1 package DBIx::Class::ResultSet;
11 use Scalar::Util qw/weaken/;
13 use DBIx::Class::ResultSetColumn;
14 use base qw/DBIx::Class/;
15 __PACKAGE__->load_components(qw/AccessorGroup/);
16 __PACKAGE__->mk_group_accessors('simple' => qw/result_source result_class/);
20 DBIx::Class::ResultSet - Responsible for fetching and creating resultset.
24 my $rs = $schema->resultset('User')->search(registered => 1);
25 my @rows = $schema->resultset('CD')->search(year => 2005);
29 The resultset is also known as an iterator. It is responsible for handling
30 queries that may return an arbitrary number of rows, e.g. via L</search>
31 or a C<has_many> relationship.
33 In the examples below, the following table classes are used:
35 package MyApp::Schema::Artist;
36 use base qw/DBIx::Class/;
37 __PACKAGE__->load_components(qw/Core/);
38 __PACKAGE__->table('artist');
39 __PACKAGE__->add_columns(qw/artistid name/);
40 __PACKAGE__->set_primary_key('artistid');
41 __PACKAGE__->has_many(cds => 'MyApp::Schema::CD');
44 package MyApp::Schema::CD;
45 use base qw/DBIx::Class/;
46 __PACKAGE__->load_components(qw/Core/);
47 __PACKAGE__->table('cd');
48 __PACKAGE__->add_columns(qw/cdid artist title year/);
49 __PACKAGE__->set_primary_key('cdid');
50 __PACKAGE__->belongs_to(artist => 'MyApp::Schema::Artist');
59 =item Arguments: $source, \%$attrs
61 =item Return Value: $rs
65 The resultset constructor. Takes a source object (usually a
66 L<DBIx::Class::ResultSourceProxy::Table>) and an attribute hash (see
67 L</ATTRIBUTES> below). Does not perform any queries -- these are
68 executed as needed by the other methods.
70 Generally you won't need to construct a resultset manually. You'll
71 automatically get one from e.g. a L</search> called in scalar context:
73 my $rs = $schema->resultset('CD')->search({ title => '100th Window' });
75 IMPORTANT: If called on an object, proxies to new_result instead so
77 my $cd = $schema->resultset('CD')->new({ title => 'Spoon' });
79 will return a CD object, not a ResultSet.
85 return $class->new_result(@_) if ref $class;
87 my ($source, $attrs) = @_;
89 $attrs = Storable::dclone($attrs || {}); # { %{ $attrs || {} } };
90 #use Data::Dumper; warn Dumper($attrs);
91 my $alias = ($attrs->{alias} ||= 'me');
93 $attrs->{columns} ||= delete $attrs->{cols} if $attrs->{cols};
94 delete $attrs->{as} if $attrs->{columns};
95 $attrs->{columns} ||= [ $source->columns ] unless $attrs->{select};
97 map { m/\./ ? $_ : "${alias}.$_" } @{delete $attrs->{columns}}
98 ] if $attrs->{columns};
100 map { m/^\Q$alias.\E(.+)$/ ? $1 : $_ } @{$attrs->{select}}
102 if (my $include = delete $attrs->{include_columns}) {
103 push(@{$attrs->{select}}, @$include);
104 push(@{$attrs->{as}}, map { m/([^.]+)$/; $1; } @$include);
106 #use Data::Dumper; warn Dumper(@{$attrs}{qw/select as/});
108 $attrs->{from} ||= [ { $alias => $source->from } ];
109 $attrs->{seen_join} ||= {};
111 if (my $join = delete $attrs->{join}) {
112 foreach my $j (ref $join eq 'ARRAY' ? @$join : ($join)) {
113 if (ref $j eq 'HASH') {
114 $seen{$_} = 1 foreach keys %$j;
119 push(@{$attrs->{from}}, $source->resolve_join(
120 $join, $attrs->{alias}, $attrs->{seen_join})
124 $attrs->{group_by} ||= $attrs->{select} if delete $attrs->{distinct};
125 $attrs->{order_by} = [ $attrs->{order_by} ] if
126 $attrs->{order_by} and !ref($attrs->{order_by});
127 $attrs->{order_by} ||= [];
129 my $collapse = $attrs->{collapse} || {};
130 if (my $prefetch = delete $attrs->{prefetch}) {
132 foreach my $p (ref $prefetch eq 'ARRAY' ? @$prefetch : ($prefetch)) {
133 if ( ref $p eq 'HASH' ) {
134 foreach my $key (keys %$p) {
135 push(@{$attrs->{from}}, $source->resolve_join($p, $attrs->{alias}))
139 push(@{$attrs->{from}}, $source->resolve_join($p, $attrs->{alias}))
142 my @prefetch = $source->resolve_prefetch(
143 $p, $attrs->{alias}, {}, \@pre_order, $collapse);
144 push(@{$attrs->{select}}, map { $_->[0] } @prefetch);
145 push(@{$attrs->{as}}, map { $_->[1] } @prefetch);
147 push(@{$attrs->{order_by}}, @pre_order);
149 $attrs->{collapse} = $collapse;
150 # use Data::Dumper; warn Dumper($collapse) if keys %{$collapse};
152 if ($attrs->{page}) {
153 $attrs->{rows} ||= 10;
154 $attrs->{offset} ||= 0;
155 $attrs->{offset} += ($attrs->{rows} * ($attrs->{page} - 1));
159 result_source => $source,
160 result_class => $attrs->{result_class} || $source->result_class,
161 cond => $attrs->{where},
162 from => $attrs->{from},
163 collapse => $collapse,
165 page => delete $attrs->{page},
175 =item Arguments: $cond, \%attrs?
