Revert "Upgrade to Devel::PPPort 3.19_02" - we're frozen. This will be great when...
[p5sagit/p5-mst-13.2.git] / cpan / Devel-PPPort / parts / todo / 5006000
1 5.006000
2 PERL_SYS_INIT3                 # U
3 SvIOK_UV                       # U
4 SvIOK_notUV                    # U
5 SvIOK_only_UV                  # U
6 SvPOK_only_UTF8                # U
7 SvPVbyte_nolen                 # U
8 SvPVbytex                      # U
9 SvPVbytex_force                # U
10 SvPVutf8                       # U
11 SvPVutf8_force                 # U
12 SvPVutf8_nolen                 # U
13 SvPVutf8x                      # U
14 SvPVutf8x_force                # U
15 SvUOK                          # U
16 SvUTF8                         # U
17 SvUTF8_off                     # U
18 SvUTF8_on                      # U
19 av_delete                      # U
20 av_exists                      # U
21 call_atexit                    # E
22 cast_i32                       # U (cast_i32)
23 cast_iv                        # U (cast_iv)
24 cast_ulong                     # U
25 cast_uv                        # U (cast_uv)
26 do_gv_dump                     # U
27 do_gvgv_dump                   # U
28 do_hv_dump                     # U
29 do_magic_dump                  # U
30 do_op_dump                     # U
31 do_open9                       # U
32 do_pmop_dump                   # U
33 do_sv_dump                     # U
34 dump_all                       # U
35 dump_eval                      # U
36 dump_form                      # U
37 dump_indent                    # U
38 dump_packsubs                  # U
39 dump_sub                       # U
40 dump_vindent                   # U
41 get_context                    # U
42 get_ppaddr                     # E
43 gv_dump                        # U
44 init_i18nl10n                  # U (perl_init_i18nl10n)
45 init_i18nl14n                  # U (perl_init_i18nl14n)
46 is_uni_alnum                   # U
47 is_uni_alnum_lc                # U
48 is_uni_alnumc                  # U
49 is_uni_alnumc_lc               # U
50 is_uni_alpha                   # U
51 is_uni_alpha_lc                # U
52 is_uni_ascii                   # U
53 is_uni_ascii_lc                # U
54 is_uni_cntrl                   # U
55 is_uni_cntrl_lc                # U
56 is_uni_digit                   # U
57 is_uni_digit_lc                # U
58 is_uni_graph                   # U
59 is_uni_graph_lc                # U
60 is_uni_idfirst                 # U
61 is_uni_idfirst_lc              # U
62 is_uni_lower                   # U
63 is_uni_lower_lc                # U
64 is_uni_print                   # U
65 is_uni_print_lc                # U
66 is_uni_punct                   # U
67 is_uni_punct_lc                # U
68 is_uni_space                   # U
69 is_uni_space_lc                # U
70 is_uni_upper                   # U
71 is_uni_upper_lc                # U
72 is_uni_xdigit                  # U
73 is_uni_xdigit_lc               # U
74 is_utf8_alnum                  # U
75 is_utf8_alnumc                 # U
76 is_utf8_alpha                  # U
77 is_utf8_ascii                  # U
78 is_utf8_char                   # U
79 is_utf8_cntrl                  # U
80 is_utf8_digit                  # U
81 is_utf8_graph                  # U
82 is_utf8_idfirst                # U
83 is_utf8_lower                  # U
84 is_utf8_mark                   # U
85 is_utf8_print                  # U
86 is_utf8_punct                  # U
87 is_utf8_space                  # U
88 is_utf8_upper                  # U
89 is_utf8_xdigit                 # U
90 magic_dump                     # U
91 mess                           # E (Perl_mess)
92 my_atof                        # U
93 my_fflush_all                  # U
94 newANONATTRSUB                 # U
95 newATTRSUB                     # U
96 newXS                          # E (Perl_newXS)
97 newXSproto                     # E
98 new_collate                    # U (perl_new_collate)
99 new_ctype                      # U (perl_new_ctype)
100 new_numeric                    # U (perl_new_numeric)
101 op_dump                        # U
102 perl_parse                     # E (perl_parse)
103 pmop_dump                      # U
104 re_intuit_string               # U
105 reginitcolors                  # U
106 require_pv                     # U (perl_require_pv)
107 safesyscalloc                  # U
108 safesysfree                    # U
109 safesysmalloc                  # U
110 safesysrealloc                 # U
111 save_I8                        # U
112 save_alloc                     # U
113 save_destructor                # E (Perl_save_destructor)
114 save_destructor_x              # E
115 save_re_context                # U
116 save_vptr                      # U
117 scan_bin                       # U
118 set_context                    # U
119 set_numeric_local              # U (perl_set_numeric_local)
120 set_numeric_radix              # U
121 set_numeric_standard           # U (perl_set_numeric_standard)
122 str_to_version                 # U
123 sv_2pvutf8                     # U
124 sv_2pvutf8_nolen               # U
125 sv_force_normal                # U
126 sv_len_utf8                    # U
127 sv_pos_b2u                     # U
128 sv_pos_u2b                     # U
129 sv_pv                          # U
130 sv_pvbyte                      # U
131 sv_pvbyten                     # U
132 sv_pvbyten_force               # U
133 sv_pvutf8                      # U
134 sv_pvutf8n                     # U
135 sv_pvutf8n_force               # U
136 sv_rvweaken                    # U
137 sv_utf8_decode                 # U
138 sv_utf8_downgrade              # U
139 sv_utf8_encode                 # U
140 swash_init                     # U
141 tmps_grow                      # U
142 to_uni_lower_lc                # U
143 to_uni_title_lc                # U
144 to_uni_upper_lc                # U
145 utf8_distance                  # U
146 utf8_hop                       # U
147 vcroak                         # U
148 vform                          # U
149 vmess                          # U
150 vwarn                          # U
151 vwarner                        # U