1 package DBIx::Class::Row;
6 use base qw/DBIx::Class/;
7 use Carp::Clan qw/^DBIx::Class/;
18 __PACKAGE__->mk_group_accessors('simple' => qw/_source_handle/);
22 DBIx::Class::Row - Basic row methods
28 This class is responsible for defining and doing basic operations on rows
29 derived from L<DBIx::Class::ResultSource> objects.
31 Row objects are returned from L<DBIx::Class::ResultSet>s using the
32 L<create|DBIx::Class::ResultSet/create>, L<find|DBIx::Class::ResultSet/find>,
33 L<next|DBIx::Class::ResultSet/next> and L<all|DBIx::Class::ResultSet/all> methods,
34 as well as invocations of 'single' (
35 L<belongs_to|DBIx::Class::Relationship/belongs_to>,
36 L<has_one|DBIx::Class::Relationship/has_one> or
37 L<might_have|DBIx::Class::Relationship/might_have>)
38 relationship accessors of L<DBIx::Class::Row> objects.
44 my $row = My::Class->new(\%attrs);
46 my $row = $schema->resultset('MySource')->new(\%colsandvalues);
50 =item Arguments: \%attrs or \%colsandvalues
52 =item Returns: A Row object
56 While you can create a new row object by calling C<new> directly on
57 this class, you are better off calling it on a
58 L<DBIx::Class::ResultSet> object.
60 When calling it directly, you will not get a complete, usable row
61 object until you pass or set the C<source_handle> attribute, to a
62 L<DBIx::Class::ResultSource> instance that is attached to a
63 L<DBIx::Class::Schema> with a valid connection.
65 C<$attrs> is a hashref of column name, value data. It can also contain
66 some other attributes such as the C<source_handle>.
68 Passing an object, or an arrayref of objects as a value will call
69 L<DBIx::Class::Relationship::Base/set_from_related> for you. When
70 passed a hashref or an arrayref of hashrefs as the value, these will
71 be turned into objects via new_related, and treated as if you had
74 For a more involved explanation, see L<DBIx::Class::ResultSet/create>.
78 ## It needs to store the new objects somewhere, and call insert on that list later when insert is called on this object. We may need an accessor for these so the user can retrieve them, if just doing ->new().
79 ## This only works because DBIC doesnt yet care to check whether the new_related objects have been passed all their mandatory columns
80 ## When doing the later insert, we need to make sure the PKs are set.
81 ## using _relationship_data in new and funky ways..
82 ## check Relationship::CascadeActions and Relationship::Accessor for compat
85 sub __new_related_find_or_new_helper {
86 my ($self, $relname, $data) = @_;
87 if ($self->__their_pk_needs_us($relname, $data)) {
88 MULTICREATE_DEBUG and warn "MC $self constructing $relname via new_result";
89 return $self->result_source
90 ->related_source($relname)
94 if ($self->result_source->pk_depends_on($relname, $data)) {
95 MULTICREATE_DEBUG and warn "MC $self constructing $relname via find_or_new";
96 return $self->result_source
97 ->related_source($relname)
101 MULTICREATE_DEBUG and warn "MC $self constructing $relname via find_or_new_related";
102 return $self->find_or_new_related($relname, $data);
105 sub __their_pk_needs_us { # this should maybe be in resultsource.
106 my ($self, $relname, $data) = @_;
107 my $source = $self->result_source;
108 my $reverse = $source->reverse_relationship_info($relname);
109 my $rel_source = $source->related_source($relname);
110 my $us = { $self->get_columns };
111 foreach my $key (keys %$reverse) {
112 # if their primary key depends on us, then we have to
113 # just create a result and we'll fill it out afterwards
114 return 1 if $rel_source->pk_depends_on($key, $us);
120 my ($class, $attrs) = @_;
121 $class = ref $class if ref $class;
128 if (my $handle = delete $attrs->{-source_handle}) {
129 $new->_source_handle($handle);
133 if ($source = delete $attrs->{-result_source}) {
134 $new->result_source($source);
137 if (my $related = delete $attrs->{-from_resultset}) {
138 @{$new->{_ignore_at_insert}={}}{@$related} = ();
142 $new->throw_exception("attrs must be a hashref")
143 unless ref($attrs) eq 'HASH';
145 my ($related,$inflated);
146 ## Pretend all the rels are actual objects, unset below if not, for insert() to fix
147 $new->{_rel_in_storage} = 1;
149 foreach my $key (keys %$attrs) {
150 if (ref $attrs->{$key}) {
151 ## Can we extract this lot to use with update(_or .. ) ?
