4 use Test::More tests => 67;
7 use Scalar::Util qw/reftype/;
11 use Class::MOP::Class;
12 use Class::MOP::Method;
14 { # This package tries to test &has_method
15 # as exhaustively as possible. More corner
16 # cases are welcome :)
20 use Scalar::Util 'blessed';
25 use constant FOO_CONSTANT => 'Foo-CONSTANT';
27 # define a sub in package
28 sub bar { 'Foo::bar' }
31 # create something with the typeglob inside the package
32 *baaz = sub { 'Foo::baaz' };
34 { # method named with Sub::Name inside the package scope
36 *{'Foo::floob'} = Sub::Name::subname 'floob' => sub { '!floob!' };
39 # We hateses the "used only once" warnings
41 my $temp1 = \&Foo::baz;
42 my $temp2 = \&Foo::baaz;
48 sub elk { 'OinkyBoinky::elk' }
52 sub Foo::blah { $_[0]->Foo::baz() }
56 *{'Foo::bling'} = sub { '$$Bling$$' };
57 *{'Foo::bang'} = Sub::Name::subname 'Foo::bang' => sub { '!BANG!' };
58 *{'Foo::boom'} = Sub::Name::subname 'boom' => sub { '!BOOM!' };
60 eval "package Foo; sub evaled_foo { 'Foo::evaled_foo' }";
64 my $Foo = Class::MOP::Class->initialize('Foo');
66 ok($Foo->has_method('pie'), '... got the method stub pie');
67 ok($Foo->has_method('cake'), '... got the constant method stub cake');
69 my $foo = sub { 'Foo::foo' };
71 ok(!UNIVERSAL::isa($foo, 'Class::MOP::Method'), '... our method is not yet blessed');
74 $Foo->add_method('foo' => $foo);
75 } '... we added the method successfully';
77 my $foo_method = $Foo->get_method('foo');
79 isa_ok($foo_method, 'Class::MOP::Method');
81 is($foo_method->name, 'foo', '... got the right name for the method');
82 is($foo_method->package_name, 'Foo', '... got the right package name for the method');
84 ok($Foo->has_method('foo'), '... Foo->has_method(foo) (defined with Sub::Name)');
86 is($Foo->get_method('foo')->body, $foo, '... Foo->get_method(foo) == \&foo');
87 is($Foo->get_method('foo')->execute, 'Foo::foo', '... _method_foo->execute returns "Foo::foo"');
88 is(Foo->foo(), 'Foo::foo', '... Foo->foo() returns "Foo::foo"');
90 # now check all our other items ...
92 ok($Foo->has_method('FOO_CONSTANT'), '... not Foo->has_method(FOO_CONSTANT) (defined w/ use constant)');
93 ok(!$Foo->has_method('bling'), '... not Foo->has_method(bling) (defined in main:: using symbol tables (no Sub::Name))');
95 ok($Foo->has_method('bar'), '... Foo->has_method(bar) (defined in Foo)');
96 ok($Foo->has_method('baz'), '... Foo->has_method(baz) (typeglob aliased within Foo)');
97 ok($Foo->has_method('baaz'), '... Foo->has_method(baaz) (typeglob aliased within Foo)');
98 ok($Foo->has_method('floob'), '... Foo->has_method(floob) (defined in Foo:: using symbol tables and Sub::Name w/out package name)');
99 ok($Foo->has_method('blah'), '... Foo->has_method(blah) (defined in main:: using fully qualified package name)');
100 ok($Foo->has_method('bang'), '... Foo->has_method(bang) (defined in main:: using symbol tables and Sub::Name)');
101 ok($Foo->has_method('evaled_foo'), '... Foo->has_method(evaled_foo) (evaled in main::)');
103 my $OinkyBoinky = Class::MOP::Class->initialize('OinkyBoinky');
105 ok($OinkyBoinky->has_method('elk'), "the method 'elk' is defined in OinkyBoinky");
107 ok(!$OinkyBoinky->has_method('bar'), "the method 'bar' is not defined in OinkyBoinky");
109 ok(my $bar = $OinkyBoinky->find_method_by_name('bar'), "but if you look in the inheritence chain then 'bar' does exist");
111 is( reftype($bar->body), "CODE", "the returned value is a code ref" );
114 # calling get_method blessed them all
115 for my $method_name (qw/baaz
123 isa_ok($Foo->get_method($method_name), 'Class::MOP::Method');
