5 # Copyright (C) 1994, 1995, 1996 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001,
6 # 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 Larry Wall and others.
14 # lib/Cross.pm (optionally)
16 # from the contents of the static files
21 # and from the contents of the Configure-generated file
25 # It will only update Config.pm and Config_heavy.pl if the contents of
26 # either file would be different. Note that *both* files are updated in
27 # this case, since for example an extension makefile that has a dependency
28 # on Config.pm should trigger even if only Config_heavy.pl has changed.
30 sub usage { die <<EOF }
31 usage: $0 [ options ] [ Config_file ] [ Glossary_file ]
32 --cross=PLATFORM cross-compile for a different platform
33 --no-glossary don't include Porting/Glossary in lib/Config.pod
34 --heavy=FILE alternative name for lib/Config_heavy.pl
35 Config_file alternative name for lib/Config.pm
36 Glossary_file alternative name for Porting/Glossary
40 use vars qw(%Config $Config_SH_expanded);
42 my $how_many_common = 22;
44 # commonly used names to precache (and hence lookup fastest)
47 while ($how_many_common--) {
50 /^(\S+):\s*(\d+)$/ or die "Malformed line '$_'";
54 # names of things which may need to have slashes changed to double-colons
55 my %Extensions = map {($_,$_)}
56 qw(dynamic_ext static_ext extensions known_extensions);
58 # allowed opts as well as specifies default and initial values
60 'cross' => '', # --cross=PLATFORM - crosscompiling for PLATFORM
61 'glossary' => 1, # --no-glossary - no glossary file inclusion,
63 'heavy' => '', # pathname of the Config_heavy.pl file
67 # user specified options
70 (map {/^--([\-_\w]+)=(.*)$/} @ARGV),
71 # --opt --no-opt --noopt
72 (map {/^no-?(.*)$/i?($1=>0):($_=>1)} map {/^--([\-_\w]+)$/} @ARGV),
75 my %opts = (%Allowed_Opts, %given_opts);
77 for my $opt (grep {!exists $Allowed_Opts{$_}} keys %given_opts) {
78 warn "option '$opt' is not recognized";
81 @ARGV = grep {!/^--/} @ARGV;
89 my ($Config_PM, $Config_heavy);
90 my $Glossary = $ARGV[1] || 'Porting/Glossary';
93 # creating cross-platform config file
95 mkdir "xlib/$Opts{cross}";
96 $Config_PM = $ARGV[0] || "xlib/$Opts{cross}/Config.pm";
99 $Config_PM = $ARGV[0] || 'lib/Config.pm';
102 $Config_heavy = $Opts{heavy};
105 ($Config_heavy = $Config_PM) =~ s!\.pm$!_heavy.pl!;
106 die "Can't automatically determine name for Config_heavy.pl from '$Config_PM'"
107 if $Config_heavy eq $Config_PM;
113 $heavy_txt .= <<'ENDOFBEG';
114 # This file was created by configpm when Perl was built. Any changes
115 # made to this file will be lost the next time perl is built.
119 # use warnings; Pulls in Carp
120 # use vars pulls in Carp
123 my $myver = sprintf "%vd", $^V;
125 $config_txt .= sprintf <<'ENDOFBEG', ($myver) x 3;
126 # This file was created by configpm when Perl was built. Any changes
127 # made to this file will be lost the next time perl is built.