152 confess "Can't do multi-create without result source" unless $source;
153 my $info = $source->relationship_info($key);
154 if ($info && $info->{attrs}{accessor}
155 && $info->{attrs}{accessor} eq 'single')
157 my $rel_obj = delete $attrs->{$key};
158 if(!Scalar::Util::blessed($rel_obj)) {
159 $rel_obj = $new->__new_related_find_or_new_helper($key, $rel_obj);
162 if ($rel_obj->in_storage) {
163 $new->set_from_related($key, $rel_obj);
165 $new->{_rel_in_storage} = 0;
166 MULTICREATE_DEBUG and warn "MC $new uninserted $key $rel_obj\n";
169 $related->{$key} = $rel_obj;
171 } elsif ($info && $info->{attrs}{accessor}
172 && $info->{attrs}{accessor} eq 'multi'
173 && ref $attrs->{$key} eq 'ARRAY') {
174 my $others = delete $attrs->{$key};
175 my $total = @$others;
177 foreach my $idx (0 .. $#$others) {
178 my $rel_obj = $others->[$idx];
179 if(!Scalar::Util::blessed($rel_obj)) {
180 $rel_obj = $new->__new_related_find_or_new_helper($key, $rel_obj);
183 if ($rel_obj->in_storage) {
184 $new->set_from_related($key, $rel_obj);
186 $new->{_rel_in_storage} = 0;
188 warn "MC $new uninserted $key $rel_obj (${\($idx+1)} of $total)\n";
190 $new->set_from_related($key, $rel_obj) if $rel_obj->in_storage;
191 push(@objects, $rel_obj);
193 $related->{$key} = \@objects;
195 } elsif ($info && $info->{attrs}{accessor}
196 && $info->{attrs}{accessor} eq 'filter')
198 ## 'filter' should disappear and get merged in with 'single' above!
199 my $rel_obj = delete $attrs->{$key};
200 if(!Scalar::Util::blessed($rel_obj)) {
201 $rel_obj = $new->__new_related_find_or_new_helper($key, $rel_obj);
203 unless ($rel_obj->in_storage) {
204 $new->{_rel_in_storage} = 0;
205 MULTICREATE_DEBUG and warn "MC $new uninserted $key $rel_obj";
207 $inflated->{$key} = $rel_obj;
209 } elsif ($class->has_column($key)
210 && $class->column_info($key)->{_inflate_info}) {
211 $inflated->{$key} = $attrs->{$key};
215 $new->throw_exception("No such column $key on $class")
216 unless $class->has_column($key);
217 $new->store_column($key => $attrs->{$key});
220 $new->{_relationship_data} = $related if $related;
221 $new->{_inflated_column} = $inflated if $inflated;
233 =item Arguments: none
235 =item Returns: The Row object
239 Inserts an object previously created by L</new> into the database if
240 it isn't already in there. Returns the object itself. Requires the
241 object's result source to be set, or the class to have a
242 result_source_instance method. To insert an entirely new row into
243 the database, use C<create> (see L<DBIx::Class::ResultSet/create>).
245 To fetch an uninserted row object, call
246 L<new|DBIx::Class::ResultSet/new> on a resultset.
248 This will also insert any uninserted, related objects held inside this
249 one, see L<DBIx::Class::ResultSet/create> for more details.
255 return $self if $self->in_storage;
256 my $source = $self->result_source;
257 $source ||= $self->result_source($self->result_source_instance)
258 if $self->can('result_source_instance');
259 $self->throw_exception("No result_source set on this object; can't insert")
264 # Check if we stored uninserted relobjs here in new()
265 my %related_stuff = (%{$self->{_relationship_data} || {}},
266 %{$self->{_inflated_column} || {}});
268 if(!$self->{_rel_in_storage}) {
270 # The guard will save us if we blow out of this scope via die
271 $rollback_guard = $source->storage->txn_scope_guard;
273 ## Should all be in relationship_data, but we need to get rid of the
274 ## 'filter' reltype..
