10 my $cd = DBICTest::CD->retrieve(4);
11 my ($artist) = $cd->search_related('artist');
12 is($artist->name, 'Random Boy Band', 'has_a search_related ok');
14 # has_many test with an order_by clause defined
15 $artist = DBICTest::Artist->retrieve(1);
16 is( ($artist->search_related('cds'))[1]->title, 'Spoonful of bees', 'has_many search_related with order_by ok' );
18 # search_related with additional abstract query
19 my @cds = $artist->search_related('cds', { title => { like => '%of%' } } );
20 is( $cds[1]->title, 'Forkful of bees', 'search_related with abstract query ok' );
22 # creating a related object
23 $artist->create_related( 'cds', {
27 is( ($artist->search_related('cds'))[3]->title, 'Big Flop', 'create_related ok' );
30 is( $artist->count_related('cds'), 4, 'count_related ok' );
34 #skip "Relationship with invalid cols not yet checked", 1;
36 # try to add a bogus relationship using the wrong cols
38 $artist->add_relationship(
39 tracks => 'DBICTest::Track',
40 { 'foreign.cd' => 'self.cdid' }
43 like($@, qr/Unknown column/, 'failed when creating a rel with invalid key, ok');
47 # another bogus relationship using no join condition
49 $artist->add_relationship( tracks => 'DBICTest::Track' );
51 like($@, qr/join condition/, 'failed when creating a rel without join condition, ok');