126 is($Foo->get_method($method_name)->body, \&{'Foo::' . $method_name}, '... body matches CODE ref in package for ' . $method_name);
130 for my $method_name (qw/
133 is(ref($Foo->get_package_symbol('&' . $method_name)), 'CODE', '... got the __ANON__ methods');
136 is($Foo->get_package_symbol('&' . $method_name), \&{'Foo::' . $method_name}, '... symbol matches CODE ref in package for ' . $method_name);
141 package Foo::Aliasing;
143 sub alias_me { '...' }
146 $Foo->alias_method('alias_me' => Foo::Aliasing->meta->get_method('alias_me'));
148 ok($Foo->has_method('alias_me'), '... Foo->has_method(alias_me) (aliased from Foo::Aliasing)');
149 ok(defined &Foo::alias_me, '... Foo does have a symbol table slow for alias_me though');
151 ok(!$Foo->has_method('blessed'), '... !Foo->has_method(blessed) (imported into Foo)');
152 ok(!$Foo->has_method('boom'), '... !Foo->has_method(boom) (defined in main:: using symbol tables and Sub::Name w/out package name)');
154 ok(!$Foo->has_method('not_a_real_method'), '... !Foo->has_method(not_a_real_method) (does not exist)');
155 is($Foo->get_method('not_a_real_method'), undef, '... Foo->get_method(not_a_real_method) == undef');
158 [ sort $Foo->get_method_list ],
159 [ qw(FOO_CONSTANT alias_me baaz bang bar baz blah cake evaled_foo floob foo pie) ],
160 '... got the right method list for Foo');
163 [ sort { $a->name cmp $b->name } $Foo->get_all_methods() ],
165 map { $Foo->get_method($_) } qw(
180 '... got the right list of applicable methods for Foo');
182 is($Foo->remove_method('foo')->body, $foo, '... removed the foo method');
183 ok(!$Foo->has_method('foo'), '... !Foo->has_method(foo) we just removed it');
184 ok(!$Foo->get_method_map->{foo}, 'foo is not in the method map');
185 dies_ok { Foo->foo } '... cannot call Foo->foo because it is not there';
188 [ sort $Foo->get_method_list ],
189 [ qw(FOO_CONSTANT alias_me baaz bang bar baz blah cake evaled_foo floob pie) ],
190 '... got the right method list for Foo');
193 # ... test our class creator
195 my $Bar = Class::MOP::Class->create(
197 superclasses => [ 'Foo' ],
199 foo => sub { 'Bar::foo' },
200 bar => sub { 'Bar::bar' },
203 isa_ok($Bar, 'Class::MOP::Class');
205 ok($Bar->has_method('foo'), '... Bar->has_method(foo)');
206 ok($Bar->has_method('bar'), '... Bar->has_method(bar)');
208 is(Bar->foo, 'Bar::foo', '... Bar->foo == Bar::foo');
209 is(Bar->bar, 'Bar::bar', '... Bar->bar == Bar::bar');
212 $Bar->add_method('foo' => sub { 'Bar::foo v2' });
213 } '... overwriting a method is fine';
215 ok($Bar->has_method('foo'), '... Bar-> (still) has_method(foo)');
216 is(Bar->foo, 'Bar::foo v2', '... Bar->foo == "Bar::foo v2"');
219 [ sort $Bar->get_method_list ],
220 [ qw(bar foo meta) ],
221 '... got the right method list for Bar');
224 [ sort { $a->name cmp $b->name } $Bar->get_all_methods() ],
226 $Foo->get_method('FOO_CONSTANT'),
227 $Foo->get_method('alias_me'),
228 $Foo->get_method('baaz'),
229 $Foo->get_method('bang'),
230 $Bar->get_method('bar'),
231 (map { $Foo->get_method($_) } qw(
238 $Bar->get_method('foo'),
239 $Bar->get_method('meta'),
240 $Foo->get_method('pie'),
242 '... got the right list of applicable methods for Bar');
244 my $method = Class::MOP::Method->wrap(
246 package_name => 'Whatever',
247 body => sub {q{I am an object, and I feel an object's pain}},
250 Bar->meta->add_method( $method->name, $method );
252 my $new_method = Bar->meta->get_method('objecty');
254 isnt( $method, $new_method, 'add_method clones method objects as they are added' );
255 is( $new_method->original_method, $method, '... the cloned method has the correct original method' );