5 # Copyright (C) 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001,
6 # 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 Larry Wall and others.
14 # lib/Cross.pm (optionally)
17 # from the contents of the static files
22 # and from the contents of the Configure-generated file
26 # Note that output directory is xlib/[cross-name]/ for cross-compiling
28 # It will only update Config.pm and Config_heavy.pl if the contents of
29 # either file would be different. Note that *both* files are updated in
30 # this case, since for example an extension makefile that has a dependency
31 # on Config.pm should trigger even if only Config_heavy.pl has changed.
33 sub usage { die <<EOF }
35 --cross=PLATFORM cross-compile for a different platform
36 --no-glossary don't include Porting/Glossary in lib/Config.pod
40 use vars qw(%Config $Config_SH_expanded);
42 my $how_many_common = 22;
44 # commonly used names to precache (and hence lookup fastest)
47 while ($how_many_common--) {
50 /^(\S+):\s*(\d+)$/ or die "Malformed line '$_'";
54 # names of things which may need to have slashes changed to double-colons
55 my %Extensions = map {($_,$_)}
56 qw(dynamic_ext static_ext extensions known_extensions);
58 # allowed opts as well as specifies default and initial values
60 'cross' => '', # --cross=PLATFORM - crosscompiling for PLATFORM
61 'glossary' => 1, # --no-glossary - no glossary file inclusion,
66 # user specified options
69 (map {/^--([\-_\w]+)=(.*)$/} @ARGV),
70 # --opt --no-opt --noopt
71 (map {/^no-?(.*)$/i?($1=>0):($_=>1)} map {/^--([\-_\w]+)$/} @ARGV),
74 my %opts = (%Allowed_Opts, %given_opts);
76 for my $opt (grep {!exists $Allowed_Opts{$_}} keys %given_opts) {
77 warn "option '$opt' is not recognized";
80 @ARGV = grep {!/^--/} @ARGV;
88 my ($Config_SH, $Config_PM, $Config_heavy, $Config_POD);
89 my $Glossary = 'Porting/Glossary';
92 # creating cross-platform config file
94 mkdir "xlib/$Opts{cross}";
95 $Config_PM = "xlib/$Opts{cross}/Config.pm";
96 $Config_POD = "xlib/$Opts{cross}/Config.pod";
97 $Config_SH = "Cross/config-$Opts{cross}.sh";
100 $Config_PM = "lib/Config.pm";
101 $Config_POD = "lib/Config.pod";
102 $Config_SH = "config.sh";
104 ($Config_heavy = $Config_PM) =~ s/\.pm$/_heavy.pl/;
105 die "Can't automatically determine name for Config_heavy.pl from '$Config_PM'"
106 if $Config_heavy eq $Config_PM;
111 $heavy_txt .= <<'ENDOFBEG';
112 # This file was created by configpm when Perl was built. Any changes
113 # made to this file will be lost the next time perl is built.
117 # use warnings; Pulls in Carp
118 # use vars pulls in Carp
121 my $myver = sprintf "%vd", $^V;
123 $config_txt .= sprintf <<'ENDOFBEG', ($myver) x 3;
124 # This file was created by configpm when Perl was built. Any changes
125 # made to this file will be lost the next time perl is built.
127 # for a description of the variables, please have a look at the
128 # Glossary file, as written in the Porting folder, or use the url:
129 # http://perl5.git.perl.org/perl.git/blob/HEAD:/Porting/Glossary
133 # use warnings; Pulls in Carp
134 # use vars pulls in Carp
135 @Config::EXPORT = qw(%%Config);
136 @Config::EXPORT_OK = qw(myconfig config_sh config_vars config_re);
138 # Need to stub all the functions to make code such as print Config::config_sh
146 my %%Export_Cache = map {($_ => 1)} (@Config::EXPORT, @Config::EXPORT_OK);
150 # Define our own import method to avoid pulling in the full Exporter:
153 @_ = @Config::EXPORT unless @_;
155 my @funcs = grep $_ ne '%%Config', @_;
156 my $export_Config = @funcs < @_ ? 1 : 0;
159 my $callpkg = caller(0);
160 foreach my $func (@funcs) {
161 die sprintf qq{"%%s" is not exported by the %%s module\n},
162 $func, __PACKAGE__ unless $Export_Cache{$func};
163 *{$callpkg.'::'.$func} = \&{$func};
166 *{"$callpkg\::Config"} = \%%Config if $export_Config;
170 die "Perl lib version (%s) doesn't match executable version ($])"
174 or die "Perl lib version (%s) doesn't match executable version (" .
