Initial check-in of perl compiler.
[p5sagit/p5-mst-13.2.git] / TESTS
1 Test results from compiling t/*/*.t
2                 C               Bytecode        CC
4 base/cond.t     OK              OK              OK
5 base/if.t       OK              OK              OK
6 base/lex.t      OK              OK              OK
7 base/pat.t      OK              OK              OK
8 base/term.t     OK              OK              OK
9 cmd/elsif.t     OK              OK              OK
10 cmd/for.t       OK              OK              OK
11 cmd/mod.t       OK              OK              OK
12 cmd/subval.t    OK              OK              1..34, not ok 27,28 (simply
13                                                 because filename changes).
14 cmd/switch.t    OK              OK              OK
15 cmd/while.t     OK              OK              OK
16 io/argv.t       OK              OK              OK
17 io/dup.t        OK              OK              OK
18 io/fs.t         OK              OK              OK
19 io/inplace.t    OK              OK              OK
20 io/pipe.t       OK with -umain  OK              OK with -umain
21 io/print.t      OK              OK              OK
22 io/tell.t       OK              OK              OK
23 op/append.t     OK              OK              OK
24 op/array.t      OK              OK              1..36, not ok 7,10 (no $[)
25 op/auto.t       OK              OK              OK
26 op/chop.t       OK              OK              OK
27 op/cond.t       OK              OK              OK
28 op/delete.t     OK              OK              OK
29 op/do.t         OK              OK              OK
30 op/each.t       OK              OK              OK
31 op/eval.t       OK              OK              OK
32 op/exec.t       OK              OK              OK
33 op/exp.t        OK              OK              OK
34 op/flip.t       OK              OK              OK
35 op/fork.t       OK              OK              OK
36 op/glob.t       OK              OK              OK
37 op/goto.t       OK              OK              1..9, Can't find label label1.
38 op/groups.t     OK (s/ucb/bin/ under Linux)     OK 1..0 for now.
39 op/index.t      OK              OK              OK
40 op/int.t        OK              OK              OK
41 op/join.t       OK              OK              OK
42 op/list.t       OK              OK              OK
43 op/local.t      OK              OK              OK
44 op/magic.t      OK              OK              OK with -umain
45 op/misc.t       no DATA filehandle so succeeds trivially with 1..0
46 op/mkdir.t      OK              OK              OK
47 op/my.t         OK              OK              OK
48 op/oct.t        OK              OK              OK (C large const warnings)
49 op/ord.t        OK              OK              OK
50 op/overload.t   Mostly not ok   Mostly not ok   C errors.
51 op/pack.t       OK              OK              OK
52 op/pat.t        OK              OK              OK
53 op/push.t       OK              OK              OK
54 op/quotemeta.t  OK              OK              OK
55 op/rand.t       OK              OK              OK
56 op/range.t      OK              OK              OK
57 op/read.t       OK              OK              OK
58 op/readdir.t    OK              OK              OK
59 op/ref.t        omits "ok 40" (lex destruction) OK (Bytecode)
60                                                 CC: need -u for OBJ,BASEOBJ,
61                                                 MYHASH,UNIVERSAL,WHATEVER,main
62                                                 FINALE. 1..41, ok1-33,36-38,
63                                                 then ok 41, ok 39.DESTROY probs
64 op/regexp.t     OK              OK              OK (trivially all eval'd)
65 op/repeat.t     OK              OK              OK
66 op/sleep.t      OK              OK              OK
67 op/sort.t       OK              OK              1..10, ok 1, Out of memory!
68 op/split.t      OK              OK              OK
69 op/sprintf.t    OK              OK              OK
70 op/stat.t       OK              OK              OK
71 op/study.t      OK              OK              OK
72 op/subst.t      OK              OK              OK
73 op/substr.t     OK              OK              ok1-22 except 7-9,11 (all $[)
74 op/time.t       OK              OK              OK
75 op/undef.t      OK              OK              OK
76 op/unshift.t    OK              OK              OK
77 op/vec.t        OK              OK              OK
78 op/write.t      not ok 3 (no CvOUTSIDE lex from runtime eval). CC: 1..3, hang