177 =item Return Value: $resultset (scalar context), @row_objs (list context)
181 my @cds = $cd_rs->search({ year => 2001 }); # "... WHERE year = 2001"
182 my $new_rs = $cd_rs->search({ year => 2005 });
184 my $new_rs = $cd_rs->search([ { year => 2005 }, { year => 2004 } ]);
185 # year = 2005 OR year = 2004
187 If you need to pass in additional attributes but no additional condition,
188 call it as C<search(undef, \%attrs)>.
190 # "SELECT name, artistid FROM $artist_table"
191 my @all_artists = $schema->resultset('Artist')->search(undef, {
192 columns => [qw/name artistid/],
203 my $attrs = { %{$self->{attrs}} };
204 my $having = delete $attrs->{having};
205 $attrs = { %$attrs, %{ pop(@_) } } if @_ > 1 and ref $_[$#_] eq 'HASH';
208 ? ((@_ == 1 || ref $_[0] eq "HASH")
211 ? $self->throw_exception(
212 "Odd number of arguments to search")
215 if (defined $where) {
216 $attrs->{where} = (defined $attrs->{where}
218 [ map { ref $_ eq 'ARRAY' ? [ -or => $_ ] : $_ }
219 $where, $attrs->{where} ] }
223 if (defined $having) {
224 $attrs->{having} = (defined $attrs->{having}
226 [ map { ref $_ eq 'ARRAY' ? [ -or => $_ ] : $_ }
227 $having, $attrs->{having} ] }
231 $rs = (ref $self)->new($self->result_source, $attrs);
237 return (wantarray ? $rs->all : $rs);
240 =head2 search_literal
244 =item Arguments: $sql_fragment, @bind_values
246 =item Return Value: $resultset (scalar context), @row_objs (list context)
250 my @cds = $cd_rs->search_literal('year = ? AND title = ?', qw/2001 Reload/);
251 my $newrs = $artist_rs->search_literal('name = ?', 'Metallica');
253 Pass a literal chunk of SQL to be added to the conditional part of the
259 my ($self, $cond, @vals) = @_;
260 my $attrs = (ref $vals[$#vals] eq 'HASH' ? { %{ pop(@vals) } } : {});
261 $attrs->{bind} = [ @{$self->{attrs}{bind}||[]}, @vals ];
262 return $self->search(\$cond, $attrs);
269 =item Arguments: @values | \%cols, \%attrs?
271 =item Return Value: $row_object
275 Finds a row based on its primary key or unique constraint. For example, to find
276 a row by its primary key:
278 my $cd = $schema->resultset('CD')->find(5);
280 You can also find a row by a specific key or unique constraint by specifying
281 the C<key> attribute. For example:
283 my $cd = $schema->resultset('CD')->find('Massive Attack', 'Mezzanine', { key => 'artist_title' });
285 Additionally, you can specify the columns explicitly by name:
287 my $cd = $schema->resultset('CD')->find(
289 artist => 'Massive Attack',
290 title => 'Mezzanine',
292 { key => 'artist_title' }
295 If no C<key> is specified and you explicitly name columns, it searches on all
296 unique constraints defined on the source, including the primary key.
298 If the C<key> is specified as C<primary>, it searches only on the primary key.
300 See also L</find_or_create> and L</update_or_create>. For information on how to
301 declare unique constraints, see
302 L<DBIx::Class::ResultSource/add_unique_constraint>.
307 my ($self, @vals) = @_;
308 my $attrs = (@vals > 1 && ref $vals[$#vals] eq 'HASH' ? pop(@vals) : {});
310 my %unique_constraints = $self->result_source->unique_constraints;
311 $self->throw_exception(
312 "Can't find unless a primary key or unique constraint is defined"
313 ) unless %unique_constraints;
315 $self->throw_exception(
316 "Unknown key $attrs->{key} on '" . $self->result_source->name . "'"
317 ) if (exists $attrs->{key} and not exists $unique_constraints{$attrs->{key}});
319 # Build a list of queries
322 if (ref $vals[0] eq 'HASH') {
323 my @constraint_names = exists $attrs->{key}
325 : keys %unique_constraints;
327 foreach my $name (@constraint_names) {
328 my @unique_cols = @{ $unique_constraints{$name} };
329 my $unique_hash = $self->_unique_hash($vals[0], \@unique_cols);
331 # TODO: Check that the ResultSet defines the rest of the query
332 push @unique_hashes, $unique_hash
333 if scalar keys %$unique_hash;# == scalar @unique_cols;
337 my @unique_cols = exists $attrs->{key}
338 ? @{ $unique_constraints{$attrs->{key}} }
339 : $self->result_source->primary_columns;
341 if (@vals == @unique_cols) {
343 @unique_hash{@unique_cols} = @vals;
345 push @unique_hashes, \%unique_hash;
348 # Hack for CDBI queries
350 push @unique_hashes, \%hash;
354 # Add the ResultSet's alias
355 foreach my $unique_hash (@unique_hashes) {
356 foreach my $key (grep { ! m/\./ } keys %$unique_hash) {
357 $unique_hash->{"$self->{attrs}{alias}.$key"} = delete $unique_hash->{$key};
361 # Handle cases where the ResultSet already defines the query
362 my $query = @unique_hashes ? \@unique_hashes : undef;
365 my $rs = $self->search($query, $attrs);
366 return keys %{$rs->{collapse}} ? $rs->next : $rs->single;
369 return keys %{$self->{collapse}}
370 ? $self->search($query)->next
371 : $self->single($query);
377 # Constrain the specified hash based on the specific column names.