175 sprintf("v%%vd",$^V) . ")";
189 open(CONFIG_SH, $Config_SH) || die "Can't open $Config_SH: $!";
190 while (<CONFIG_SH>) {
191 next if m:^#!/bin/sh:;
193 # Catch PERL_CONFIG_SH=true and PERL_VERSION=n line from Configure.
194 s/^(\w+)=(true|\d+)\s*$/$1='$2'\n/ or m/^(\w+)='(.*)'$/;
195 my($k, $v) = ($1, $2);
197 # grandfather PATCHLEVEL and SUBVERSION and CONFIG
199 if ($k eq 'PERL_VERSION') {
200 push @v_others, "PATCHLEVEL='$v'\n";
202 elsif ($k eq 'PERL_SUBVERSION') {
203 push @v_others, "SUBVERSION='$v'\n";
205 elsif ($k eq 'PERL_CONFIG_SH') {
206 push @v_others, "CONFIG='$v'\n";
210 # We can delimit things in config.sh with either ' or ".
211 unless ($in_v or m/^(\w+)=(['"])(.*\n)/){
212 push(@non_v, "#$_"); # not a name='value' line
220 ($name,$val) = ($1,$3);
222 $in_v = $val !~ /$quote\n/;
225 s,/,::,g if $Extensions{$name};
227 $val =~ s/$quote\n?\z//;
229 my $line = "$name=$quote$val$quote\n";
230 push(@v_others, $line);
231 $seen_quotes{$quote}++;
236 # This is somewhat grim, but I want the code for parsing config.sh here and
237 # now so that I can expand $Config{ivsize} and $Config{ivtype}
239 my $fetch_string = <<'EOT';
241 # Search for it in the big string
243 my($self, $key) = @_;
247 if ($seen_quotes{'"'}) {
248 # We need the full ' and " code
249 $fetch_string .= <<'EOT';
250 my $quote_type = "'";
251 my $marker = "$key=";
253 # Check for the common case, ' delimited
254 my $start = index($Config_SH_expanded, "\n$marker$quote_type");
255 # If that failed, check for " delimited
258 $start = index($Config_SH_expanded, "\n$marker$quote_type");
262 $fetch_string .= <<'EOT';
263 # We only have ' delimted.
264 my $start = index($Config_SH_expanded, "\n$key=\'");
267 $fetch_string .= <<'EOT';
268 # Start can never be -1 now, as we've rigged the long string we're
269 # searching with an initial dummy newline.
270 return undef if $start == -1;
272 $start += length($key) + 3;
275 if (!$seen_quotes{'"'}) {
276 # Don't need the full ' and " code, or the eval expansion.
277 $fetch_string .= <<'EOT';
278 my $value = substr($Config_SH_expanded, $start,
279 index($Config_SH_expanded, "'\n", $start)
283 $fetch_string .= <<'EOT';
284 my $value = substr($Config_SH_expanded, $start,
285 index($Config_SH_expanded, "$quote_type\n", $start)
288 # If we had a double-quote, we'd better eval it so escape
289 # sequences and such can be interpolated. Since the incoming
290 # value is supposed to follow shell rules and not perl rules,
291 # we escape any perl variable markers
292 if ($quote_type eq '"') {
293 $value =~ s/\$/\\\$/g;
294 $value =~ s/\@/\\\@/g;
295 eval "\$value = \"$value\"";
299 $fetch_string .= <<'EOT';
300 # So we can say "if $Config{'foo'}".
301 $value = undef if $value eq 'undef';
302 $self->{$key} = $value; # cache it
309 # Calculation for the keys for byteorder
310 # This is somewhat grim, but I need to run fetch_string here.
