7 package DBIx::Class::_ENV_;
11 *OLD_MRO = sub () { 1 };
15 *OLD_MRO = sub () { 0 };
18 # ::Runmode would only be loaded by DBICTest, which in turn implies t/
19 *DBICTEST = eval { DBICTest::RunMode->is_author }
24 # During 5.13 dev cycle HELEMs started to leak on copy
26 # request for all tests would force "non-leaky" illusion and vice-versa
29 # otherwise confess that this perl is busted ONLY on smokers
31 if (eval { DBICTest::RunMode->is_smoker }) {
33 # leaky 5.13.6 (fixed in blead/cefd5c7c)
34 if ($] == '5.013006') { 1 }
36 # not sure why this one leaks, but disable anyway - ANDK seems to make it weep
37 elsif ($] == '5.013005') { 1 }
43 ) ? sub () { 1 } : sub () { 0 };
48 use DBIx::Class::Optional::Dependencies;
50 use vars qw($VERSION);
51 use base qw/DBIx::Class::Componentised DBIx::Class::AccessorGroup/;
52 use DBIx::Class::StartupCheck;
54 __PACKAGE__->mk_group_accessors(inherited => '_skip_namespace_frames');
55 __PACKAGE__->_skip_namespace_frames('^DBIx::Class|^SQL::Abstract|^Try::Tiny');
58 shift->mk_classaccessor(@_);
61 sub mk_classaccessor {
63 $self->mk_group_accessors('inherited', $_[0]);
64 $self->set_inherited(@_) if @_ > 1;
67 sub component_base_class { 'DBIx::Class' }
69 # Always remember to do all digits for the version even if they're 0
70 # i.e. first release of 0.XX *must* be 0.XX000. This avoids fBSD ports
71 # brain damage and presumably various other packaging systems too
74 $VERSION = eval $VERSION if $VERSION =~ /_/; # numify for warning-free dev releases
77 my ($class,$code,@attrs) = @_;
78 $class->mk_classdata('__attr_cache' => {})
79 unless $class->can('__attr_cache');
80 $class->__attr_cache->{$code} = [@attrs];
86 my $cache = $self->can('__attr_cache') ? $self->__attr_cache : {};
90 %{ $self->maybe::next::method || {} },
98 DBIx::Class - Extensible and flexible object <-> relational mapper.
102 The community can be found via:
106 =item * Web Site: L<http://www.dbix-class.org/>
108 =item * IRC: irc.perl.org#dbix-class
111 <a href="http://chat.mibbit.com/#dbix-class@irc.perl.org">(click for instant chatroom login)</a>
113 =item * Mailing list: L<http://lists.scsys.co.uk/mailman/listinfo/dbix-class>
115 =item * RT Bug Tracker: L<https://rt.cpan.org/Dist/Display.html?Queue=DBIx-Class>
117 =item * gitweb: L<http://git.shadowcat.co.uk/gitweb/gitweb.cgi?p=dbsrgits/DBIx-Class.git>
119 =item * git: L<git://git.shadowcat.co.uk/dbsrgits/DBIx-Class.git>
121 =item * twitter L<http://www.twitter.com/dbix_class>
127 Create a schema class called MyApp/Schema.pm:
129 package MyApp::Schema;
130 use base qw/DBIx::Class::Schema/;
132 __PACKAGE__->load_namespaces();
136 Create a result class to represent artists, who have many CDs, in
137 MyApp/Schema/Result/Artist.pm:
139 See L<DBIx::Class::ResultSource> for docs on defining result classes.
141 package MyApp::Schema::Result::Artist;
142 use base qw/DBIx::Class::Core/;
144 __PACKAGE__->table('artist');
145 __PACKAGE__->add_columns(qw/ artistid name /);
146 __PACKAGE__->set_primary_key('artistid');
147 __PACKAGE__->has_many(cds => 'MyApp::Schema::Result::CD');
151 A result class to represent a CD, which belongs to an artist, in
152 MyApp/Schema/Result/CD.pm:
154 package MyApp::Schema::Result::CD;
155 use base qw/DBIx::Class::Core/;
157 __PACKAGE__->load_components(qw/InflateColumn::DateTime/);
158 __PACKAGE__->table('cd');
159 __PACKAGE__->add_columns(qw/ cdid artistid title year /);
160 __PACKAGE__->set_primary_key('cdid');
161 __PACKAGE__->belongs_to(artist => 'MyApp::Schema::Result::Artist', 'artistid');
165 Then you can use these classes in your application's code:
167 # Connect to your database.
169 my $schema = MyApp::Schema->connect($dbi_dsn, $user, $pass, \%dbi_params);
171 # Query for all artists and put them in an array,
172 # or retrieve them as a result set object.
173 # $schema->resultset returns a DBIx::Class::ResultSet
174 my @all_artists = $schema->resultset('Artist')->all;
175 my $all_artists_rs = $schema->resultset('Artist');
177 # Output all artists names
178 # $artist here is a DBIx::Class::Row, which has accessors
179 # for all its columns. Rows are also subclasses of your Result class.
180 foreach $artist (@all_artists) {
181 print $artist->name, "\n";
184 # Create a result set to search for artists.