131 # use warnings; Pulls in Carp
132 # use vars pulls in Carp
133 @Config::EXPORT = qw(%%Config);
134 @Config::EXPORT_OK = qw(myconfig config_sh config_vars config_re);
136 # Need to stub all the functions to make code such as print Config::config_sh
144 my %%Export_Cache = map {($_ => 1)} (@Config::EXPORT, @Config::EXPORT_OK);
148 # Define our own import method to avoid pulling in the full Exporter:
151 @_ = @Config::EXPORT unless @_;
153 my @funcs = grep $_ ne '%%Config', @_;
154 my $export_Config = @funcs < @_ ? 1 : 0;
157 my $callpkg = caller(0);
158 foreach my $func (@funcs) {
159 die sprintf qq{"%%s" is not exported by the %%s module\n},
160 $func, __PACKAGE__ unless $Export_Cache{$func};
161 *{$callpkg.'::'.$func} = \&{$func};
164 *{"$callpkg\::Config"} = \%%Config if $export_Config;
168 die "Perl lib version (%s) doesn't match executable version ($])"
172 or die "Perl lib version (%s) doesn't match executable version (" .
173 sprintf("v%%vd",$^V) . ")";
187 open(CONFIG_SH, 'config.sh') || die "Can't open config.sh: $!";
188 while (<CONFIG_SH>) {
189 next if m:^#!/bin/sh:;
191 # Catch PERL_CONFIG_SH=true and PERL_VERSION=n line from Configure.
192 s/^(\w+)=(true|\d+)\s*$/$1='$2'\n/ or m/^(\w+)='(.*)'$/;
193 my($k, $v) = ($1, $2);
195 # grandfather PATCHLEVEL and SUBVERSION and CONFIG
197 if ($k eq 'PERL_VERSION') {
198 push @v_others, "PATCHLEVEL='$v'\n";
200 elsif ($k eq 'PERL_SUBVERSION') {
201 push @v_others, "SUBVERSION='$v'\n";
203 elsif ($k eq 'PERL_CONFIG_SH') {
204 push @v_others, "CONFIG='$v'\n";
208 # We can delimit things in config.sh with either ' or ".
209 unless ($in_v or m/^(\w+)=(['"])(.*\n)/){
210 push(@non_v, "#$_"); # not a name='value' line
218 ($name,$val) = ($1,$3);
220 $in_v = $val !~ /$quote\n/;
223 s,/,::,g if $Extensions{$name};
225 $val =~ s/$quote\n?\z//;
227 my $line = "$name=$quote$val$quote\n";
228 push(@v_others, $line);
229 $seen_quotes{$quote}++;
234 # This is somewhat grim, but I want the code for parsing config.sh here and
235 # now so that I can expand $Config{ivsize} and $Config{ivtype}
237 my $fetch_string = <<'EOT';
239 # Search for it in the big string
241 my($self, $key) = @_;
245 if ($seen_quotes{'"'}) {
246 # We need the full ' and " code
247 $fetch_string .= <<'EOT';
248 my $quote_type = "'";
249 my $marker = "$key=";
251 # Check for the common case, ' delimited
252 my $start = index($Config_SH_expanded, "\n$marker$quote_type");
253 # If that failed, check for " delimited
256 $start = index($Config_SH_expanded, "\n$marker$quote_type");
260 $fetch_string .= <<'EOT';
261 # We only have ' delimted.
262 my $start = index($Config_SH_expanded, "\n$key=\'");
265 $fetch_string .= <<'EOT';
266 # Start can never be -1 now, as we've rigged the long string we're
267 # searching with an initial dummy newline.
268 return undef if $start == -1;
270 $start += length($key) + 3;
273 if (!$seen_quotes{'"'}) {
274 # Don't need the full ' and " code, or the eval expansion.
275 $fetch_string .= <<'EOT';
276 my $value = substr($Config_SH_expanded, $start,
277 index($Config_SH_expanded, "'\n", $start)
281 $fetch_string .= <<'EOT';
282 my $value = substr($Config_SH_expanded, $start,
283 index($Config_SH_expanded, "$quote_type\n", $start)
286 # If we had a double-quote, we'd better eval it so escape
287 # sequences and such can be interpolated. Since the incoming
288 # value is supposed to follow shell rules and not perl rules,
289 # we escape any perl variable markers
290 if ($quote_type eq '"') {
291 $value =~ s/\$/\\\$/g;
292 $value =~ s/\@/\\\@/g;
293 eval "\$value = \"$value\"";
297 $fetch_string .= <<'EOT';
298 # So we can say "if $Config{'foo'}".