275 ## These are the FK rels, need their IDs for the insert.
277 my @pri = $self->primary_columns;
279 REL: foreach my $relname (keys %related_stuff) {
281 my $rel_obj = $related_stuff{$relname};
283 next REL unless (Scalar::Util::blessed($rel_obj)
284 && $rel_obj->isa('DBIx::Class::Row'));
286 next REL unless $source->pk_depends_on(
287 $relname, { $rel_obj->get_columns }
290 MULTICREATE_DEBUG and warn "MC $self pre-reconstructing $relname $rel_obj\n";
292 my $them = { %{$rel_obj->{_relationship_data} || {} }, $rel_obj->get_inflated_columns };
293 my $re = $self->result_source
294 ->related_source($relname)
296 ->find_or_create($them);
297 %{$rel_obj} = %{$re};
298 $self->set_from_related($relname, $rel_obj);
299 delete $related_stuff{$relname};
304 no warnings 'uninitialized';
305 warn "MC $self inserting (".join(', ', $self->get_columns).")\n";
307 my $updated_cols = $source->storage->insert($source, { $self->get_columns });
308 foreach my $col (keys %$updated_cols) {
309 $self->store_column($col, $updated_cols->{$col});
313 my @auto_pri = grep {
314 !defined $self->get_column($_) ||
315 ref($self->get_column($_)) eq 'SCALAR'
316 } $self->primary_columns;
319 #$self->throw_exception( "More than one possible key found for auto-inc on ".ref $self )
320 # if defined $too_many;
321 MULTICREATE_DEBUG and warn "MC $self fetching missing PKs ".join(', ', @auto_pri)."\n";
322 my $storage = $self->result_source->storage;
323 $self->throw_exception( "Missing primary key but Storage doesn't support last_insert_id" )
324 unless $storage->can('last_insert_id');
325 my @ids = $storage->last_insert_id($self->result_source,@auto_pri);
326 $self->throw_exception( "Can't get last insert id" )
327 unless (@ids == @auto_pri);
328 $self->store_column($auto_pri[$_] => $ids[$_]) for 0 .. $#ids;
329 #use Data::Dumper; warn Dumper($self);
333 $self->{_dirty_columns} = {};
334 $self->{related_resultsets} = {};
336 if(!$self->{_rel_in_storage}) {
337 ## Now do the relationships that need our ID (has_many etc.)
338 foreach my $relname (keys %related_stuff) {
339 my $rel_obj = $related_stuff{$relname};
341 if (Scalar::Util::blessed($rel_obj)
342 && $rel_obj->isa('DBIx::Class::Row')) {
344 } elsif (ref $rel_obj eq 'ARRAY') {
348 my $reverse = $source->reverse_relationship_info($relname);
349 foreach my $obj (@cands) {
350 $obj->set_from_related($_, $self) for keys %$reverse;
351 my $them = { %{$obj->{_relationship_data} || {} }, $obj->get_inflated_columns };
352 if ($self->__their_pk_needs_us($relname, $them)) {
353 if (exists $self->{_ignore_at_insert}{$relname}) {
354 MULTICREATE_DEBUG and warn "MC $self skipping post-insert on $relname";
356 MULTICREATE_DEBUG and warn "MC $self re-creating $relname $obj";
357 my $re = $self->result_source
358 ->related_source($relname)
360 ->find_or_create($them);
362 MULTICREATE_DEBUG and warn "MC $self new $relname $obj";
365 MULTICREATE_DEBUG and warn "MC $self post-inserting $obj";
371 delete $self->{_ignore_at_insert};
372 $rollback_guard->commit;
375 $self->in_storage(1);
376 undef $self->{_orig_ident};
382 $row->in_storage; # Get value
383 $row->in_storage(1); # Set value
387 =item Arguments: none or 1|0
393 Indicates whether the object exists as a row in the database or
394 not. This is set to true when L<DBIx::Class::ResultSet/find>,
395 L<DBIx::Class::ResultSet/create> or L<DBIx::Class::ResultSet/insert>
398 Creating a row object using L<DBIx::Class::ResultSet/new>, or calling
399 L</delete> on one, sets it to false.
404 my ($self, $val) = @_;
405 $self->{_in_storage} = $val if @_ > 1;
406 return $self->{_in_storage};
411 $row->update(\%columns?)