311 our $Config_SH_expanded = join "\n", '', @v_others;
313 my $t = fetch_string ({}, 'ivtype');
314 my $s = fetch_string ({}, 'ivsize');
316 # byteorder does exist on its own but we overlay a virtual
317 # dynamically recomputed value.
319 # However, ivtype and ivsize will not vary for sane fat binaries
321 my $f = $t eq 'long' ? 'L!' : $s == 8 ? 'Q': 'I';
324 if ($s == 4 || $s == 8) {
325 my $list = join ',', reverse(2..$s);
327 $byteorder_code = <<"EOT";
330 foreach my \$c ($list) { \$i |= ord(\$c); \$i <<= 8 }
332 our \$byteorder = join('', unpack('$format', pack('$f', \$i)));
335 $byteorder_code = "our \$byteorder = '?'x$s;\n";
340 if (fetch_string({},'userelocatableinc')) {
341 foreach my $what (qw(prefixexp
390 installvendorhtml1dir
391 installvendorhtml3dir
397 push @need_relocation, $what if fetch_string({}, $what) =~ m!^\.\.\./!;
402 @need_relocation{@need_relocation} = @need_relocation;
404 # This can have .../ anywhere:
405 if (fetch_string({}, 'otherlibdirs') =~ m!\.\.\./!) {
406 $need_relocation{otherlibdirs} = 'otherlibdirs';
409 my $relocation_code = <<'EOT';
413 return $libdir unless $libdir =~ s!^\.\.\./!!;
415 if ($prefix =~ s!/[^/]*$!!) {
416 while ($libdir =~ m!^\.\./!) {
417 # Loop while $libdir starts "../" and $prefix still has a trailing
419 last unless $prefix =~ s!/([^/]+)$!!;
420 # but bail out if the directory we picked off the end of $prefix is .
422 if ($1 eq '.' or $1 eq '..') {
423 # Undo! This should be rare, hence code it this way rather than a
424 # check each time before the s!!! above.
425 $prefix = "$prefix/$1";
428 # Remove that leading ../ and loop again
429 substr ($libdir, 0, 3, '');
431 $libdir = "$prefix/$libdir";
437 if (%need_relocation) {
438 my $relocations_in_common;
439 # otherlibdirs only features in the hash
440 foreach (keys %need_relocation) {
441 $relocations_in_common++ if $Common{$_};
443 if ($relocations_in_common) {
444 $config_txt .= $relocation_code;
446 $heavy_txt .= $relocation_code;
450 $heavy_txt .= join('', @non_v) . "\n";
452 # copy config summary format from the myconfig.SH script
453 $heavy_txt .= "our \$summary = <<'!END!';\n";
454 open(MYCONFIG,"<myconfig.SH") || die "open myconfig.SH failed: $!";
455 1 while defined($_ = <MYCONFIG>) && !/^Summary of/;
456 do { $heavy_txt .= $_ } until !defined($_ = <MYCONFIG>) || /^\s*$/;
459 $heavy_txt .= "\n!END!\n" . <<'EOT';
460 my $summary_expanded;
463 return $summary_expanded if $summary_expanded;
464 ($summary_expanded = $summary) =~ s{\$(\w+)}
467 if ($1 eq 'git_ancestor_line') {
468 if ($Config::Config{git_ancestor}) {
469 $c= "\n Ancestor: $Config::Config{git_ancestor}";
474 $c = $Config::Config{$1};
476 defined($c) ? $c : 'undef'
485 $heavy_txt .= join('', sort @v_others) . "!END!\n";
487 # Only need the dynamic byteorder code in Config.pm if 'byteorder' is one of
489 if ($Common{byteorder}) {
490 $config_txt .= $byteorder_code;
492 $heavy_txt .= $byteorder_code;
495 if (@need_relocation) {
496 $heavy_txt .= 'foreach my $what (qw(' . join (' ', @need_relocation) .