299 $value = undef if $value eq 'undef';
300 $self->{$key} = $value; # cache it
307 # Calculation for the keys for byteorder
308 # This is somewhat grim, but I need to run fetch_string here.
309 our $Config_SH_expanded = join "\n", '', @v_others;
311 my $t = fetch_string ({}, 'ivtype');
312 my $s = fetch_string ({}, 'ivsize');
314 # byteorder does exist on its own but we overlay a virtual
315 # dynamically recomputed value.
317 # However, ivtype and ivsize will not vary for sane fat binaries
319 my $f = $t eq 'long' ? 'L!' : $s == 8 ? 'Q': 'I';
322 if ($s == 4 || $s == 8) {
323 my $list = join ',', reverse(2..$s);
325 $byteorder_code = <<"EOT";
328 foreach my \$c ($list) { \$i |= ord(\$c); \$i <<= 8 }
330 our \$byteorder = join('', unpack('$format', pack('$f', \$i)));
333 $byteorder_code = "our \$byteorder = '?'x$s;\n";
338 if (fetch_string({},'userelocatableinc')) {
339 foreach my $what (qw(prefixexp
388 installvendorhtml1dir
389 installvendorhtml3dir
395 push @need_relocation, $what if fetch_string({}, $what) =~ m!^\.\.\./!;
400 @need_relocation{@need_relocation} = @need_relocation;
402 # This can have .../ anywhere:
403 if (fetch_string({}, 'otherlibdirs') =~ m!\.\.\./!) {
404 $need_relocation{otherlibdirs} = 'otherlibdirs';
407 my $relocation_code = <<'EOT';
411 return $libdir unless $libdir =~ s!^\.\.\./!!;
413 if ($prefix =~ s!/[^/]*$!!) {
414 while ($libdir =~ m!^\.\./!) {
415 # Loop while $libdir starts "../" and $prefix still has a trailing
417 last unless $prefix =~ s!/([^/]+)$!!;
418 # but bail out if the directory we picked off the end of $prefix is .
420 if ($1 eq '.' or $1 eq '..') {
421 # Undo! This should be rare, hence code it this way rather than a
422 # check each time before the s!!! above.
423 $prefix = "$prefix/$1";
426 # Remove that leading ../ and loop again
427 substr ($libdir, 0, 3, '');
429 $libdir = "$prefix/$libdir";
435 if (%need_relocation) {
436 my $relocations_in_common;
437 # otherlibdirs only features in the hash
438 foreach (keys %need_relocation) {
439 $relocations_in_common++ if $Common{$_};
441 if ($relocations_in_common) {
442 $config_txt .= $relocation_code;
444 $heavy_txt .= $relocation_code;
448 $heavy_txt .= join('', @non_v) . "\n";
450 # copy config summary format from the myconfig.SH script
451 $heavy_txt .= "our \$summary = <<'!END!';\n";
452 open(MYCONFIG,"<myconfig.SH") || die "open myconfig.SH failed: $!";
453 1 while defined($_ = <MYCONFIG>) && !/^Summary of/;
454 do { $heavy_txt .= $_ } until !defined($_ = <MYCONFIG>) || /^\s*$/;
457 $heavy_txt .= "\n!END!\n" . <<'EOT';
458 my $summary_expanded;
461 return $summary_expanded if $summary_expanded;
462 ($summary_expanded = $summary) =~ s{\$(\w+)}
463 { my $c = $Config::Config{$1}; defined($c) ? $c : 'undef' }ge;
471 $heavy_txt .= join('', sort @v_others) . "!END!\n";
473 # Only need the dynamic byteorder code in Config.pm if 'byteorder' is one of
475 if ($Common{byteorder}) {
476 $config_txt .= $byteorder_code;
478 $heavy_txt .= $byteorder_code;
481 if (@need_relocation) {
482 $heavy_txt .= 'foreach my $what (qw(' . join (' ', @need_relocation) .