415 =item Arguments: none or a hashref
417 =item Returns: The Row object
421 Throws an exception if the row object is not yet in the database,
422 according to L</in_storage>.
424 This method issues an SQL UPDATE query to commit any changes to the
425 object to the database if required.
427 Also takes an optional hashref of C<< column_name => value> >> pairs
428 to update on the object first. Be aware that the hashref will be
429 passed to C<set_inflated_columns>, which might edit it in place, so
430 don't rely on it being the same after a call to C<update>. If you
431 need to preserve the hashref, it is sufficient to pass a shallow copy
432 to C<update>, e.g. ( { %{ $href } } )
434 If the values passed or any of the column values set on the object
435 contain scalar references, eg:
437 $row->last_modified(\'NOW()');
439 $row->update({ last_modified => \'NOW()' });
441 The update will pass the values verbatim into SQL. (See
442 L<SQL::Abstract> docs). The values in your Row object will NOT change
443 as a result of the update call, if you want the object to be updated
444 with the actual values from the database, call L</discard_changes>
447 $row->update()->discard_changes();
449 To determine before calling this method, which column values have
450 changed and will be updated, call L</get_dirty_columns>.
452 To check if any columns will be updated, call L</is_changed>.
454 To force a column to be updated, call L</make_column_dirty> before
460 my ($self, $upd) = @_;
461 $self->throw_exception( "Not in database" ) unless $self->in_storage;
462 my $ident_cond = $self->ident_condition;
463 $self->throw_exception("Cannot safely update a row in a PK-less table")
464 if ! keys %$ident_cond;
466 $self->set_inflated_columns($upd) if $upd;
467 my %to_update = $self->get_dirty_columns;
468 return $self unless keys %to_update;
469 my $rows = $self->result_source->storage->update(
470 $self->result_source, \%to_update,
471 $self->{_orig_ident} || $ident_cond
474 $self->throw_exception( "Can't update ${self}: row not found" );
475 } elsif ($rows > 1) {
476 $self->throw_exception("Can't update ${self}: updated more than one row");
478 $self->{_dirty_columns} = {};
479 $self->{related_resultsets} = {};
480 undef $self->{_orig_ident};
490 =item Arguments: none
492 =item Returns: The Row object
496 Throws an exception if the object is not in the database according to
497 L</in_storage>. Runs an SQL DELETE statement using the primary key
498 values to locate the row.
500 The object is still perfectly usable, but L</in_storage> will
501 now return 0 and the object must be reinserted using L</insert>
502 before it can be used to L</update> the row again.