498 s/^($what=)(['"])(.*?)\2/$1 . $2 . relocate_inc($3) . $2/me;
501 # Currently it only makes sense to do the ... relocation on Unix, so there's
502 # no need to emulate the "which separator for this platform" logic in perl.c -
503 # ':' will always be applicable
504 if ($need_relocation{otherlibdirs}) {
505 $heavy_txt .= << 'EOT';
506 s{^(otherlibdirs=)(['"])(.*?)\2}
507 {$1 . $2 . join ':', map {relocate_inc($_)} split ':', $3 . $2}me;
512 $heavy_txt .= <<'EOT';
513 s/(byteorder=)(['"]).*?\2/$1$2$Config::byteorder$2/m;
515 my $config_sh_len = length $_;
517 our $Config_SH_expanded = "\n$_" . << 'EOVIRTUAL';
520 foreach my $prefix (qw(ccflags ldflags)) {
521 my $value = fetch_string ({}, $prefix);
522 my $withlargefiles = fetch_string ({}, $prefix . "_uselargefiles");
523 if (defined $withlargefiles) {
524 $value =~ s/\Q$withlargefiles\E\b//;
525 $heavy_txt .= "${prefix}_nolargefiles='$value'\n";
529 foreach my $prefix (qw(libs libswanted)) {
530 my $value = fetch_string ({}, $prefix);
531 my $withlf = fetch_string ({}, 'libswanted_uselargefiles');
532 next unless defined $withlf;
534 = split(' ', fetch_string ({}, 'libswanted_uselargefiles'));
537 @lflibswanted{@lflibswanted} = ();
538 if ($prefix eq 'libs') {
539 my @libs = grep { /^-l(.+)/ &&
540 not exists $lflibswanted{$1} }
541 split(' ', fetch_string ({}, 'libs'));
542 $value = join(' ', @libs);
544 my @libswanted = grep { not exists $lflibswanted{$_} }
545 split(' ', fetch_string ({}, 'libswanted'));
546 $value = join(' ', @libswanted);
549 $heavy_txt .= "${prefix}_nolargefiles='$value'\n";
552 $heavy_txt .= "EOVIRTUAL\n";
554 $heavy_txt .= <<'ENDOFGIT';
556 # do not have hairy conniptions if this isnt available
557 require 'Config_git.pl';
558 $Config_SH_expanded .= $Config::Git_Data;
560 } or warn "Warning: failed to load Config_git.pl, something strange about this perl...\n";
563 $heavy_txt .= $fetch_string;
565 $config_txt .= <<'ENDOFEND';
568 my($self, $key) = @_;
570 # check for cached value (which may be undef so we use exists not defined)
571 return $self->{$key} if exists $self->{$key};
573 return $self->fetch_string($key);
577 $heavy_txt .= <<'ENDOFEND';
583 substr($Config_SH_expanded, 1, index($Config_SH_expanded, '=') - 1 );
588 if ($seen_quotes{'"'}) {
589 $heavy_txt .= <<'ENDOFEND';
590 # Find out how the current key's quoted so we can skip to its end.
591 my $quote = substr($Config_SH_expanded,
592 index($Config_SH_expanded, "=", $prevpos)+1, 1);
593 my $pos = index($Config_SH_expanded, qq($quote\n), $prevpos) + 2;
596 # Just ' quotes, so it's much easier.