484 s/^($what=)(['"])(.*?)\2/$1 . $2 . relocate_inc($3) . $2/me;
487 # Currently it only makes sense to do the ... relocation on Unix, so there's
488 # no need to emulate the "which separator for this platform" logic in perl.c -
489 # ':' will always be applicable
490 if ($need_relocation{otherlibdirs}) {
491 $heavy_txt .= << 'EOT';
492 s{^(otherlibdirs=)(['"])(.*?)\2}
493 {$1 . $2 . join ':', map {relocate_inc($_)} split ':', $3 . $2}me;
498 $heavy_txt .= <<'EOT';
499 s/(byteorder=)(['"]).*?\2/$1$2$Config::byteorder$2/m;
501 my $config_sh_len = length $_;
503 our $Config_SH_expanded = "\n$_" . << 'EOVIRTUAL';
506 foreach my $prefix (qw(ccflags ldflags)) {
507 my $value = fetch_string ({}, $prefix);
508 my $withlargefiles = fetch_string ({}, $prefix . "_uselargefiles");
509 if (defined $withlargefiles) {
510 $value =~ s/\Q$withlargefiles\E\b//;
511 $heavy_txt .= "${prefix}_nolargefiles='$value'\n";
515 foreach my $prefix (qw(libs libswanted)) {
516 my $value = fetch_string ({}, $prefix);
517 my $withlf = fetch_string ({}, 'libswanted_uselargefiles');
518 next unless defined $withlf;
520 = split(' ', fetch_string ({}, 'libswanted_uselargefiles'));
523 @lflibswanted{@lflibswanted} = ();
524 if ($prefix eq 'libs') {
525 my @libs = grep { /^-l(.+)/ &&
526 not exists $lflibswanted{$1} }
527 split(' ', fetch_string ({}, 'libs'));
528 $value = join(' ', @libs);
530 my @libswanted = grep { not exists $lflibswanted{$_} }
531 split(' ', fetch_string ({}, 'libswanted'));
532 $value = join(' ', @libswanted);
535 $heavy_txt .= "${prefix}_nolargefiles='$value'\n";
538 $heavy_txt .= "EOVIRTUAL\n";
540 $heavy_txt .= $fetch_string;
542 $config_txt .= <<'ENDOFEND';
545 my($self, $key) = @_;
547 # check for cached value (which may be undef so we use exists not defined)
548 return $self->{$key} if exists $self->{$key};
550 return $self->fetch_string($key);
554 $heavy_txt .= <<'ENDOFEND';
560 substr($Config_SH_expanded, 1, index($Config_SH_expanded, '=') - 1 );
565 if ($seen_quotes{'"'}) {
566 $heavy_txt .= <<'ENDOFEND';
567 # Find out how the current key's quoted so we can skip to its end.
568 my $quote = substr($Config_SH_expanded,
569 index($Config_SH_expanded, "=", $prevpos)+1, 1);
570 my $pos = index($Config_SH_expanded, qq($quote\n), $prevpos) + 2;
573 # Just ' quotes, so it's much easier.
