15 # You have to do it this way or VMS will get confused.
16 printf "%s $test%s\n", $ok ? 'ok' : 'not ok',
17 $name ? " - $name" : '';
19 printf "# Failed test at line %d\n", (caller($Ok_Level))[2] unless $ok;
32 my $have_alarm = $Config{d_alarm};
36 local $SIG{ALRM} = sub { die "timeout\n" };
40 alarm(2) if $have_alarm;
42 alarm(0) if $have_alarm;
46 ok( !$match && !$@, 'testing studys that used to hang' );
81 ok(/(a*b*)(c*)/ && $1 eq 'aaabbb' && $2 eq 'ccc');
82 ok(/(a+b+c+)/ && $1 eq 'aaabbbccc');
105 $* = 1; # test 3 only tested the optimized version--this one is for real
106 ok("ab\ncd\n" =~ /^cd/);
108 if ($^O eq 'os390' or $^O eq 'posix-bc' or $^O eq 'MacOS') {
109 # Even with the alarm() OS/390 and BS2000 can't manage these tests
110 # (Perl just goes into a busy loop, luckily an interruptable one)
111 for (25..26) { print "not ok $_ # TODO compiler bug?\n" }
114 # [ID 20010618.006] tests 25..26 may loop
119 alarm_ok { /[F]F$/ };