380 my ($self, $hash, $unique_cols) = @_;
382 # Ugh, CDBI lowercases column names
383 if (exists $INC{'DBIx/Class/CDBICompat/ColumnCase.pm'}) {
384 foreach my $key (keys %$hash) {
385 $hash->{lc $key} = delete $hash->{$key};
390 map { $_ => $hash->{$_} }
391 grep { exists $hash->{$_} }
394 return \%unique_hash;
397 =head2 search_related
401 =item Arguments: $cond, \%attrs?
403 =item Return Value: $new_resultset
407 $new_rs = $cd_rs->search_related('artist', {
411 Searches the specified relationship, optionally specifying a condition and
412 attributes for matching records. See L</ATTRIBUTES> for more information.
417 return shift->related_resultset(shift)->search(@_);
424 =item Arguments: none
426 =item Return Value: $cursor
430 Returns a storage-driven cursor to the given resultset. See
431 L<DBIx::Class::Cursor> for more information.
437 my $attrs = { %{$self->{attrs}} };
438 return $self->{cursor}
439 ||= $self->result_source->storage->select($self->{from}, $attrs->{select},
440 $attrs->{where},$attrs);
447 =item Arguments: $cond?
449 =item Return Value: $row_object?
453 my $cd = $schema->resultset('CD')->single({ year => 2001 });
455 Inflates the first result without creating a cursor if the resultset has
456 any records in it; if not returns nothing. Used by L</find> as an optimisation.
461 my ($self, $where) = @_;
462 my $attrs = { %{$self->{attrs}} };
464 if (defined $attrs->{where}) {
467 [ map { ref $_ eq 'ARRAY' ? [ -or => $_ ] : $_ }
468 $where, delete $attrs->{where} ]
471 $attrs->{where} = $where;
474 my @data = $self->result_source->storage->select_single(
475 $self->{from}, $attrs->{select},
476 $attrs->{where},$attrs);
477 return (@data ? $self->_construct_object(@data) : ());
484 =item Arguments: $cond?
486 =item Return Value: $resultsetcolumn
490 my $max_length = $rs->get_column('length')->max;
492 Returns a ResultSetColumn instance for $column based on $self
497 my ($self, $column) = @_;
499 my $new = DBIx::Class::ResultSetColumn->new($self, $column);
507 =item Arguments: $cond, \%attrs?
509 =item Return Value: $resultset (scalar context), @row_objs (list context)
513 # WHERE title LIKE '%blue%'
514 $cd_rs = $rs->search_like({ title => '%blue%'});
516 Performs a search, but uses C<LIKE> instead of C<=> as the condition. Note
517 that this is simply a convenience method. You most likely want to use
518 L</search> with specific operators.
520 For more information, see L<DBIx::Class::Manual::Cookbook>.
526 my $attrs = (@_ > 1 && ref $_[$#_] eq 'HASH' ? pop(@_) : {});
527 my $query = ref $_[0] eq 'HASH' ? { %{shift()} }: {@_};
528 $query->{$_} = { 'like' => $query->{$_} } for keys %$query;
529 return $class->search($query, { %$attrs });
536 =item Arguments: $first, $last
538 =item Return Value: $resultset (scalar context), @row_objs (list context)
542 Returns a resultset or object list representing a subset of elements from the
543 resultset slice is called on. Indexes are from 0, i.e., to get the first
546 my ($one, $two, $three) = $rs->slice(0, 2);
551 my ($self, $min, $max) = @_;
552 my $attrs = {}; # = { %{ $self->{attrs} || {} } };
553 $attrs->{offset} = $self->{attrs}{offset} || 0;
554 $attrs->{offset} += $min;
555 $attrs->{rows} = ($max ? ($max - $min + 1) : 1);
556 return $self->search(undef(), $attrs);
557 #my $slice = (ref $self)->new($self->result_source, $attrs);
558 #return (wantarray ? $slice->all : $slice);
565 =item Arguments: none
567 =item Return Value: $result?