597 $heavy_txt .= <<'ENDOFEND';
598 my $pos = index($Config_SH_expanded, qq('\n), $prevpos) + 2;
601 $heavy_txt .= <<'ENDOFEND';
602 my $len = index($Config_SH_expanded, "=", $pos) - $pos;
604 $len > 0 ? substr($Config_SH_expanded, $pos, $len) : undef;
608 return 1 if exists($_[0]->{$_[1]});
610 return(index($Config_SH_expanded, "\n$_[1]='") != -1
612 if ($seen_quotes{'"'}) {
613 $heavy_txt .= <<'ENDOFEND';
614 or index($Config_SH_expanded, "\n$_[1]=\"") != -1
617 $heavy_txt .= <<'ENDOFEND';
621 sub STORE { die "\%Config::Config is read-only\n" }
627 substr $Config_SH_expanded, 1, $config_sh_len;
632 return map { chomp; $_ } grep eval{ /^(?:$re)=/ }, split /^/,
637 # implements -V:cfgvar option (see perlrun -V:)
639 # find optional leading, trailing colons; and query-spec
640 my ($notag,$qry,$lncont) = m/^(:)?(.*?)(:)?$/; # flags fore and aft,
641 # map colon-flags to print decorations
642 my $prfx = $notag ? '': "$qry="; # tag-prefix for print
643 my $lnend = $lncont ? ' ' : ";\n"; # line ending for print
645 # all config-vars are by definition \w only, any \W means regex
647 my @matches = config_re($qry);
648 print map "$_$lnend", @matches ? @matches : "$qry: not found" if !$notag;
649 print map { s/\w+=//; "$_$lnend" } @matches ? @matches : "$qry: not found" if $notag;
651 my $v = (exists $Config::Config{$qry}) ? $Config::Config{$qry}
653 $v = 'undef' unless defined $v;
654 print "${prfx}'${v}'$lnend";
659 # Called by the real AUTOLOAD
662 goto \&$Config::AUTOLOAD;
669 $config_txt .= <<'ENDOFSET';
672 my ($value, $v) = $Config_SH_expanded =~ m/^used_aout='(.*)'\s*$/m;
673 for (split ' ', $value) {
674 ($v) = $Config_SH_expanded =~ m/^aout_$_='(.*)'\s*$/m;
675 $preconfig{$_} = $v eq 'undef' ? undef : $v;
678 $preconfig{d_fork} = undef unless $OS2::can_fork; # Some funny cases can't
679 sub TIEHASH { bless {%preconfig} }
681 # Extract the name of the DLL from the makefile to avoid duplication
682 my ($f) = grep -r, qw(GNUMakefile Makefile);
684 if (open my $fh, '<', $f) {
686 $dll = $1, last if /^PERL_DLL_BASE\s*=\s*(\S*)\s*$/;
689 $config_txt .= <<ENDOFSET if $dll;
690 \$preconfig{dll_name} = '$dll';
693 $config_txt .= <<'ENDOFSET';
700 foreach my $key (keys %Common) {
701 my $value = fetch_string ({}, $key);
702 # Is it safe on the LHS of => ?
703 my $qkey = $key =~ /^[A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]*$/ ? $key : "'$key'";
704 if (defined $value) {
705 # Quote things for a '' string
706 $value =~ s!\\!\\\\!g;
709 if ($key eq 'otherlibdirs') {
710 $value = "join (':', map {relocate_inc(\$_)} split (':', $value))";
711 } elsif ($need_relocation{$key}) {
712 $value = "relocate_inc($value)";
717 $Common{$key} = "$qkey => $value";
720 if ($Common{byteorder}) {
721 $Common{byteorder} = 'byteorder => $byteorder';
723 my $fast_config = join '', map { " $_,\n" } sort values %Common;
725 # Sanity check needed to stop an infite loop if Config_heavy.pl fails to define
726 # &launcher for some reason (eg it got truncated)
727 $config_txt .= sprintf <<'ENDOFTIE', $fast_config;
732 require 'Config_heavy.pl';
733 goto \&launcher unless $Config::AUTOLOAD =~ /launcher$/;
734 die "&Config::AUTOLOAD failed on $Config::AUTOLOAD";
737 # tie returns the object, so the value returned to require will be true.
738 tie %%Config, 'Config', {
743 open(CONFIG_POD, ">$Config_POD") or die "Can't open $Config_POD: $!";
747 Config - access Perl configuration information
752 if ($Config{usethreads}) {
753 print "has thread support\n"
756 use Config qw(myconfig config_sh config_vars config_re);
764 config_vars(qw(osname archname));
769 The Config module contains all the information that was available to
770 the C<Configure> program at Perl build time (over 900 values).
772 Shell variables from the F<config.sh> file (written by Configure) are
773 stored in the readonly-variable C<%Config>, indexed by their names.
775 Values stored in config.sh as 'undef' are returned as undefined
776 values. The perl C<exists> function can be used to check if a
777 named variable exists.
