4 use Test::More qw(no_plan);
7 my $schema = DBICTest->init_schema();
9 # Under some versions of SQLite if the $rs is left hanging around it will lock
10 # So we create a scope here cos I'm lazy
12 my $rs = $schema->resultset('CD');
14 # get the defined columns
15 my @dbic_cols = sort $rs->result_source->columns;
17 # use the hashref inflator class as result class
18 $rs->result_class('DBIx::Class::ResultClass::HashRefInflator');
21 my $datahashref1 = $rs->first;
23 my @hashref_cols = sort keys %$datahashref1;
25 is_deeply( \@dbic_cols, \@hashref_cols, 'returned columns' );
30 my ($dbic_obj, $datahashref) = @_;
32 foreach my $col (keys %$datahashref) {
34 if (not ref ($datahashref->{$col}) ) {
35 is ($datahashref->{$col}, $dbic_obj->get_column($col), 'same value');
37 # related table entry (belongs_to)
38 elsif (ref ($datahashref->{$col}) eq 'HASH') {
39 check_cols_of($dbic_obj->$col, $datahashref->{$col});
41 # multiple related entries (has_many)
42 elsif (ref ($datahashref->{$col}) eq 'ARRAY') {
43 my @dbic_reltable = $dbic_obj->$col;
44 my @hashref_reltable = @{$datahashref->{$col}};
46 is (scalar @hashref_reltable, scalar @dbic_reltable, 'number of related entries');
48 # for my $index (0..scalar @hashref_reltable) {
49 for my $index (0..scalar @dbic_reltable) {
50 my $dbic_reltable_obj = $dbic_reltable[$index];
51 my $hashref_reltable_entry = $hashref_reltable[$index];
53 check_cols_of($dbic_reltable_obj, $hashref_reltable_entry);
59 # create a cd without tracks for testing empty has_many relationship
60 $schema->resultset('CD')->create({ title => 'Silence is golden', artist => 3, year => 2006 });
62 # order_by to ensure both resultsets have the rows in the same order
63 # also check result_class-as-an-attribute syntax
64 my $rs_dbic = $schema->resultset('CD')->search(undef,
66 prefetch => [ qw/ artist tracks / ],
67 order_by => [ 'me.cdid', 'tracks.position' ],
70 my $rs_hashrefinf = $schema->resultset('CD')->search(undef,
72 prefetch => [ qw/ artist tracks / ],
73 order_by => [ 'me.cdid', 'tracks.position' ],
74 result_class => 'DBIx::Class::ResultClass::HashRefInflator',
78 my @dbic = $rs_dbic->all;
79 my @hashrefinf = $rs_hashrefinf->all;
81 for my $index (0 .. $#hashrefinf) {
82 my $dbic_obj = $dbic[$index];
83 my $datahashref = $hashrefinf[$index];
85 check_cols_of($dbic_obj, $datahashref);
88 # sometimes for ultra-mega-speed you want to fetch columns in esoteric ways
89 # check the inflator over a non-fetching join
90 $rs_dbic = $schema->resultset ('Artist')->search ({ 'me.artistid' => 1}, {
91 prefetch => { cds => 'tracks' },
92 order_by => [qw/cds.cdid tracks.trackid/],
95 $rs_hashrefinf = $schema->resultset ('Artist')->search ({ 'me.artistid' => 1}, {
96 join => { cds => 'tracks' },
97 select => [qw/name tracks.title tracks.cd /],
98 as => [qw/name cds.tracks.title cds.tracks.cd /],
99 order_by => [qw/cds.cdid tracks.trackid/],
100 result_class => 'DBIx::Class::ResultClass::HashRefInflator',
103 @dbic = map { $_->tracks->all } ($rs_dbic->first->cds->all);
104 @hashrefinf = $rs_hashrefinf->all;
106 is (scalar @dbic, scalar @hashrefinf, 'Equal number of tracks fetched');
108 for my $index (0 .. $#hashrefinf) {
109 my $track = $dbic[$index];
110 my $datahashref = $hashrefinf[$index];
112 is ($track->cd->artist->name, $datahashref->{name}, 'Brought back correct artist');
113 for my $col (keys %{$datahashref->{cds}{tracks}}) {
114 is ($track->get_column ($col), $datahashref->{cds}{tracks}{$col}, "Correct track '$col'");
118 # check for same query as above but using extended columns syntax
119 $rs_hashrefinf = $schema->resultset ('Artist')->search ({ 'me.artistid' => 1}, {
120 join => { cds => 'tracks' },
121 columns => {name => 'name', 'cds.tracks.title' => 'tracks.title', 'cds.tracks.cd' => 'tracks.cd'},
122 order_by => [qw/cds.cdid tracks.trackid/],
124 $rs_hashrefinf->result_class('DBIx::Class::ResultClass::HashRefInflator');
125 is_deeply [$rs_hashrefinf->all], \@hashrefinf, 'Check query using extended columns syntax';
127 # check nested prefetching of has_many relationships which return nothing
128 my $artist = $schema->resultset ('Artist')->create ({ name => 'unsuccessful artist without CDs'});
129 $artist->discard_changes;
130 my $rs_artists = $schema->resultset ('Artist')->search ({ 'me.artistid' => $artist->id}, {
131 prefetch => { cds => 'tracks' }, result_class => 'DBIx::Class::ResultClass::HashRefInflator',
135 [{ $artist->get_columns, cds => [] }],
136 'nested has_many prefetch without entries'