571 Returns the next element in the resultset (C<undef> is there is none).
573 Can be used to efficiently iterate over records in the resultset:
575 my $rs = $schema->resultset('CD')->search;
576 while (my $cd = $rs->next) {
580 Note that you need to store the resultset object, and call C<next> on it.
581 Calling C<< resultset('Table')->next >> repeatedly will always return the
582 first record from the resultset.
588 if (@{$self->{all_cache} || []}) {
589 $self->{all_cache_position} ||= 0;
590 return $self->{all_cache}->[$self->{all_cache_position}++];
592 if ($self->{attrs}{cache}) {
593 $self->{all_cache_position} = 1;
594 return ($self->all)[0];
596 my @row = (exists $self->{stashed_row} ?
597 @{delete $self->{stashed_row}} :
600 # warn Dumper(\@row); use Data::Dumper;
601 return unless (@row);
602 return $self->_construct_object(@row);
605 sub _construct_object {
606 my ($self, @row) = @_;
607 my @as = @{ $self->{attrs}{as} };
609 my $info = $self->_collapse_result(\@as, \@row);
611 my $new = $self->result_class->inflate_result($self->result_source, @$info);
613 $new = $self->{attrs}{record_filter}->($new)
614 if exists $self->{attrs}{record_filter};
618 sub _collapse_result {
619 my ($self, $as, $row, $prefix) = @_;
624 foreach my $this_as (@$as) {
625 my $val = shift @copy;
626 if (defined $prefix) {
627 if ($this_as =~ m/^\Q${prefix}.\E(.+)$/) {
629 $remain =~ /^(?:(.*)\.)?([^.]+)$/;
630 $const{$1||''}{$2} = $val;
633 $this_as =~ /^(?:(.*)\.)?([^.]+)$/;
634 $const{$1||''}{$2} = $val;
638 my $info = [ {}, {} ];
639 foreach my $key (keys %const) {
642 my @parts = split(/\./, $key);
643 foreach my $p (@parts) {
644 $target = $target->[1]->{$p} ||= [];
646 $target->[0] = $const{$key};
648 $info->[0] = $const{$key};
653 if (defined $prefix) {
655 m/^\Q${prefix}.\E(.+)$/ ? ($1) : ()
656 } keys %{$self->{collapse}}
658 @collapse = keys %{$self->{collapse}};
662 my ($c) = sort { length $a <=> length $b } @collapse;
664 foreach my $p (split(/\./, $c)) {
665 $target = $target->[1]->{$p} ||= [];
667 my $c_prefix = (defined($prefix) ? "${prefix}.${c}" : $c);
668 my @co_key = @{$self->{collapse}{$c_prefix}};
669 my %co_check = map { ($_, $target->[0]->{$_}); } @co_key;
670 my $tree = $self->_collapse_result($as, $row, $c_prefix);
673 !defined($tree->[0]->{$_}) ||
674 $co_check{$_} ne $tree->[0]->{$_}
677 last unless (@raw = $self->cursor->next);
678 $row = $self->{stashed_row} = \@raw;
679 $tree = $self->_collapse_result($as, $row, $c_prefix);
680 #warn Data::Dumper::Dumper($tree, $row);
692 =item Arguments: $result_source?
694 =item Return Value: $result_source
698 An accessor for the primary ResultSource object from which this ResultSet
708 =item Arguments: $cond, \%attrs??
710 =item Return Value: $count
714 Performs an SQL C<COUNT> with the same query as the resultset was built
715 with to find the number of elements. If passed arguments, does a search
716 on the resultset and counts the results of that.
718 Note: When using C<count> with C<group_by>, L<DBIX::Class> emulates C<GROUP BY>
719 using C<COUNT( DISTINCT( columns ) )>. Some databases (notably SQLite) do
720 not support C<DISTINCT> with multiple columns. If you are using such a
721 database, you should only use columns from the main table in your C<group_by>
728 return $self->search(@_)->count if @_ and defined $_[0];
729 return scalar @{ $self->get_cache } if @{ $self->get_cache };
731 my $count = $self->_count;
732 return 0 unless $count;
734 $count -= $self->{attrs}{offset} if $self->{attrs}{offset};
735 $count = $self->{attrs}{rows} if
736 $self->{attrs}{rows} and $self->{attrs}{rows} < $count;
740 sub _count { # Separated out so pager can get the full count
742 my $select = { count => '*' };
743 my $attrs = { %{ $self->{attrs} } };
744 if (my $group_by = delete $attrs->{group_by}) {
745 delete $attrs->{having};
746 my @distinct = (ref $group_by ? @$group_by : ($group_by));
747 # todo: try CONCAT for multi-column pk
748 my @pk = $self->result_source->primary_columns;
750 foreach my $column (@distinct) {
751 if ($column =~ qr/^(?:\Q$attrs->{alias}.\E)?$pk[0]$/) {
752 @distinct = ($column);
758 $select = { count => { distinct => \@distinct } };
759 #use Data::Dumper; die Dumper $select;
762 $attrs->{select} = $select;
763 $attrs->{as} = [qw/count/];
765 # offset, order by and page are not needed to count. record_filter is cdbi
766 delete $attrs->{$_} for qw/rows offset order_by page pager record_filter/;
768 my ($count) = (ref $self)->new($self->result_source, $attrs)->cursor->next;
776 =item Arguments: $sql_fragment, @bind_values
778 =item Return Value: $count
782 Counts the results in a literal query. Equivalent to calling L</search_literal>
783 with the passed arguments, then L</count>.
