## Silence warning about not supporting the is_replicating method if using the
623 $replicated->schema->storage->debugobj->silence(1)
624 if first { $_ =~ /$var_dir/ } @replicant_names;
626 $replicated->schema->storage->pool->validate_replicants;
628 $replicated->schema->storage->debugobj->silence(0);
631 ## catch the fallback to master warning
632 open my $debugfh, '>', \my $return_warning;
633 my $oldfh = $replicated->schema->storage->debugfh;
634 $replicated->schema->storage->debugfh($debugfh);
636 ok $replicated->schema->resultset('Artist')->find(2)
637 => 'Return to replicants';
639 is $debug{storage_type}, 'REPLICANT',
640 "got last query from a replicant: $debug{dsn}";
642 like $return_warning, qr/Moved back to slave/
643 => 'emits returning to slave debug';
645 $replicated->schema->storage->debugfh($oldfh);
648 ## Getting slave status tests
651 ## We skip this tests unless you have a custom replicants, since the default
652 ## sqlite based replication tests don't support these functions.
654 skip 'Cannot Test Replicant Status on Non Replicating Database', 10
655 unless DBICTest->has_custom_dsn && $ENV{"DBICTEST_SLAVE0_DSN"};
657 $replicated->replicate; ## Give the slaves a chance to catchup.
659 ok $replicated->schema->storage->replicants->{$replicant_names[0]}->is_replicating
660 => 'Replicants are replicating';
662 is $replicated->schema->storage->replicants->{$replicant_names[0]}->lag_behind_master, 0
663 => 'Replicant is zero seconds behind master';
665 ## Test the validate replicants
667 $replicated->schema->storage->pool->validate_replicants;
669 is $replicated->schema->storage->pool->active_replicants, 2
670 => 'Still have 2 replicants after validation';
672 ## Force the replicants to fail the validate test by required their lag to
673 ## be negative (ie ahead of the master!)
675 $replicated->schema->storage->pool->maximum_lag(-10);
676 $replicated->schema->storage->pool->validate_replicants;
678 is $replicated->schema->storage->pool->active_replicants, 0
679 => 'No way a replicant be be ahead of the master';
681 ## Let's be fair to the replicants again. Let them lag up to 5
683 $replicated->schema->storage->pool->maximum_lag(5);
684 $replicated->schema->storage->pool->validate_replicants;
686 is $replicated->schema->storage->pool->active_replicants, 2
687 => 'Both replicants in good standing again';
689 ## Check auto validate
691 is $replicated->schema->storage->balancer->auto_validate_every, 100
692 => "Got the expected value for auto validate";
694 ## This will make sure we auto validatge everytime
695 $replicated->schema->storage->balancer->auto_validate_every(0);
697 ## set all the replicants to inactive, and make sure the balancer falls back to
700 $replicated->schema->storage->replicants->{$replicant_names[0]}->active(0);
701 $replicated->schema->storage->replicants->{$replicant_names[1]}->active(0);
703 ## Ok, now when we go to run a query, autovalidate SHOULD reconnect
705 is $replicated->schema->storage->pool->active_replicants => 0
706 => "both replicants turned off";
708 ok $replicated->schema->resultset('Artist')->find(5)
709 => 'replicant reactivated';
711 is $debug{storage_type}, 'REPLICANT',
712 "got last query from a replicant: $debug{dsn}";
714 is $replicated->schema->storage->pool->active_replicants => 2
715 => "both replicants reactivated";
718 ## Test the reliably callback
720 ok my $reliably = sub {
722 ok $replicated->schema->resultset('Artist')->find(5)
723 => 'replicant reactivated';
725 is $debug{storage_type}, 'MASTER',
726 "got last query from a master: $debug{dsn}";
728 } => 'created coderef properly';
730 $replicated->schema->storage->execute_reliably($reliably);
732 ## Try something with an error
734 ok my $unreliably = sub {
736 ok $replicated->schema->resultset('ArtistXX')->find(5)
737 => 'replicant reactivated';
739 } => 'created coderef properly';
741 throws_ok {$replicated->schema->storage->execute_reliably($unreliably)}
742 qr/Can't find source for ArtistXX/
743 => 'Bad coderef throws proper error';
745 ## Make sure replication came back
747 ok $replicated->schema->resultset('Artist')->find(3)
748 => 'replicant reactivated';
750 is $debug{storage_type}, 'REPLICANT', "got last query from a replicant: $debug{dsn}";
752 ## make sure transactions are set to execute_reliably
754 ok my $transaction = sub {
760 ->populate('Artist', [
761 [ qw/artistid name/ ],
762 [ $id, "Children of the Grave $id"],
765 ok my $result = $replicated->schema->resultset('Artist')->find($id)
766 => "Found expected artist for $id";
768 is $debug{storage_type}, 'MASTER',
769 "got last query from a master: $debug{dsn}";
771 ok my $more = $replicated->schema->resultset('Artist')->find(1)