185 # This does not query the DB.
186 my $johns_rs = $schema->resultset('Artist')->search(
187 # Build your WHERE using an SQL::Abstract structure:
188 { name => { like => 'John%' } }
191 # Execute a joined query to get the cds.
192 my @all_john_cds = $johns_rs->search_related('cds')->all;
194 # Fetch the next available row.
195 my $first_john = $johns_rs->next;
197 # Specify ORDER BY on the query.
198 my $first_john_cds_by_title_rs = $first_john->cds(
200 { order_by => 'title' }
203 # Create a result set that will fetch the artist data
204 # at the same time as it fetches CDs, using only one query.
205 my $millennium_cds_rs = $schema->resultset('CD')->search(
207 { prefetch => 'artist' }
210 my $cd = $millennium_cds_rs->next; # SELECT ... FROM cds JOIN artists ...
211 my $cd_artist_name = $cd->artist->name; # Already has the data so no 2nd query
213 # new() makes a DBIx::Class::Row object but doesnt insert it into the DB.
214 # create() is the same as new() then insert().
215 my $new_cd = $schema->resultset('CD')->new({ title => 'Spoon' });
216 $new_cd->artist($cd->artist);
217 $new_cd->insert; # Auto-increment primary key filled in after INSERT
218 $new_cd->title('Fork');
220 $schema->txn_do(sub { $new_cd->update }); # Runs the update in a transaction
222 # change the year of all the millennium CDs at once
223 $millennium_cds_rs->update({ year => 2002 });
227 This is an SQL to OO mapper with an object API inspired by L<Class::DBI>
228 (with a compatibility layer as a springboard for porting) and a resultset API
229 that allows abstract encapsulation of database operations. It aims to make
230 representing queries in your code as perl-ish as possible while still
231 providing access to as many of the capabilities of the database as possible,
232 including retrieving related records from multiple tables in a single query,
235 DBIx::Class can handle multi-column primary and foreign keys, complex
236 queries and database-level paging, and does its best to only query the
237 database in order to return something you've directly asked for. If a
238 resultset is used as an iterator it only fetches rows off the statement
239 handle as requested in order to minimise memory usage. It has auto-increment
240 support for SQLite, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, SQL Server and DB2 and is
241 known to be used in production on at least the first four, and is fork-
242 and thread-safe out of the box (although
243 L<your DBD may not be|DBI/Threads_and_Thread_Safety>).
245 This project is still under rapid development, so large new features may be
246 marked EXPERIMENTAL - such APIs are still usable but may have edge bugs.
247 Failing test cases are *always* welcome and point releases are put out rapidly
248 as bugs are found and fixed.
250 We do our best to maintain full backwards compatibility for published
251 APIs, since DBIx::Class is used in production in many organisations,
252 and even backwards incompatible changes to non-published APIs will be fixed
253 if they're reported and doing so doesn't cost the codebase anything.
255 The test suite is quite substantial, and several developer releases
256 are generally made to CPAN before the branch for the next release is
257 merged back to trunk for a major release.
259 =head1 WHERE TO GO NEXT
261 L<DBIx::Class::Manual::DocMap> lists each task you might want help on, and
262 the modules where you will find documentation.
266 mst: Matt S. Trout <mst@shadowcatsystems.co.uk>
268 (I mostly consider myself "project founder" these days but the AUTHOR heading
273 abraxxa: Alexander Hartmaier <abraxxa@cpan.org>
275 aherzog: Adam Herzog <adam@herzogdesigns.com>
277 Alexander Keusch <cpan@keusch.at>
279 alnewkirk: Al Newkirk <we@ana.im>
281 amiri: Amiri Barksdale <amiri@metalabel.com>
283 amoore: Andrew Moore <amoore@cpan.org>
285 andyg: Andy Grundman <andy@hybridized.org>
289 arc: Aaron Crane <arc@cpan.org>
291 arcanez: Justin Hunter <justin.d.hunter@gmail.com>
293 ash: Ash Berlin <ash@cpan.org>
295 bert: Norbert Csongradi <bert@cpan.org>
297 blblack: Brandon L. Black <blblack@gmail.com>
299 bluefeet: Aran Deltac <bluefeet@cpan.org>