787 sub count_literal { shift->search_literal(@_)->count; }
793 =item Arguments: none
795 =item Return Value: @objects
799 Returns all elements in the resultset. Called implicitly if the resultset
800 is returned in list context.
806 return @{ $self->get_cache } if @{ $self->get_cache };
810 if (keys %{$self->{collapse}}) {
811 # Using $self->cursor->all is really just an optimisation.
812 # If we're collapsing has_many prefetches it probably makes
813 # very little difference, and this is cleaner than hacking
814 # _construct_object to survive the approach
815 $self->cursor->reset;
816 my @row = $self->cursor->next;
818 push(@obj, $self->_construct_object(@row));
819 @row = (exists $self->{stashed_row}
820 ? @{delete $self->{stashed_row}}
821 : $self->cursor->next);
824 @obj = map { $self->_construct_object(@$_) } $self->cursor->all;
827 $self->set_cache(\@obj) if $self->{attrs}{cache};
835 =item Arguments: none
837 =item Return Value: $self
841 Resets the resultset's cursor, so you can iterate through the elements again.
847 $self->{all_cache_position} = 0;
848 $self->cursor->reset;
856 =item Arguments: none
858 =item Return Value: $object?
862 Resets the resultset and returns an object for the first result (if the
863 resultset returns anything).
868 return $_[0]->reset->next;
871 # _cond_for_update_delete
873 # update/delete require the condition to be modified to handle
874 # the differing SQL syntax available. This transforms the $self->{cond}
875 # appropriately, returning the new condition.
877 sub _cond_for_update_delete {
881 if (!ref($self->{cond})) {
882 # No-op. No condition, we're updating/deleting everything
884 elsif (ref $self->{cond} eq 'ARRAY') {
888 foreach my $key (keys %{$_}) {
890 $hash{$1} = $_->{$key};
896 elsif (ref $self->{cond} eq 'HASH') {
897 if ((keys %{$self->{cond}})[0] eq '-and') {
900 my @cond = @{$self->{cond}{-and}};
901 for (my $i = 0; $i < @cond - 1; $i++) {
902 my $entry = $cond[$i];
905 if (ref $entry eq 'HASH') {
906 foreach my $key (keys %{$entry}) {
908 $hash{$1} = $entry->{$key};
912 $entry =~ /([^.]+)$/;
913 $hash{$entry} = $cond[++$i];
916 push @{$cond->{-and}}, \%hash;
920 foreach my $key (keys %{$self->{cond}}) {
922 $cond->{$1} = $self->{cond}{$key};
927 $self->throw_exception(
928 "Can't update/delete on resultset with condition unless hash or array"
940 =item Arguments: \%values
942 =item Return Value: $storage_rv
946 Sets the specified columns in the resultset to the supplied values in a
947 single query. Return value will be true if the update succeeded or false
948 if no records were updated; exact type of success value is storage-dependent.
953 my ($self, $values) = @_;
954 $self->throw_exception("Values for update must be a hash")
955 unless ref $values eq 'HASH';
957 my $cond = $self->_cond_for_update_delete;
959 return $self->result_source->storage->update(
960 $self->result_source->from, $values, $cond
968 =item Arguments: \%values
970 =item Return Value: 1
974 Fetches all objects and updates them one at a time. Note that C<update_all>
975 will run DBIC cascade triggers, while L</update> will not.
980 my ($self, $values) = @_;
981 $self->throw_exception("Values for update must be a hash")
982 unless ref $values eq 'HASH';
983 foreach my $obj ($self->all) {
984 $obj->set_columns($values)->update;
993 =item Arguments: none
995 =item Return Value: 1
999 Deletes the contents of the resultset from its result source. Note that this
1000 will not run DBIC cascade triggers. See L</delete_all> if you need triggers
1009 my $cond = $self->_cond_for_update_delete;
1011 $self->result_source->storage->delete($self->result_source->from, $cond);
1019 =item Arguments: none
1021 =item Return Value: 1
1025 Fetches all objects and deletes them one at a time. Note that C<delete_all>
1026 will run DBIC cascade triggers, while L</delete> will not.
1032 $_->delete for $self->all;
1040 =item Arguments: none
1042 =item Return Value: $pager
1046 Return Value a L<Data::Page> object for the current resultset. Only makes
1047 sense for queries with a C<page> attribute.
1053 my $attrs = $self->{attrs};
1054 $self->throw_exception("Can't create pager for non-paged rs")
1055 unless $self->{page};
1056 $attrs->{rows} ||= 10;
1057 return $self->{pager} ||= Data::Page->new(
1058 $self->_count, $attrs->{rows}, $self->{page});
1065 =item Arguments: $page_number
1067 =item Return Value: $rs
1071 Returns a resultset for the $page_number page of the resultset on which page
1072 is called, where each page contains a number of rows equal to the 'rows'
1073 attribute set on the resultset (10 by default).