574 $heavy_txt .= <<'ENDOFEND';
575 my $pos = index($Config_SH_expanded, qq('\n), $prevpos) + 2;
578 $heavy_txt .= <<'ENDOFEND';
579 my $len = index($Config_SH_expanded, "=", $pos) - $pos;
581 $len > 0 ? substr($Config_SH_expanded, $pos, $len) : undef;
585 return 1 if exists($_[0]->{$_[1]});
587 return(index($Config_SH_expanded, "\n$_[1]='") != -1
589 if ($seen_quotes{'"'}) {
590 $heavy_txt .= <<'ENDOFEND';
591 or index($Config_SH_expanded, "\n$_[1]=\"") != -1
594 $heavy_txt .= <<'ENDOFEND';
598 sub STORE { die "\%Config::Config is read-only\n" }
604 substr $Config_SH_expanded, 1, $config_sh_len;
609 return map { chomp; $_ } grep eval{ /^(?:$re)=/ }, split /^/,
614 # implements -V:cfgvar option (see perlrun -V:)
616 # find optional leading, trailing colons; and query-spec
617 my ($notag,$qry,$lncont) = m/^(:)?(.*?)(:)?$/; # flags fore and aft,
618 # map colon-flags to print decorations
619 my $prfx = $notag ? '': "$qry="; # tag-prefix for print
620 my $lnend = $lncont ? ' ' : ";\n"; # line ending for print
622 # all config-vars are by definition \w only, any \W means regex
624 my @matches = config_re($qry);
625 print map "$_$lnend", @matches ? @matches : "$qry: not found" if !$notag;
626 print map { s/\w+=//; "$_$lnend" } @matches ? @matches : "$qry: not found" if $notag;
628 my $v = (exists $Config::Config{$qry}) ? $Config::Config{$qry}
630 $v = 'undef' unless defined $v;
631 print "${prfx}'${v}'$lnend";
636 # Called by the real AUTOLOAD
639 goto \&$Config::AUTOLOAD;
646 $config_txt .= <<'ENDOFSET';
649 my ($value, $v) = $Config_SH_expanded =~ m/^used_aout='(.*)'\s*$/m;
650 for (split ' ', $value) {
651 ($v) = $Config_SH_expanded =~ m/^aout_$_='(.*)'\s*$/m;
652 $preconfig{$_} = $v eq 'undef' ? undef : $v;
655 $preconfig{d_fork} = undef unless $OS2::can_fork; # Some funny cases can't
656 sub TIEHASH { bless {%preconfig} }
658 # Extract the name of the DLL from the makefile to avoid duplication
659 my ($f) = grep -r, qw(GNUMakefile Makefile);
661 if (open my $fh, '<', $f) {
663 $dll = $1, last if /^PERL_DLL_BASE\s*=\s*(\S*)\s*$/;
666 $config_txt .= <<ENDOFSET if $dll;
667 \$preconfig{dll_name} = '$dll';
670 $config_txt .= <<'ENDOFSET';
677 foreach my $key (keys %Common) {
678 my $value = fetch_string ({}, $key);
679 # Is it safe on the LHS of => ?
680 my $qkey = $key =~ /^[A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]*$/ ? $key : "'$key'";
681 if (defined $value) {
682 # Quote things for a '' string
683 $value =~ s!\\!\\\\!g;
686 if ($key eq 'otherlibdirs') {
687 $value = "join (':', map {relocate_inc(\$_)} split (':', $value))";
688 } elsif ($need_relocation{$key}) {
689 $value = "relocate_inc($value)";
694 $Common{$key} = "$qkey => $value";
697 if ($Common{byteorder}) {
698 $Common{byteorder} = 'byteorder => $byteorder';
700 my $fast_config = join '', map { " $_,\n" } sort values %Common;
702 # Sanity check needed to stop an infite loop if Config_heavy.pl fails to define
703 # &launcher for some reason (eg it got truncated)
704 $config_txt .= sprintf <<'ENDOFTIE', $fast_config;
709 require 'Config_heavy.pl';
710 goto \&launcher unless $Config::AUTOLOAD =~ /launcher$/;
711 die "&Config::AUTOLOAD failed on $Config::AUTOLOAD";
714 # tie returns the object, so the value returned to require will be true.
715 tie %%Config, 'Config', {
720 open(CONFIG_POD, ">lib/Config.pod") or die "Can't open lib/Config.pod: $!";
724 Config - access Perl configuration information
729 if ($Config{usethreads}) {
730 print "has thread support\n"
733 use Config qw(myconfig config_sh config_vars config_re);
741 config_vars(qw(osname archname));
746 The Config module contains all the information that was available to
747 the C<Configure> program at Perl build time (over 900 values).