779 For a description of the variables, please have a look at the
780 Glossary file, as written in the Porting folder, or use the url:
781 http://perl5.git.perl.org/perl.git/blob/HEAD:/Porting/Glossary
787 Returns a textual summary of the major perl configuration values.
788 See also C<-V> in L<perlrun/Switches>.
792 Returns the entire perl configuration information in the form of the
793 original config.sh shell variable assignment script.
795 =item config_re($regex)
797 Like config_sh() but returns, as a list, only the config entries who's
798 names match the $regex.
800 =item config_vars(@names)
802 Prints to STDOUT the values of the named configuration variable. Each is
803 printed on a separate line in the form:
807 Names which are unknown are output as C<name='UNKNOWN';>.
808 See also C<-V:name> in L<perlrun/Switches>.
814 Here's a more sophisticated example of using %Config:
821 unless($Config{sig_name} && $Config{sig_num}) {
824 my @names = split ' ', $Config{sig_name};
825 @sig_num{@names} = split ' ', $Config{sig_num};
827 $sig_name[$sig_num{$_}] ||= $_;
831 print "signal #17 = $sig_name[17]\n";
832 if ($sig_num{ALRM}) {
833 print "SIGALRM is $sig_num{ALRM}\n";
838 Because this information is not stored within the perl executable
839 itself it is possible (but unlikely) that the information does not
840 relate to the actual perl binary which is being used to access it.
842 The Config module is installed into the architecture and version
843 specific library directory ($Config{installarchlib}) and it checks the
844 perl version number when loaded.
846 The values stored in config.sh may be either single-quoted or
847 double-quoted. Double-quoted strings are handy for those cases where you
848 need to include escape sequences in the strings. To avoid runtime variable
849 interpolation, any C<$> and C<@> characters are replaced by C<\$> and
850 C<\@>, respectively. This isn't foolproof, of course, so don't embed C<\$>
851 or C<\@> in double-quoted strings unless you're willing to deal with the
852 consequences. (The slashes will end up escaped and the C<$> or C<@> will
853 trigger variable interpolation)
857 Most C<Config> variables are determined by the C<Configure> script
858 on platforms supported by it (which is most UNIX platforms). Some
859 platforms have custom-made C<Config> variables, and may thus not have
860 some of the variables described below, or may have extraneous variables
861 specific to that particular port. See the port specific documentation
868 if ($Opts{glossary}) {
869 open(GLOS, "<$Glossary") or die "Can't open $Glossary: $!";
876 if (s/\A(\w*)\s+\(([\w.]+)\):\s*\n(\t?)/=item C<$1>\n\nFrom F<$2>:\n\n/m) {
877 my $c = substr $1, 0, 1;
878 unless ($seen{$c}++) {
879 print CONFIG_POD <<EOF if $text;
885 print CONFIG_POD <<EOF;
896 elsif (!$text || !/\A\t/) {
897 warn "Expected a Configure variable header",
898 ($text ? " or another paragraph of description" : () );
900 s/n't/n\00t/g; # leave can't, won't etc untouched
901 s/^\t\s+(.*)/\n$1/gm; # Indented lines ===> new paragraph
902 s/^(?<!\n\n)\t(.*)/$1/gm; # Not indented lines ===> text
903 s{([\'\"])(?=[^\'\"\s]*[./][^\'\"\s]*\1)([^\'\"\s]+)\1}(F<$2>)g; # '.o'
904 s{([\'\"])([^\'\"\s]+)\1}(C<$2>)g; # "date" command
905 s{\'([A-Za-z_\- *=/]+)\'}(C<$1>)g; # 'ln -s'
907 (?<! [\w./<\'\"] ) # Only standalone file names
908 (?! e \. g \. ) # Not e.g.
909 (?! \. \. \. ) # Not ...
911 (?! read/ ) # Not read/write
912 (?! etc\. ) # Not etc.