1078 my ($self, $page) = @_;
1079 my $attrs = { %{$self->{attrs}} };
1080 $attrs->{page} = $page;
1081 return (ref $self)->new($self->result_source, $attrs);
1088 =item Arguments: \%vals
1090 =item Return Value: $object
1094 Creates an object in the resultset's result class and returns it.
1099 my ($self, $values) = @_;
1100 $self->throw_exception( "new_result needs a hash" )
1101 unless (ref $values eq 'HASH');
1102 $self->throw_exception(
1103 "Can't abstract implicit construct, condition not a hash"
1104 ) if ($self->{cond} && !(ref $self->{cond} eq 'HASH'));
1106 my $alias = $self->{attrs}{alias};
1107 foreach my $key (keys %{$self->{cond}||{}}) {
1108 $new{$1} = $self->{cond}{$key} if ($key =~ m/^(?:\Q${alias}.\E)?([^.]+)$/);
1110 my $obj = $self->result_class->new(\%new);
1111 $obj->result_source($self->result_source) if $obj->can('result_source');
1119 =item Arguments: \%vals, \%attrs?
1121 =item Return Value: $object
1125 Find an existing record from this resultset. If none exists, instantiate a new
1126 result object and return it. The object will not be saved into your storage
1127 until you call L<DBIx::Class::Row/insert> on it.
1129 If you want objects to be saved immediately, use L</find_or_create> instead.
1135 my $attrs = (@_ > 1 && ref $_[$#_] eq 'HASH' ? pop(@_) : {});
1136 my $hash = ref $_[0] eq 'HASH' ? shift : {@_};
1137 my $exists = $self->find($hash, $attrs);
1138 return defined $exists ? $exists : $self->new_result($hash);
1145 =item Arguments: \%vals
1147 =item Return Value: $object
1151 Inserts a record into the resultset and returns the object representing it.
1153 Effectively a shortcut for C<< ->new_result(\%vals)->insert >>.
1158 my ($self, $attrs) = @_;
1159 $self->throw_exception( "create needs a hashref" )
1160 unless ref $attrs eq 'HASH';
1161 return $self->new_result($attrs)->insert;
1164 =head2 find_or_create
1168 =item Arguments: \%vals, \%attrs?
1170 =item Return Value: $object
1174 $class->find_or_create({ key => $val, ... });
1176 Searches for a record matching the search condition; if it doesn't find one,
1177 creates one and returns that instead.
1179 my $cd = $schema->resultset('CD')->find_or_create({
1181 artist => 'Massive Attack',
1182 title => 'Mezzanine',
1186 Also takes an optional C<key> attribute, to search by a specific key or unique
1187 constraint. For example:
1189 my $cd = $schema->resultset('CD')->find_or_create(
1191 artist => 'Massive Attack',
1192 title => 'Mezzanine',
1194 { key => 'artist_title' }
1197 See also L</find> and L</update_or_create>. For information on how to declare
1198 unique constraints, see L<DBIx::Class::ResultSource/add_unique_constraint>.
1202 sub find_or_create {
1204 my $attrs = (@_ > 1 && ref $_[$#_] eq 'HASH' ? pop(@_) : {});
1205 my $hash = ref $_[0] eq 'HASH' ? shift : {@_};
1206 my $exists = $self->find($hash, $attrs);
1207 return defined $exists ? $exists : $self->create($hash);
1210 =head2 update_or_create
1214 =item Arguments: \%col_values, { key => $unique_constraint }?
1216 =item Return Value: $object
1220 $class->update_or_create({ col => $val, ... });
1222 First, searches for an existing row matching one of the unique constraints
1223 (including the primary key) on the source of this resultset. If a row is
1224 found, updates it with the other given column values. Otherwise, creates a new
1227 Takes an optional C<key> attribute to search on a specific unique constraint.
1230 # In your application
1231 my $cd = $schema->resultset('CD')->update_or_create(
1233 artist => 'Massive Attack',
1234 title => 'Mezzanine',
1237 { key => 'artist_title' }
1240 If no C<key> is specified, it searches on all unique constraints defined on the
1241 source, including the primary key.
1243 If the C<key> is specified as C<primary>, it searches only on the primary key.
1245 See also L</find> and L</find_or_create>. For information on how to declare
1246 unique constraints, see L<DBIx::Class::ResultSource/add_unique_constraint>.
1250 sub update_or_create {
1252 my $attrs = (@_ > 1 && ref $_[$#_] eq 'HASH' ? pop(@_) : {});
1253 my $hash = ref $_[0] eq 'HASH' ? shift : {@_};
1255 my $row = $self->find($hash, $attrs);
1257 $row->set_columns($hash);
1262 return $self->create($hash);
1269 =item Arguments: none
1271 =item Return Value: \@cache_objects?
1275 Gets the contents of the cache for the resultset, if the cache is set.
1280 shift->{all_cache} || [];
1287 =item Arguments: \@cache_objects
1289 =item Return Value: \@cache_objects
1293 Sets the contents of the cache for the resultset. Expects an arrayref
1294 of objects of the same class as those produced by the resultset. Note that
1295 if the cache is set the resultset will return the cached objects rather
1296 than re-querying the database even if the cache attr is not set.
