perl 5.000
[p5sagit/p5-mst-13.2.git] / pod / pod2html
1 #!../perl
3 # The beginning of the url for the anchors to the other sections.
4 chop($wd=`pwd`);
5 $type="<A HREF=\"file://localhost".$wd."/";
6 $debug=0;
7 $/ = "";
8 $p=\%p;
9 @exclusions=("perldebug","perlform","perlobj","perlstyle","perltrap","perlmod");
10 $indent=0;
11 opendir(DIR,".");
12 @{$p->{"pods"}}=grep(/\.pod$/,readdir(DIR));
13 closedir(DIR);
15 # learn the important stuff
17 foreach $tmpod (@{$p->{"pods"}}){
18     ($pod=$tmpod)=~s/\.pod$//;
19     $p->{"podnames"}->{$pod}=1;
20     next if grep(/$pod/,@exclusions);
21     open(POD,"<$tmpod");
22     while(<POD>){
23         s/B<([^<>]*)>/$1/g;         # bold
24         s/I<([^<>]*)>/$1/g;         # bold
25         if (s/^=//) {
26             s/\n$//s;
27             s/\n/ /g;
28             ($cmd, $_) = split(' ', $_, 2);
29             if ($cmd eq  "item") {
30                 ($what,$rest)=split(' ', $_, 2);
31                 $what=~s#(-.).*#$1#;
32                 $what=~s/\s*$//;
33                 next if defined $p->{"items"}->{$what};
34                 $p->{"items"}->{$what} = $pod."_".$i++;
35             }
36             elsif($cmd =~ /^head/){
37                 $_=~s/\s*$//;
38                 next if defined($p->{"headers"}->{$_});
39                 $p->{"headers"}->{$_} = $pod."_".$i++;
40             }
41         }
42     }
43 }
45 $/="";
47 # parse the pods, produce html
48 foreach $tmpod (@{$p->{"pods"}}){
49     open(POD,"<$tmpod") || die "cant open $pod";
50     ($pod=$tmpod)=~s/\.pod$//;
51     open(HTML,">$pod.html");
52     print HTML "<!-- \$RCSfile\$\$Revision\$\$Date\$ -->\n";
53     print HTML "<!-- \$Log\$ -->\n";
54     print HTML "<HTML>\n";
55     print HTML "<TITLE> \U$pod\E </TITLE>\n";
56     $cutting = 1;
57     while (<POD>) {
58         if ($cutting) {
59             next unless /^=/;
60             $cutting = 0;
61         }
62         chop;
63         length || (print "\n") && next;
64         # Translate verabatim paragraph
66         if (/^\s/) {
67             $unordered=0;
68             &pre_escapes;
69             &post_escapes;
70             @lines = split(/\n/);
71             if($lines[0]=~/^\s+(\w*)\t(.*)/){  # listing or unordered list
72                 ($key,$rest)=($1,$2);
73                 if(defined($p->{"podnames"}->{$key})){
74                     print HTML "\n<ul>\n";
75                     $unordered = 1;
76                 }
77                 else{
78                     print HTML  "\n<listing>\n";
79                 }
80                 foreach $line (@lines){
81                     ($line =~ /^\s+(\w*)\t(.*)/) && (($key,$rest)=($1,$2));
82                     print HTML defined($p->{"podnames"}->{$key}) ?
83                         "<li>$type$key.html\">$key<\/A>\t$rest\n" : "$line \n";
84                 }
85                 print HTML $unordered ? "</ul>\n" : "</listing>\n";
86                 next;
87             }else{                 # preformatted text
88                 print HTML "<pre>\n";
89                 for(@lines){
90                     s/^/    /;
91                     s/\t/        /g;
92                     print HTML  $_,"\n";
93                 }
94             print  HTML "</pre>\n";
95             next;
96             }
97         }
98         &pre_escapes;
99         s/S<([^<>]*)>/$1/g;              # embedded special
100         $_ = &Do_refs($_,$pod);
101         s/Z<>/<p>/g; # ?
