10 my $db_orig = "$FindBin::Bin/../var/DBIxClass.db";
11 my $db_tmp = "$db_orig.tmp";
13 # Set up the "usual" sqlite for DBICTest
14 my $schema = DBICTest->init_schema( sqlite_use_file => 1 );
16 # Make sure we're connected by doing something
17 my @art = $schema->resultset("Artist")->search({ }, { order_by => 'name DESC'});
18 cmp_ok(@art, '==', 3, "Three artists returned");
20 # Disconnect the dbh, and be sneaky about it
21 # Also test if DBD::SQLite finaly knows how to ->disconnect properly
24 local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { $w = shift };
25 $schema->storage->_dbh->disconnect;
26 ok ($w !~ /active statement handles/, 'SQLite can disconnect properly');
29 # Try the operation again - What should happen here is:
30 # 1. S::DBI blindly attempts the SELECT, which throws an exception
31 # 2. It catches the exception, checks ->{Active}/->ping, sees the disconnected state...
32 # 3. Reconnects, and retries the operation
34 my @art_two = $schema->resultset("Artist")->search({ }, { order_by => 'name DESC'});
35 cmp_ok(@art_two, '==', 3, "Three artists returned");
37 ### Now, disconnect the dbh, and move the db file;
38 # create a new one and chmod 000 to prevent SQLite from connecting.
39 $schema->storage->_dbh->disconnect;
40 move( $db_orig, $db_tmp );
41 open DBFILE, '>', $db_orig;
46 ### Try the operation again... it should fail, since there's no db
48 # Catch the DBI connection error
49 local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub {};
51 my @art_three = $schema->resultset("Artist")->search( {}, { order_by => 'name DESC' } );
53 ok( $@, 'The operation failed' );
56 ### Now, move the db file back to the correct name
58 move( $db_tmp, $db_orig );
61 skip "Cannot reconnect if original connection didn't fail", 2
62 if ( $@ =~ /encrypted or is not a database/ );
64 ### Try the operation again... this time, it should succeed
67 @art_four = $schema->resultset("Artist")->search( {}, { order_by => 'name DESC' } );
69 ok( !$@, 'The operation succeeded' );
70 cmp_ok( @art_four, '==', 3, "Three artists returned" );
73 # check that reconnection contexts are preserved in txn_do / dbh_do
79 invoke => sub { shift->(); 1 },
83 invoke => sub { my $foo = shift->() },
87 invoke => sub { my @foo = shift->() },
92 for my $ctx (keys $ctx_map) {
94 # start disconnected and then connected
95 $schema->storage->disconnect;
99 $ctx_map->{$ctx}{invoke}->(sub { $schema->txn_do(sub {
100 is_deeply (\@_, $args, 'Args propagated correctly' );
102 is (wantarray(), $ctx_map->{$ctx}{wa}, "Correct $ctx context");
104 # this will cause a retry
105 $schema->storage->_dbh->disconnect unless $disarmed++;
107 isa_ok ($schema->resultset('Artist')->next, 'DBICTest::Artist');