1301 my ( $self, $data ) = @_;
1302 $self->throw_exception("set_cache requires an arrayref")
1303 if ref $data ne 'ARRAY';
1304 my $result_class = $self->result_class;
1306 $self->throw_exception(
1307 "cannot cache object of type '$_', expected '$result_class'"
1308 ) if ref $_ ne $result_class;
1310 $self->{all_cache} = $data;
1317 =item Arguments: none
1319 =item Return Value: []
1323 Clears the cache for the resultset.
1328 shift->set_cache([]);
1331 =head2 related_resultset
1335 =item Arguments: $relationship_name
1337 =item Return Value: $resultset
1341 Returns a related resultset for the supplied relationship name.
1343 $artist_rs = $schema->resultset('CD')->related_resultset('Artist');
1347 sub related_resultset {
1348 my ( $self, $rel ) = @_;
1349 $self->{related_resultsets} ||= {};
1350 return $self->{related_resultsets}{$rel} ||= do {
1351 #warn "fetching related resultset for rel '$rel'";
1352 my $rel_obj = $self->result_source->relationship_info($rel);
1353 $self->throw_exception(
1354 "search_related: result source '" . $self->result_source->name .
1355 "' has no such relationship ${rel}")
1356 unless $rel_obj; #die Dumper $self->{attrs};
1358 my $rs = $self->search(undef, { join => $rel });
1359 my $alias = defined $rs->{attrs}{seen_join}{$rel}
1360 && $rs->{attrs}{seen_join}{$rel} > 1
1361 ? join('_', $rel, $rs->{attrs}{seen_join}{$rel})
1364 $self->result_source->schema->resultset($rel_obj->{class}
1374 =head2 throw_exception
1376 See L<DBIx::Class::Schema/throw_exception> for details.
1380 sub throw_exception {
1382 $self->result_source->schema->throw_exception(@_);
1385 # XXX: FIXME: Attributes docs need clearing up
1389 The resultset takes various attributes that modify its behavior. Here's an
1396 =item Value: ($order_by | \@order_by)
1400 Which column(s) to order the results by. This is currently passed
1401 through directly to SQL, so you can give e.g. C<year DESC> for a
1402 descending order on the column `year'.
1408 =item Value: \@columns
1412 Shortcut to request a particular set of columns to be retrieved. Adds
1413 C<me.> onto the start of any column without a C<.> in it and sets C<select>
1414 from that, then auto-populates C<as> from C<select> as normal. (You may also
1415 use the C<cols> attribute, as in earlier versions of DBIC.)
1417 =head2 include_columns
1421 =item Value: \@columns
1425 Shortcut to include additional columns in the returned results - for example
1427 $schema->resultset('CD')->search(undef, {
1428 include_columns => ['artist.name'],
1432 would return all CDs and include a 'name' column to the information
1433 passed to object inflation
1439 =item Value: \@select_columns
1443 Indicates which columns should be selected from the storage. You can use
1444 column names, or in the case of RDBMS back ends, function or stored procedure
1447 $rs = $schema->resultset('Employee')->search(undef, {
1450 { count => 'employeeid' },
1455 When you use function/stored procedure names and do not supply an C<as>
1456 attribute, the column names returned are storage-dependent. E.g. MySQL would
1457 return a column named C<count(employeeid)> in the above example.
1463 =item Value: \@inflation_names
1467 Indicates column names for object inflation. This is used in conjunction with
1468 C<select>, usually when C<select> contains one or more function or stored
1471 $rs = $schema->resultset('Employee')->search(undef, {
1474 { count => 'employeeid' }
1476 as => ['name', 'employee_count'],
1479 my $employee = $rs->first(); # get the first Employee
1481 If the object against which the search is performed already has an accessor
1482 matching a column name specified in C<as>, the value can be retrieved using
1483 the accessor as normal:
1485 my $name = $employee->name();
1487 If on the other hand an accessor does not exist in the object, you need to
1488 use C<get_column> instead:
1490 my $employee_count = $employee->get_column('employee_count');
1492 You can create your own accessors if required - see
1493 L<DBIx::Class::Manual::Cookbook> for details.
1499 =item Value: ($rel_name | \@rel_names | \%rel_names)
1503 Contains a list of relationships that should be joined for this query. For
1506 # Get CDs by Nine Inch Nails
1507 my $rs = $schema->resultset('CD')->search(
1508 { 'artist.name' => 'Nine Inch Nails' },
1509 { join => 'artist' }
1512 Can also contain a hash reference to refer to the other relation's relations.
1515 package MyApp::Schema::Track;
1516 use base qw/DBIx::Class/;
1517 __PACKAGE__->table('track');
1518 __PACKAGE__->add_columns(qw/trackid cd position title/);
1519 __PACKAGE__->set_primary_key('trackid');
1520 __PACKAGE__->belongs_to(cd => 'MyApp::Schema::CD');
1523 # In your application
1524 my $rs = $schema->resultset('Artist')->search(
1525 { 'track.title' => 'Teardrop' },
1527 join => { cd => 'track' },
1528 order_by => 'artist.name',
1532 If the same join is supplied twice, it will be aliased to <rel>_2 (and
1533 similarly for a third time). For e.g.