915 \$ ? # Allow leading $
916 [\w./]* [./] [\w./]* # Require . or / inside
918 (?<! \. (?= [\s)] ) ) # Do not include trailing dot
919 (?! [\w/] ) # Include all of it
921 (F<$1>)xg; # /usr/local
922 s/((?<=\s)~\w*)/F<$1>/g; # ~name
923 s/(?<![.<\'\"])\b([A-Z_]{2,})\b(?![\'\"])/C<$1>/g; # UNISTD
924 s/(?<![.<\'\"])\b(?!the\b)(\w+)\s+macro\b/C<$1> macro/g; # FILE_cnt macro
925 s/n[\0]t/n't/g; # undo can't, won't damage
928 if ($Opts{glossary}) {
929 <GLOS>; # Skip the "DO NOT EDIT"
930 <GLOS>; # Skip the preamble
943 Information on the git commit from which the current perl binary was compiled
944 can be found in the variable C<$Config::Git_Data>. The variable is a
945 structured string that looks something like this:
947 git_commit_id='ea0c2dbd5f5ac6845ecc7ec6696415bf8e27bd52'
948 git_describe='GitLive-blead-1076-gea0c2db'
949 git_branch='smartmatch'
950 git_uncommitted_changes=''
951 git_commit_id_title='Commit id:'
952 git_commit_date='2009-05-09 17:47:31 +0200'
954 Its format is not guaranteed not to change over time.
958 This module contains a good example of how to use tie to implement a
959 cache and an example of how to make a tied variable readonly to those
966 close(GLOS) if $Opts{glossary};
968 print "written $Config_POD\n";
970 my $orig_config_txt = "";
971 my $orig_heavy_txt = "";
975 $orig_config_txt = <$fh> if open $fh, "<", $Config_PM;
976 $orig_heavy_txt = <$fh> if open $fh, "<", $Config_heavy;
979 if ($orig_config_txt ne $config_txt or $orig_heavy_txt ne $heavy_txt) {
980 open CONFIG, ">", $Config_PM or die "Can't open $Config_PM: $!\n";
981 open CONFIG_HEAVY, ">", $Config_heavy or die "Can't open $Config_heavy: $!\n";
982 print CONFIG $config_txt;
983 print CONFIG_HEAVY $heavy_txt;
986 print "updated $Config_PM\n";
987 print "updated $Config_heavy\n";
991 # Now create Cross.pm if needed
993 open CROSS, ">lib/Cross.pm" or die "Can not open >lib/Cross.pm: $!";
995 # typical invocation:
996 # perl -MCross Makefile.PL
997 # perl -MCross=wince -V:cc
1001 my ($package,$platform) = @_;
1002 unless (defined $platform) {
1003 # if $platform is not specified, then use last one when
1004 # 'configpm; was invoked with --cross option
1005 $platform = '***replace-marker***';
1007 @INC = map {/\blib\b/?(do{local $_=$_;s/\blib\b/xlib\/$platform/;$_},$_):($_)} @INC;
1008 $::Cross::platform = $platform;
1013 $cross =~ s/\*\*\*replace-marker\*\*\*/$Opts{cross}/g;
1016 print "written lib/Cross.pm\n";
1017 unshift(@INC,"xlib/$Opts{cross}");
1020 # Now do some simple tests on the Config.pm file we have created
1021 unshift(@INC,'lib');
1022 unshift(@INC,'xlib/symbian') if $Opts{cross};
1024 require $Config_heavy;
1027 die "$0: $Config_PM not valid"
1028 unless $Config{'PERL_CONFIG_SH'} eq 'true';
1030 die "$0: error processing $Config_PM"
1031 if defined($Config{'an impossible name'})
1032 or $Config{'PERL_CONFIG_SH'} ne 'true' # test cache
1035 die "$0: error processing $Config_PM"
1036 if eval '$Config{"cc"} = 1'
1037 or eval 'delete $Config{"cc"}'
1042 # Popularity of various entries in %Config, based on a large build and test
1043 # run of code in the Fotango build system:
1061 inc_version_list: 783
1064 usevendorprefix: 642
1085 installsiteman1dir: 489
1086 installsiteman3dir: 489
1087 installvendorman1dir: 489
1088 installvendorman3dir: 489
1092 installsitearch: 344
1097 installprefixexp: 336
1100 installvendorarch: 336
1101 installvendorbin: 336
1102 installvendorlib: 336