Add INOUT to control both ways at the same time.
[p5sagit/p5-mst-13.2.git] / lib / unicode /
1 # !!!!!!!   DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE   !!!!!!! 
2 # This file is built by mktables.PL from e.g. Unicode.txt.
3 # Any changes made here will be lost!
4 %utf8::In = (
5 'Latin'                                  =>   0,
6 'Greek'                                  =>   1,
7 'Cyrillic'                               =>   2,
8 'Armenian'                               =>   3,
9 'Hebrew'                                 =>   4,
10 'Arabic'                                 =>   5,
11 'Syriac'                                 =>   6,
12 'Thaana'                                 =>   7,
13 'Devanagari'                             =>   8,
14 'Bengali'                                =>   9,
15 'Gurmukhi'                               =>  10,
16 'Gujarati'                               =>  11,
17 'Oriya'                                  =>  12,
18 'Tamil'                                  =>  13,
19 'Telugu'                                 =>  14,
20 'Kannada'                                =>  15,
21 'Malayalam'                              =>  16,
22 'Sinhala'                                =>  17,
23 'Thai'                                   =>  18,
24 'Lao'                                    =>  19,
25 'Tibetan'                                =>  20,
26 'Myanmar'                                =>  21,
27 'Georgian'                               =>  22,
28 'Hangul'                                 =>  23,
29 'Ethiopic'                               =>  24,
30 'Cherokee'                               =>  25,
31 'CanadianAboriginal'                     =>  26,
32 'Ogham'                                  =>  27,
33 'Runic'                                  =>  28,
34 'Khmer'                                  =>  29,
35 'Mongolian'                              =>  30,
36 'Hiragana'                               =>  31,
37 'Katakana'                               =>  32,
38 'Bopomofo'                               =>  33,
39 'Han'                                    =>  34,
40 'Yi'                                     =>  35,
41 'OldItalic'                              =>  36,
42 'Gothic'                                 =>  37,
43 'Deseret'                                =>  38,
44 'Inherited'                              =>  39,
45 'BasicLatin'                             =>  40,
46 'Latin1Supplement'                       =>  41,
47 'LatinExtendedA'                         =>  42,
48 'LatinExtendedB'                         =>  43,
49 'IPAExtensions'                          =>  44,
50 'SpacingModifierLetters'                 =>  45,
51 'CombiningDiacriticalMarks'              =>  46,
52 'GreekBlock'                             =>  47,
53 'CyrillicBlock'                          =>  48,
54 'ArmenianBlock'                          =>  49,
55 'HebrewBlock'                            =>  50,
56 'ArabicBlock'                            =>  51,
57 'SyriacBlock'                            =>  52,
58 'ThaanaBlock'                            =>  53,
59 'DevanagariBlock'                        =>  54,
60 'BengaliBlock'                           =>  55,
61 'GurmukhiBlock'                          =>  56,
62 'GujaratiBlock'                          =>  57,
63 'OriyaBlock'                             =>  58,
64 'TamilBlock'                             =>  59,
65 'TeluguBlock'                            =>  60,
66 'KannadaBlock'                           =>  61,
67 'MalayalamBlock'                         =>  62,
68 'SinhalaBlock'                           =>  63,
69 'ThaiBlock'                              =>  64,
70 'LaoBlock'                               =>  65,
71 'TibetanBlock'                           =>  66,
72 'MyanmarBlock'                           =>  67,
73 'GeorgianBlock'                          =>  68,
74 'HangulJamo'                             =>  69,
75 'EthiopicBlock'                          =>  70,
76 'CherokeeBlock'                          =>  71,
77 'UnifiedCanadianAboriginalSyllabics'     =>  72,
78 'OghamBlock'                             =>  73,
79 'RunicBlock'                             =>  74,
80 'KhmerBlock'                             =>  75,
81 'MongolianBlock'                         =>  76,
82 'LatinExtendedAdditional'                =>  77,
83 'GreekExtended'                          =>  78,
84 'GeneralPunctuation'                     =>  79,
85 'SuperscriptsandSubscripts'              =>  80,
86 'CurrencySymbols'                        =>  81,
87 'CombiningMarksforSymbols'               =>  82,
88 'LetterlikeSymbols'                      =>  83,
89 'NumberForms'                            =>  84,
90 'Arrows'                                 =>  85,
91 'MathematicalOperators'                  =>  86,
92 'MiscellaneousTechnical'                 =>  87,
93 'ControlPictures'                        =>  88,
94 'OpticalCharacterRecognition'            =>  89,
95 'EnclosedAlphanumerics'                  =>  90,
96 'BoxDrawing'                             =>  91,
97 'BlockElements'                          =>  92,
98 'GeometricShapes'                        =>  93,
99 'MiscellaneousSymbols'                   =>  94,
100 'Dingbats'                               =>  95,
101 'BraillePatterns'                        =>  96,
102 'CJKRadicalsSupplement'                  =>  97,
103 'KangxiRadicals'                         =>  98,
104 'IdeographicDescriptionCharacters'       =>  99,
105 'CJKSymbolsandPunctuation'               => 100,
106 'HiraganaBlock'                          => 101,
107 'KatakanaBlock'                          => 102,
108 'BopomofoBlock'                          => 103,
109 'HangulCompatibilityJamo'                => 104,
110 'Kanbun'                                 => 105,
111 'BopomofoExtended'                       => 106,
112 'EnclosedCJKLettersandMonths'            => 107,
113 'CJKCompatibility'                       => 108,
114 'CJKUnifiedIdeographsExtensionA'         => 109,
115 'CJKUnifiedIdeographs'                   => 110,
116 'YiSyllables'                            => 111,
117 'YiRadicals'                             => 112,
118 'HangulSyllables'                        => 113,
119 'HighSurrogates'                         => 114,
120 'HighPrivateUseSurrogates'               => 115,
121 'LowSurrogates'                          => 116,
122 'PrivateUse'                             => 117,
123 'CJKCompatibilityIdeographs'             => 118,
124 'AlphabeticPresentationForms'            => 119,
125 'ArabicPresentationFormsA'               => 120,
126 'CombiningHalfMarks'                     => 121,
127 'CJKCompatibilityForms'                  => 122,
128 'SmallFormVariants'                      => 123,
129 'ArabicPresentationFormsB'               => 124,
130 'Specials'                               => 125,
131 'HalfwidthandFullwidthForms'             => 126,
132 'OldItalicBlock'                         => 127,
133 'GothicBlock'                            => 128,
134 'DeseretBlock'                           => 129,
135 'ByzantineMusicalSymbols'                => 130,
136 'MusicalSymbols'                         => 131,
137 'MathematicalAlphanumericSymbols'        => 132,
138 'CJKUnifiedIdeographsExtensionB'         => 133,
139 'CJKCompatibilityIdeographsSupplement'   => 134,
140 'Tags'                                   => 135,
141 );