make it easier to breakpoint into the request
[catagits/Web-Simple.git] / lib / CSS /
1 package CSS::Declare;
3 use strict;
4 use warnings;
6 use Syntax::Keyword::Gather;
8 my $IN_SCOPE = 0;
10 sub import {
11   die "Can't import CSS::Declare into a scope when already compiling one that uses it"
12     if $IN_SCOPE;
13   my ($class, @args) = @_;
14   my $opts = shift(@args) if ref($args[0]) eq 'HASH';
15   my $target = $class->_find_target(0, $opts);
16   my $unex = $class->_export_tags_into($target);
17   $class->_install_unexporter($unex);
18   $IN_SCOPE = 1;
19 }
21 sub _find_target {
22   my ($class, $extra_levels, $opts) = @_;
23   return $opts->{into} if defined($opts->{into});
24   my $level = ($opts->{into_level} || 1) + $extra_levels;
25   return (caller($level))[0];
26 }
28 my @properties = qw{
29 accelerator
30 azimuth
31 background
32 background_attachment
33 background_color
34 background_image
35 background_position
36 background_position_x
37 background_position_y
38 background_repeat
39 behavior
40 border
41 border_bottom
42 border_bottom_color
43 border_bottom_style
44 border_bottom_width
45 border_collapse
46 border_color
47 border_left
48 border_left_color
49 border_left_style
50 border_left_width
51 border_right
52 border_right_color
53 border_right_style
54 border_right_width
55 border_spacing
56 border_style
57 border_top
58 border_top_color
59 border_top_style
60 border_top_width
61 border_width
62 bottom
63 caption_side
64 clear
65 clip
66 color
67 content
68 counter_increment
69 counter_reset
70 cue
71 cue_after
72 cue_before
73 cursor
74 direction
75 display
76 elevation
77 empty_cells
78 filter
79 float
80 font
81 font_family
82 font_size
83 font_size_adjust
84 font_stretch
85 font_style
86 font_variant
87 font_weight
88 height
89 ime_mode
90 include_source
91 layer_background_color
92 layer_background_image
93 layout_flow
94 layout_grid
95 layout_grid_char
96 layout_grid_char_spacing
97 layout_grid_line
98 layout_grid_mode
99 layout_grid_type
100 left
101 letter_spacing
102 line_break
103 line_height
104 list_style
105 list_style_image
106 list_style_position
107 list_style_type
108 margin
109 margin_bottom
110 margin_left
111 margin_right
112 margin_top
113 marker_offset
114 marks
115 max_height
116 max_width
117 min_height
118 min_width
119 orphans
120 outline
121 outline_color
122 outline_style
123 outline_width
124 overflow
125 overflow_X
126 overflow_Y
127 padding
128 padding_bottom
129 padding_left
130 padding_right
131 padding_top
132 page
133 page_break_after
134 page_break_before
135 page_break_inside
136 pause
137 pause_after
138 pause_before
139 pitch
140 pitch_range
141 play_during
142 position
144 _replace
145 richness
146 right
147 ruby_align
148 ruby_overhang
149 ruby_position
150 size
151 speak
152 speak_header
153 speak_numeral
154 speak_punctuation
155 speech_rate
156 stress
157 scrollbar_arrow_color
158 scrollbar_base_color
159 scrollbar_dark_shadow_color
160 scrollbar_face_color
161 scrollbar_highlight_color
162 scrollbar_shadow_color
163 scrollbar_3d_light_color
164 scrollbar_track_color
165 table_layout
166 text_align
167 text_align_last
168 text_decoration
169 text_indent
170 text_justify
171 text_overflow
172 text_shadow
173 text_transform
174 text_autospace
175 text_kashida_space
176 text_underline_position
177 top
178 unicode_bidi
179 vertical_align
180 visibility
181 voice_family
182 volume
183 white_space
184 widows
185 width
186 word_break
187 word_spacing
188 word_wrap
189 writing_mode
190 z_index
191 zoom
192 };
194 sub _export_tags_into {
195   my ($class, $into) = @_;
196    for my $property (@properties) {
197       my $property_name = $property;
198       $property_name =~ tr/_/-/;
199       no strict 'refs';
200       *{"$into\::$property"} = sub ($) { return ($property_name => $_[0]) };
201    }
202   return sub {
203     foreach my $property (@properties) {
204       no strict 'refs';
205       delete ${"${into}::"}{$property}
206     }
207     $IN_SCOPE = 0;
208   };
209 }
211 sub _install_unexporter {
212   my ($class, $unex) = @_;
213   $^H |= 0x120000; # localize %^H
214   $^H{'CSS::Declare::Unex'} = bless($unex, 'CSS::Declare::Unex');
215 }
217 sub to_css_string {
218    my @css = @_;
219    return join q{ }, gather {
220       while (my ($selector, $declarations) = splice(@css, 0, 2)) {
221          take "$selector "._generate_declarations($declarations)
222       }
223    };
224 }
226 sub _generate_declarations {
227    my $declarations = shift;
229    return '{'.join(q{;}, gather {
230       while (my ($property, $value) = splice(@{$declarations}, 0, 2)) {
231          take "$property:$value"
232       }
233    }).'}';
234 }
236 package CSS::Declare::Unex;
238 sub DESTROY { local $@; eval { $_[0]->(); 1 } || warn "ARGH: $@" }
240 1;