504 If you delete an object in a class with a C<has_many> relationship, an
505 attempt is made to delete all the related objects as well. To turn
506 this behaviour off, pass C<< cascade_delete => 0 >> in the C<$attr>
507 hashref of the relationship, see L<DBIx::Class::Relationship>. Any
508 database-level cascade or restrict will take precedence over a
509 DBIx-Class-based cascading delete.
511 If you delete an object within a txn_do() (see L<DBIx::Class::Storage/txn_do>)
512 and the transaction subsequently fails, the row object will remain marked as
513 not being in storage. If you know for a fact that the object is still in
514 storage (i.e. by inspecting the cause of the transaction's failure), you can
515 use C<< $obj->in_storage(1) >> to restore consistency between the object and
516 the database. This would allow a subsequent C<< $obj->delete >> to work
519 See also L<DBIx::Class::ResultSet/delete>.
526 $self->throw_exception( "Not in database" ) unless $self->in_storage;
527 my $ident_cond = $self->{_orig_ident} || $self->ident_condition;
528 $self->throw_exception("Cannot safely delete a row in a PK-less table")
529 if ! keys %$ident_cond;
530 foreach my $column (keys %$ident_cond) {
531 $self->throw_exception("Can't delete the object unless it has loaded the primary keys")
532 unless exists $self->{_column_data}{$column};
534 $self->result_source->storage->delete(
535 $self->result_source, $ident_cond);
536 $self->in_storage(undef);
538 $self->throw_exception("Can't do class delete without a ResultSource instance")
539 unless $self->can('result_source_instance');
540 my $attrs = @_ > 1 && ref $_[$#_] eq 'HASH' ? { %{pop(@_)} } : {};
541 my $query = ref $_[0] eq 'HASH' ? $_[0] : {@_};
542 $self->result_source_instance->resultset->search(@_)->delete;
549 my $val = $row->get_column($col);
553 =item Arguments: $columnname
555 =item Returns: The value of the column
559 Throws an exception if the column name given doesn't exist according
562 Returns a raw column value from the row object, if it has already
563 been fetched from the database or set by an accessor.
565 If an L<inflated value|DBIx::Class::InflateColumn> has been set, it
566 will be deflated and returned.
568 Note that if you used the C<columns> or the C<select/as>
569 L<search attributes|DBIx::Class::ResultSet/ATTRIBUTES> on the resultset from
570 which C<$row> was derived, and B<did not include> C<$columnname> in the list,
571 this method will return C<undef> even if the database contains some value.
573 To retrieve all loaded column values as a hash, use L</get_columns>.
578 my ($self, $column) = @_;
579 $self->throw_exception( "Can't fetch data as class method" ) unless ref $self;
580 return $self->{_column_data}{$column} if exists $self->{_column_data}{$column};
581 if (exists $self->{_inflated_column}{$column}) {
582 return $self->store_column($column,
583 $self->_deflated_column($column, $self->{_inflated_column}{$column}));
585 $self->throw_exception( "No such column '${column}'" ) unless $self->has_column($column);
589 =head2 has_column_loaded
591 if ( $row->has_column_loaded($col) ) {
592 print "$col has been loaded from db";
597 =item Arguments: $columnname
603 Returns a true value if the column value has been loaded from the
604 database (or set locally).
608 sub has_column_loaded {
609 my ($self, $column) = @_;
610 $self->throw_exception( "Can't call has_column data as class method" ) unless ref $self;
611 return 1 if exists $self->{_inflated_column}{$column};
612 return exists $self->{_column_data}{$column};
617 my %data = $row->get_columns;
621 =item Arguments: none
623 =item Returns: A hash of columnname, value pairs.
627 Returns all loaded column data as a hash, containing raw values. To
628 get just one value for a particular column, use L</get_column>.
634 if (exists $self->{_inflated_column}) {
635 foreach my $col (keys %{$self->{_inflated_column}}) {
636 $self->store_column($col, $self->_deflated_column($col, $self->{_inflated_column}{$col}))
637 unless exists $self->{_column_data}{$col};
640 return %{$self->{_column_data}};
643 =head2 get_dirty_columns
645 my %data = $row->get_dirty_columns;
649 =item Arguments: none
651 =item Returns: A hash of column, value pairs
655 Only returns the column, value pairs for those columns that have been
656 changed on this object since the last L</update> or L</insert> call.
658 See L</get_columns> to fetch all column/value pairs.
662 sub get_dirty_columns {
664 return map { $_ => $self->{_column_data}{$_} }
665 keys %{$self->{_dirty_columns}};
668 =head2 make_column_dirty
670 $row->make_column_dirty($col)
674 =item Arguments: $columnname
676 =item Returns: undefined
680 Throws an exception if the column does not exist.
682 Marks a column as having been changed regardless of whether it has
686 sub make_column_dirty {
687 my ($self, $column) = @_;
689 $self->throw_exception( "No such column '${column}'" )
690 unless exists $self->{_column_data}{$column} || $self->has_column($column);
691 $self->{_dirty_columns}{$column} = 1;
694 =head2 get_inflated_columns
696 my %inflated_data = $obj->get_inflated_columns;
700 =item Arguments: none
702 =item Returns: A hash of column, object|value pairs
706 Returns a hash of all column keys and associated values. Values for any
707 columns set to use inflation will be inflated and returns as objects.