1535 my $rs = $schema->resultset('Artist')->search({
1536 'cds.title' => 'Down to Earth',
1537 'cds_2.title' => 'Popular',
1539 join => [ qw/cds cds/ ],
1542 will return a set of all artists that have both a cd with title 'Down
1543 to Earth' and a cd with title 'Popular'.
1545 If you want to fetch related objects from other tables as well, see C<prefetch>
1552 =item Value: ($rel_name | \@rel_names | \%rel_names)
1556 Contains one or more relationships that should be fetched along with the main
1557 query (when they are accessed afterwards they will have already been
1558 "prefetched"). This is useful for when you know you will need the related
1559 objects, because it saves at least one query:
1561 my $rs = $schema->resultset('Tag')->search(
1570 The initial search results in SQL like the following:
1572 SELECT tag.*, cd.*, artist.* FROM tag
1573 JOIN cd ON tag.cd = cd.cdid
1574 JOIN artist ON cd.artist = artist.artistid
1576 L<DBIx::Class> has no need to go back to the database when we access the
1577 C<cd> or C<artist> relationships, which saves us two SQL statements in this
1580 Simple prefetches will be joined automatically, so there is no need
1581 for a C<join> attribute in the above search. If you're prefetching to
1582 depth (e.g. { cd => { artist => 'label' } or similar), you'll need to
1583 specify the join as well.
1585 C<prefetch> can be used with the following relationship types: C<belongs_to>,
1586 C<has_one> (or if you're using C<add_relationship>, any relationship declared
1587 with an accessor type of 'single' or 'filter').
1593 =item Value: \@from_clause
1597 The C<from> attribute gives you manual control over the C<FROM> clause of SQL
1598 statements generated by L<DBIx::Class>, allowing you to express custom C<JOIN>
1601 NOTE: Use this on your own risk. This allows you to shoot off your foot!
1602 C<join> will usually do what you need and it is strongly recommended that you
1603 avoid using C<from> unless you cannot achieve the desired result using C<join>.
1605 In simple terms, C<from> works as follows:
1608 { <alias> => <table>, -join_type => 'inner|left|right' }
1609 [] # nested JOIN (optional)
1610 { <table.column> => <foreign_table.foreign_key> }
1616 ON <table.column> = <foreign_table.foreign_key>
1618 An easy way to follow the examples below is to remember the following:
1620 Anything inside "[]" is a JOIN
1621 Anything inside "{}" is a condition for the enclosing JOIN
1623 The following examples utilize a "person" table in a family tree application.
1624 In order to express parent->child relationships, this table is self-joined:
1626 # Person->belongs_to('father' => 'Person');
1627 # Person->belongs_to('mother' => 'Person');
1629 C<from> can be used to nest joins. Here we return all children with a father,
1630 then search against all mothers of those children:
1632 $rs = $schema->resultset('Person')->search(
1635 alias => 'mother', # alias columns in accordance with "from"
1637 { mother => 'person' },
1640 { child => 'person' },
1642 { father => 'person' },
1643 { 'father.person_id' => 'child.father_id' }
1646 { 'mother.person_id' => 'child.mother_id' }
1653 # SELECT mother.* FROM person mother
1656 # JOIN person father
1657 # ON ( father.person_id = child.father_id )
1659 # ON ( mother.person_id = child.mother_id )
1661 The type of any join can be controlled manually. To search against only people
1662 with a father in the person table, we could explicitly use C<INNER JOIN>:
1664 $rs = $schema->resultset('Person')->search(
1667 alias => 'child', # alias columns in accordance with "from"
1669 { child => 'person' },
1671 { father => 'person', -join_type => 'inner' },
1672 { 'father.id' => 'child.father_id' }
1679 # SELECT child.* FROM person child
1680 # INNER JOIN person father ON child.father_id = father.id
1690 Makes the resultset paged and specifies the page to retrieve. Effectively
1691 identical to creating a non-pages resultset and then calling ->page($page)
1702 Specifes the maximum number of rows for direct retrieval or the number of
1703 rows per page if the page attribute or method is used.
1709 =item Value: \@columns
1713 A arrayref of columns to group by. Can include columns of joined tables.
1715 group_by => [qw/ column1 column2 ... /]
1721 =item Value: $condition
1725 HAVING is a select statement attribute that is applied between GROUP BY and
1726 ORDER BY. It is applied to the after the grouping calculations have been
1729 having => { 'count(employee)' => { '>=', 100 } }
1735 =item Value: (0 | 1)
1739 Set to 1 to group by all columns.
1743 Set to 1 to cache search results. This prevents extra SQL queries if you
1744 revisit rows in your ResultSet:
1746 my $resultset = $schema->resultset('Artist')->search( undef, { cache => 1 } );
1748 while( my $artist = $resultset->next ) {
1752 $rs->first; # without cache, this would issue a query
1754 By default, searches are not cached.
1756 For more examples of using these attributes, see
1757 L<DBIx::Class::Manual::Cookbook>.