772 => 'Found expected artist again for 1';
774 is $debug{storage_type}, 'MASTER',
775 "got last query from a master: $debug{dsn}";
777 return ($result, $more);
779 } => 'Created a coderef properly';
781 ## Test the transaction with multi return
783 ok my @return = $replicated->schema->txn_do($transaction, 666)
784 => 'did transaction';
786 is $return[0]->id, 666
787 => 'first returned value is correct';
789 is $debug{storage_type}, 'MASTER',
790 "got last query from a master: $debug{dsn}";
793 => 'second returned value is correct';
795 is $debug{storage_type}, 'MASTER',
796 "got last query from a master: $debug{dsn}";
800 ## Test that asking for single return works
802 ok my @return = $replicated->schema->txn_do($transaction, 777)
803 => 'did transaction';
805 is $return[0]->id, 777
806 => 'first returned value is correct';
809 => 'second returned value is correct';
812 ## Test transaction returning a single value
815 ok my $result = $replicated->schema->txn_do(sub {
816 ok my $more = $replicated->schema->resultset('Artist')->find(1)
817 => 'found inside a transaction';
818 is $debug{storage_type}, 'MASTER', "got last query from a master: $debug{dsn}";
820 }) => 'successfully processed transaction';
823 => 'Got expected single result from transaction';
826 ## Make sure replication came back
828 ok $replicated->schema->resultset('Artist')->find(1)
829 => 'replicant reactivated';
831 is $debug{storage_type}, 'REPLICANT', "got last query from a replicant: $debug{dsn}";
833 ## Test Discard changes
836 ok my $artist = $replicated->schema->resultset('Artist')->find(2)
837 => 'got an artist to test discard changes';
839 is $debug{storage_type}, 'REPLICANT', "got last query from a replicant: $debug{dsn}";
841 ok $artist->get_from_storage({force_pool=>'master'})
842 => 'properly discard changes';
844 is $debug{storage_type}, 'MASTER', "got last query from a master: $debug{dsn}";
846 ok $artist->discard_changes({force_pool=>'master'})
847 => 'properly called discard_changes against master (manual attrs)';
849 is $debug{storage_type}, 'MASTER', "got last query from a master: $debug{dsn}";
851 ok $artist->discard_changes()
852 => 'properly called discard_changes against master (default attrs)';
854 is $debug{storage_type}, 'MASTER', "got last query from a master: $debug{dsn}";
856 ok $artist->discard_changes({force_pool=>$replicant_names[0]})
857 => 'properly able to override the default attributes';
859 is $debug{storage_type}, 'REPLICANT', "got last query from a replicant: $debug{dsn}"
862 ## Test some edge cases, like trying to do a transaction inside a transaction, etc
865 ok my $result = $replicated->schema->txn_do(sub {
866 return $replicated->schema->txn_do(sub {
867 ok my $more = $replicated->schema->resultset('Artist')->find(1)
868 => 'found inside a transaction inside a transaction';
869 is $debug{storage_type}, 'MASTER', "got last query from a master: $debug{dsn}";
872 }) => 'successfully processed transaction';
875 => 'Got expected single result from transaction';
879 ok my $result = $replicated->schema->txn_do(sub {
880 return $replicated->schema->storage->execute_reliably(sub {
881 return $replicated->schema->txn_do(sub {
882 return $replicated->schema->storage->execute_reliably(sub {
883 ok my $more = $replicated->schema->resultset('Artist')->find(1)
884 => 'found inside crazy deep transactions and execute_reliably';
885 is $debug{storage_type}, 'MASTER', "got last query from a master: $debug{dsn}";
890 }) => 'successfully processed transaction';
893 => 'Got expected single result from transaction';
896 ## Test the force_pool resultset attribute.
899 ok my $artist_rs = $replicated->schema->resultset('Artist')
900 => 'got artist resultset';
902 ## Turn on Forced Pool Storage
903 ok my $reliable_artist_rs = $artist_rs->search(undef, {force_pool=>'master'})
904 => 'Created a resultset using force_pool storage';
906 ok my $artist = $reliable_artist_rs->find(2)
907 => 'got an artist result via force_pool storage';
909 is $debug{storage_type}, 'MASTER', "got last query from a master: $debug{dsn}";
912 ## Test the force_pool resultset attribute part two.
915 ok my $artist_rs = $replicated->schema->resultset('Artist')
916 => 'got artist resultset';
918 ## Turn on Forced Pool Storage
919 ok my $reliable_artist_rs = $artist_rs->search(undef, {force_pool=>$replicant_names[0]})
920 => 'Created a resultset using force_pool storage';
922 ok my $artist = $reliable_artist_rs->find(2)
923 => 'got an artist result via force_pool storage';
925 is $debug{storage_type}, 'REPLICANT', "got last query from a replicant: $debug{dsn}";
927 ## Delete the old database files
928 $replicated->cleanup;