709 See L</get_columns> to get the uninflated values.
711 See L<DBIx::Class::InflateColumn> for how to setup inflation.
715 sub get_inflated_columns {
718 my $accessor = $self->column_info($_)->{'accessor'} || $_;
719 ($_ => $self->$accessor);
720 } grep $self->has_column_loaded($_), $self->columns;
725 $row->set_column($col => $val);
729 =item Arguments: $columnname, $value
731 =item Returns: $value
735 Sets a raw column value. If the new value is different from the old one,
736 the column is marked as dirty for when you next call L</update>.
738 If passed an object or reference as a value, this method will happily
739 attempt to store it, and a later L</insert> or L</update> will try and
740 stringify/numify as appropriate. To set an object to be deflated
741 instead, see L</set_inflated_columns>.
746 my ($self, $column, $new_value) = @_;
748 $self->{_orig_ident} ||= $self->ident_condition;
749 my $old_value = $self->get_column($column);
751 $self->store_column($column, $new_value);
752 $self->{_dirty_columns}{$column} = 1
753 if (defined $old_value xor defined $new_value) || (defined $old_value && $old_value ne $new_value);
755 # XXX clear out the relation cache for this column
756 delete $self->{related_resultsets}{$column};
763 $row->set_columns({ $col => $val, ... });
767 =item Arguments: \%columndata
769 =item Returns: The Row object
773 Sets multiple column, raw value pairs at once.
775 Works as L</set_column>.
780 my ($self,$data) = @_;
781 foreach my $col (keys %$data) {
782 $self->set_column($col,$data->{$col});
787 =head2 set_inflated_columns
789 $row->set_inflated_columns({ $col => $val, $relname => $obj, ... });
793 =item Arguments: \%columndata
795 =item Returns: The Row object
799 Sets more than one column value at once. Any inflated values are
800 deflated and the raw values stored.
802 Any related values passed as Row objects, using the relation name as a
803 key, are reduced to the appropriate foreign key values and stored. If
804 instead of related row objects, a hashref of column, value data is
805 passed, will create the related object first then store.
807 Will even accept arrayrefs of data as a value to a
808 L<DBIx::Class::Relationship/has_many> key, and create the related
809 objects if necessary.
811 Be aware that the input hashref might be edited in place, so dont rely
812 on it being the same after a call to C<set_inflated_columns>. If you
813 need to preserve the hashref, it is sufficient to pass a shallow copy
814 to C<set_inflated_columns>, e.g. ( { %{ $href } } )
816 See also L<DBIx::Class::Relationship::Base/set_from_related>.
820 sub set_inflated_columns {
821 my ( $self, $upd ) = @_;
822 foreach my $key (keys %$upd) {
823 if (ref $upd->{$key}) {
824 my $info = $self->relationship_info($key);
825 if ($info && $info->{attrs}{accessor}
826 && $info->{attrs}{accessor} eq 'single')
828 my $rel = delete $upd->{$key};
829 $self->set_from_related($key => $rel);
830 $self->{_relationship_data}{$key} = $rel;
831 } elsif ($info && $info->{attrs}{accessor}
832 && $info->{attrs}{accessor} eq 'multi') {
833 $self->throw_exception(
834 "Recursive update is not supported over relationships of type multi ($key)"
837 elsif ($self->has_column($key)
838 && exists $self->column_info($key)->{_inflate_info})
840 $self->set_inflated_column($key, delete $upd->{$key});
844 $self->set_columns($upd);
849 my $copy = $orig->copy({ change => $to, ... });
853 =item Arguments: \%replacementdata
855 =item Returns: The Row object copy
859 Inserts a new row into the database, as a copy of the original
860 object. If a hashref of replacement data is supplied, these will take
861 precedence over data in the original.
863 If the row has related objects in a
864 L<DBIx::Class::Relationship/has_many> then those objects may be copied
865 too depending on the L<cascade_copy|DBIx::Class::Relationship>
866 relationship attribute.