301 bphillips: Brian Phillips <bphillips@cpan.org>
303 boghead: Bryan Beeley <cpan@beeley.org>
305 bricas: Brian Cassidy <bricas@cpan.org>
307 brunov: Bruno Vecchi <vecchi.b@gmail.com>
309 caelum: Rafael Kitover <rkitover@cpan.org>
311 caldrin: Maik Hentsche <maik.hentsche@amd.com>
313 castaway: Jess Robinson
315 claco: Christopher H. Laco
319 da5id: David Jack Olrik <djo@cpan.org>
321 debolaz: Anders Nor Berle <berle@cpan.org>
323 dew: Dan Thomas <dan@godders.org>
325 dkubb: Dan Kubb <dan.kubb-cpan@onautopilot.com>
327 dnm: Justin Wheeler <jwheeler@datademons.com>
329 dpetrov: Dimitar Petrov <mitakaa@gmail.com>
331 dwc: Daniel Westermann-Clark <danieltwc@cpan.org>
333 dyfrgi: Michael Leuchtenburg <michael@slashhome.org>
335 freetime: Bill Moseley <moseley@hank.org>
337 frew: Arthur Axel "fREW" Schmidt <frioux@gmail.com>
339 goraxe: Gordon Irving <goraxe@cpan.org>
341 gphat: Cory G Watson <gphat@cpan.org>
343 Grant Street Group L<http://www.grantstreet.com/>
345 groditi: Guillermo Roditi <groditi@cpan.org>
347 Haarg: Graham Knop <haarg@haarg.org>
349 hobbs: Andrew Rodland <arodland@cpan.org>
351 ilmari: Dagfinn Ilmari MannsE<aring>ker <ilmari@ilmari.org>
353 initself: Mike Baas <mike@initselftech.com>
355 jawnsy: Jonathan Yu <jawnsy@cpan.org>
357 jasonmay: Jason May <jason.a.may@gmail.com>
361 jgoulah: John Goulah <jgoulah@cpan.org>
363 jguenther: Justin Guenther <jguenther@cpan.org>
365 jhannah: Jay Hannah <jay@jays.net>
367 jnapiorkowski: John Napiorkowski <jjn1056@yahoo.com>
369 jon: Jon Schutz <jjschutz@cpan.org>
371 jshirley: J. Shirley <jshirley@gmail.com>
373 kaare: Kaare Rasmussen
375 konobi: Scott McWhirter
377 littlesavage: Alexey Illarionov <littlesavage@orionet.ru>
379 lukes: Luke Saunders <luke.saunders@gmail.com>
381 marcus: Marcus Ramberg <mramberg@cpan.org>
383 mattlaw: Matt Lawrence
385 mattp: Matt Phillips <mattp@cpan.org>
387 michaelr: Michael Reddick <michael.reddick@gmail.com>
389 milki: Jonathan Chu <milki@rescomp.berkeley.edu>
391 ned: Neil de Carteret
393 nigel: Nigel Metheringham <nigelm@cpan.org>
395 ningu: David Kamholz <dkamholz@cpan.org>
397 Nniuq: Ron "Quinn" Straight" <quinnfazigu@gmail.org>
399 norbi: Norbert Buchmuller <norbi@nix.hu>
401 nuba: Nuba Princigalli <nuba@cpan.org>
403 Numa: Dan Sully <daniel@cpan.org>
405 ovid: Curtis "Ovid" Poe <ovid@cpan.org>
407 oyse: Øystein Torget <oystein.torget@dnv.com>
409 paulm: Paul Makepeace
411 penguin: K J Cheetham
413 perigrin: Chris Prather <chris@prather.org>
415 peter: Peter Collingbourne <peter@pcc.me.uk>
417 phaylon: Robert Sedlacek <phaylon@dunkelheit.at>
419 plu: Johannes Plunien <plu@cpan.org>
421 Possum: Daniel LeWarne <possum@cpan.org>
423 quicksilver: Jules Bean
425 rafl: Florian Ragwitz <rafl@debian.org>
427 rainboxx: Matthias Dietrich <perl@rb.ly>
429 rbo: Robert Bohne <rbo@cpan.org>
431 rbuels: Robert Buels <rmb32@cornell.edu>
433 rdj: Ryan D Johnson <ryan@innerfence.com>
435 ribasushi: Peter Rabbitson <ribasushi@cpan.org>
437 rjbs: Ricardo Signes <rjbs@cpan.org>
439 robkinyon: Rob Kinyon <rkinyon@cpan.org>
441 Robert Olson <bob@rdolson.org>
443 Roman: Roman Filippov <romanf@cpan.org>
445 Sadrak: Felix Antonius Wilhelm Ostmann <sadrak@cpan.org>
447 sc_: Just Another Perl Hacker
449 scotty: Scotty Allen <scotty@scottyallen.com>
451 semifor: Marc Mims <marc@questright.com>
453 solomon: Jared Johnson <jaredj@nmgi.com>
455 spb: Stephen Bennett <stephen@freenode.net>
457 Squeeks <squeek@cpan.org>
459 sszabo: Stephan Szabo <sszabo@bigpanda.com>
461 talexb: Alex Beamish <talexb@gmail.com>
463 tamias: Ronald J Kimball <rjk@tamias.net>
465 teejay : Aaron Trevena <teejay@cpan.org>
471 tonvoon: Ton Voon <tonvoon@cpan.org>
473 triode: Pete Gamache <gamache@cpan.org>
475 typester: Daisuke Murase <typester@cpan.org>
477 victori: Victor Igumnov <victori@cpan.org>
481 willert: Sebastian Willert <willert@cpan.org>
483 wreis: Wallace Reis <wreis@cpan.org>
485 yrlnry: Mark Jason Dominus <mjd@plover.com>
487 zamolxes: Bogdan Lucaciu <bogdan@wiz.ro>
491 Copyright (c) 2005 - 2010 the DBIx::Class L</AUTHOR> and L</CONTRIBUTORS>
496 This library is free software and may be distributed under the same terms