749 Shell variables from the F<config.sh> file (written by Configure) are
750 stored in the readonly-variable C<%Config>, indexed by their names.
752 Values stored in config.sh as 'undef' are returned as undefined
753 values. The perl C<exists> function can be used to check if a
754 named variable exists.
760 Returns a textual summary of the major perl configuration values.
761 See also C<-V> in L<perlrun/Switches>.
765 Returns the entire perl configuration information in the form of the
766 original config.sh shell variable assignment script.
768 =item config_re($regex)
770 Like config_sh() but returns, as a list, only the config entries who's
771 names match the $regex.
773 =item config_vars(@names)
775 Prints to STDOUT the values of the named configuration variable. Each is
776 printed on a separate line in the form:
780 Names which are unknown are output as C<name='UNKNOWN';>.
781 See also C<-V:name> in L<perlrun/Switches>.
787 Here's a more sophisticated example of using %Config:
794 unless($Config{sig_name} && $Config{sig_num}) {
797 my @names = split ' ', $Config{sig_name};
798 @sig_num{@names} = split ' ', $Config{sig_num};
800 $sig_name[$sig_num{$_}] ||= $_;
804 print "signal #17 = $sig_name[17]\n";
805 if ($sig_num{ALRM}) {
806 print "SIGALRM is $sig_num{ALRM}\n";
811 Because this information is not stored within the perl executable
812 itself it is possible (but unlikely) that the information does not
813 relate to the actual perl binary which is being used to access it.
815 The Config module is installed into the architecture and version
816 specific library directory ($Config{installarchlib}) and it checks the
817 perl version number when loaded.
819 The values stored in config.sh may be either single-quoted or
820 double-quoted. Double-quoted strings are handy for those cases where you
821 need to include escape sequences in the strings. To avoid runtime variable
822 interpolation, any C<$> and C<@> characters are replaced by C<\$> and
823 C<\@>, respectively. This isn't foolproof, of course, so don't embed C<\$>
824 or C<\@> in double-quoted strings unless you're willing to deal with the
825 consequences. (The slashes will end up escaped and the C<$> or C<@> will
826 trigger variable interpolation)
830 Most C<Config> variables are determined by the C<Configure> script
831 on platforms supported by it (which is most UNIX platforms). Some
832 platforms have custom-made C<Config> variables, and may thus not have
833 some of the variables described below, or may have extraneous variables
834 specific to that particular port. See the port specific documentation
839 if ($Opts{glossary}) {
840 open(GLOS, "<$Glossary") or die "Can't open $Glossary: $!";
847 if (s/\A(\w*)\s+\(([\w.]+)\):\s*\n(\t?)/=item C<$1>\n\nFrom F<$2>:\n\n/m) {
848 my $c = substr $1, 0, 1;
849 unless ($seen{$c}++) {
850 print CONFIG_POD <<EOF if $text;
854 print CONFIG_POD <<EOF;
863 elsif (!$text || !/\A\t/) {
864 warn "Expected a Configure variable header",
865 ($text ? " or another paragraph of description" : () );
867 s/n't/n\00t/g; # leave can't, won't etc untouched
868 s/^\t\s+(.*)/\n$1/gm; # Indented lines ===> new paragraph
869 s/^(?<!\n\n)\t(.*)/$1/gm; # Not indented lines ===> text
870 s{([\'\"])(?=[^\'\"\s]*[./][^\'\"\s]*\1)([^\'\"\s]+)\1}(F<$2>)g; # '.o'
871 s{([\'\"])([^\'\"\s]+)\1}(C<$2>)g; # "date" command
872 s{\'([A-Za-z_\- *=/]+)\'}(C<$1>)g; # 'ln -s'
874 (?<! [\w./<\'\"] ) # Only standalone file names
875 (?! e \. g \. ) # Not e.g.