871 my ($self, $changes) = @_;
873 my $col_data = { %{$self->{_column_data}} };
874 foreach my $col (keys %$col_data) {
875 delete $col_data->{$col}
876 if $self->result_source->column_info($col)->{is_auto_increment};
879 my $new = { _column_data => $col_data };
880 bless $new, ref $self;
882 $new->result_source($self->result_source);
883 $new->set_inflated_columns($changes);
886 # Its possible we'll have 2 relations to the same Source. We need to make
887 # sure we don't try to insert the same row twice esle we'll violate unique
889 my $rels_copied = {};
891 foreach my $rel ($self->result_source->relationships) {
892 my $rel_info = $self->result_source->relationship_info($rel);
894 next unless $rel_info->{attrs}{cascade_copy};
896 my $resolved = $self->result_source->resolve_condition(
897 $rel_info->{cond}, $rel, $new
900 my $copied = $rels_copied->{ $rel_info->{source} } ||= {};
901 foreach my $related ($self->search_related($rel)) {
902 my $id_str = join("\0", $related->id);
903 next if $copied->{$id_str};
904 $copied->{$id_str} = 1;
905 my $rel_copy = $related->copy($resolved);
914 $row->store_column($col => $val);
918 =item Arguments: $columnname, $value
920 =item Returns: The value sent to storage
924 Set a raw value for a column without marking it as changed. This
925 method is used internally by L</set_column> which you should probably
928 This is the lowest level at which data is set on a row object,
929 extend this method to catch all data setting methods.
934 my ($self, $column, $value) = @_;
935 $self->throw_exception( "No such column '${column}'" )
936 unless exists $self->{_column_data}{$column} || $self->has_column($column);
937 $self->throw_exception( "set_column called for ${column} without value" )
939 return $self->{_column_data}{$column} = $value;
942 =head2 inflate_result
944 Class->inflate_result($result_source, \%me, \%prefetch?)
948 =item Arguments: $result_source, \%columndata, \%prefetcheddata
950 =item Returns: A Row object
954 All L<DBIx::Class::ResultSet> methods that retrieve data from the
955 database and turn it into row objects call this method.
957 Extend this method in your Result classes to hook into this process,
958 for example to rebless the result into a different class.
960 Reblessing can also be done more easily by setting C<result_class> in
961 your Result class. See L<DBIx::Class::ResultSource/result_class>.
966 my ($class, $source, $me, $prefetch) = @_;
968 my ($source_handle) = $source;
970 if ($source->isa('DBIx::Class::ResultSourceHandle')) {
971 $source = $source_handle->resolve
973 $source_handle = $source->handle
977 _source_handle => $source_handle,
981 bless $new, (ref $class || $class);
984 foreach my $pre (keys %{$prefetch||{}}) {
985 my $pre_val = $prefetch->{$pre};
986 my $pre_source = $source->related_source($pre);
987 $class->throw_exception("Can't prefetch non-existent relationship ${pre}")
989 if (ref($pre_val->[0]) eq 'ARRAY') { # multi
991 foreach my $pre_rec (@$pre_val) {
992 unless ($pre_source->primary_columns == grep { exists $pre_rec->[0]{$_}
993 and defined $pre_rec->[0]{$_} } $pre_source->primary_columns) {
996 push(@pre_objects, $pre_source->result_class->inflate_result(
997 $pre_source, @{$pre_rec}));
999 $new->related_resultset($pre)->set_cache(\@pre_objects);
1000 } elsif (defined $pre_val->[0]) {
1002 unless ($pre_source->primary_columns == grep { exists $pre_val->[0]{$_}
1003 and !defined $pre_val->[0]{$_} } $pre_source->primary_columns)
1005 $fetched = $pre_source->result_class->inflate_result(
1006 $pre_source, @{$pre_val});
1008 $new->related_resultset($pre)->set_cache([ $fetched ]);
1009 my $accessor = $source->relationship_info($pre)->{attrs}{accessor};
1010 $class->throw_exception("No accessor for prefetched $pre")
1011 unless defined $accessor;
1012 if ($accessor eq 'single') {
1013 $new->{_relationship_data}{$pre} = $fetched;
1014 } elsif ($accessor eq 'filter') {
1015 $new->{_inflated_column}{$pre} = $fetched;
1017 $class->throw_exception("Prefetch not supported with accessor '$accessor'");
