4 use Test::More tests => 4;
12 my ( $dsn, $user, $pass )
13 = @ENV{ map {"DBICTEST_PG_${_}"} qw/DSN USER PASS/ };
14 plan skip_all => <<'EOM' unless $dsn && $user;
15 Set $ENV{DBICTEST_PG_DSN}, _USER and _PASS to run this test
16 ( NOTE: This test drops and creates some tables.')
19 my $schema = CafeInsertion->connect( $dsn, $user, $pass );
20 $schema->storage->ensure_connected;
21 $schema->storage->_use_insert_returning(0);
22 $schema->storage->dbh->{Warn} = 0;
24 my $dir = "t/sql"; # tempdir(CLEANUP => 0);
25 $schema->create_ddl_dir( ['PostgreSQL'], 0.1, $dir );
26 $schema->deploy( { add_drop_table => 1, add_drop_view => 1 } );
29 $schema->source('Sumatra'),
30 'DBIx::Class::ResultSource::View',
34 my ( $drink, $drink1 );
37 $drink = $schema->resultset('Sumatra')->create(
45 "I can call a create on a view sumatra";
48 $drink1 = $schema->resultset('Coffee')->create( { flavor => 'aaight', } );
50 "I can do it for the other view, too";
52 my $sqlt_object = $schema->{sqlt};
54 [ map { $_->name } $sqlt_object->get_views ],
60 "SQLT view order triumphantly matches our order."