102         s/E<([^<>]*)>/\&$1\;/g;              # embedded special
103         &post_escapes;
104         if (s/^=//) {
105             s/\n$//s;
106             s/\n/ /g;
107             ($cmd, $_) = split(' ', $_, 2);
108             if ($cmd eq 'cut') {
109                 $cutting = 1;
110             }
111             elsif ($cmd eq 'head1') {
112                 print HTML  qq{<h2>$_</h2>\n};
113             }
114             elsif ($cmd eq 'head2') {
115                 print  HTML qq{<h3>$_</h3>\n};
116             }
117             elsif ($cmd eq 'over') {
118                 push(@indent,$indent);
119                 $indent = $_ + 0;
120                 print HTML  qq{\n<dl>\n};
121             }
122             elsif ($cmd eq 'back') {
123                 $indent = pop(@indent);
124                 warn "Unmatched =back\n" unless defined $indent;
125                 $needspace = 1;
126                 print HTML qq{\n</dl>\n\n};
127             }
128             elsif ($cmd eq 'item') {
129                 ($what,$rest)=split(' ', $_, 2);
130                 $what=~s/\s*$//;
131                 if($justdid ne $what){
132                     print HTML "\n<A NAME=\"".$p->{"items"}->{$what}."\"></A>\n";
133                     $justdid=$what;
134                 }
135                 print  HTML qq{<dt><B>$_</B> </dt>\n};
136                 $next_para=1;
137             }
138             else {
139                 warn "Unrecognized directive: $cmd\n";
140             }
141         }
142         else {
143             length || next;
144             $next_para && (print HTML  qq{<dd>\n});
145             print HTML  "$_<p>";
146             $next_para && (print  HTML qq{</dd>\n<p>\n}) && ($next_para=0);
147         }
148     }
149 }
150 print HTML "\n</HTML>\n";
152 #########################################################################
154 sub pre_escapes {
155     s/\&/\&amp\;/g;
156     s/<</\&lt\;\&lt\;/g;
157     s/([^ESIBLCF])</$1\&lt\;/g;
158 }
160 sub post_escapes{
161     s/>>/\&gt\;\&gt\;/g;
162     s/([^"AIB])>/$1\&gt\;/g;
163 }
165 sub Do_refs{
166 local($para,$pod)=@_;
167 foreach $char ("L","C","I","B"){
168     next unless /($char<[^<>]*>)/;
169     local(@ar) = split(/($char<[^<>]*>)/,$para);
170     local($this,$key,$num);
171     for($this=0;$this<=$#ar;$this++){
172         next unless $ar[$this] =~ /${char}<([^<>]*)>/;
173         $key=$1;
175         if((defined($p->{"podnames"}->{$key})) && ($char eq "L")){
176             $ar[$this] = "\n$type$key.html\">\nthe $key manpage<\/A>\n"; # 
177         }
178         elsif(defined($p->{"items"}->{$key})){
179             ($pod2,$num)=split(/_/,$p->{"items"}->{$key},2);
180                 $ar[$this] = (($pod2 eq $pod) && ($para=~/^\=item/)) ?
181                 "\n<A NAME=\"".$p->{"items"}->{$key}."\">\n$key</A>\n"
182                 :
183                 "\n$type$pod2.html\#".$p->{"items"}->{$key}."\">$key<\/A>\n";
184         }
185         elsif(defined($p->{"headers"}->{$key})){
186             ($pod2,$num)=split(/_/,$p->{"headers"}->{$key},2);
187                 $ar[$this] = (($pod eq $pod2) && ($para=~/^\=head/)) ? 
188                 "\n<A NAME=\"".$p->{"headers"}->{$key}."\">\n$key</A>\n"
189                 :
190                 "\n$type$pod2.html\#".$p->{"headers"}->{$key}."\">$key<\/A>\n";
191         }
192         else{
193             (warn "No \"=item\" or \"=head\" reference for $ar[$this] in $pod\n") if $debug;
194             if($char =~ /^[BCF]$/){
195                 $ar[$this]="<B>$key</B>";
196             }
197             elsif($char eq "L"){
198                 $ar[$this]=$key;
199             }
200             elsif($char eq "I"){
201                 $ar[$this]="<I>$key</I>";
202             }
203         }
204     }
205     $para=join('',@ar);
206 }
207 $para;
208 }
209 sub wait{1;}