1024 =head2 update_or_insert
1026 $row->update_or_insert
1030 =item Arguments: none
1032 =item Returns: Result of update or insert operation
1036 L</Update>s the object if it's already in the database, according to
1037 L</in_storage>, else L</insert>s it.
1039 =head2 insert_or_update
1041 $obj->insert_or_update
1043 Alias for L</update_or_insert>
1047 sub insert_or_update { shift->update_or_insert(@_) }
1049 sub update_or_insert {
1051 return ($self->in_storage ? $self->update : $self->insert);
1056 my @changed_col_names = $row->is_changed();
1057 if ($row->is_changed()) { ... }
1061 =item Arguments: none
1063 =item Returns: 0|1 or @columnnames
1067 In list context returns a list of columns with uncommited changes, or
1068 in scalar context returns a true value if there are uncommitted
1074 return keys %{shift->{_dirty_columns} || {}};
1077 =head2 is_column_changed
1079 if ($row->is_column_changed('col')) { ... }
1083 =item Arguments: $columname
1089 Returns a true value if the column has uncommitted changes.
1093 sub is_column_changed {
1094 my( $self, $col ) = @_;
1095 return exists $self->{_dirty_columns}->{$col};
1098 =head2 result_source
1100 my $resultsource = $row->result_source;
1104 =item Arguments: none
1106 =item Returns: a ResultSource instance
1110 Accessor to the L<DBIx::Class::ResultSource> this object was created from.
1118 $self->_source_handle($_[0]->handle);
1120 $self->_source_handle->resolve;
1124 =head2 register_column
1126 $column_info = { .... };
1127 $class->register_column($column_name, $column_info);
1131 =item Arguments: $columnname, \%columninfo
1133 =item Returns: undefined
1137 Registers a column on the class. If the column_info has an 'accessor'
1138 key, creates an accessor named after the value if defined; if there is
1139 no such key, creates an accessor with the same name as the column
1141 The column_info attributes are described in
1142 L<DBIx::Class::ResultSource/add_columns>
1146 sub register_column {
1147 my ($class, $col, $info) = @_;
1149 if (exists $info->{accessor}) {
1150 return unless defined $info->{accessor};
1151 $acc = [ $info->{accessor}, $col ];
1153 $class->mk_group_accessors('column' => $acc);
1156 =head2 get_from_storage
1158 my $copy = $row->get_from_storage($attrs)
1162 =item Arguments: \%attrs
1164 =item Returns: A Row object
1168 Fetches a fresh copy of the Row object from the database and returns it.
1170 If passed the \%attrs argument, will first apply these attributes to
1171 the resultset used to find the row.
1173 This copy can then be used to compare to an existing row object, to
1174 determine if any changes have been made in the database since it was
1177 To just update your Row object with any latest changes from the
1178 database, use L</discard_changes> instead.
1180 The \%attrs argument should be compatible with
1181 L<DBIx::Class::ResultSet/ATTRIBUTES>.
1185 sub get_from_storage {
1186 my $self = shift @_;
1187 my $attrs = shift @_;
1188 my $resultset = $self->result_source->resultset;
1190 if(defined $attrs) {
1191 $resultset = $resultset->search(undef, $attrs);
1194 return $resultset->find($self->{_orig_ident} || $self->ident_condition);
1197 =head2 throw_exception
1199 See L<DBIx::Class::Schema/throw_exception>.
1203 sub throw_exception {
1205 if (ref $self && ref $self->result_source && $self->result_source->schema) {
1206 $self->result_source->schema->throw_exception(@_);
1218 =item Arguments: none
1220 =item Returns: A list of primary key values
1224 Returns the primary key(s) for a row. Can't be called as a class method.
1225 Actually implemented in L<DBIx::Class::PK>
1227 =head2 discard_changes
1229 $row->discard_changes
1233 =item Arguments: none
1235 =item Returns: nothing (updates object in-place)
1239 Retrieves and sets the row object data from the database, losing any
1242 This method can also be used to refresh from storage, retrieving any
1243 changes made since the row was last read from storage. Actually
1244 implemented in L<DBIx::Class::PK>
1252 Matt S. Trout <mst@shadowcatsystems.co.uk>
1256 You may distribute this code under the same terms as Perl itself.