basic trace level control from the shell
[scpubgit/DX.git] / lib / DX /
1 package DX::ShellSession;
3 use Tcl;
4 use Scalar::Util qw(weaken);
5 use DX::Expander;
6 use DX::Proposition;
7 use DX::Utils qw(deparse);
8 use DX::Class;
10 has shell_state => (is => 'rwp', required => 1, isa => ShellState);
12 has expander => (
13   is => 'lazy', builder => sub { DX::Expander->new(tcl => $_[0]->tcl) },
14   handles => [ qw(expand_args) ],
15 );
17 has tcl => (is => 'lazy', builder => sub {
18   my ($self) = @_;
19   weaken $self;
20   my $tcl = Tcl->new;
21   $tcl->CreateCommand('?' => sub {
22     $self->apply_to_state([ 'new_query_state' ], [ mode => 'query' ]);
23   });
24   $tcl->CreateCommand('?+' => sub {
25     $self->apply_to_state([ mode => 'query' ]);
26   });
27   my $qvars;
28   $tcl->CreateCommand('.' => sub {
29     $self->apply_to_state([ mode => 'shell' ]);
30     $qvars->();
31   });
32   $tcl->CreateCommand('...' => sub {
33     $self->apply_to_state([ mode => 'shell' ]);
34     my $orig = my $cur = $self->shell_state->current_query_state;
35     while ($cur) {
36       $self->_set_shell_state(
37         $self->shell_state->but(current_query_state => $cur)
38       );
39       $qvars->();
40       $cur = eval { $cur->with_forced_backtrack };
41       push our @Result, [ output => $@ ] if $@;
42     }
43     $self->_set_shell_state(
44       $self->shell_state->but(
45         current_query_state => $orig
46       ),
47     );
48     return;
49   });
50   $tcl->CreateCommand(qlist => sub {
51     push our @Result, map [ output => $_ ], @{
52       $self->shell_state->current_query_state->proposition_sequence->members
53     };
54     return;
55   });
56   $tcl->CreateCommand(qvars => $qvars = sub {
57     my $locals = $self->shell_state->current_query_state->search_state
58                       ->current_hypothesis->scope->locals->[0];
59     push our @Result, [ output => $locals ];
60     return;
61   });
62   $tcl->CreateCommand(qdeps => sub {
63     my $rps = $self->shell_state->current_query_state->search_state
64                    ->current_hypothesis->resolved_propositions;
65     push our @Result, [ output => $rps ];
66     return;
67   });
68   $tcl->CreateCommand(qact => sub {
69     my $act = $self->shell_state->current_query_state->search_state
70                    ->current_hypothesis->actions;
71     push our @Result, map [ output => $_ ], @$act;
72     return;
73   });
74   foreach my $pred (
75     keys %{$self->shell_state->template_query_state->predicates}
76   ) {
77     $tcl->CreateCommand($pred => sub {
78       my (undef, undef, undef, @args) = @_; # ($data, $interp, $pred)
79       $self->apply_predicate($pred => @args);
80     });
81   }
82   $tcl->CreateCommand(const => sub {
83     my (undef, undef, undef, $name, $value) = @_;
84     my $tqs = $self->shell_state->template_query_state;
85     my $new_tqs = $tqs->but(
86       globals => $tqs->globals->with_member_at(
87         $name => $self->expand_args($value),
88       ),
89     );
90     $self->_set_shell_state(
91       $self->shell_state->but(
92         template_query_state => $new_tqs
93       ),
94     );
95   });
96   $tcl->CreateCommand(trace => sub {
97     my (undef, undef, undef, @trace) = @_;
98     $self->_set_shell_state(
99       $self->shell_state->with_trace_changes(@trace)
100     );
101   });
102   return $tcl;
103 });
105 sub apply_to_state {
106   my ($self, @to_apply) = @_;
107   my $state = $self->shell_state;
108   our @Result;
109   foreach my $to_apply (@to_apply) {
110     my ($change, @args) = @$to_apply;
111     ($state, my @this_result) = $state->${\"with_${change}"}(@args);
112     push @Result, @this_result;
113   }
114   $self->_set_shell_state($state);
115   return;
116 }
118 sub is_complete_command_string {
119   my ($self, $string) = @_;
120   return !!$self->tcl->icall(info => complete => $string);
121 }
123 sub eval_command_string {
124   my ($self, $string) = @_;
125   local our @Result;
126   try {
127     no warnings 'redefine';
128     local *DX::Utils::trace = $self->shell_state->trace_sub;
129     $self->tcl->Eval($string);
130   } catch {
131     push @Result, [ output => $_ ];
132   };
133   return map {
134     ($_->[0] eq 'output' and ref($_->[1]))
135       ? [ output => deparse($_->[1]) ]
136       : $_
137   } @Result;
138 }
140 sub apply_predicate {
141   my ($self, $pred, @arg_strings) = @_;
142   die "Can't call predicate ${pred} outside a query\n"
143     unless $self->shell_state->mode eq 'query';
144   my @args = $self->expand_args(@arg_strings);
145   my ($intro, $need) = ({}, {});
146   foreach my $arg (@args) {
147     next if ref($arg);
148     next if $arg =~ /^\??[a-z]/; # skip globals
149     # ?Foo is intro, Foo is need
150     ($arg =~ s/^\?// ? $intro : $need)->{$arg} = 1;
151   }
152   my $prop = DX::Proposition->new(
153     predicate => $pred,
154     args => \@args,
155     introduced_names => $intro,
156     required_names => $need,
157   );
158   my $old_qstate = $self->shell_state->current_query_state;
159   my $qstate = $old_qstate->with_additional_proposition($prop);
160   my $old_application_count = @{
161     $old_qstate->search_state->current_hypothesis->action_applications
162   };
163   my @applications = @{
164     $qstate->search_state->current_hypothesis->action_applications
165   };
166   push our @Result,
167     map [ output => $_ ],
168       @applications[$old_application_count..$#applications];
169   $self->_set_shell_state(
170     $self->shell_state->but(
171       current_query_state => $qstate
172     )
173   );
174   return;
175 }
177 1;