876 (?! \. \. \. ) # Not ...
878 (?! read/ ) # Not read/write
879 (?! etc\. ) # Not etc.
882 \$ ? # Allow leading $
883 [\w./]* [./] [\w./]* # Require . or / inside
885 (?<! \. (?= [\s)] ) ) # Do not include trailing dot
886 (?! [\w/] ) # Include all of it
888 (F<$1>)xg; # /usr/local
889 s/((?<=\s)~\w*)/F<$1>/g; # ~name
890 s/(?<![.<\'\"])\b([A-Z_]{2,})\b(?![\'\"])/C<$1>/g; # UNISTD
891 s/(?<![.<\'\"])\b(?!the\b)(\w+)\s+macro\b/C<$1> macro/g; # FILE_cnt macro
892 s/n[\0]t/n't/g; # undo can't, won't damage
895 if ($Opts{glossary}) {
896 <GLOS>; # Skip the "DO NOT EDIT"
897 <GLOS>; # Skip the preamble
910 This module contains a good example of how to use tie to implement a
911 cache and an example of how to make a tied variable readonly to those
918 close(GLOS) if $Opts{glossary};
920 print "written lib/Config.pod\n";
922 my $orig_config_txt = "";
923 my $orig_heavy_txt = "";
927 $orig_config_txt = <$fh> if open $fh, "<", $Config_PM;
928 $orig_heavy_txt = <$fh> if open $fh, "<", $Config_heavy;
931 if ($orig_config_txt ne $config_txt or $orig_heavy_txt ne $heavy_txt) {
932 open CONFIG, ">", $Config_PM or die "Can't open $Config_PM: $!\n";
933 open CONFIG_HEAVY, ">", $Config_heavy or die "Can't open $Config_heavy: $!\n";
934 print CONFIG $config_txt;
935 print CONFIG_HEAVY $heavy_txt;
938 print "updated $Config_PM\n";
939 print "updated $Config_heavy\n";
943 # Now create Cross.pm if needed
945 open CROSS, ">lib/Cross.pm" or die "Can not open >lib/Cross.pm: $!";
947 # typical invocation:
948 # perl -MCross Makefile.PL
949 # perl -MCross=wince -V:cc
953 my ($package,$platform) = @_;
954 unless (defined $platform) {
955 # if $platform is not specified, then use last one when
956 # 'configpm; was invoked with --cross option
957 $platform = '***replace-marker***';
959 @INC = map {/\blib\b/?(do{local $_=$_;s/\blib\b/xlib\/$platform/;$_},$_):($_)} @INC;
960 $::Cross::platform = $platform;
965 $cross =~ s/\*\*\*replace-marker\*\*\*/$Opts{cross}/g;
968 print "written lib/Cross.pm\n";
969 unshift(@INC,"xlib/$Opts{cross}");
972 # Now do some simple tests on the Config.pm file we have created
974 unshift(@INC,'xlib/symbian') if $Opts{cross};
976 require $Config_heavy;
979 die "$0: $Config_PM not valid"
980 unless $Config{'PERL_CONFIG_SH'} eq 'true';
982 die "$0: error processing $Config_PM"
983 if defined($Config{'an impossible name'})
984 or $Config{'PERL_CONFIG_SH'} ne 'true' # test cache
987 die "$0: error processing $Config_PM"
988 if eval '$Config{"cc"} = 1'
989 or eval 'delete $Config{"cc"}'
994 # Popularity of various entries in %Config, based on a large build and test
995 # run of code in the Fotango build system:
1013 inc_version_list: 783
1016 usevendorprefix: 642
1037 installsiteman1dir: 489
1038 installsiteman3dir: 489
1039 installvendorman1dir: 489
1040 installvendorman3dir: 489
1044 installsitearch: 344
1049 installprefixexp: 336
1052 installvendorarch: 336
1053 installvendorbin: 336
1054 installvendorlib: 336